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Heres the story from the right pov ste is a waffler

  • 01-03-1999 9:12pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 12

    Right heres exactly the way it was right here are the reasons for doin so

    Reasons : He split me and my girlfriend up but we got back earlies that day he start making moves on her he put his arms around her and gave her a chain he slags me constantly online aboutme being small but we found out im a good bit taller than him he slaged me about my goofy teeth im quite sensitive about that although i know i have goofy teeth he said to me online he was gonna come down from Portmornack to Blanch to kick my head in it had me quite conscious right thats the reasons so heres the story

    Story :

    One day he was talking to my girlfriend online in mIRC i got some bit jealous to know that but i thought ahh what the hell its only some text not writing then later to discover he had chatted with her on the phone a few times so one day my girlfriend phones me up and goes im goin to my friends tomorrow knock for me at 6 i go grand no problem and then my friends where in the Leisure plex and they saw her with Rob but they just knew him as a fella so i caught her on the way home from the leisure plex and said who the **** where u up in the Leisure plex with her face went red and she said her Cousin i go why where u with ure cousin she said i asked him up to pick a valentines present cause she didnt know what to get me i said grand then later to find out when i got talking to Sanrio/Lyndsey she let it slip by accident and then i rang her up and gave out ****e to her and the following day i split up with her i was really ****ed off and sad i loved her and i was really close with her ask grule arachnid or anyone else yis know right so she kept asking me to get back with her i said NO! So i hear shes meeting up with him again Louise phones me up and asks me to kill him i said i dunno then adventually i siad yeah ill meet you up there at 3 she says grand but when i arrived i noticed there was a few of my friends from school there so Rob arrives in Blanch we follow him around the town centre for a while , While my friends where goin on about robbing his mobile his money i said no that would be bad , And they go ahh u pussy i go w'ere / IM ! just here to hit him a few slaps and split so adventually he goes behind there leisure plex i run up and while i was running up i was informed by my girlfriend he said i'll dig Mark/Crash around if he starts so we get up there mock him a bit he tries to run my friend goes to hit him i punched him kicked him and ran with my other friend and then my two other friends where the ones that actually done the damage i had no idea they where coming or anything and by the way ste is a lying $hite cause i was the oldest and the tallest there u can ask Rob ure self i was by far the tallest and oldest Ste is just trying to sture ****e , I hit him twice not even hard and i ****ed it away with my other friend and my two other ones Done the damage to him there was no 16-18 year olds ffs i was the ****ing oldest besides hes lucky i was there my friend's would of left him dead and would of robbed him until he was left in his Knickers only for i told them not too so lads thats the real story and dont mind stes fake LOG file ill admit i told him about it i didnt boast about it i felt sorry for the chap ask Grule or Arachnid there my friends so lads decide for ureself what my punishment is thats the whole truth and nothing but the truth , Let me say i know what i done was totally wrong and im dumb for doing what i done but cause i have to face the consiquences and i accept that but what should a guy do someone slagging him treatning and making moves on his girlfriend especially while i was there ffs i had to do what i did right talk it over lads ive told the whole truth there and ste is a load of ****e hes a ****head for saying that ****e . The lye he said was a bit outa hand altogether to be honest with you right Cyas .


    please make a few replies i wanna know where i stand




  • Registered Users Posts: 574 ✭✭✭ste

    Yes Crash.

    Read this log... THEN decide (likkle ****ing ugger)

    Session Start: Sat Feb 27 22:30:38 1999
    Session Ident: [CrasH] (

    [22:31] Rob came out to blanch
    [22:31] and he got a hidin
    yea ?
    [22:32] Off my and a few mates
    by who
    [22:32] me
    the **** beating outa him ?
    [22:32] And he was crying

    [22:33] Right
    [22:33] ill say now
    [22:33] he came out to blanch i saw him in the fields with Louise and her friend's me and my mates ran over and caught him
    waht was he doing with them ?
    [22:34] He was nearly crying before i hit him
    waht was he doing with them ?
    [22:34] He offered us 20 pound not to hit him

    [22:34] And he was tying to run away i digged him in the head
    [22:34] And broke my finger
    [22:34] and then my mates hit him
    [22:34] i hit him some more

    [22:34] And threw him on the ground and kicked the shot outa him
    [22:35] Yep totALLY
    [22:35] serious
    did he fight baq ?
    [22:35] No
    [22:35] he just cried hehe
    so right u ran over to him
    and how's the conversation go ?
    [22:35] hes gay
    [22:35] id lumpp him
    [22:35] Would u kill butt ?

    had u warned him not to come out ?
    [22:36] No
    [22:36] i just was in the humour of hiting him
    so u just ran over and killed him ?

    [22:36] And the same shall happen to Daaa
    [22:36] And the same shall happen to Daaa
    [22:37] right

    [22:38] if anyone like u or John00 starts on me at QP
    [22:38] ull get same threatment as butt
    [22:38] I warn u
    listen bud
    [22:38] its noit funny
    [22:38] i kick u around f

    [22<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":4">0] And eighteen yearold was there to kill butt today and more 16's
    [22<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":4">0] I swear n00ne touchs me if they do they die
    [22<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":4">0] Cause ive got Backup

    [22<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":4">2] And As far as im concerned the next are John00 and Daaa
    [22<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":4">2] John00 slagged me about my teeth
    [22<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":4">2] So if he comes to blanch hes ded
    im warning ya touch Johno and ur annoting me, johno is one a the soundest lkads around
    [22<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":4">3] So am i supposed to be afraid of u

    [22<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":4">3] Im an agressive person
    if johno gets a beating u annoy me
    [22<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":4">4] So
    [22<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":4">4] I dont care
    [22<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":4">4] I dont care wanna come down saturday for a gang fight ?

    after u beta him, did u walkk away ?
    [22<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":5">0] No we ran cause some aulone was coming

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12 CrasHed

    Right ste your such a ****ing lier u Johnoo Buttmunch etc have made up some scheme to get me in ****e ure all spas u dont know how serious this one is u know this is bull**** ffs ure goin to FAR with this one ****face

  • Registered Users Posts: 574 ✭✭✭ste

    I SWEAR to ya lads, that them quotes are NO way false. IN NOW WAY. Everything said above was said by himself. He's simply running for cover.

    Truely lads.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12 CrasHed

    Right i suppose you all believe that ****er all ready because everyone nearly hates me so ive decided to go offline TO SHOW im not such a wimp ill take Buttmunch on 1 on 1 since he wants that id be glad to on saturday

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,894 ✭✭✭TinCool

    Okay here's my two cents and it's only my opinion, u dont know me and I dont know you but from what I've read and heard I personally think the two of you are sad *******s (moreso crash) having to resort to beating the **** out of one another, well go for it by all means if you think it'll solve anything. And Crash I dont care how it arrived to yourself and your mates kicking the **** out of one lad for whatever reason thats just plain sad, we're not living in Belfast.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,972 ✭✭✭SheroN

    If ya had any sense you'd not be looking for more fights and shut the **** up and start praying bm don't get the cops or some hard hitting pipe queers over your direction

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    I'm with Tincool on this... I don't know who to believe or really care. Personally Crash I think your an a$$hole based on everything that's been posted so far, and would proberly not change the fact that your barred from any events (least I wouldn't have you there).

    Take your argument elsewhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 574 ✭✭✭ste

    OMG Crash, u lieing likkle fukhead, now uve put my word under doubt by ur fukking sh!te, u knwo well I didn't make that up, u likke fukking ****, be sured my dear little friend, **** WILL happen, **** WILLLLLLLLLL happen.

    (in no way let this be held against me in any legal matters that may pursue, as my mind is in no way stable)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12 CrasHed

    Right lads im goin off line for a few months hopefully when i get back this will slightly be cleared up well im gonna get a hiding but if i get touched god help there persont that does it Freak_bruther im in school at that time make it 5:30 instead that okay with u and ill let u kill me but ure the one that's gonna be in ward 9 after touching me !

  • Registered Users Posts: 381 ✭✭juNkie

    Laughs out FOOKIN LOUD! GOOFEY!! man that cracked me up and even more so cos u said u where actually "sensitive" about that. LOL u sad fookers, sad sad fookers.

    P.S. If I where u I'd hit your woman a few digs, after all it was her that ran off on ure faeg ass. She obviously found out u where sexually tilted in favour of sleeping with the dead.

    Who do u love....

    P.S. your probably a nice lad but I'm jus goin by what other ppl are sayin. But I'd say ure a faeg awrigh.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 225 ✭✭earthworm_jim

    LOL stupid kids. This is a quake board - sort it out on dm4 ffs. The winner gets the girl <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":P">

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Nice one EWJim <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)"> Is it ok if 5 or 6 of Crash's mates join in though? <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=";)">

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 89 ✭✭MikeS

    Can someone PLEASE!!!! Del this post AND the KIDS! that started it. this is a QUAKE BOARD! not a fuppin Agaony Aunt's colum. Take it elsewhere ye muppets!


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,316 ✭✭✭ButcherOfNog

    this thread sounds good, but i can't understand a word of it, and its too much trouble to attempt to translate it. whats the weee soft southern sh!te on about?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭Chaos

    ROFLOL ewj<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)"> dm4 lol<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":P">

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    If it wasn't so serious it would be the best bit of comedy in ages <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    Btw, FreakBrother - ward 9 is the VD clinic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 411 ✭✭H_K

    i think it has a fair bit to do with quake,
    we all need to know how much of an ******* crash really is

    crash if theyre your friends why not tell em NOT to beat the lad up ?! i believe ste cos he dosent make up serious stuff much and crash has ramdomly abused me before too.

    my crash has a great life ahead of him

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭El_Presidente


    Seems this little matter is a little less clear cut then we first thought, with many conflicting standpoints and points of veiw.

    One thing is clear however...


    After briefly reading Crash's reply its clear that its about some girl and some childish rivalry.

    So lads you can do 2 things, beat the living ****e out of each other (not recomended) or shake hands like men and put the thing behind you. Either way, leave it off the boards.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 344 ✭✭shank

    lol....... Teenagers...... can't live with em, can't shoot them in the fu[kin head <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,316 ✭✭✭ButcherOfNog

    not the head, no <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Simon

    Crash you should be careful here. You can't just go around beating people up and not considering the consequences. What if he has an older brother who is a hardass motherf*cker? He'll probably beat you within an inch of your life.
    And she prolly left ye cos ur and ugly lil insensative runt who beats people up. I hope Butt rides the f*ckin ass off her


  • Registered Users Posts: 10,339 ✭✭✭✭LoLth

    Christ I feel OLD!!!!! <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":(">

    It's seems like so long ago that whoever used the yellow lego when building the house was a girl!!!!

    Grow up lads.

    Crash: It's as much your girlfriend's fault as Rob. You gonna hit her? Also, nice move passing the blame onto your friends.
    'hes lucky i was there my friend's would of left him dead and would of robbed him until he was left in his Knickers '

    But if you weren't there in the first place he wouldn't have been beaten up!!!

    And by the way.

    And shouldn't be on a notice board in the first place. Sort it out yourself, offline, in private. What do you think this is? Oprah?

    BTW. EWJ, nice one <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    emm.....isnt this the reason why we have moderators on the board cloud?????
    Bunny is too busy workin to be on here half the day, ICQ me the pass and I'll delete sh!te like this.


    btw crash you are a small goofy bucktoothed little twerp, and I'll take you and all your friends if you care to show up at the next qp/qf.

  • Registered Users Posts: 184 ✭✭YuM

    OMG ! my head hurts ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    CrasH your boards account has been terminated.

    I don't want to hear any more about this.


  • Legal Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 5,400 Mod ✭✭✭✭Maximilian

    Very nice of you to post a full confession on the boards for those helpful Gardai to read.

    Does that little **** not realise he just admitted a criminal offense <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 936 ✭✭✭FreaK_BrutheR

    "Freak_bruther im in school at that time make it 5:30 instead that okay with u and ill let u kill me but ure the one that's gonna be in ward 9 after touching me !"

    er oops sorry i gotta er go to my knitting class at 5:00
    Well goodness me this is a first ....i've NEVER been threatened in my!
    I give up sir i was just making a point with you ...if it takes 4 men to beat him up what does that make you? u honestly think a) i'd waste my time b)i'd go to blanchardstown full stop and anyway c) sure im just a big old earth muffin really.your friends rob people? thats the kinda **** that gets serious spankys where im from....sound lads they are real sound like....if theyre that cool i'd certainly be hanging aroiund with them.I'll not even bother slaggin you because no doubt your mates will come and rob me and beat me up like....the defenceless little man i am. I hope i meet you soon and maybe we can talk over these issues you have....peace man....quit this balls attitude you've adopted ....stop watching so much TV or something and those violent computer games well.....what can i say like....i feel sad for even posting to this stream of nonsense again ....ENOUGH!
    I am your brother.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 177 ✭✭Mouserat


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    He looked crooked at me biord, an he called me names on a computer game

    lister this isent serious at all its two kiddies fighting over a bird - in my oppinion they are both lieing and the truth is somewhere in between, funk em both and lets get on with our lives

    This is not a quake issue nor is it an important issue, we all fought over birds before so relax and just ignore the lottle gobshiens

    Peoples Front of Judea

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    yeah, not the Judean Peoples Front......pfff....b@stards!

This discussion has been closed.