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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'einea looks in the direction of the Air base uses her comms " Why Zemk are you implying that Squall will have no squad members left by the time we get there only the shreds of his honour....."

    She signals for the remaining sciencest to duck into cover behind one of the large boulders on top of the ridge.

    'Spirit , I'd not recomend offensive flux use arround the package so we may have to
    practice our other skills.'

    She holsters her Fens with ease and takes a small but powerful mag lite out of one of the many pockets in her coat.

    there she discovers the flashbands she had placed there for safe keeping ; she shrugs as they will have to do instead of flares.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "If i did not think you a little worthy of trust i would kill you where you stand Tal'eania"

    "And you Zmek, hold tight your tongue lest i tear it from your skull"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "Beware Tali, it seems our leader is not content with having so many of the squad killed by the enemy, now it seems he is intent on finishing off the remains of us himself. Quickly, put up a flare before we all perish at the hand of the Shaktar!."

    Looking around in the direction of Squall Zmek sneers "Thank you Shaktar, you have taught me lessons I shall not forget on the subjects of honour and nobility. Now let what there remains of this squad get back to civilization and the payment that awaits us"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    by the looks of the high ground is to the south of the ravine (oppisite where zmek just caved in the wall with the explosions)
    if were lucky we could hold that point for maybe 10 mins before were surrounded by muties.

    i have flares i'll thow one or two into the ravine as a landing pad so the transport chopper can land there and 'll throw my remaining ones at the top of the ridge to attrack the choppers (and most probably the muties too)

    looks like were going to have to shoot our way out of this one

    *Tank plants the flares on the ravine floor and top of the ridge taking up a prone position beside a small rock waits at the top of the ridge of any sign of enemy movement eyes peeled to the sky watching for the transport chopper

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'eaina's chiukle is heard over the comms. " AH you would have to get up here first Squall, and no ripping Szemikies tounge out for i am sure he has some more pretty poems to recite.

    Zmek I am sure you can compse one that starts

    There was a young shaktar called Squall ......

    Nice one Tank, light those flares up dont really want to use the flashing bags or the lab rats may panic."

    Tali Yawns " Man i need a few drinks and some sleep."

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Oh Tali, perhaps it's the moonlight, perhaps it's the mutants or perhaps it's just you but you know...I do feel inspired...Let me think now...

    There once was a Shaktar called Squall,
    Who allowed his squad members to fall,
    To bullet and bomb,
    He lost every one,
    Til their numbers became rather small.

    ...or perhaps something along the lines of "I wandered lonely as a squad member"...

    Where are the cameras when you need them? The media would lap this story up I think. The shaktar more concerned with his own honour than bringing back his squad intact.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'Eaina s******s can be heard over the comms.

    " Well done Tank, I can see the flares best to leave then in the basin I'd rather not be backlight on the ridge for Muties to take pot shots at me.

    Zemkie why not try another one :)

    Quall the young shakhtar .....

    At least it passes the time while we wait."

  • Registered Users Posts: 354 ✭✭Commissar

    Gaunt:{see the chatroom} Well ye are a cocky pair o' veterns aren't ye?
    If ye really haven't got enough on yer minds why don't ye itemise the highlights of our evening.
    Well let's see now...........Oh right, ya there was that exciting and amazingly successful gunfight. Then we had a dramatic escape a decaying space station on the brink of reacto meltdown. And of course let's not forget storming a battleship or plummeting out of orbit.
    To be perfectly f****n' honest Zmeckie, I think we should all share a profound Bloody Gratitude to be Alive at all.
    So what say you spare us your razor sharp bloody wit and come to your BLOODY SENSES.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Ah, there's nothing more pleasing to the ear after a hard day's mutant dismembering than the sound of a distressed human...perhaps only the "thud thud" sound of a distressed ebon being used as a club with which to beat a distressed human could be more comforting...

  • Registered Users Posts: 354 ✭✭Commissar

    I knew it. You really are psychologically incapable of keeping your mouth shut, aren't you? What's the matter; afraid you are going to be forgotten if you don't give us a clever remark every few minutes. Tell me, do all char-eyes have these acceptance issues or are you just exceptional.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    My my, aren't we the feisty one! Obviously you're jealous of the attention we've been paying to our illustrious squad leader. It's only natural that one with such pretentions to greatness should wilt when left in the shade. It's easy to overlook the lesser races, and now that you're the last human standing it's very easy to forget you're here at all....but for your petulant little outbursts...

    Come come now, hush while the grown ups talk...I'll make a little rhyme for you later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 354 ✭✭Commissar

    Tell me Zmeckie, is staying awake at night composing these mind numbingly dull little rhymes a way you comppensate for some deprivation as a child?
    And, you know, thanks char-eyes, that hadn't occured to me.... I am the last man standing, amn't I. Yeah.... I like the sound of that. That's the sort of thing that makes a man feel proud.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek stares malevolently at Steiner as he searhes his various pockets and pouches, checking his remaining ammunition and looking for any left over charges, flashbangs or detonators.

    "So human, it looks like I may get the pleasure of watching you die after all. I'm pleased to see you're as stupid as I suspected. You're chances would have been better if you'd stayed out there on your own."

    Turning his back on Steiner he moves over to where Tali'Eaina stands with the huddled scientists "Well my dear, it seems it may be left to the flux users to save the day once more...." he glances at Spirit "Do you think the ebon could do anything to be useful?'s opportunity to shine in this squad is long overdue...perhaps it has passed along with the creature's usefullness..."

    Looking at the scientists he continues "Or perhaps we could just throw out a few of these pathetic creatures to keep the mutants occupied for a few minutes while we make an escape or overpower them while distracted..."

    "I tire of this place and would return to the city..." he seems to shiver slightly in the darkness as he glances for a moment at the broad flat sky streching from horizon to horizon, then turns at last to Squall. "Ten mutants are no match of trained SLA operatives Shaktar but we are battle weary and short of munitions. We could perish all too easily here in this desolate place to these displicable creatures. They will come to the flares, so we must leave quickly, hiding in the shadows and concealing our way. The enemy will become silhouettes and we will vanish into the darkness. Quickly then, those who can may pick off the careless few who make themselves easy targets so as to better our odds. I and Tali, on a given signal can appear in their midst and take one or two more to a silent grave before leaving..."

    "With luck, the sudden reduction in their numbers will cause the remainder to flee in confusion. If not then the odds are in our favour to triumph in a fire fight."

    "Unless anyone else carries explosives or heavy weapons we do not know about I see no better plan....none that does not sacrifice the very thing we came for."

    Turning away from Squall, Zmek moves to put the flares between himself and the sound of the approaching hummer.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'einea sighs.

    " well we need to put a lot of distance betweent us and that package before we start to play.
    unless you want to get the stormer to hurl it in the midst of the muties and I can get it to make a big bang again "

    Tali's eyes light up with demonic delight at this idea.

    She notices the human that was dead has recovered, she shrugs she breaks them nto fixes them, he is at least another target that will draw fire from her .

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN


    "aahh Zmek im touched i never knew you cared for me that much well i missed you too...."

    stiener snorts "for the first time on this mission i've actually herd zmek using his mouth for something other than complaning about the "lesser" forms of life in the squad, thats not a bad plan zmek i see you were listening to our teacher that day when he was treaching tatics"

    "squall i agree wit zmek were in no state for a frontal assault both you and the stormer are our hand to hand combat veterans if we time it right it might just work,"

    Stiener draws his FEN AR assault Riffel and moves off to one side to stand beside Gaunt "you ready old buddy?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 354 ✭✭Commissar

    Gaunt nods.
    "Locked and loaded."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    "I don't need the commendations of a human to know my tactics are sound!" Zmek snarls at Steiner as he clambers out of the small hollow they had been waiting in "Especially one who was so recently an ex-member of this squad."

    "Just do not lag behind and give away our position or I will shoot you myself."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Very well then Waster, we will do as you suggest but it will be me and Tank that appear among them, that is of course if your "wonderous" powers of ebb can do that?"

    "Youd better hurry though, they are getting awfully close and i would so hate to see you torn assunder by a wayward mutant who somehow gets past us.........yes that would be sucha shame"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    tank moves to stand next to squall

    "if this is the way we must die then so be it" tank readies his weapons "i'll follow you into the mouth of hell itself"

    tank is ready

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    COMS SIGNAL FROM ALPHA1 (transport chopper)

    - - - - - - -

    This is Alpha1 to SLA operatives in the badlands we are approaching the LZ now, were on your 6 but cannot touch down the area is too hot. repete there are too many hostiles in the area to make a safe extraction. Were going to circle around and come at you again we'll only have about 3 mins once we touch down for you to get your gear and your men then we have to take off again

    well make another pass be ready for us were not going to get another shot at this

    Alpha1 out.....

    - - - - - - -

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    *Squall feels his skin tingling as the faces of the Wasters become featurless, lost in concentration. Expecting the battle to come he begins a chant almost instinctively*

    "Loe there do i see my father, loe there do i see my mother and my brothers and my sisters, loe there do i see the line of my people back to the begining, Loe, Loe do they call to me from the Halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever"

    *Shouting a war cry Squall folds*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    ooooo well go for the grey BPN the GREY BPN!! seriously can you imagine the cash we'd get for that! its classified so its got to be worth some major mula!!

    my vote is either grey, red or jade!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    tank your a mad egg :D you'd actually accept a mission that screams


    all over it??

    tbh he is right tho it pays a ludicrous ammount of cash but im not saying anymore than that they only way your going to get details is if you accept the mission :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    Your either very brave or very foolish Stormer. But so be it. Ill go with either of those 3. That grey does seem intruiging.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    if you want to go crawling after rats or getting youselfs dead on a red or going for a stroll through CS!1 go ahead knock yourselves out been nice knowing you, sort of.

    not going near cloack just yet boys they'd think we are too raw only one bnp down and there for pretty expendible.

    so anyone wanna play hunt the Ebon ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 354 ✭✭Commissar

    That Grey bpn sounds like a barrel of laughs (or is it. Insert X-files theme tune) but I have to agree with Thead. I don't feel like I want to jump feet first into the unknown just yet and the Yellow bpn looks like it has a good cash/risk payoff.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    "Jade is fine with me. Maybe Zmek will do a bit of work for a change ehhh Zmekie"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    I only suggested the grey BPN for a little bit of excitement its classified so the pay would probably be fab. plus brownie points for us with cloak if the mission was a success.

    as for the red well the pay is great too and the mission does say UNDER canabal sector 4 its not like we'll actually be wandering around canabal sector 4 right?

    but since most of the squad arent combat ready i suppose the jade BPN it is or the yellow one as gaunt suggested maybe a low risk medium pay BPN by the looks of it.
    since the game is at a hault until we all decide what mission we want my vote goes for jade.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek participated little in the developing BPN debate, choosing instead to simply sit on one of the plastic benches positioned around the room and casually watch the others and the many passers by, an expression of impatient derision smeared across what parts of his face were not obscured by the ubiquitous mirror shades.

    Even behind the shades the others could discern the sarcastic eye rolling as the brain waster listened to their respective argumants for and against particular BPNs.

    "The day will come when we will all die, avoiding your petty fears and anxieties does not change that." He flattened a plastic cup in his hand, letting the melted contents spill onto the floor before before standing to stretch.

    "Choose jade. Let Brain Wasters earn you your credits.....again...."

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    So its the Jade BPN it is then i'll do up the BPN for you guys and post the next game turn in the next 4 hours or so
