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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tal'Einea grins.

    and waits for Zmek to join her and Spirit.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    *as the lights go out tank feels slightly unnerved in the fact that he's floating....nothing my size should be able to fly he thinks....s'not right*

    *As the Grav drive kicks back in tank crashes to the ground with the reflexes of a ball of lead, and picks himself back up*

    *Tank looks at Tal and then at Squall*

    "ok so who's team do you want me on?"

    "Am i going after the stealth ship with the others or do you want me to remain with you squall?"

    *tank ready's his weapons again for the 2nd time and prepares for active engagment.....*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "I doubt the ship will be well guarded, they wouldn't sneak on board then announce their presence by setting up a large encampment of troops. The stormer will be of more value in overpowering those sent for the package."

    Zmek has put away his FEN and is studying the station plans as he speaks. "No. We will establish the status of the stealth ship and any other space craft at the emergency docking ring, secure a pilot then, depending on which method of escape we choose, find a way of preventing persuit when we leave..."

    Putting the plans away in a sleeve pocket he looks at Tali "Oh, I forget myself" he makes an exaggerated mock bow to Tal'eania "I am at your command oh mighty leader"

    "Bow to your superiors ebon" he says in the direction of Spirit "oh,'d have to bow to everyone then and we'd be here all day"

    "Come on, let's get moving"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Drakar

    Joining the grinning Tal'Einea, Spirit shrugs at Zmek's ramblings reminding herself once again that he must have had a difficult childhood. "Providing his .. eh... ecentricities, don't provide a difficult adulthood for the rest of us, I guess we'd best let him be", she muses to herself idly.

    Dismissing the thought from her head, she scolds herself for allowing her concentration to be broken. Glancing once more around the area, she joins the team heading for ships.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'Einea grins at Zmek, " ah so you came to your senses and with out me having to cuff you across the back of the head you may live through this. "

    She then turns to the Stormer,
    " Thank you Tank maybe next time I think they others may need your skills at this time. But we can play maybe next time."

    She then heads toward the emercny express lift to the start of the docking ring.

    " ready Spirit dear ? " she calls back over her sholder

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Drakar

    Nodding affirmatively to Tali'Einea, Spirit joins the small group heading to the docking ring, a tight knot of anticipation growing within her.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    " So Spirit what is your area of expertise ?
    no let me guess you are for to quiet to be a diplo type so your no the happy negiocator so you must be the healer; yes , well either that or well you have a lot more violent streak then we have seen so far but you have not the stance of a warrior.

    So Spirit any wasters in your family, brian wasters that is ? "

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "Ha! You think the ebon would admit to that? Have any cousins you don't talk about? Or maybe a little brother or sister that didn't come home from the maternity clinic when mommy did...." Zmek's voice was mocking but there was little humour in his words.

    "Pray tell what is your speciality ebon...if it is healing then will you tend to the humans first? The shaktar? The wraith raiders? Surely not a brain waster, not those you dispise so much as your own offspring that you cast them out as defenceless children?"

    "No. Keep your healing to yourself. I will not suffer the hypocracy of your flux mending my flesh"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'einea grins, so much fun to be had as she can push both thier buttons at once.

    " Now now Szmekie let the child answer there is no need to be rude, you never know she could be a cocoon her self.

    and anyway Szemkie if you are realy injured to the extent that you are an inconvience and you would have futher use I may condesend to heal you if I truely must or just grin and watch your misery but any one that earns themsleves a stupid death deserves it. "

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek returns an empty grin at Tal "Yes, quite. Well I shall try not to bring such inconvenience upon you Tali, I will be more than willing to heal myself if the need arises"

    A more wicked tinge creeps into the corners of his mouth as he looks at the ebon walking along behind them "a cocoon, yes, what a bitter sweet irony that would be wouldn't it ebon...." he looks away as they walk and chuckles silently to himself for a few moments, the fading mirth quickly drifting back behind twisted memories of childhood betrayal and rejection.

    "It cannot be much further to the docking ring..."

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    i have to rework the charachter sheets a little inhind sight there all around the same kinda so expect updates soon for the ebon users sorry was in a rush to get 8 charachters and the game started you'll all (the ebb users here not everyone) recieve an updated charachter sheet soon mid week probably

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali hit her comms to Squall,

    " Is your area clean cos we got massive movement here that is folding it's way toward your position and we are in the middle. looks like thier advance force is only getting here now. "

    She then comms her sub groups or Szemkie and spirit.

    " we are not enguaging this force I repeat do not enguage, lets find a route off this corrior a holding bay what the **** ever and get out of the way , this is not our fight not our orders. "

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "Fine with me...but we ought to stick around long enough to see what we're up against don't you think?"

    "Maybe we can divide them or something..I don't know...if it looks like they're too strong for the rest of the squad then we need to come up with another plan. There's no point in us going to capture a ship if no-one else survives to come join us."

    Zmek comms Byuu "wraith raider, is there any way to get from here to your deck other than by the elevators? There's not much time...."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Alright, Get into cover. Do not i repeat do not engage that force"

    "If you think you can risk it do a bit of Recon and let us know what were up against"

    "For the moment your mission remains unchanged"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "if we knew which route they were likely to take I could plant a little surprise for them, I could easily take out an elevator and its occupants...problem is knowing which route they're likely to take though..."

    "...I could set charges in both elevators...there is time...I promise not to strand you all on the other deck of course"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 265 ✭✭FlashBang

    "where the hell did you find those charges and flashbangs?"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Then use standard rounds, i dont want any AP or HE rounds unless your 100% certain you wont blow a hole in that corridor"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "where the hell did you find those charges and flashbangs?"

    "in a place where they only allow grown ups...maybe they'll let you in one day"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭Rnger

    "There is a way.... but i dont see a force that size climbing through air ducts and the like.... I think it would be wiser to asses the situation prior to blowing the lifts... although you dont have to detonate them...."

    "best leave it up to squall's decision"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'einea tucks her self in behind a grouping of hardcases. These give her a decent view of the walkway in both directions.

    " Going silent now, no comms traffic to us until I give the all clear. I will leave a channel open to Squall so that he can monitor the situation. "

    She then readjusts her night goggles and
    truns the motions tracker to slient mod.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek silently watched the jittery ebon shift hiding places, reading the labels on the packing cases and aparently looking for somewhere comfortable.

    He had melted his shape against the side of the crate behind which he chose to hide, his dark clothing finding the shadows in the gloomy emergency lighting and blending with the gun metal coloured boxes. Shallow breaths.

    Concealment and stealth came naturally to Zmek. How often had he waited in dark alley ways, crouched in putrid rain water, waiting for his prey? This was just another waiting game for him only this time he did not know what he waited for. This time he had not planned and schemed long hours and days in advance to plot his every move and learn the routines and the habits of the pathetic target he stalked.

    This time he could not count on terror to paralise his victim. This time there might not even be a victim.

    His face pressed against the cold crate to his side, hugging the shadows, hiding his pale flesh from the dim lights that might give him away.

    Where did that flux come from?

    He could still feel it in the air, metalic taste in his mouth, sparkles at the edges of his vision. He wanted to reach out with his mind but feared to make his presence known so instead just listened, straining with eyes and ears to find the enemy. Night vision goggles revealing nothing but the untidy mess of crates and boxes, scattered in ramshackle rows or piled in precarious dissorder along the length of the store.

    Zmek listened to the slow measure of his own breathing and waited.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    for Zmek Tal' Einea and Spirit:

    - - - - -

    Over the COM link you suddenly hear gunfire and shouts followed by Squall issuing orders you hear tanks voice "INCOMING HIT THE DECK" followed by a loud explosion......

    - - - - -

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭Rnger

    "I say flashbang the ****ers and open fire, or 'nade em. We got any grenades? I dont have any on me."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Squad fire at will" "Take them down fast, dont give them a chance to use their Ebb powers"

    "Negative on nades, dont wanna punch through that corridor"

    "If youve got flashbangs use them"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    F*&K it i say kill em all and let god sort em out

    i have a few flashbangs i'll toss one down and then we all shoot like crazy.......

    ready 1.....2.........3!!!!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Squall's Team:

    - - - - - -

    You feel the Explosion even 10 decks up the whole station shakes as if a bomb has just gone off. You have no idea what the hell just happened but what ever it was it was something really seirious!!!

    In the mean time your managed to make the only surviving ebon terrorist surrender and suddenly he clutches his head and screams!!! falling to his knees trembling he looks to the celeing as if looking at something else far above him......

    - - - - -

    tank your bio regeneration is kicking in your back up to 70 wounds!! the bullet holes are beginning to close up (wolveriene style)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    Tank Coms Thead "Thead this in Tank come in over,"

    "is everything ok down there can you give us a heads up as to what's happening?"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Tal, whats your situation?"

    "Is everyone alright?"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "Come out from your hiding place ebon, we've done the dirty work"

    Zmek looks gingerly at the spreading pools of foaming liquids that bubble across the floor towards where he stands, the air is getting thicker with smoke and begins to burn his nostrils as he breaths.

    "Hmm, time to go I think....not sure I've got the strength to reality fold all that far so we better get moving..."

    "Better be on our guard too, I don't imagine that our little outburst went un-noticed..."

    "Ebon!" he says again impatiently "We are waiting!" His hard voice does not echo in the gloom but crackles into a wretching cough after which he grimmaces and spits a glob of dark, foul tasting mucus to the floor.

    "We may have secured the emergency docking ring but we haven't dissabled the stealth ship and we haven't found any transport. I don't relish the prospect of chugging back to Mort in the ferry with a combat armed ship on our tail....that's if the others have managed to keep hold of the cargo...and we don't know why this group were heading for the bio-labs. There are more questions than answers here....."

    Zmek wipes his sleeve across his mouth and draws his side arm, checking the clip for standard ammo. "Ten seconds ebon, then we leave you to melt in the soup"

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    Sorry that should have been:

    - - - - -

    *Tank Coms Thead "Tali'einea this in Tank come in over,"

    "is everything ok down there can you give us a heads up as to what's happening?"

    - - - - -

    sorry there's nobody called thead on our team!!! :D
