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SLA - RPG Coms Channel



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Team 1 (thats the ebb users)

    as soon as you leave the cargo bay your COMS starts working again its squalls voice you hearing asking for a status update

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "Ah...the voice of our illustrious leader, how nice to know that the cargo has not yet fallen into the hands of the enemy and that we might still get paid for this escapade...."

    "...oh, and I am sure our human colleagues will be equally pleased to hear the sound of my voice, alive and doubt you both hid behind the stormer when the fighting started..."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    *Tank COMS Zmek

    "Oh zmek i was SO WORRIED we'd all thought you both bit the bullet down there! sounded like you had fun, im sure whats left of the intruders really isnt worth picking through, You'll be glad to hear we've captured one of the terrorists an ebon by the looks of it were interr....(cough)..... asking him questions in a civil manner now! care to come up and partake in the fun or is there anything else you need to do?"

    *Tank COMS Squall

    "looks like access to the stealth ships been cut off which means if there's anymore of them left they'll be on the way here if i may suggest sir i would recomend falling back to the docking ring and secure the area until the Civi's are ready to board as if im correct in understanding the package is secure were now only waiting for the Scientests before we can get underway."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    *Zmek replies to Tank*

    "An ebon? Well I suggest you keep the filthy creature un-conscious until you have help from an ebb user otherwise you could find yourselves fried. I know we were told that ebb users shouldn't channel near the cargo but I have a feeling there's something we're not being told and I wouldn't trust a cornered ebon not to blow the whole station apart if it knew its mission was hopeless"

    "Things are a little....messy down here, we'll have to use the stairs, there could be other structural damage so don't know how long it'll take us to get up to your level...."

    "...another thing, the enemy in our group were all human except for one other ebon, they mentioned something about rendezvousing at the bio-labs once the other group had secured the cargo. You might ask the food Doctor what that was all about..."

    "Emergency docking ring is out of action. We'll have to find another way out of here....where the hell is the security on this station? We still haven't seen any sign of any station guards despite the fact we just strolled into the main storage area and blew the place apart...has anyone had any contact from the station commander? I'd be interested to see his reaction to all of this...."

    "tut....oh now where has that stupid ebon got time we have to split up I vote we leave the ebon with the others to look after it...."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Roger that Zmek. Make best speed to our location. Well regroup and check out the bio labs together on the way to the civilian docking rings."

    " I dont like leaving a fully armed combat ship still operational but well just have to worry about that later"

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    m33p sorry posted here by mistake

    bugga apologies just your DM going mad dont mind me

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    Righty seems like were already with the Civi's well then might i suggest we send the Wraith raider ahead to scout out the docking ring it is a well known fact that Wraither raiders are ghosts they make excellant scouts and since he knows the layout of the station it would seem wise to scout out ahead in case the survivors want to (ahem) greet us at the docking ring.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    Byuu, you know this station better than any of us. Is there anyway around those Biolabs or straight to the docking ring. Something discreet that not many know about. Looks like theyll have something waiting for us there and i dont feel like walking head first into it. We may even be able to suprise them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "No Zmek theres no honour in killing a prisoner, you do it and i kill you"

    *Squall walks over to the ebon and gives it a swift punch to the jaw knocking it out*

    "There that should keep it quiet"

    "Tank, bring it with you. If it struggles then you may.....neutralise it"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "Honour? Honour?? Oh how proud we shall all be to have that word carved on our headstones so that future generations may reveer our names...HA!"

    "You have much to learn of the ebb shaktar, the body may be still and quiet but what of the mind? What is happening in this treacherous creature's mind?"

    "Mark my words, the only safe ebon is a dead ebon....."

    Retracting his gash fishes Zmek folds his arms sulkily then says to Tank "let me know if it struggles won't you stormer?"

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    "Soooo Squall we going to stay in the same grouping despite how ineffective certain people are in thier current groups ?" Tali'Einea looks pointedly at Spirit.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "So you would kill a prisoner. What next? Run from a fight? Leave a squadmate to die? Yes we will all have early graves if that is how we worked. I am getting tired of your babblings waister, and if you mock my honour one more time i will kill you where you stand"

    *Squall turns towards the rest of the squad and leaves Zmek to sulk*

    "Gaunt, Tal'Eania and Steiner you 3 take the scientists through the West corridor"

    "The rest of us will take the east. Wait for my signal to proceed"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    *Tank turns to Squall*

    "rodger that moving into position now!"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    I need to know what Gaunt and spirit are doing after that i can post the next game turn


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    *Zmek comms Tali*

    "Why do I get stuck with the ebon again?....still, at least I don't have to go play sitting duck with the humans....try not to let either of them shoot you Tal...and for Mort's sake look after the package, I'm really beginning to think we're not getting paid nearly enough for this mission...."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'Einae herds the sciencists out the door, with Gaunt on point and Stiener in the middle of the group.

    She tight bands Zmeke her quiet laughter echoing down the line " Oh didn’t you notice dear your being punished, our illustrated leader doesn’t trust you any more.
    You really have rubbed him up the wrong way, I may have the humans but well they are less likely to be as much trouble as you dear or as much of a bother as the lil ebon girlie"

    She then comms Squall.
    " right boss where do you want me to take this lot , and i know i cant space them "

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Hold at the western entrance to the bio labs. Well check it out first then signal you to proceed. If we do find a surprise we should be able to distract them so you can slip by."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek has taken up position at the rear of Squall's group and walks along slowly near the corridor wall, FEN drawn and pointing at the ground, frequently glancing behind to check for followers.

    "where is the rest of the station crew then? Doesn't anyone else wonder where they are?.....oh well....I imagine the dark lighters left on the stealth ship know something's wrong by now, I wonder if they're still there or have they crept off like cowardly ebons....?"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "should we trust that wraith raider to go running around on his own? He only turned up a few minutes ago...he's supposed to be part of security here..." Zmek stops and looks around him exaggeratedly "...and look how effective they are..."

    "scouting ahead looks a lot like creeping off and warning the enemy we're coming to's dangerous, he shouldn't be left alone...."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    You know it's occurred to me that there are a number of people who would appreciate and even pay for a Dark night terrorist. That would gice us a few cooections which are the sort pof thing that help improve security clearences. The ebon would be an added bonus to the mission. That's only if Zmek and Tali'Einea would be willing to forego there little pleasures for the good of the team.

    And while we're talking about the team Zmek, would it really kill you to try to be more of a team player. You're cyniscism is bloody irritating.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek chuckles slightly as he listens to Gaunt's comm "Oh, I irritate you human? Are you sure it's me and not just a little giddiness brought on by space flight....I was feeling quite nausious myself but it seems to have worn off now I'm away from the lesser species in our squad...."

    "...and I thought humans were renowned for their compassion and tolerance? Only hours into our first mission and already you're letting yourself be distracted? Oh dear, not very professional..."

    "As for the ebon....I know people who would buy an ebon, no questions asked for a little...entertainment..." he looked over towards Spirit, fixing his eyes on hers when she turns to frown at him, waiting for her to break the eye contact " long as you didn't want it back afterwards of course."

    He chuckled again, then fell silent "...what is important now is that this mission is completed and that ebon is a risk. You know nothing of the ebb human and we ebb users are outnumbered here by this one and the others that lurk somewhere...perhaps in the stealth ship, perhaps closer. Your petty ambitions at climbing the ranks of SLA will come to nought if the enemy decide to make their move and harness the power of flux our cargo can supply...perhaps some posthumous medal will honour your grave but what pleasure is there in that when your atoms spend an eternity with the other orbiting debris of Mort?"

    "If team spirit for you is walking blind and unquestioning towards death then, no, I have none." Zmek turns again as they walk to check behind then moves on again, hugging the left corridor wall.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    a slightly manic giggle can be heard over the comms " ah but Gaunt my lil pleasures
    would nto rob it of it's life i could heal it so that it was intact well physically anyway,
    now gaunt enough chit chat lets keep alert and active"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    I've send Byuu a scout report now of what he finds in the BIO labs

    in the interest of fair play as none of you have played SLA before i will give you one peice i advise i wouldnt suggest COMS's byuu just yet as if there are any terrorists in there they will hear his COMS system go off.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭Rnger

    "Bio labs are clear, send the scientists in"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Watching the floor indicator of the lift rapidly blink through the floors as the occupide lift moves away Zmek turns to look at Byuu "What the hell sort of sweep of the area did you do?" Anger is clear in his voice which is sounding slightly shrill in the echoing corridor.

    "Since when did the area being clear.." he makes mocking quote marks in the air with his fingers as he spits out the word "..mean that the place is crawling with enemy? How could you miss all the crap they left around? How did they manage to hide from you amongst all these people?"

    He turns back to Squall "I warned you not to trust the wraith raider. We know nothing about him apart that he's a piece of the shambles they seem to believe is security on board this rust bucket but you decide to send him off to tell his friends that we're coming!"

    "Now they know we're coming, they know where we are and we can't tell them from any other SLA personnel...isn't this all just working out beautifully?"

    Zmek looks over as the other team arrive "Well at least we still have the package..."

    "The enemy are probably just as keen to get out of here as we are, but now they're forced to take the same route as us so we could end up sitting next to one of them on the shuttle if we go that way and I don't expect they'd give up the opportunity for another crack at the prize if the chance arose..."

    He looks at Squall again "you're the squad leader, now let's see how you handle the difficult decisions...enemy in front, no-where to go behind. We outnumber the enemy but there's no telling what they're capable of, particularly if they're ebb users and can harness the power of the package....or are willing to die trying..."

    "Do any of these scientists know if this place has a major bio-hazard evacuation plan? If we can convince everyone there's been a nasty spill we can perhaps clear the place. at least then it'd make the enemy easier to spot."

    "Can we divide the cargo or make a decoy? Or anyone expendable we can send in first to take the worst...." his eyes drifted towards Spirit and he smiled his thin, cold smile, "....I thought you'd got used to my sense of humour by now ebon...."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Since im playing Jason Stiener i'll make a suggestion

    Jason to zmek:

    "Zmek take it easy yea were all a bit tired and freaked by this but given the same situation i dont think we'd do much better"

    "there's plenty of small dark places to hide and i think what Byuu ment was the entry points into the lab was clean thats why its called a "QUICK SWEEP" it would take byuu hours to do a throughout sweep hours we dont have"

    "while this place crumbles around us you want the raider to do a full sweep just so you get to feel safe in the knowlege that the way ahead is safe"

    Jason to squall:

    "i agree with Zmek though he seems to have a good plan there if we could somehow create a.........problem with the station then there we could get everyone off the station. a darknight terrorist wont have SLA identity cards nor a SCL badge to get them past security so i dont think they can just hop onto any old ship thats leaving"

    "if we only had Nades or Hi explosives we could demolish a small part of one of the decks and force an Evac besides this station is old and decaying SLA wont miss it i reckon"

    to the Squad:

    "anyone see any explosives or any sh*t we could blow up back there in the labs"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    In characteristic fashion Zmek dismisses Steiner's defence of the Wraith Raider "Well perhaps that's the kind of lame quick sweep a human might be happy with, but we all know how easy it is to please a human....trusting creatures that you are.."

    Squall appears to be thinking and listening to the chatter. Seeing the squad leader's furrowed brow, deep in thought Zmek sweeps back his coat to reveal loaded pouches containing explosive charges, detonators and radio controlled fuses "how big a disturbance would you like?"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    OOC - " MEEP!!!! "

    - - - - - -

    tank turns to Zmek! "holy sheep Sh*t" you've been carrying around Hi Ex Explosives the whole time!! man you were lucky you werent hit with and nades or we'd all be toast!! "

    Tank turn to Squall and says:
    "I agree with Zmek and Stiener its about time we brought this battle into our own court"

    "if you cant beat em......cheat"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek looks in Tank's direction "Quite...but then....when it's toasting time I hope to make quite a splash". A slightly inquisitive look passes over his face for a second "What's a sheep?"

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭Rnger

    "You seem to think I care about your personal well-being. I would have thought you could take care of yourself." he looks at Zmek's large 'meat hooks' gripping his weapon

    "The entry point for the scientists was clear was all i was simply stating." Byuu rebuts, "Think you could have done a better job? I can see you now, floundering in here making as much noise as an Ox."
