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CA - Teamplay 2

  • 23-01-1999 5:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭


    Was thinking about that teamplay 2 u were talking about in CA, and now I think it's a great idea. CA is turning everyone into muppets, they run around the level firing everywhere and rocketjumping to the fuccking moon, and then when they are placed into a war and can't do a thing.

    We moved from CA to the War server today, and one person just kept blowing away his team and blamed them for it, another started whining and left in mid-game meaning we had to call off the game. If players learn to look before they fire, maybe the whole irish population of Quakers won't turn into muppets. Clan Arena is fun, but it doesn't require any skill, and if ppl lost frags for hitting teammates they would learn to be some bit decent.
    It's a bit sad to say that when you want a war, you have to wait til after midnight when muppets have gone to bed.

    And can I ask now for ppl NOT to join the war server unless you intend seeing it through, because this idea of calling off the game for everyone else because of one leper is bullsh!t.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 273 ✭✭Scarab

    Agree totally , well said Zero.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 phoenix1111

    ah come on now, rocket jumpin to the moon is one of the best things about ca. Like come on, before i started playing arena, i couldn't rocket jump for sh!te (wait a sec, i still cant <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)"> )

    Then again, wouldnt it be nice if some1 wrote a mod where u could hurt your teammates (unless you were on daaa's team of course) - That might solve the spamming problem.

    Unfortunatly, i dont know QuakeC (or whatever) .......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 273 ✭✭Scarab

    If u use 200 RA and 100 health you will be able to use RJ to get to a good position or whatever without loosing too much health but it will remove that stupid RJ'in in fights. People are getting to used to it. I played Ste in a duel and in the large area on DM2 he started RJing like it was CA. This **** aint good for quake in general. Also Teamplay 2 as Zero said will stop people shooting randomly at corners and shooting at the ground when someone gets close instead of using LG.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭Chaos

    Yup gota agree with zero

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    FFS Zero if you want DM play it, CA is about rjumping etc.

    The only way to stop spammers is to keep the Rox set to 60 or lower. I do not agree I think the way it is currently set is ideal.

    Ask yourself one thing Zero why is the Clan Arena Server on Indigo the one your always guaranteed a game in Ireland nearly at all hours. Well ??

    If you want DM play DM, leave the CA server settings as they are.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    What I'm sayin Gandy, is that CA breeds muppets. There is only one active clan in the country worth talking about as regards wars, and that's cw. The level of Quake has dropped so much because ppl are turning into teamplay 1 muppets. When they move to the war servers then all they do is blow themselves and others away. CA is a good team game but it's not worth a shiite as regards improving at Quake. Play teamplay 1 all ye like, but it's only turning ppl into muppets, being good at CA means nothing, good ppl there still find they have no concept of how to properly play a team game, they find they are just a big fish in a small pond....or something.
    The selection for was a biitch for Dev to have to do, but it made it sooo much easier for him because of the fact that he could immediately discount so many players from the selection. We'll have the other europeans laughing at us if the Irish Teamplay gets much worse. Any wonder the brits owned us for 800 years, with all us paddies shooting each other.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 936 ✭✭✭FreaK_BrutheR

    NO one owns, did own nor will own the Irish <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":P">

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 394 ✭✭DEATH

    Ca is fun because u can bokk urself around the shop we play it maybe because we want a different thing that dm perhaps? dont bring that sh!te onto what last bit of fun we have.
    And if it breed's muppets ,so? And that person that zero was talking about is me i hate dm and as a favour i went a played a war to be nice like then he posts a message like that. ta zero.

    if ya dont like the way ca is dont play it just dont try and ruin the laff for the majority of people that play ca.

    And i know you will come back with some sh!te like "well ur crap at dm thats why your saying this".

    I play ca because i like it, i was a good dm player (well ish) but it all became to serious and in ca all ya have to is rj to ur hearts content on beat on some unsuspecting muppet. What could be more fun.

    Shure all the people who want if changed go off to iol ca or now that is back feic off to there and yiz can all run around with a shotgun and 10 health for all i care.

    Just dont take the last bit of fun (for me at least) away from quake.

    You can ridicule me all ya like as you always seem to do whenever i speak my opinion. WoW your in college you must know everything and whatever you say is gospel.

    Eh no.

    And btw what is wrong with "CA is turning everyone into muppets" at least in ca we can have a laff and take it easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,529 ✭✭✭SickBoy

    YES DEATH !!! U THE MAN. There is no need to go changing the face of a cool mod. I wouldn't like it if duel servers were changed to *weapon stay* as that would ruine controling levels and I also wouldn't like WAR servers set to *cant hurt team mates* ala CA. So lets just leave things alone, there are plenty of servers around and if u dont like CA or the settings please play somewhere else.


  • Registered Users Posts: 205 ✭✭Nicky

    i want weapons stay on duel servers

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 394 ✭✭DEATH

    Zero if having a laff and actually enjoying a game of quake rather than sitting down in feicing irc chans and discussing tactics then practicing those tactics twice a week means that im a muppet, I am proud to be one.

    Let The Muppets Live on Along with the fun baby ahahahahah.

  • Registered Users Posts: 861 ✭✭✭Slosh


    I think the best solution to this is if I make a change to code so rockets dont damage yourself but do so to your teammates... we'll call it tp5 <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    Rj-ing is too much a part of ca to dismiss like that - but youre right too much ca turns players into muppets.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭El_Presidente


    With all due respect man, I think you should ease up on CA. For the lesser quake players out there (me) It provides a simple way of just jumping into a quake game at anytime and having a quick bash. Call me a "muppet" (delightful word BTW) all you want but for anyone who wants to play teamplay quake without having to go out and orgainise a game , then CA is the way to the future.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,657 ✭✭✭OSiriS

    I don't believe that it is the Rocket Jumping that Zero is against, it is more the fact that people are constantly firing into fights, hitting their teammates, or firing rockets at point blank range, or simply soamming rockets and renades all over the shop. These same people go into wars and find that they are killing their friends or teammates. Besides allowing injuring of teammates isn't going to solve this problem. Alot of these people are indivuals rather than teamplayers, and just look for a high score.
    The best way to solve this would be to alter the mod so that you loose 1 point for every 25 points of damage you do to a teammate. If it is rocket jumping you want to put a stop to, maybe take 1 point off for every 100 points of self-damage you cause. Perhaps then people will think twice before firing rockets at such close range.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 63 ✭✭Da

    'ere, I think Teamplay 2 will be a bit silly and I'm in full support of Death. Look, If you want a ****ing game of WAR, FFA or whatever then go to the god damn ****ing WAR or FFA server or get one organized!, But you're not changing the CA server mod to tp2.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,529 ✭✭✭SickBoy

    Are ye not listening. Please leave the CA mod the way it is. We like it (we being the ppl that are there most of the time having a bash) and we dont want ppl changing settings to make better DM'ers out of us. We have a good choice of servers in Ireland and if we choose to play on the CA server its cause we dont want the hassle of trying to retake the RL area or watch for quad whores. All we want is a wee bit of fun. Now if Slosh wants to go changing the mod thats up to him as he does maintain the servers. All I can say is if anything needs changing on the CA servers its the phucking map! DM3 gets tiresome <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":(">


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    See? Muppets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    SB if you want to try a map just ask one of us admins and we can change it to any map on the server.

    I've no probs doing that and neither do the others I reakon.


  • Registered Users Posts: 861 ✭✭✭Slosh

    Heres another suggestion.

    First: We alter the mod so that if you hit your teammate u loose points, nobody looses health.

    Second: we all agree on having rockets set to 40 and cells to 50.

    Or just leave the mod alone, and use teamplay2 for serious clan matches.

    Y'all decide here on this post!


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,529 ✭✭✭SickBoy

    I think u know where i stand.


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  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 28,633 Mod ✭✭✭✭Shiminay

    Loosing points is a good Idea Brian. I dunno about dropping the number of rox and cells...

    But, that's the Castlebar vote.

    <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT="@B^)&quot;>

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    yeah Brian,

    losing the points is a good idea, you get too many lamer High-pingers who complain about shaft, yet spam like b!tches, so to lose points for muppetry like hitting teammates is a good idea, but rockets 60 and shaft 100 methinks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Jaden

    I've only got a minute, as I'm up to me eyeballs in work, project has just had it's deadline shifted forward by 3 weeks. Gah. BTW, sorry to all at the DD CG meet up this weekend, I thought I'd get over on saturday morning, but I couldn't get what I needed to finished.

    Now, much as I hate to have to rebuke any other Quake player, Zero, you're talking through your ass. If you wish to label the Indigo Quake server as a "muppet" server, well and good. But I wouldn't be stupid enough to hop on a server I considered to be muppet, play for a while, and then post out to the board on a little rant crusade. If you don't like the "lame" way people play on the CA server, then stay off it. If you do go on, and see someone spamming down into the 100H pit, STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM IT. They'll run out of ammo fairly soon, and they're easy to pick off then.

    Clan Arena, should, for the most part, should be left the way it is. I predominantly play CA because it's fun. Remember what fun is Zero? It's the thing that causes most Quake players to join the CA server rather than any other. It's easy to play, and people with non-LPB connects have a fighting chance of getting somewhere on the frag list, because they dont have to worry about some ***** with a Quad LG and a ping of 40.

    I don't think the CA server is perfect, and some of the feedback in this thread is fairly positive stuff. I do think lower cells and rox will help, and certainly a team-mate damage / point deduction mod might stop spamming to a certain extent.

    What isn't going to help the CA server, or indeed Quake in Ireland in general, is people who are in the vast minority, calling CA a "muppet breeding ground" or a "talentless mod". I say again, if you don't like it, stay the hell off it. In fact, set up your own server, mod it any way you want, and wander around there on your own. At least that would be some way pro-active, instead of sitting there and blaming English occupation on everyone prefering CA to War.

    You're quite entitled to your opinions Zero, and some of them are valid. CA does not improve ones War skills. But thats bloody obvious. I don't play CA to get better at Quake, I play it because it's a laugh. Yes, people spam, camp, and RJ all over the place, but so what? We can fix all that without whining about how crap CA is, and how it's killing Irish Quake. Poxy moaning attitudes will kill it alot quicker.

    If you take away the fun, you kill the game.
    And thats exactly what your doing. Cop on, and at least try to be constructive.

    Hail to The King, Baby.

    Love and Kisses,

    Ja - Is that Zero at the 100H?, quick lads, spammmmmmmm - den.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    (Zero, Overlord and Beast here)

    Right. The topic of conversation has completely changed here. First off, as far as we can see, this is a blatant accusation.
    For my whole Quake playing time, I have had a shiite aim, and before QP, OL said to me to concentrate on shaft, from watching Koopa. I didn't bother at that stage, but Ol and Omar did, and they rocked that fuccking LAN that weekend with the shaft, and Bunny was behind OL watching him do it. Since then I have dropped my FOV, dropped my sensitivity and made an effort to use the shaft as against any other. Now I have a good shaft aim, but I'm nothing on OL, Jay or Beast with it. I'm still being nice here, the lads are fuming behind me at the fucckin mention of an aimbot.
    I'll tell you something now, Gandalf, and any other Boozers who fancy posting up here and think there is even a hint of bots coming out of this end of the country. Ok, I admit it, we are using aimbots. I extracted the code from a swedish bot, and distributed it to mates of mine, thats how Beast, OL, Jay, Me, Mickah, Daa and even Chaos have such good aims, because it selects shaft itself and homes in on target while we sit back and relax. We often smoke cigarettes while playin and sometimes alt-tab to IRC for a chat, and come back to make sure we are top of the list of the frags. Oh no.....hang on a sec....thats not have a shiite aims and we are fucckin MENTAL, and the next lan event we all want to put our PC's next to ures and FUCCKIN MAUL you, you can even install the fuccking Quake to ensure there are no Koopa-bots on it......(deep breath)

    I know you're not accusing me of having a bot, because my aim isnt good enough, but to accuse players who have worked hard to get to the top, is just a sign of bitterness. So, we'll see you in CA tonight, the lads behind me here are customising the old aimbots to target any player called Gandalf.
    Be sure to wear that green top and a ribbon in ure hair, we're gonna have fun tonight.


  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    This is ****.

    I've played CA for the past six months hardcore. I play DM with CT in the IQCL and you can ask bunny, my war skills are infinitely better then they were before I started playing CA.

    Yes, its a trade off. You get a ninja aim but you have to beware of killing team mates and blowing yerself up. (I dont kill team mates cos in CA I dont just fire at every door, and I keep my rockets for the enemy.)
    War players are good bad or indifferent according to how tactically minded they are.

    I dont mind testing this new TP5 but I like the server the way it is. I'll try this new TP anyway as it might turn out to be better and if not we can always switch back.

    The damage mod has ruined the game for spammers since they dont get many points, and if they are risking LOSING points for team hits that would be good too.

    Rjumping in fights is a legitamate tactic.
    I was playing UK2 recently. Spawned outside the slime, ran in grabbed the RL and rjumped directly above the RL plinth. The guy at RA was shocked. He didnt know what to do and tried to shoot me out of the air (haha).
    I rocketed the wall behind him and he went flying into the slime. After that he was toast.

    The point is that the loss of health for a rjump might be worth the investment in order to get some cover (hiting ppl in air is quite hard you know <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)"> and give you a split second to take aim on your enemy.
    Since your is standing on the ground, you cahn even get him with splash damage if you miss. It's a good tactic in certain situations (entering DM6 from below!)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 nD_Omar

    fucckin A Lads. Kill the muppets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Ok Zero I did not accuse OL, Beast or you (well as you say ure aim is crap !!), but there is one particular player that a few of us have in mind. This person has played games where they shoot any teammates close to them and its not just muppetry, they have shot teammates outta the air with the shaft with unerring accuracy and I know they are not in the OL class.

    Right next lan event I have no problem playin yas at CA, not DM as I have always said I am not a DM'er. I'm sure Dev would love to have CG play yas in a Game of CA or maybe CTF (err haven't played it in ages).

    Again Z there is no way I'm accussing u of using a Bot ure ****e <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":P"> Anyway better tune up my spamming skills for your aimbots then.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    ah now ure not allowed give up.


    No point in havin in the closet gandy, who's yer man who shoots his teammates, so we can have a look and see if he's an aimbot muppet, and openly flame him in the news broadcast tonite.

    Winamp ==>

    p.s. the only serious note in this whole post would be that my aim is twice ures gandy - The Shaftman. <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":4">

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Jaden

    Dear Zero,
    First and foremost, I love you. I love you in that special way that only two grown, consenting men can understand.
    I may not like what you say, I may diasgree with it strongly, but I will defend tirelessly your right to say it. <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)"> <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)"> <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    As you pointed out, I am fully in agreement with you about doing something about spammers. While we both agree that teamplay five is needed, I feel that for now, killing them is probably more benificial than letting them kill you, and crying about it later. <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    What I suggest is that we get pro-active about this. I am willing to put some time aside tonight, or when ever is convienient, and you and me, and other admins/serious Quakers, can get onto the server, and hammer out prefered settings. Although we cant get a mod for damge/point loss done that quickly, we can at least, in a civilised way decide that amount of cells/roxs gives us the fairest and most enjoyable game. About an hour between IRC and the server would sort this out. Just name the time, and I'll be there. Anyone who gives a sh1t can come along. We might even give disabling the GL a shot, although this would be unfair at times.
    Sound fair to you?

    BTW, on the subject of spamming, in my Quake dictionary, firing alot of grenades into the 100H pit/Water/Crates area to flush out someone that you KNOW is there, is NOT spamming. Standing at the RA firing Grens out the door IS. I also maintain the right to fire at a door I'm about to walk out, or at a corner I'm about to go around. If you dont like it, get out of my way. I always keep out of Gandalfs.... <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    Finally, I have NEVER, EVER even comtemplated that any of the UL girlies use aimbots. I personally think that one or two people in Irsih Quake are, and as soon as my evidence is substantial enough, I will name names. Slosh, myself and Gandalf have our theories as to who does, and I'm sure others do too.

    See ya tonight, ya big girlie. <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    Hail To The King, Baby.

    Ja - eat my gren - den.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Ahhhhh Zero thats cause ure a LPB shafter mucker scumbag <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":P">. Anyway I'm a spamming muppet I miss you all on purpose so I can hit my teammates.

    On the more serious note I'll talk to ya on IRC tonite about who the suspect is !!!

