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VOR, CAVE, You want a fight? I'll give you a fuucking WAR.

  • 26-11-1998 7:30pm
    Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    VOR you wrote:
    >cos like...this is just like the >second-class citizen
    >****e we got at QP :)

    Care to explain yourself? Got something you need to get off your chest?
    I'm containing myself from laying into you in case this is something you think is funny. Like a joke, or humour. Comedy.
    Cos I have a number of heartfelt opinions you can have for free about Q2 and QP if you desire them.

    CAVE, Gand said:
    >If you play Q2 you are a second class >citizen.
    >Bahh Muppets ;-),

    This does not warrant the blatant and personal abuse you dished out. Gandalf was generalising for a laugh. A laugh Vor set him up for. The difference is the personal element to your reply. Now personally
    I wouldnt give a fuuck but gandalf is a mate and moreover a member of CG. You were way out of line.

    I have gone way out of my way to include Q2 in anything I have done as much as I can. To offer them any oppurtunity I can to organise for themselves.
    But I have really lost it with Q2 players sticking in the boot and then complaining that no one does anything for them.
    As far as I'm concerned from this point forwards I view you as parasites on the **** of Q1. The only reason im including Q2 in QP2 is that there are a few sound ppl (like Rev Hellfire, Spoon, Freak and even Cave normally) who dont deserve to be tarred with the same brush. We'll convert them soon enough.

    Yours, more then ****ed off,


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,279 ✭✭✭regi


  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Well said Dev. And your right there are Sound lads playin Q2 and only a few muppets are giving the Q2 scene here a bad reputation, a bit like CTF on Indigo ages ago with Daisycrusher and his mates, remember those Dev ????

    Ahhhh well must keepsh!te stirrin,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 63 ✭✭Cave

    Don't start this sh!t, I'm fukin sick of Gandalf, every fukin post about Q2 he has to get his little dig in there about Q2 muppets, well fuk that, it was funny the first couple of times but ffs, like get a life u sad pr!ck. Its a game ffs. Do u ever see me of any other compatent Q2er slaggin off Q1?? NO! I like Q1, I play it a lot now, a games a game as far as I'm concerned and I don't care who plays it but I do care if some one takes the p!ss cos u r playin it. I don't want to start fightin about this cos its soooo long drawn out now its just gone beyond a joke. So when u see **** stirrers like Gandalf and Vorosha (yeah I blamin u too!!;) there u must wonder does they actually get enjoyment out of seein the 2 communities clash once again??

    Btw DeV this is not the first time I've had probs with Gandalf there so don't go thinkin it was out of the blue totally unexpected attack, it wasn't.

    DeV what Vorosha said I totally don't agree with (I hope he was jokin), Q2 was great at QP and I totally enjoyed myself!!

    Btw don't go makin a show of yourself postin stuff like "VOR, CAVE, You want a fight? I'll give you a fuucking WAR." Your not playin Quake now son. I luv u too.


    U like the juNk...tell me u like the juNk...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 202 ✭✭Karla

    And Quake 3er's shall inherit the earth!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 63 ✭✭Cave

    I like your style girly, but we can only hope ;)

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  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Cave Writes:
    >LISTEN DEV! Don't start this sh!t,

    Um , if memory serves I didnt start this.
    Check again. I waded in after yerself and Voro had angered me.

    > So when u see **** stirrers like
    >Gandalf and Vorosha (yeah I blamin u too!!;)

    Odd that, I must have missed the post where you personally attacked Vorosha....

    >there u must wonder does they actually get >enjoyment out of seein the 2
    >communities clash once again??

    They aint the only ones I wonder that about.

    >DeV what Vorosha said I totally don't agree
    >with (I hope he was jokin), Q2 was great at
    >QP and I totally enjoyed myself!!

    Thats good to hear, ppl like you and rev made it that way. But I have to say it was a big pain in the ****** including Q2 as about 70% of them expected everything to simply be handed to them by the Q1 guys. Thats a worrying trend. From the start I said (and you should recall this) that I would provide the hall and hardware, that the Q2ers would make it a great convention or not for themselves. I heard multiple *****ing that Q2 didnt get enough prizes. Guess what, Carn and I organised most of those prizes. Had anyone in Q2 gotten off their asses and asked around then there would have been more prizes. Exactly the same happened with competitions. No one organised enough of them, so there weren't many.

    Here's the kicker, you know who was going to donate his machine to act as Q2 server before Reverend offered his?
    You know who? You're gonna love this.
    Your mate. Gandalf.

    Thats why this petulance and ungratefulness sticks in my throat.

    >Btw don't go makin a show of yourself postin >stuff like "VOR,CAVE, You want a fight? I'll >give you a fuucking WAR." Your not playin >Quake now son. I luv u too.

    If theres one thing I'm known for in Quake circles its calling things as I see them.
    I may have a certain pointedness with words but that doesnt alter whats true and whats fair.

    De"getting back to his usual pleasant self"Vore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan


    like i mean HELLO!!!!!

    wake up call ppl!

    watta ya b1itchin about? am i sick of this sh1t talk about q1, q2 and qp?
    answer? yes i ****in am. as far as im concerned, gandy is right. there are muppets in q2. in fact there are a quiet a feew ****in muppets. q1 has them as well. i thought jaden was a ***** til i met him at qp. i was sat beside him and hes a good guy. as for q2ers wanting everthing done for them.... *raise hand*... yep, guilty as charged when it comes to lan adapters etc. i know nothin about hardware.

    but boys. enoug is enough. who the **** cares if you play q1, q2, unreal, sin(venom i want my copy!) or the spice girls game! if you have a personal problem with someone, take it to a private chat in irc. dont waste space on a board and causse wars over someones stupid remarks.

    im not in the habit off posting in the middle of an argument (unless i cause it) but please, if this 'community' is to make any impact at all, i think q1 and q2 and all players are gonna hav e to learn to jsut live. it is only a game ffs and i will get drunk instead of playing quake any day of the week.

    white(register here for UN diplomacy course)wash

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    TO quote Cave :

    >Don't start this sh!t, I'm fukin sick of >Gandalf, every fukin post about Q2 he has to >get his little dig in there about Q2 >muppets, well fuk that, it was funny the >first couple of times but ffs, like get a >life u sad pr!ck.

    OK so I do slag Q2 a fair bit but ffs its in Jest and I get on with quite alot of the regular Q2 players.

    I do not know you. I do not know how I have offended you, and the be quite honest I do not care to get to know you.

    Any post that I have put on this board or any other board I have not attacked anyone personally like you have.

    Quite frankly I can take a slagging. The only sad little pathetic loser I see here is you. Dev seems to have some regard for you so you must have some redeeming factors, I cannot see any at this moment.

    Thats all for now,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 225 ✭✭earthworm_jim

    WHOA! Hold on there folks - you're missing the point!!

    To quote Whitewashman:
    ..but boys. enoug is enough. who the **** cares if you play q1, q2, unreal, Sin(venom i want my copy!) or the spice girls game! if you have a personal problem with someone, t ...

    Is this true? IS there a spice girls game?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 63 ✭✭Cave

    DeV, jesus your prolly the last lad I want to be argueing with at the moment. We are not being ungrateful, we had a huge discussion last night in #doozer about this very subject (Q2 at QP). Me, I thought it was great, didn't play many games but it was meetin the faces and drinkin the terrible beer that made the weekend a good one. Ok I can see where Vorosha is comin from, we went there expecting U to every thing for us and that was a mistake on our part. U lads have been around a lot longer than most Q2ers and u know your sh!t when it comes to organizing stuff, QP was the first ever LAN session for most Q2ers and we didn't know what to expect. Next time we'll know to organize stuff way way in advance like u did ;) and not havin me runnin round like a capper tryin o get as many names as possible within 15 minutes! (I got 40 btw!!) A lesson learn't, a valuable insight gained! ;) DeV your a good lad, don't feel we where bein ungrateful, it was a great weekend and I luved it and u did a great job. Just such a shame the topic came up in such a pointless arguement that will get us all absolutly no where.


    btw soz bout the long post an stuff ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 Despoiler

    white wash man is right cant u leave the fighting to a private irc chat and get over it ur like 2year olds ffs

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭Vorosha

    oh, laughable lads.

    so i'm a **** stirrer? like with a stick and a bucket lads? um...*hehe* (seriously giggling while writing this) that second-class citizen thing was a childish poke a Dev...myself and radovar already had a discussion about Q2 at QP with Dev an age ago and everything was settled (Cave was to blame (childish poke Cave - start a whole new topic)). Dev were u trying to tell me I slagged Gandalf...I never openly slag people using swear-words (golly gosh) on this....except maybe obi seeing as we got that history thing.

    I didn't start this. This was obviously an explosion waiting to happen. Wow, why am i even posting? I didn't do anything! what's goign on?

    (p.s. why didn't you say I was sound Dev? I thought I was sound. I tryed to be. I think your sound Dev. I thought everyone I met at QP was dead-on sound. Except Krash and maybe those Magic Card players that raped me in the bathroom (just wait lads - VOR, You want to be raped? I'll give you a fuucking fetishy, tied-down, SCREW! -Magic Player-)


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,049 ✭✭✭Cloud


    And there's a cheat code according to that (*TnaG* and pretty good BTW) gaming programme Cybernet, you can change them all into FAT Spice Girls :-P


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,984 ✭✭✭Venom

    I can't belive i'm doing this,oh god the shame :) but I have to stand up for certain Q1 gimps,Dev(spikey haired gimp)Gandalf(harp drinking gimp)Jaden(funny gimp)trojan(funny cheating gimp :)).These lads are all well sound blokes and if they slag Q2 it's for a laugh and not to be taken seriously.Jesus I slag q1 all the time,like its a f*ucking game lads to be played for fun.You lads remember fun dont ya's.If you cant take a bit of a slagging then perphaps you should stop using IRC.And remember all you q2 players that the poor misguided fools that make up the q1 scene,not only have to put up with DAAA and Silence among there ranks but will be punished in the afterlife for giving us Q2er's,the rightious,a hard time :)

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Vor, I never said that you slagged gandalf. And you're a bright enough lad to be able to read so you know this. What I was annoyed about was the sly poke at Q2 at QP. I have seen this type of comment from a number of Q2 players without ever being able to challenge them to explain themselves. I flipped at you because it seemed the last straw considering that you won the duel competition.

    Jaden is right and oddly enough expressed my real feelings about the two camps quite accurately.

    Cave I'm glad to see that ppl realise WHY qp could have been more organised from the Q2 side of things. Hopefully it will run better next year (unless we're all playing Q3 which would be nice.)

    I think that "**** stirring" as a comical pasttime is something that I REALLY dislike. I causes feuds and arguments and in the end will just cause ppl to leave the community.
    So Vor, put your stick away like a good lad.
    Some ppl take it serious. I'm one of them.

    This is my final word on this matter.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,972 ✭✭✭SheroN

    i reckon wwman should have got the noble peace prize.......GO ON YA PEACE MAKIN MAD MAN......lads a game is a game.....cept quake2 is way better:P and everyone who plays quake1 is gay and stuff..AHAHAAHHAHA*JOKE*q2 is better tho' really wwman ever considered politics??:P
    anyway got to go annoy some quake1 muppets:P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭Vorosha

    Well this is certainly a different side of you Dev. You on the blob? So we aren't aloud mock eachother abit here no? My childish pokey stick has been with my a long time. The sweat and strength of my hands have moulded personal grips in it's firm structure. It's a part of my character. You've obviously had enough of this QP/Q2 thing which isn't really my fault. I hadn't realised you'd take it to heart after allready discussing the matter with you before. I suppose it's just like the way Cave has had enough of the Q2/IsCrap thing that Q1 fellas constantly push upon us. I don't know. I don't care. I just don't understand how a one-line comment made in jest (infact something I thought only urself (dev) meself and radovar would understand) turned into such a explosive topic. I hadn't reslised that loadsa Q2 players had been complaining. I haven't stirred any **** here. You along with many others exploded after I tipped on a topic jokingly. It seems it's something that's been waiting to happen for ages...hope you got alot of **** off your chest and all that. I just don't see me being a catalyst here. I still don't understand half of what exactly happened here. Plus, well I don't think it's fair of you to have a 'final word'. Well, if you get a final word so do I - POKE! :) <---(future refrence, a smiley usually implies jest or non-anger)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 65 ✭✭Bunnor

    Hey! Back off! those magic players
    are my friends!

    hmmm I wonder why they were so friendly?


    I didn't feed any of them though

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    LOL ahh the good old days :)

    Jaysus we had nothing to worry us back then eh :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,174 ✭✭✭[CALIBUR]

    Jesus! this is old but still funny

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 SiN

    if fairness q3 is better tehn both :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 728 ✭✭✭Nexus

    if u think q3 is better than q1, then ure an idiot.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭Vorosha

    listen dev... qp, you seemed to have your gaygoggles on. all you did was bone up and pretend it was a revolution. day turned to night and you headed into the bar and tried to pull that goth dressed as a wizard. pre rejection everything was rosey, the world felt right. apres, anger boiling it's heading home and straight to bed. a quick waank infront of the mirror if your looking well. forget that so. a stroke in the dark and silence of your room, 'tween the sheets. quicker 'get off'. then up like a dart and out to the hotel for the conclusion to quakeapull(fatchance)ooza. vorosha takes the q2 title despite the racism. someone op me in #quake. oh **** i spilt quake on my jumper. don't worry dev will lick it off. i have abit on my arrse too while your at it. dev, you want a fight? i'll give you a fuucking war.

    by the way i have made an amazing red magic deck. it's unbeatable. 12 mountains. the rest? quick fire 'watch your ass' damage cards (you know what i'm talkin about).

    (suck my cocck obiwan)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Jaden

    Do they put you in some kind of stasis, with a big sticker on the front that says: "In case of need for Muppet, please thaw"?


    PS Q2 is ghey, you played Q2, ergo, yer ghey.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,980 ✭✭✭✭Giblet

    I've never seen such a pack of homos as I've seen offence loike!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭Vorosha

    i know, it's an epidemic. i wear a mask for fear of the gay. they should stop people traveling over from san francisco for the special olympics.

  • Registered Users Posts: 381 ✭✭juNkie


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,894 ✭✭✭TinCool

    My god where did you dig this post up from. Good old days indeed. Q2DM3 anyone ? ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭Asuka

    Hah, funny :)

    Q2DM3 was fun, but IMO Q2DM1 was the best designed map of any fps :)

    A (can feel the flames licking at his feet already :p)

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