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Hey people a question

  • 04-08-2003 6:11pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,892 ✭✭✭

    Whats the real likelyhood of Humans building a spaceship that can be
    1.Mass produced 2.Go around 1/2 the speed of light 3.Big anuff to be worth while 4.Have many uses like passenger/militry/mineing bla bla bla 5.Cost effective

    In say the next 100 years ?

    If this is the wrong place to post this sorry


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭Redshift

    I would say probably none of the above will be achieved within the next 100 years barring some major breakthrough in launch and propulsion technology. By 2103 I would say we would be just about perfecting round trips for scientific expeditions to Mars. Thats my opinion anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭bartificer

    I donlt ever see us traveling at 0.5 light speed, humans are not made for that. IF we actually ever leave our solar system I think it will be using some form or wormholes, either articial or natural so the actual distances traveled will be minimal.

    Also I scinceerely hope that we never have to build military space craft. Hopefully by the time we leave our solar system we will be civilised enough not to need military forces!

    A big reason I donlt see us traveling that fast is the amount of time it would take us ot accelerate to those speeds considering we cannot handel very many Gs before we croak it!

    That's my two cents anyhow,

    Bart B.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,892 ✭✭✭bizmark

    No militry = no advancement

    with out the militry you wouldnt have the space shuttle no space shuttle = no ISS (more than likely)

    So if the militry doesnt take a interest in space and controling it we more than likely wont have ships AT all

    Also consider that maybe theirs a race out their that holds on to the idea of a militry we be screwed

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭bartificer

    Originally posted by bizmark
    No militry = no advancement

    with out the militry you wouldnt have the space shuttle no space shuttle = no ISS (more than likely)

    So if the militry doesnt take a interest in space and controling it we more than likely wont have ships AT all

    Also consider that maybe theirs a race out their that holds on to the idea of a militry we be screwed

    At the moment the Governments control the space programs but I see that changing very soon. The X-prize has things going in the right way. In the future governments and militaries will be buying their space tech off big corporations, IMHO it is better that these things go in to the private domain and away from politics and the George W. Bushes of this world.

    Bart B.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,892 ✭✭✭bizmark

    Why do you think a big biz (say mircosoft) would be better than the militry ?

    The militry does its job and anything that benfits mankind is given out pritty much free (GPS etc)

    biz doesnt .........Id say it would be horrible if a large busness controls space travel as they would patten all technology for the reasion to make money and to hell with mankind

    ANYWAY this isnt what this forum is for

    sorry mod for going politic

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭bartificer

    Originally posted by bizmark
    Why do you think a big biz (say mircosoft) would be better than the militry ?

    The militry does its job and anything that benfits mankind is given out pritty much free (GPS etc)

    biz doesnt .........Id say it would be horrible if a large busness controls space travel as they would patten all technology for the reasion to make money and to hell with mankind

    ANYWAY this isnt what this forum is for

    sorry mod for going politic

    I think this is very much on topic. (if I am wrong I apologise, I am rather new here)

    When I said it would be in the private sector I did NOT mean it would be controled by a single super company ala MS but a proper oopen market with good healthy competition, in that case the market for space travel will start to increase as more space touris mbecomes possible providing the revenue to build ever bigger and better andmroe cost effective space craft. A craft like the one in the initial question could only come about in an open market.

    Bart B.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭Redshift

    It's politics of another sort which is banned here, this thread is fine.:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,892 ✭✭✭bizmark

    ok then
    When I said it would be in the private sector I did NOT mean it would be controled by a single super company ala MS but a proper oopen market with good healthy competition, in that case the market for space travel will start to increase as more space touris mbecomes possible providing the revenue to build ever bigger and better andmroe cost effective space craft. A craft like the one in the initial question could only come about in an open market.

    It doesnt always work like that ....I mean take ms they own computer softwere now ..............And if you look at films (i know i know not a great source) Where they show companys controling say mars their only in it for the money

    I really think if any progress is to be made the millitry has to get its ass in gear say "you know if we control space we control the world"....Then watch as the build ever bigger spaceships (which is what happened on earth with normal sea going ship) plus the yanky militry has 400 billion dollors to spend on technology/millitry equment Every year ....Even Big boy MS couldnt compeat with that

    i long for the day i see the americans launch a milirty spaceship (with a different goverment than now)Or the Eu/china

    Plus i truely like the militry i have notting against it like others for some reasion people think their evil when in fact their not

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 Raptor666

    Don't forget in WWII Germaney lead the world in rocket technology and their scientists went to the US and Russia to start botd of those countries Space industries. So I guess what i'm trying to say it's not big business or industry that lead the technological race its a couple of gifted scientisits and some major backing by people not afraid to take a risk. As the saying goes nothing ventured nothing gained

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭halenger

    I personally wouldn't wanna see Microsoft Space Division. "We'll beat the competitors to a bloody pulp and make them eat it!" :-p

    I think they're "too" advanced if you will. The Space Shuttle uses very basic computers cause the current ones are too advanced and bug filled. They bring laptops up to the ISS etc to do any sort work like that, afaik.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,892 ✭✭✭bizmark

    :D Microsoft space shuttle Version 2.1

    Microsoft Space shuttle version 2.1 Enhancement pact 1 (add's engines that work)

    Microsoft space shuttle version 2.1 Enhancement Pact 2 (add's air)

    Microsoft space shuttle version 2.1 browsers upgrade (adds software that works)


    Pitty that theirs a treaty stoping the devolpoment of space based weapions out side of earth orbit (thats a bit weird i mean if it can destroy us from the moon it can destroy us from orbit lol)
    If that treaty wasnt their they could build ships untill that time we have to wait on a private company or something

    And really whats their for companys to do ? we dont have the technology to mine the Roid belt space tourism would mean building spacestations MUCH bigger than the iss ............So honestly whats their for normal companys ? that wouldnt cost billions and billions

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,579 ✭✭✭Webmonkey

    Originally posted by bizmark
    :D Microsoft space shuttle Version 2.1

    I wouldn't want to go on MS Space Shuttle BETA :rolleyes: could be a disaster

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,892 ✭✭✭bizmark

    isnt that the truth :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭bartificer

    Originally posted by bizmark
    ok then

    It doesnt always work like that ....I mean take ms they own computer softwere now ..............And if you look at films (i know i know not a great source) Where they show companys controling say mars their only in it for the money

    I really think if any progress is to be made the millitry has to get its ass in gear say "you know if we control space we control the world"....Then watch as the build ever bigger spaceships (which is what happened on earth with normal sea going ship) plus the yanky militry has 400 billion dollors to spend on technology/millitry equment Every year ....Even Big boy MS couldnt compeat with that

    i long for the day i see the americans launch a milirty spaceship (with a different goverment than now)Or the Eu/china

    Plus i truely like the militry i have notting against it like others for some reasion people think their evil when in fact their not

    Dear GOD .... my biggest fear is that the Neanderthal American millitary take over space. Do you want a monkey like Geroge W Bush to control earth's ventures in to space? Do you really think that having the Miliraty up there is better than MS? Having MS up there would be infinitley better than any world Hyperpower. We can't even trust the Americans to be civil and decent to fellow human beings on this planet and you want THEM to lead us into space.

    Not all companies are evil, not everything in the private sector is bad! If the private sector were to be anything like what you make it out to be then how come we have a safe and effective ariline sector that is entirely run by the private sector. Do you really think it would have been better if the American Government were to have run it? I very much think not.

    The only way ordinary people like you and me have a hope in hell of getting a trip to space is via space tourism run by the private sector. The first space tourists will be pioneers and will be filthy rich but they will pave the way for the rest of us. It will be possible for the people of this planet to get the benefits of space without the Miliray using it as yet antoher way to wipe our selves out.

    Think of this, who controls the military? IMHO no one, they control the government, however it is the people of this planet who control large corporations. The consumer has the power to make and break any company and they know it! The fact that there are so many evil companies on this planet is a reflection on us the people of this planet, not private enterprise. If we really felt as strongly anti MS as people here seem to claim to be we would vote with our feet and use other software. There is plenty of it out there and it is much better than the buggy ****e MS over charge us for!

    Mankind moving in to space is a big step and I for one hope that in so doing we develop as a species and leave our stupid natinalistic squables on earth and in the past where they belong.

    The militarty represents the worst in humanity, our desire to fource our beliefs and ideals on others and our willingness to fight and kill rather than to see sense. If the Military repsent the best this planet has to offer then we are in big trouble. The Un have the right idea by banning weapons in space, they should also ban the military from space and allow space to be explored and utilised by Civilised human beings, not trumped up murderers.

    Bart B.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,892 ✭✭✭bizmark

    well i did say with a different Goverment:p

    A hyperpower like the yanks (And i asure you i have no love for the bullies) Will more than likely lead us into space it's got notting to do with how they act the truth of the matter is they hold most of the cards right now.

    Fair anuff the airline sector is good BUT the militry lead the developmet of all types of aircraft and that i bleave will happen here with space tech

    I agree that the only way me and you will get into space is through private companys BUT im saying the millitry will need to start the ball roleing on ship's ect

    Lastly the militry is not some mad kill bot factory what is it with people and militry bashing if it wasnt for the militry their would be no aircraft/rockets/ships/citys/ etc

    We will never get rid of the militrys we never should as it would leave us stupidly open to attack from anyone or thing plus technology wouldnt advance so damn fast as it is now
