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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    aaahhh TITS

    sorry did i say that out loud..............

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    aaaaaahhh nuts you know i think i've figured it out.............

    *Tank COMS Squall

    "Squall / Stiener.............Look up at the roof!!!"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Give that boy a cadbury's cream egg!! well done!!

    - - - - - - - -

    indeed (im assuming that squall will look up to)

    Stiener and squall look up to see the remaning darknight terrorist suspended from a harness from the ceiling with a rifel in his hands aiming at stiener squall barrell rolls into stiener pushing him to one side just as a bullet slams into a crate where stieners head used to be!!


    - - - - - - - -

    I assume your all going to bolt for the sulako, let me know by tomorrow afternoon if your going to do something else

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'Einea Drops to drops to one knee and
    angles her shots into the roof at the swinging Dark night terrorist.

    " right i doubt my FENS will get him, but now he is distracteds some one tkae him out "

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Change of Plan apologies im off on holidays tonight i'll have internet access until thursday morning so if there's anything outstanding to be done best ask me now as i could probably squeeze out the next game turn on wednesady night

    game continues Sept 8th

    again apologies (doesnt stop you from posting on the COMS channel while im gone) I'll Email/PM you all when the game is back on again


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    The universe stood still.

    A stark red hand print smeared across the front of a white lab coat caught in Zmek's peripheral vision and drew his eye from the target.

    The oily palour of a human face, eyes wide, fingers clasped tight to throat, barely quelling the oozing, spurting flow where the sniper's bullet ripped flesh.

    Stiff legs still worked mechanically to drive their owner towards the loading ramp he could never hope to reach.

    Others too were caught in the moment's stillness, mouths thrown wide in soundless yells, flinching, ducking, dodging without aim from the imagined hail of enemy fire.

    Pain. Terror. Human emotions Zmek had seen so many times before. The remembered tang of human blood drew pictures into his mind, memories of death...the quivering sheen of a heart laid bear in it's chest and the final lurching judders as it ceased it's incesant beat. The raw gurgle of a throat taking it's final gasp. The despairing spasm of a body suspended from pierced and tearing flesh....

    The dull pounding in Zmek's ears brought his eyes back into focus in time to see the bloodied outstretched hand, the human's eyes upon him, the pleading, desperate eyes of a man whose life is leaving him. The slow fall forward to the deck and the crunch of bone as the empty face struck the titanium skids at the base of the ramp took what seemed like an age counted in the slow thuds that brought Zmek back to reality.

    Catching his breath, the brain waster felt the exhileration he knew so well burst within him and the rush tighten every muscle..... the rapid release of air from a balloon reality and time returned and Zmek saw the squad members running towards him on the ramp.

    Brimming with tingling fire he let out a roar, bearing his fangs. Remembering the target suspended from the cieling he raises his weapon once again and fires, feeling each round as it leaves the muzzle, guiding it with his mind towards the terrorist on his dangling thread....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    "If anybody thought to bring smoke grenades, then for funt's sake use them now!"

    To the scientist Tank left behind: "RUN, DAMN YOU!"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    *tank coms the team*

    "anyone see where those 2 wraith raiders that came with byuu went or did we leave them behind on the ............. oh bugga"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek is back on his feet as he hears Tali's comm "I knew it was too much to hope for that we'd given them the slip so easily....what's the human doing?!!....."

    "Steiner you idiot, the observation deck is glass, they'll reality fold straight in there....."

    Zmek's voice trails off "the glass corridor...."

    Flinging the cup to the floor in rage he lets out a roar of rage as the shattered ice cubes dance about his feet "what are we doing on this damned pleasure cruiser? Observation decks and glass corridors?? This thing must have been designed by an ebon....."

    "Don't waste your energy on the air locks stormer, they've got plenty of places to just drop in whenever they want....that's if they can stop themselves laughing at our pathetic attempts at escape..."

    He walks towards the glass corridor a few quick steps then halts, staring at the floor and glancing up at the way ahead once or twice before turning away with a scowl and heading back towards the bridge.

    He looks over to where Squall continues to barricade viewing ports, his tone is calm and measured "It's no use.....your wasting your time."

    "Let's get the squad and any of these humans that are of value onto the bridge then flood the rest of the least we can make a stand there"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    *Stiener COMS specky*

    - - - - - -

    Im at the forward observation deck! there's only one large glass window here and if we can block it im sure we'd be safe. The area on the map thats marked red "off limits" is the command deck but im sure that in this case since were going to be attacked they'll make an ecception i'll head back with the science crew and we rendvouz in one of the passgeger bays and head to the command deck from there

    stiener out

    - - - - -- -

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'Einea grins as Szmekie finally gets up of his bum, when he sees that they are far from home yet. Slacker ! :D

    " oh yes a vacum packed ship may be a good idea. Speaking of Ebons where is our own ? "

    She comms Spirit rather sweetly.
    "Spirit Dear come join us please"

    She opens comms between the 3 Flux users.
    " right we need to sort out that ship and fast. Once the 'Package is secured with the labrats we have to get started.
    What would be our combined range ?
    the idea being to spinn it of course and haopefully damage it a fair bit, as it is built for stealth not battle. "

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    you not gonna do what i think your gonna do are you??

    (whimper) (whimper)

    i can here the dice spinning in my head already,

    i just want to point out to be fair blast is usless to you for two reasons 1) space is a vaccum and therefore the blast damage will be severly limited cos of no air for the fire to burn and 2) blast appears as an explosion in a fixed position so if you dont time it exactly right the ship will have already flown past the point where you want the blast to appear,

    just though id let you know i applaud you this is very b@llsy move if it works lots of brownie points for you all

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    How are you at teleporting small objects Tali"einea - small as in grenades and explosives?

    And another thing. Have you any idea how many ebons are on the ship? If only one or two teleport on board then they wouldn't pose much of a threat if you can locate their arrival. Maybe scattering in pairs would mean we could catch them before they get their bearings.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "The ebon is probably still on the bridge were I sent it....looking out of the window I least it's finally started doing what it's told."

    Zmek looks at Tali, trying to ignore the irritating voice in his head battering on about physics and flux use, perhaps the remnant of some half remembered lecture from the academy. "No that's not going to work I'm afraid my dear"

    "How many escaoe pods do you think this thing has got?"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek points two fingers at his own eyes then across the cabin to where Gaunt is standing. "Line of site human, line of site. We can't even see their stealth ship never mind a window through which to see a target position for a grenade....besides" he says patting the bulge of his utility belt "I'd have something a little more spectacular than a grenade in mind"

    "No," he turns to Tali again" think about it, they can't fold out with the cargo because they can't channel too close to it. If they're going to board then they need to take over the ship or they need to dock with their own vessel in order to make an escape....I bet they're sitting over there right now scratching their stupid ebon heads wondering what to do next. They can't land, they can't let us get away but they can't come and collect what they're after...Ha! Oh what a dilema! I say we sit tight and wait for them to make a move, they don't have much time so they'll probably do something rushed and stupid...they're ebons after all...."

    With a slight grin Zmek sits back down, reaching for his cup before remembering that it is now shattered on the floor "tut....where are the flight attendants when you want them?"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'Einea sighs and looks at Szemike,
    " And here i had tought you had some imagnations , but if you want to sit and sulk fine, "

    Tali then Comms Spirit I'm coming forward to talk with the poilt , tell him I want to know what the top speed of this puppy is and the time it takes to get it from our current top speed to a standstill with zero inertia including the throwing the engines into full reverse."

    Tali then turns to Gaunt and grins " to answer your questions that is just what I am planning."

    "Right Szmekie what you got hand it over or am I going to have to frisk you the hard way? "

    Tali revs her power katana, with it still purring she points to her own eyes,

    " Yeah good old line of sight and I can see the damn thing and it's engines will be damn clear as they fire thier thruster to advoid hitting us and to fling thier engines in reverse after they pass us.

    Nice big bright target. And perfect for Sticking a rather large firecracker right up thier engine. Nice big BOOM ."

    Tali'Einea goes stock still as the dice fall to rest. " So zemkie darling " she drawls " do i get to use yours or Gaunts ? "


    just though id let you know i applaud you this is very b@llsy move

    Only way to play Dear , the Only way I play , you should know that by now , no fun if i cant give you the jiiters and make you sweat a lil ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek raises his eyebrows then removes his mirror shades so that the full effects of his rolled eyes can be appreciated.

    "You want to put a bomb into the stealth ship's engine exhaust? A part of the vehicle specifically designed to withstand blasts? A part of the vehicle into which a thousand years of scientific endeavour has poured their outputs to build something which can withstand the pressures of high acceleration space flight with high energy, high temperature propelants? And you want to see what effect dropping a little plastic explosive into the exhaust stream will have? Ha!" Zmek replaces his shades and leans back in the flight chair "Our enemys will barely notice the hickup in their thrust."

    "Besides, if you are waiting to see the flash of the stealth ship's engines as it tries to decellerate you won't see it for long. They will be using their forward thrusters to decellerate and those will be hidden from us the instant they pass us as we decellerate...that is, of course, if they don't simply collide into us in shock."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    If anyone has any Explosives like nades can i suggest we pop them in an escape pod and let them have it, and then detonate it as soon as they dock with the escape pod! and blast the hell outta them with ebb once they become visible!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "I'm afraid simple solutions like that aren't so simple when it comes to ebb. That package is bristling with flux, so strong you can almost smell it. If the enemy are strong enough to think about using it then they're powerful enough to detect when we send out an empty pod."

    "They're bluffing. They won't risk destroying what they've been sent to get, it's worth too much. If they have any sense they'll back off and try again later but they're ebons so we can't bank on them having any common sense."

    "If they want it they're going to have to come and get it....if the rest of you think that's too much of a risk then why not put the package into an escape pod then we all climb in there with it. Jetison the pod and wait for them to come open their little present"

    "There are only a few of them after all and they're only ebons. We may get a little extra credit for this mission if we can capture a terrorist ship along the way...although we'd better hope someone can get up here and pilot it for us"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN


    "well im not sure thats such a good idea what if they've decided that they really dont want the package anymore!! if its not worth getting killed over. this bucket of bolts were in is a pleasure cruser that could quiet quickly turn into our grave. as for us in the escape pobs thats not such a good idea either as what if they scan the pod for life signs with there ship if there's only supposed to be secince equipment in there they'll pick us up away right away,

    we could always try either fighting them ship to ship or just plain cowardly out running them......

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Alright. I say we load the package into a pod along with two mayeb 3 of us an a few of the science crew. We com the ship and tell them the package is on the way along with the science crew. If they buy it we dock, they open the hatch and we jump them. They dont buy and we wont feel a thing. Right now i dont see any other options. This thing isnt fast enough to outrun that ship and im not prepared to have everyone on the ship die"

    "If no one else has any ideas then thats what were gonna have to do. Ill take one place in the pod. Anyone else with me?"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek casually draws his FEN and checks the clip.

    "I told you, they don't know what to do. This is a foolish plan for them, much too risky. Of course they'll be expecting's probably going to be messy when they open the airlock, but we have nothing to lose by taking the fight to them."

    He re-holsters his side arm and stands, brushing a few strands of hair back from his face and adjusting his shades "I still think they're bluffing, they won't blow up what they've come all this way to get, not when there will be other chances to capture between here and its final destination, but they're just a few desperate ebons....let's go slit their slimey throats".

    "Before we go, don't forget to tell the pilot to come back for us otherwise we'll be stuck over on the enemy ship."

    "Oh," he pauses for a moment "don't forget about those wraith raiders either....they're around here somewhere and I'm not entirely sure who's side they're on. Perhaps some of us should concentrate on securing this vessel while there's nothing more important to do."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    I'll go with you squall at least were both combat ready we could probably surprise them if we get the chance, but i do tend to agree with the human. all's they have to do is scan our pod once and they'll see that there's life signs on board in which case were toast. they'll undoubtedly scan the pod for ebb to make sure the package is onboard and we didnt double cross them.

    they maybe darknight but i doubt there that stupid. perhaps we could send out a distress signal to other ships after all SLA arent gonna let this package fall into ememy hands without a fight we are quiet close to mort surley we could hold them off for a few moreminutes from mort (OOC: one more game turn before we get there)

    perhaps we could put one of the ebb users and a load of explosives on board the pod and as soon as they start scanning the ebb could relality fold back to the ship that way once they finish the scan they see there's no life signs on board and they'll detect ebb from the relaity fold! as soon as they dock with the pod BOOM!!

    thats my idea otherwise i say squall and my storm the ship!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "If the cargo was just a little box we'd have finished this job long ago and wouldn't have all these annoying idiots in white coats to deal with" Zmek steps out of the way as a skinny man staggers by holding a blood stained handkerchief to his nose "mumbling something about space sickness.

    "If they want 'the cargo' then they get 'the cargo'. We put the box and ourselves into the pod, comm the enemy and act dumb...we say 'oo we're very sorry mr terrorist, we didn't mean to offend you...we've put the box and the scientiests you need to use it into the pod and...oops....there it goes towards you now...have a nice day'. They scan it, they see life signs...." Zmek shrugs " so they see life signs. They're not going to blow it up."

    "Those fools in the stealth ship have been sent to do a job, what will their superiors say if they go home with a hunk of space wreckage and some lame story about how they blew up what they came for because they were scared of a few little men in white coats? I think you're getting excited unnecessarily, they're bluffing. But if you want to do something instead of just sitting here in this bedlam then get in the pod and take the fight to the enemy. Fighting your way out of an escape pod won't be the easiest thing you've ever done but it'll give you a chance to practice the enemy craft boarding drills we simulated in the academy that we all thought we'd never use"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    ok so we'll storm the ship, but squall your going first cos i bunked out that day we were doing the enemy craft boarding drills cos i never thought we'd ever put the drills to good use!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Fine by me stormer, just dont trip on the way out*looking towards the stormer with a grin his shaktar face was unused to*"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    I hate to bring us back to this point but wouldn't locating the ship to teleport explosives on board be simple if they were docking with the escape pod? And why don't we just tell them that the package is to bulky to fit in an escape pod in any case?

    I am willing to be part of the boarding party. Being human makes it easier rof me to blend in with the scientists but to be honest it sounds almost suicidal. the Darknights would hold all the advantages and we could not count on surprise to take us far.

    And no offence Tank but as useful as you would be storming the ship it would be difficult to persuasde them you are part of the science team if their scans detected you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek shrugs "Time is ticking by, we're getting closer and closer to Mort and they still haven't even fired a warning shot. They're bluffing. Their plan has fallen apart and they're being forced to make up a new one as they go along. They're desperate to do something before this opportunity alludes them."

    "If they were really prepared for this situation they would have done something by now. Fired warning shots, transported gas canisters on board the Sulako, transported themselves onboard, blow us out of the sky....whatever. But they've done absolutely nothing but make a lame threat."

    He looks at Gaunt "Whilst it is fascinating to hear the opinions of a human on the subject of ebb I'm afraid they are about as relevant as those of a Stormer on the finer points of ballet. We need to see the point to which an object is to be transported in order to send it there, so we need to be able to see inside the enemy craft in order to send a bomb over there. That's why we were making such a fuss about the windows earlier".

    Zmek turns to Squall "So squad leader what is it to be?".

    "Perhaps we could play a little bluff of our own. They know what this cargo is...or at least a little about it, say we comm them back, remind them what the cargo is all about and inform them that one of us is a high level ebb user trained to use the device and that if they don't back off we'll destroy their ship the same way that we destroyed the space station."

    "So? Which path do we choose? Do we simply sit and accept whatever fate may befall us? Time slips by and we will soon re-enter the atmosphere of Mort. I for one am not willing to give up our cargo."

    "Perhaps the enemy is serious and if we do nothing we will soon feel their bite. Perhaps they are not, in which case they will probably skulk away and try again later, reinforced and better prepared. Now, they are confused, paniced, rushed, outnumbered. These are not suicidal odds. If we choose to storm the enemy ship we cannot send the whole squad so we must choose who will go and who will stay."

    "But," Zmek stresses the word "time is slipping by. Soon the decision will make itself one way or another. What course of action do you advocate squad leader?"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Hmmmm, they may be bluffing but we cant take that chance. We go with the original plan. Me, Tank, Gaunt and Zmek will board the pod along with a few of the scientists. Well attempt to secure the ships command centre and neutralise the ebons"

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    ZMek's mouth adopts the twisted shape that passes for a smile and nods once. "So. The decision is made." He turns and starts to move quickly towards the escape pods.

    "Ok, so we need a few unimportant science types to make up the numbers and act as human shields....better to leave the important people behind in case they inadvertantly get in the way...someone needs to inform the captain that we're complying 100% with the enemy's demands....he definitely does not need to know the plan...and somebody really ought to make a sweep for those wraith raiders while we're gone otherwise this could be a wasted trip."

    "oh..." he stops for a moment patting one of the larger pockets on his utility belt "...and does anyone have any assault rifle ammo? I got a little carried away would be rather embarrassing to get all the way there and have nothing to throw at the enemy but a few choice insults...."
