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SLA - RPG Coms Channel



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    Group 1-
    Anybody know what kind of threat these locals will offer? What I mean is will they be armed with guns or can we expect mobs of club wielding muties?

    Has anybody got experience out here in the badlands?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "Why don't you stick up your head and find out for us all human" spits Zmek, scuttling towards the nearset cover whilst continuing to scan the way ahead through the sights of his assault rifle.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    tank coms squall

    "if they come at us in large numbers the only other suggestion i have would be to make a bolt for the cave / alcove thing, nobody has checked if it leads anywhere it may be an escape route or it could lead us to our deaths im aware of that too however its a smaller area to defend in case things get nasty so its worth a tought. zmek may even be able to seal the entrance with le plasticque if things are going really bad who knows!

    one more thing i dont know about you but im running low on ammo if the other team doesnt get here soon i fear the worst will come...."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    COMS have now been fully restored you can talk to either team now

    *If i was mean and this was a F2F game id have kept the COMS channel fuzzed up Bah!! see im just too nice for my own good!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek turns towards the others and hisses into the comm link "more choices to make. We evade them. we destroy them or we die...which is it to be?"

    "Evading looks unlikely now that the other squad appear to going to blunder into their midst. Destroying them will be difficult, we are outnumbered, short on ammunition and battle weary against an enemy that knows the terrain and has untold reinforcements to back it up. The third option is the only one that doesn't look too complicated!" He looks over at Gaunt with a wry smile "I'm surprised the human hasn't pointed out we're on another suidice mission!"

    "oh, and of course I forgot to mention we could always try chatting to, I didn't think that idea would draw too many supporters".

    Glancing up and down the length of the ravine Zmek continues "We could disguise our numbers by spreading out, use this ravine for cover, pick off a few of the enemy. They're going to spot the others soon enough I would imagine with that ebon spotlight glaring all over the place." He checks his utility belt "I still have a few charges, I can teleport them into the enemy's midst to maximise damage and conceal our position before we start shooting."

    He sighs "Surely if Andrews have sent a rescue party they can't be far away, we shouldn't have to hold out for long..." turning back to peer into the night "that's if they even know we're here..."

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    Well if we try to sit this search out in the cave we are leaving the scientists and Tali on their own which obviously isn't a good thing considering half of them are unarmed and carrying the package.

    Personally I think the best option would be to draw the muties away from them by ambushing that search party and trying to draw their reinforcements into a chase to keep them occupied and give Tali time to get out of the area

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "We need to draw them away from the other team. Heres what i think we should do. Me and Gaunt will draw them towards the top of the ridge. When they start moving towards us we make a break for it. Zmek u lay whatever explosives youve got left at the crest of the ridge then get in cover and get ready for another of those fireballs your so fond of. When the bulk of the mutants get to the crest you let loose. Tank you stay with Zmek and provide cover. We dont wanna waste the explosion on a small group so you may have to wait awhile and leave a few of them through to your position thats when youll be needed, so close quarters is possible so be ready. If were lucky the explosion will kill them all if were not it should at least scatter them and give us time to make a break for it"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    can i just make a really small suggestion?

    the muties havent actually come our way yet (IE the DM hasnt actually said that they've spotted the other team yet) if we can COMS them and tell spirit to turn off the beam there's a chance that we might be able sneak away, i mean squalls plan seems sound enough explosives on the ridge however they have made no apparent move in our direction yet granted if spirity turns off the beam we'll be split up and in the caynon not able to see each other but at least we wont have 10,000 muties on our tail,

    one of the mutants has a walkie talkie remember he can just call in reinforcments or guide a 2nd group away from the main force to go and search for the other team i dont know about you but 30 against 6 isnt very good odds they out number us 5 to 1

    what say we plant all the remaining explosives on the far side of the caynon where the other team came in and detonate a small portion of them once the muties go over to investigate the blast detonate the remaining ones and run like hell towards andrews with gaunts suggestion of us providing covering fire for tali's team? and hopefully we'll run into the search team from andrews before the muties catch us?

    better than dying a worthless death me thinks!!

    just a suggestion but it makes sense

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "It might work but those "muties" are gonna be on our position in no time. Dont think wede have time to set it up"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    rodger that squall

    just a thought if we had more time it might have worked! your idea seems a fair plan then i cant think of anything else better if anyone else has any other suggestions now is the time to make em!

    zmek you go plant the explosives on the ridge and i'll provide overwatch.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Tali your team is now in COMS range of Squalls

    lilkewise squall if there's anything you want to tell tali (like DUCK!!!) now would be the time to tell her before i post the next game turn

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    *As Zmek moves over the ridge planting explosives with a gleeful expresion Squall thinks what the hell and coms Tal'Eania*

    "Tal, This is Squall, if you can hear this get into the nearest bit of cover you can find, Zmeks got a little present and it might get interesting. Hide yourself as much as possible the mutants are closing in on your position. Do not respond. Theyve got at least one radio and might pick up the signal, out"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    was mentioned to me that there might be a little confusion as to where everyone is in this little lake so im gonna do a little jpg file and attach it so your all clear squall take a look at the map and if your happy with the current plan of action let me know and i'll post the next game turn otherwise if you want to change you plan of attack (tactics) then i'll give you a few more hours to decide i'll post the game turn once i know what you want to do

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    as promised a slightly dodgy idea of what the story is at the moment the blue square things are the mutants and you got about 1 game turn left before they find you.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    Ya that looks grand. I had thought Talis team were on the other side of the mutants so thats cleared a few things up. Well stick with the plan for the moment.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Yeah, I thought that the mutants were between us and the other half of the squad, but hey, what the hell...not quite the same possibility of anyone getting caught in crossfire as I had feared

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    apologies for not making the turn a bit more clearer will try to recitify that in the future well i'll assume your going with the original plan then and roll up the turn and post it am tomorrow

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky Britney would have so eloquently put it : "Hit me baby, one more time"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    if you can give me a cool quote before you hit the remote trigger i'll give you bonus Exp

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    *Team 2* "That explosions going to draw every mutant within 50 miles to us. Finish off these survivors and head towards the other team"

    *To Team 1*

    "Tali, Were taking care off some stragglers here. Move out towards andrews well be right behind you. That package has to get to the base. dont stop for anything not even us. Got It?"

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Landing with a squelch in the mud besides Tank, Zmek breathes hard but looks quite happy "Ahhh stormer, doesn't the scene inspire you? How beautiful the thought of frying mutants...a poem perhaps to honour their passing...let me think....

    Twinkle twinkle little star,
    Bits of muties near and far,
    Up into the sky so bright,
    Arms and legs are taking flight,
    Twinkle twinkle oh what fun,
    Oh but wait! It's just begun.

    With that he produces the remote detonator from a pocket and flicks the arm switch on. Three short beeps and a red flash indicate telemetry is good and the charges are ready.

    "Make a wish stormer". Zmek's gloved thumb makes hardly a move as it presses the red button on the front of the box.

    The ravine seems to shift slightly beneath them as the explosives do their work, violent white light casting stark shadows, illuminating every detail in a frozen instant of death.

    The falling rain now mingles with cascading mud, blood and body parts and the rumbling explosion fades and echoes to leave no sound but the falling rain and the hissing laughter of the brain waster as he surveys the scene

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    as the thunder and lighting rain down on tank the sudden shift in movment startles tank whipping up his shotgun only to see zmek coming towards him and not the relentless mob that tank expected, tank listens to zmek recite what proabably was his childhood poem "touching zmek very touching"

    "make a wish? what do you mean make wish? well ok i really want another chicken" - the irony obviously lost on tank as zmek hits the remote detenator explosions ring all around mud and bodies parts fall around tank looks around for his chicken.........

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN



    ( two game turns)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Tali, change of plans. Get your team to the nearest high ground, Spread out and dig in were gonna have company soon."

    "Tank, Zmek Gaunt. Move to their position immediately. Watch for targets and engage them on the move"

    *Squall sets off towards Talis team at a run, watching the horizon for movement*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn


    Tali'Einea sighs, Damn them they could not even crash in the right place.

    She checks out the terain between her posistion the top of the ridge, should be do able with the 3 stooges playing with the muties on the far side.

    " Right boys get moving to the top of the ridge quick time. " She glares at the Doc and the pair struggling with the package .
    " Spirit you scout a head a lil as you are so good at being quiet"

    she Then comms the Rest of the Team,
    " better hurry up boys before those muties come to eat the rest of thier friends you blew up. Hear some of them can smell blood on the wind for 4 to 5 kilks, and it looks like you lot are covered in it. Hell i dont want that stuff on me , maybe Whe i get in the transport I should tell them to send a second one out for you lot ......."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "This squad has borne the stench of death since it left the pit, and from there, into space, through fire and peril, into the badlands the reaper has stalked our every step.

    "But for the ebb users amongst us this squad would have long been defeated, it's quarry lost and fallen into enemy hands and its members butchered one by one.

    "Let the mutants come, let them smell the heady cocktail of death Zmek leaves in his wake and let their dull minds remember lest they chance upon me again..."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Without us Zmek you would be lying face down in a pool of your own blood on the deck of that battleship. Now close your mouth and run. Your Ebb wont do much good when your brain is smashed into a pulp"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali looks up at the stars , which she wont see once they are back in Mort, she had been told once her mothers family had as many members as there were stars in teh sky; typical Ebon tripe but still as she crouched ( not wanting to be a target against the night sky) in the wasteland
    seeing a wave of darkness in her mind snuffing them all out.

    She watchs her motion tracker, and once the 3 squad members seem to be racing along just fine turns to check the rest of the arae increasing the gain onthe tracker to full.

    " Now Szemkie you know that the stench improved greatly once we lost the humans. oh so tragic that.

    You have an odd way of leading Squall never knew that the Shaktar style of leading was from the rear playing catch up. but well trying to figure out the finer
    points of your overly elaborate honour code in reguard to which foot to but infront of the other takes a lil time.

    oh and I cant forget Tank , who could that big wall of made to bleed and regen muscle ; your still moving which is what is required of you and who ever was mindin gur gro vat saw fit to leave you some smarts but still cant say if I;m tht intrested in knowing ur hobbies and past times."

    Tali'einea then catches up with the mules with the package, FEN in onhand tracker in the other.

    " Spirit , report. "

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Would you rather we all charged head first at them?"

    "I have an honour code but im not stupid, I have a mission to complete and i will honour the agreement. We can come back later if you wish? Plenty of mutants to go around. Besides im not running from a fight, they were all dead when i last checked"

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "It seems that as the rescue choppers approach so your authority recedes Shaktar. Hold tight to your honour, it may be all you have left by the time we reach Andrews"
