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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "I suppose we are going to have to tell Raines something though seeing as we're going to take away his little box...that'll probably be better coming from a non-ebb user."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Squall listens to the protest form doctor raynes then turns and stares until the doctor flinches and quiets down."

    "Zmek, rig a few explosives to the package, we dont survive neither does it"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek acknowledges the comm "Check"

    He sweeps back his coat revealing the many pockets of his utility belt, the three hostages are fidgeting and sweating in the padded bucket seats of the escape pod "Now....which will make the biggest bang" he says to himself in a sing song voice "Eeny, meany, miney or mo....?"

    "Well I think we all know the answer to that one don't we children? It's miney! And I'm a meany!!" He plucks a charge from his belt and, giggling manicly, tosses it at one of the scientists who shreaks and catches the charge, holding it out at arms length with shaking hands.

    Zmek stops giggling "You won't drop that now will you?......Oh you humans are pathetic!" He snatches the charge back from the terrified scientist "No detonator, idiot! Call yourselves scientists...." He pulls a detonator from another pouch, pushes it into the charge and holds it in front of the hostages faces "NOW, it's dangerous....."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    Gaunt turned to one of the scientists who was to wait on the Sulako and demanded his lab coat off him: "I don't know about you guys but if I'm going I want to look the part- You never know, it might just help"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek glances at Gaunt as he emerges into the escape pod and looks him up and down "My my, don't we look the cat's pyjamas? My three little friends will feel right at home sitting next to you"

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    "This may seem a little unexpected in light of our not quite friendly relationship, ol' buddy, but as I'm on what's pretty much a suicide mission it's heart warming to know that you're one of the almost-gaurenteed-to-die team mates coming along with me." Extends his hand. "Put it there."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "Her her...." Zmek mock laughs a reply at Gaunt, baring his teeth in an unpleasant smile then waves the FEN in his right hand and the primed charge in his left "Sorry....ol buddy" he says sarcastically "...hands full. Perhaps when we complete our mission you can explain to me why you humans express the urge to hold hands with each other at moments like this"

    "Now, let's get ready for the off..." He turns to the three captives again "Enjoying yourselves boys? Comfortable? I'm afraid there won't be any in-flight movie today but there will be plenty of entertainment next time you see those airlock doors open"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    Tank hurries back to the meeting area and see's the rest of the team entering the life pod and hurries inside on seeing the rest of the group he says

    "muuuh muhwuh muhhhww muuummwu"

    tank then Spits the carcess of the chicken out which slides along the floor of the pod and comes to land next to one of the science crew *BURP* "s'cuse me"

    "as i was saying i have just two things to add to this little "discussion" weve been having firstly im taking position at the back of the POD when we storm the ship as zmek or gaunt pointed out eariler if the first thing they see when they open the POD is a stormer there there going to get suspious. and secondly do any of us actually know how to fly a top secret stealth ship? i mean supposing we do somehow manage to survue the attack and gain control of the ship how are we going to get this bucket of bolts back to MORT? last time i checked were all still raw recruits and i dont know the first thing about space travel do you??? how are we gonna get back?"

    with that tank sits down into 2 of the pods seats and straps himself in looks over at the science crew and says "if your not going to eat the rest of that chicken can you pass it back over to me!" :eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "If we can secure the ship, the Sulako comes back picks us up and transfers over some experienced pilots. Lets not get ahead of ourselves just yet, securing that ships not gonna be a walk in the holopark"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali comms the group sulkily "if that want you wan to then fine."

    she turn then to Spirit " you never did find the bridge , I'll take you there in a mintue once I finish up here , we can have a talk wth the capt about just how fast this rust bucket will go. "

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tale' Einea opens her eyes and returns to her surroundings.

    She Listens to the chitter chatter on the comms as she heads for the bridge.

    She comms Squall and the rest of the squad " seems like you had fun with your new friend but you Dont have a poilit and you managed to let the package dift out into space while you had an impromtu honour duel .
    Cant promise you a poilt but I will see about getting you a tow. In the mean time I'd suggest that you get those dark knights locked down in thier own brigg or tied up in close quaters and look for med packs.

    I will get the package over here and secured and one we get a tow underway we will all get home soon. So Sit tight , Tali'einea out. "

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "Ah, Tali'einea my dear" says Zmek over the comm link "how delightful to hear your voice. You didn't fall foul of those missiles that passed us on the way across then?"

    "Don't worry about our captives," He rises awkwardly, ignoring the pain from his wounds and slipping his hand back inside the snug fitting leather of his gash fish gauntlet "I have that situation under control...."

    Tali'einea hears the sharp metallic "sshhhnick!!" over the commlink as Zmek's gash fishes extend. "I'll just see if their injuries are life threatening...."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'Einea replies " Dont strain yourself and we are pretty close to morts athmosphere andI am sure there are those that would prefer the dark knighters alive for a freindly chat if you need to kill the ebons. Unlesss our goriest leader has other plans and can help you .

    I have things to attend to, nice knowing you all"

    Tali'Einea turns off her comms.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    Cool. Our own cloaking war ship. Do you think we'll be able to keep it? I mean, I think I could get the hang of this piloting malarky pretty easy and it would give us a nice bit of fire support.

    Ahhhhhhhhh probly not. Still can't hurt to try.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek sits with his back to a wall in the crew quarters, resting his head with closed eyes against an air conditioning port and savouring the cold smell of refreshing processed air.

    Is this the only ship sent on this mission, he wonders to himself....perhaps others are waiting, cloaked with battle ready banks of deadly missiles trained upon them while they float around awaiting assistance from a half crippled transport....

    Still, the immediate threat is past perhaps....

    He digs absently in the pocket of his coat and pulls out the primed and fused charge he had set up whilst they were in the escape pod. Deactivating the fuse he seperates it from the charge and re-stored each in its proper place in his utility belt.

    He was beginning to miss the rain of Mort and the comfortable solitude of his apartment, locked away from the prying human eyes that sought him out at every move here. Always watching, always judging.

    An impulse tugged his mind towards the human terrorists secured in the brig but he knew the others would not let him harm them, and besides, he too felt the motivation of the money they could be worth as a bonus on this mission. Consoling himself with thoughts of the deaths of the scientists they had brought with them in the escape pod, he rose and looked around the crew quarters one more time.

    "Pathetic creatures" he said out loud looking at the holo-photos of loved ones and relatives pinned to locker doors and over bunks. Happy faces of parents and children smiled out at him from more than one direction, tearing apart the calm that had descended upon him as he healed and replacing it with a more familiar burning hatred.

    Stomping angrily through the sliding doors into the main corridor he heads back towards the bridge and the rest of the squad. "Well?" he comms sharply "Do we know what's happening yet? Do we just sit here and wait to burn up on re-entry or is somebody actually doing anything around here?"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'einea wanders a cold empty desolate landscape, she can feel her self starting to fade on one level it would nice and eay to just let go, let it all go. let the package go...........

    As she strides forward her brow furrowing the package what was it about that term that niggled at her .

    Something about a package and stuff she still had to do kept here her.

    She started to hear laughter, Ebon laughter, female laughter, Shrill not full of mirth at all infact scornfull filled with Pity.

    She knew that laugh, that laugh and the condecending piting smile that went with it.
    She Stops and realises where she was.
    She was in her safe space between the real and the viod beyond, Her mind had retreated into it'self.

    That she was here ment she was still alive and the package had not blown her to pieces.

    Yes she remembered the package, she must be lying hopefully on the bridge; her body in shock from the expenditure of flux, the cold of spcae and the pressures of the vacum.

    Damn it Spirit she tought get your finger out girl and be usefull.

    You let me die lil Ebon And I swear i will return and haunt you and all your house and bloodline until you are ruined.

    Tali'einea knew that this type of an oath was best done drawing blood but well she knew that the self that she saw here was her inner self her Essence or Soul .

    She cackles the noise twisting out over the Ladscape of her id as she thinks of the oh so Human Term Soul and how many of them if any were going to survive prolly none if she wasnt back in control over her body.

    Ah she sighs a Wasters work is never done.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    Squall sits in the bloodstained captains chair on the bridge of the stealth ship staring at the formless void of space where not long before he had seen a figure emerge from nothingness grab hold of the package and dissapear again. Tal'Eania he assumed the Ebon would not do something so foolhardy, foolhardy but extremely corageous. "Perhaps she is worthy of a little trust" He thought to himself. The others.....well.

    Gaunt, is an old friend he would trust with his life.

    Steiner seems withdrawn, a shell of his former self.

    Spirit, she is naieve like most of her kind, but she is well meaning and may yet prove her honour.

    Byuu, too soon to judge him, time shall tell.

    Tank, the stormer, a valuable asset who has shown himself to be honourable despite his unnatural birth.

    And, Zmek......................Though he would never admit it Squall respected the waster. It mirrored the respect between a sniper and his greatest adversary. He respected him but he would never trust him.

    *Slipping in and out of consciousness squalls weakened mind started to replay the duel in the cargobay. The captain ,whos chair he now sat in, had been a worthy foe. He could see clearly in his mind the blade swing aiming for the chink in his body armor at his ribs and his own blade meeting it with a clang and a flurry of sparks. His opponent had been foolish. His left side was open. He could not move fast enough to deflect the blow that came. For a milisecond there was resistance as his Shaktar bones fought to stave off the assault from the power Katana but they soon gave way and the blade rushed unabated to pulverize the internal organs. The captain fell uttering the words "Live free,die well". It was these words and not the many bleeding wound or broken bones that hurt the Shaktar most. They had been his fathers final words to him..........but that had been a lifetime ago. He had a new life now away from the hardships of his planet and full of a whole new set of others. He shook himself from the daze and scanned the bridge. Proximity alerts sounded and the ship filled with bright flases as the Sulako fired its retros, moving into position to tractor the ship to the surface.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Tank, Zmek. Either of you still live?"

    "I am outside the ship, near what used to be the docking bay. Meet me here as soon as you can. We need to get out of here quickly. The smoke is gonna draw every mutant within 50 miles to us and i dont think weve got the firepower for that."

    "The other ship crashed not far from here. We head for that. Hopefully the other team heads towards us. We meet somewhere in the middle and head for andrews"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    Tank still bleeding from the multiple gash wounds sustained from the battle taking the stealth ship is awoken from his slumber to find the stealth ship in peices tank is lying in what is left of the cargo bay pinned under a pile of crates. with extreme effort grinding his teeth under the pain tank hauls the crates off of himself and tries to COM the team..............................nothing...................... "maybe there all dead better go look for them" he thinks after a short search of the cargo bay he finds that he is trapped in the cargo bay totally isolated from the rest of the ship heavy metal support beams block the entrance to the lifts, well best climb out the cargo bay hatch then!

    tank emerges from the wreak of the stealth ship still surprised he's alive and breathing to see squall standing on the ridge then tanks COMS system leaps into life

    "message recieved and understood alive barely i can walk at least but i doubt i'll be good in a fight for the next hour or too im coming over to your position now"

    and with that using some debris from the wrekage as a makeshift crutch hobbles over to squall's position

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "The Sulako got into the trouble. It looked like they lost their main engine. They started descending and took us with them."

    "We need to move out soon. Theres only a few hours of light left and were in no shape for any quick travel. Andrews isnt far from here but the sulako is about 5 miles over that ridge i saw it crash before we hit. We head for that. Thats where the rest of the team and the package are"

    "Any sign of Zmek?"

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "Don't celebrate too soon Shaktar" Zmek comms the others, the static finally dieing from his earpiece "there is still at least one brain waster in your squad."

    He glances across at Gaunt who is sitting on a boulder nearby "...and at least one human too it seems"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    CLimbing out of the wrekage of the sulkao gaunt tries to COMS Tali or anyone left thats alive form either ship

    "this is Stiener at the sulako crash site come in to anyone left alive please respond over..."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'einea's voice suddenly Drawls over comms " You got that much right Szemikie, You are the LEAST of the Brain wasters in this squad. " there is a pause as a wheezing chuckle can be heard , this being in odd contrast to the full bodied contralto that is usually her cackle.

    " we have what we came for and 3 lil lab rats too, the hewman didnt make it. keep an eye on the skies as Spirit's lil healing fingers are going to kgiht our posistion.
    We are heading to the air base. "

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "Your little excursion into the void didn't do much to blunt that annoyingly chirpy humour then Tali'einea. Don't tell too many jokes, the ebon will start to like you...."

    "I can sense your direction even from here....I hope there are no other hostile ebb users out here, hiding that package from them wouldn't be an option..." Zmek looks at the others in his group, battered and bruised but fit to move.

    "Looks like this group is ready to move" he looks up at the sky then scans the horizon for movement or signs of life "Anyone know the geography around here? Any settlements, roads or installations other than Andrews?"

    He looks over at Squall "Since I can sense where we're going I suggest I take point. Any objections?" Without waiting Zmek unslings his assault rifle and starts trudging out away from the wreckage, following his senses towards the distant draw of the package.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    TAli'Einea listens to Zemkie as she walks clear of the debrie field.

    She comms back what is left of the entire group. " Ahhhhhh how sweet Szemkie you find me annoying, tht the nicest thing anyone has said to me today. Oh and by the way you are ALL Welcome, figure you may have said Thankyou Tali for saving our lil butts when I was passed out or crashing.

    Chirpy nah never, but this lil wastier rolled the dice, did the math and danced amidst the stars, lets me get out of here so I can tell you all about in the Pitt K ?.

    The sooner you lot get here the better , we are possibily more exposed out here then we were in space. "

    And Then alomost as an after tought

    " Oh Squall contragulations , you made it back alive , guess your not doing THAT badly as a Squad leader after all,"
    Tali' Einea s******s " Oh and I hear you own me a kiss..................."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    "We're not actually going to try and transport the cargo are we? These mutants are hardly likely to be able to recognise its value in any case. We leave it here along with a few of Zmek's toys to slow them down and come back in the morning with a transport and extra firepower."
    He limps over to his companions in team one. "Course we will have to rush the booby traps. We're hardly going to make very good time in the condition we are in and there is hardly nuch daylight left.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    " I am not repeat, NOT leaving it behind."
    Tali'einea Screeches down the Comm.

    "Andrews are expecting us . We were in contact with them before we crash landed and they would have been tracking us.

    Squall what are you doing, here I am suck out here with Lab rats and I got them moving and you cant get the rest of the Squad up of thier lil arses ?

    Gaunt you had best hope that Squall deals iwth your or Szemkie takes pity on you and ends ur miserible pitifull exsistance before I see you. "

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "I take it you can see our crashsite Tali?. Its looks closer to you than Andrews. Start moving towards us. Well head towards the Sulako and we should meet up soon enough."

    "Zmek, you wanted point. Be my guest. Better your the first to drop to a sniper than me." *Turning to grin at Zmek* "Lead on"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek has already moved some way ahead of the others. He stops and turns "Occassionally....just occassionally, once in a while there are tiny moments when I almost forget what it is I dislike about humans. Then they start whining and complaining and all the reasons just come flooding back! Why don't we leave YOU here to wait for the rescue team from Andrews? Hmm?"

    "Do you really think nobody noticed two space craft crashing almost simultaneously into the desert? Every living creature for a 10k radius knows something came down here and is probably either heading this way to take a look or telling the world what it saw. We need to get away from these wrecks fast...WITH our cargo and head for Andrews just as fast as our little legs will carry us."

    "Now if you want to sit there on a rock and complain then fine. You do that. Meanwhile I'm rendezvousing with the other squad."

    He turns back to his original course and trudges onwards. Grey sky meets grey desert at a distant horizon obscured by mist. As he moves away from the wreck the creaks and ticks of distorted hot metal fade and are replaced by the constant low whistle of the wind. Zmek is suddenly aware of the openness of his position, wide open space all around him making his path feel almost like a tightrope through some vast empty void. Just one false step could plunge him into the abyss. He tried closing his eyes as he walked. still able to sense his direction by feeling the draw of the flux fields eminating from the package but this made his feeling of vertigo even worse, each step launching him out into the unknown. Darkness would come soon. That would be better than this. For now he must just keep going, eyes fixed on the ground a metre or so ahead, one step at a time through the empty void.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    for the next couple of turns im stopping all long range communication on the COMS channel this means because of the high levels of radation and electromagnetic interference in the badlands your COMS link has a limited range so you can COMS in between team members but not to the other squad thats at the other ship

    in other words team 1 can COMS bewtween themselves but cannot COMS team 2 at the other crash site and vice versa i'll let you know when your in COMS range of the other team if you try to COMS the other team you'll only get static and garble
