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SLA - RPG Coms Channel

  • 18-06-2003 2:37pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭

    Ok folks from now on all in-game chat will go through this thread
    for arguments sake we will say that your all chatting on your Com link

    The players chat room is now an out of charachter thread only

    i hope this clears some stuff up

    any problems gimme a shout



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tal' Einea comms the crew members that need a pick up to fax her thier habitat co ords so that she can drive by for them in the morn.

    At least this way they should be there on time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank


    [Coms check]

    tank here im on my way to Mort spaceport current time 07:30 ETA to rendevouz point 16 mins

    tank out


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    *Squall keys his coms after hopping off his SLA bike*

    Squall here, I am at the rendevous point. Time 07:31

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 265 ✭✭FlashBang

    *steiner puts on his com*

    "Reporting in at the rondevous point at exactly 7:33"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tal 'Einea Growls as the comms chimes


    I'll be there dont losse san points over it k


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek listens to the squad call in, standing with his back to Squall, watching the street and absently locking down his bike and activating the security system.

    "Don't let's be tardy on our first day now.....I hope somebody stopped for muffins?"

    He glanced at Squall for a reaction but got none so put his shades back on and continued to scan the street

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Muffins mffins what on earth are you on about

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    It wasn't that Zmek was impatient. There had been times when he'd waited hours, motionless, silent, stock still, with unwavering focus just for one chance to strike his prey.

    No, he wasn't impatient. He was intolerant, and this lack of tolerance showed through even the most reflective of mirror shades. From every pore intolerance oozed. From the lifeless flap of his long black coat as it moved in the breeze of passing traffic to the sporadic tapping of gloved index finger on the sleeve of his folded arms to the barely observed tick in the corner of his mouth as the last of the squad assembled from their various vehicles.

    Without a word but with a gensture so bold it is almost audible he raises one arm in front of his face as if looking at his chronometer. Once he's sure everyone noticed he turns away from the group to face the entrance to the gate.

    "Are we ready then...? What are we waiting for?"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    our Gm is currently not well but normal transmission should return shortly

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    *Squall hears Zmeks query and taps his comlink to respond*

    "The "geek" will be with Tank and the humans. I think he will find them the most..............friendly"

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "So Tali......alone at last" Zmek's voice crackled across the comms link from where he stood, tucked against the bulkhead wall at the back of passenger area 2. "I don't think they like brain wasters very much do they?" the derision was plane in his voice.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "Well how very comforting for him!" Zmek replies to Squall. "I hope that while the humans are all having fun and making friends they remember that the white coat is the cargo."

    "Compassion is a've placed the cargo in the care of the wrong members of this squad and you've spread the squad too thinly all over this vessel. No-one will take over the ship if they cannot pilot it or board it, and if we are attacked we still require that the vessel is space worthy. We must protect the flight deck and engine room. Bring the cargo into this passenger area and draw back the squad to defend the link corridor only. Any attack from passenger area 1 can easily be repulsed."

    Zmek pauses "You were voted squad lead..."

    With that he falls silent and watches the last passengers take their seats

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Originally posted by Specky
    "So Tali......alone at last" Zmek's voice crackled across the comms link from where he stood, tucked against the bulkhead wall at the back of passenger area 2. "I don't think they like brain wasters very much do they?" the derision was plane in his voice.

    " speak for yourself Darling ;" Tal'Einea's
    voice drawled on the tight beam comms twixt herself and Zmek. " It is going to be soooo much fun playing nasty lil waster and oh opss surpize nasty lil waster with this lot if they survive. "

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    *Squall growls and taps his comlink to respond to zmek*

    "I think ,brain waster, you will find we have yet to acquire the package. The squad is dispersed to assess the tactical layout of the ship incase of attack on the return journey. We will reassemble once the package is accquired but before that ide like to at least have some idea of our surroundings."

    "As for who looks after the scientist i believe i have put him with the most competant members of the squad for that situation. Hes more likely to listen to Humans and a stormer without..........cohersion"

    "Now if you dont mind clear the coms for more important traffic"

    "and if you have any further problems with my orders i suggest you bring them to me in person or i will show you how *compasionate* i can be"

    "Squall out"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek's quiet, hissing laugh in response to Tali's comment slowly disappeared as he listen to the squad leader. His expression didn't change although behind his shades his eyes narrowed to blackened slits and his head shook from side to side slightly.

    "...and the objection to having a brain waster leading this squad was that they wouldn't listen to the views of others?? Ha!!"

    The passengeres were mostly seated now, some still fumbling with seat belts and looking for the in flight magazine. A flight attendant stood in front of Zmek and was saying something about taking a seat and stowing hand luggage but he wasn't listening to the prim little human.

    "Just remember you have the first part of the package there, the key to getting the next part and ultimately the key to getting paid so don't let the human's lose it..."

    Waiting until the airlock door was closed and the flight attendant was beginning to get quite irritated Zmek moved to a seat in the back row of the cabin and sat down "...if this package is so important why would they put a rooky squad on the job...unless they want it stolen?...or destroyed?"

    "but what do my opinions matter?" over the comms link it was difficult to tell if there was a sneer in his voice "like I said, you're the lead."

    "Tali, I have the cabin covered from here, you can keep your eye on the flight deck. Zmek out".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tal'Einea calls back on the crew channel
    "Squall, going to scout the flight deck and see how the staff respond to a lil lost passenger , dont worry I shall be as charming as old Szmekie cant be "

    Tal'Einea heads to wards the flight deck and the two human gaurds and she can be heard on comms as she chants is a singsong voice " Szemkie is a grumpyboots, grumpyboots, grumpyboots.
    Szemkie is.......... "

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    *tank coms gaunt and steiner*

    "heads up guys just spotted 3 suspect people entering the passenger deck #1, they look a bit dodgy to me they look like there scoping out the security all 3 targets look like there wraith raiders"

    "dont do anything just yet the could be just paranoid like most wraith raiders are i'll keep track of them during the flight"

    "tank out"

    *tank flips off the coms swtich and starts to edge closer to our new companions*

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Copy that Tal'eania"

    "All squad prep for takeoff"

    "Keep open coms and let me know of your movements"

    "When we approach the station converge in passenger area 1"

    *thinks to hmiself* "That should keep the brainwaster happy"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Right folks its important that you stay in charachter on the coms channel just keep chitter chattering amongst yourselfs and i'll PM you all individually if you see anything suspect or out of the ordinary. right now your all spread out amongst passenger area 1 and 2 (with Tal' Einea heading for the flight deck)

    if anyone wants to move decks post a reply on the coms channel to tell the squad where your moving to (or if you want to be really sneaking just PM me where you want to go and you'll sneak off without anyone else knowing) and i'll PM you and let you know what you find

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    Relax Tank. I can just imagine those guys saying, "Check out the two humise and the stormer, there could be trouble. Get your guns ready."
    Lets not be too agressive. You're just asking for trouble strolling towards them like that.
    I know we're all on edge guys, this being our first misson and all, but what say we relax a little and enjoy the ride. Every body needs to calm down. There's no reason to think there might be some action.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Well if you want to see if they're interested in you why don't you bring the package onto this passenger deck and we'll see if you're followed?

    No harm in keeping the target moving...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    "rodger that!"

    *and im cool im not freaking out i just have a bad feeling about those wraith raiders that all im not speciest*

    "heads up guys im bringing the package over to cargo bay 2 to see if those wraith raiders follow me keep an eye out for them ok"

    *Tank walks over to the scientist*

    "excuse me Dr if you could please follow me - thank you"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Tanks voice crackles over the intercom

    "heads up guys im bringing the package over to cargo bay 2 to see if those wraith raiders follow me keep an eye out for them ok"

    Tank walks over to the scientest and has a few quite words with him and they head off in the direction of passenger bay 2
    the wraith raiders now that you mention it they are looking at Dr raynes however they dont move

    Next thing the captians voice is suddenly herd over the intercom "attention ladies and gentlemen were are currently on final approach to aroura space station ETA to arrival 6 mins"

    guys you have one more move before the ship docks at the station make you minds up as to what you want to do they you arrive at the station

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Alright squad, reassemble in passenger area 1"

    "watch the glass walkway" "Keep an eye on those wraith raiders"

    "If the **** does hit the fan, watch your fire, we really dont need a hull breach"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    *Tank Coms the rest of the squad*

    "In position with the target"

    *on hearing squalls command tank coms again*

    "moving to Passenger Area 1 again, Dr Raynes if you will be so kind as to follow me again"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Drakar

    Keeping hot on Squall's heels, Spirit listens in on developments over the comm. Sensing the rising tension (perhaps 'anticipation' she corrects herself), she allows herself a calming breath.

    Comforting herself with the thought that no one would try something in this environment when there would be far more attractive opportunities, she relaxes a bit, spotting Passenger Area 1 ahead.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tal'Einea wanders along the main obs window and comms the whole crew.

    " what is it with idiots that paid silly money to desgin and build stuff that costs silly money. Why didnt they think to but a starfiled emunlator on a sealth ship, they really must never leave ther hab labs and have totally forgotten about the pretty stars.

    so I spy with my lil eye a stealth ship trying to dock at the emerancy access on the lower side of the orbital where the life pods usually exit from .

    So it seems my pretties The Games afoot "

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "hmmm, roger that Tal'Eania. Good work"

    "Keep frosty looks like we can expect company"

    "Gaunt, Steiner. I want the two of you off first. Take a look around. I want to know anytihng you can tell me about the surroundings and anything suspicious.When youve taken a good look well join you"

    "Zmek, you seem to be good at watching people, Tail those wraith raiders when we land find out where theyre headed and who they talk to"

    "Everyone else stay on board, until Gaunt and Steiner have done their sweep and Zmek returns"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 265 ✭✭FlashBang

    "Affirmative Sir!"

    *short pause*

    "What about that ship, thou?"

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Not much we can do about it now"

    "If we alert the station there may be a panic and we dont need that"

    "Any suggestions about that ship anyone?"
