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  • 05-08-2003 4:07pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭

    Over the years, i've heard all manner of people bull****ting about how ****ty their childhood is, and how they have all these "problems".* ESPECIALLY in the rough n' tumble world of the insulated campus of DCU, where nothing especially bad could actually happen to you. Yes, even I have done it, but honestly, what was your childhood like? I'm interested to see if it ties in with the whole "ugh, i'm too smart to have friends" ideal that seems to spread around.

    Myself, I actually can't remember anything about my childhood. Not trying to sound "mysterious" or anything, it's just that there's a mostly blank slate there. I can remember things like going to Cork a lot to see my relatives, my friend's 4th birthday party, but not much else. I don't think anything of note happened. Meh.

    *If you actually HAD a ****ty 'hood, /me apologizes


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 38 alucard

    childhood wasn't that bad. i acted like a dumbass because i was too smart for all my idiot friends.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    Childhood eh?...... I should get one of those. Better yet! Get shares in one!

    Pretty good actually.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 292 ✭✭Spenguin

    Hmm... childhood. I remember accidently hitting a girl in my class with a trophy giving her a black eye when I was in first class. People only really started calling me names related to me being smart when I was in fifth class, but it only happened once or twice... I can remember going into a house when I was three... Nope, nothing else.:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    I was chained to a bicycle for seven weeks aged 8.

    Ok maybe not but I DID have the fright of my life on a horse and fell down stairs lots.

    Oh and at age 8 i had my head smashed against a wall by some nice 9/10 year olds.

    Oh and I got picked on at school a lot until 3rd class and then less so...

    Oh and I had a teenage sister in my house growing up <shudder>.

    But otherwise it was fun I guess...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    jaysus, i knew this wasn't going to be a good thread. i mean, no offence to ANYONE who
    a. had a bad childhood
    b. feels the desire to put their experience, good or bad, on the ctyi board

    i mean, come on. it doesn't make for the most interesting, happy happy joy joy reading. nobody at boards knows much about my childhood, except for kate and i'd like to keep it that way.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Actually the horse incident was hilarious and the head smashy wasn't too bad (although it's a great excuse as to why i'm as i am).

    But the teenage sister... <shudders>

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 451 ✭✭Zukustious

    How many people posting here about their childhood are actually finished being children? I know there are a few adults here, but there are children here posting about how their childhood was. Does that not strike you as weird?

    Oh I remeber my childhood as if it were yesterday. Oh wait a minute, IT WAS.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Cait

    what do you mean by childhood? is it primary school type childhood or what? i think i must still be a child. i'm not an adult anyway....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Heh... I feel like an adult anyway... creaky bones, crotchetiness, nostalgia, fleeting memories....

    It's kinda funny though. I've got a good few more decades of this. hell it can only get worse. :D but i'm happy with me atm so that's all that counts eh? <dances>

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    Dancing? With those creaky bones? You must be taking those "Feel Young" pills!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 444 ✭✭s0l

    I'm guessing he meant ages 0 to 12, at the end of which you become a "teenager" and get to have loads of fun hormones that cause inexplicible behaviour and lots of whining.

    I'm going to take part because i don't mind peope knowing about my childhood, if your childhood was bad, then i really do hope it wasnt scaring and you don't mind this thread. =/

    my earliest memory is being in a pram, on a mountain side, well probably a hill, looking down into a small valley type thing, a bunker type thing near by and everything was this odd shade of orangey yellow, like the sun was setting.

    For alot of my child hood i was alone in my house with my brother who's 8 years older than me and didnt like me too much.

    I made up games to amuse myself but they usually involved doing nothing and just letting my imagination run away thinking of ways to get other kids of accept me as "cool" heheh.

    I also fell down the stairs alot, well, 3 times i think.

    I did alot of reading, but I did more watching TV.

    Because of where i live, the only other people i knew were my neighbours, a girl my age, who i hated, and her younger brother and sister, wasnt all that great, havent talked to them in, oh, 2 months now.

    I was alone alot, so when i did meet other kids my age i made an effort to be friends, unfortunately I did it the wrong way, trying to change myself instead of being myself.

    I remember listening to alot of Queen and Stiff Little Fingers, due to my dad and brother.

    But then when i turned 13 things started to pick up a little, 14 was sucky but ctyi during that age is one of my fondest memories, it really brought me out of my shell, and now
    I'm going 16... holy ****, where does the time go? wait i know the answer to that.. damn yous history monks! damn yous!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,446 ✭✭✭Havelock


    I spoke french before I spoke english, and at the age of 3 my mother exasperated at my apparent lack ability in english brought me to a speech terapist. She explained that for at least 2 years they had tried to get me to speak english without any success, as I only respnded to or spoke french. The moment she finished her story of woe, I pointed at the lamp on the therapist's desk and said in perfect english "light", then pointed at the therapist and said "woman" and continued in that fashion for about a minute. I'm sure my mother still doesn't forgive me.

    I began my seriuos addiction to ice-cream in france, at about the same age.

    Cried every morning of junior infants when my parents left me on the school bus. Had a lovely bus driver, who gave us chocolate at christmas.

    Hated school, was not popular by any strech of the imagination, I admit it was my fault. There was no uniform and I insited of going to school, I kid you not, in trousers, ironed shirt, waist coat and dicky bow. Until about the age of 7. Had my first kiss at 7, I was in 2nd class, she was in 6th class. She was beauitful, I'm sure it was just some sort of game to her and her friends, she was the most popular girl in school, her name was Julie, I ended up hanging out with the 6th classers from then on. I don't care what they thought of me then, it meant the world to me then.

    I watched Star Trek and Dr.Who. I went to school outside the area I came from, so had almost no one I knew around where I lived. My best friend was Rebbica, she was such a tom-boy. She thought me to play Doctors and Nurses, and gave me my first clemontine (type of orange). She moved to Brussels in 4th class. My other good friend Barry, was kept back a year when we moved up to 5th class. I once fought 3 6th classers for our football pitch time, at main break, I didn't even play football and I lost. But I'll never forget it.

    I had a crush on Meave MacCulla, who was in the class below me, she wrote poetry, read horror novels and didn't want anything to do with me, I asked her out every day of 5th class. She said no every time. I asked her out when I went into 1st year, she said yes and I stood her up by accident.

    Hated secondary school, had to wear a horrible petrol blue uniform. Loved having to wear a tie. Messed up my chances with Erin Rathsford, when she siad yes to going to the Friday Disco with me, I asked her what I should wear. *shakes head*

    Anyway, It over all wasn't great, I was bullied, had no friends, but wouldn't change a second of it, because I am who I am because of it all.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 69 ✭✭malecO

    Well, I have been told that when I was a toddler I used have a habit of swinging back and forth on various things. One of which was a door which would hit off a sharp piece of metal every time I swinged on it, eventually leading to a hole being eroded through the door. Around this time I also bopped my dad's nose so hard that I broke it as he tried to pick me up and cuddle me. Then lots of other stuff happened which leads up to now, being 16 and just having finished my last year at ctyi.

  • Registered Users Posts: 149 ✭✭twirly sponge

    Originally posted by mentalimplosion
    nobody at boards knows much about my childhood, except for kate and i'd like to keep it that way.

    If anyone wants to know anything related to ana's childhood just send a fiver my way and information shall be yours.

    I don't remember my childhood a whole lot, but I do know I never fell down the stairs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    kate, if you dare....

  • Registered Users Posts: 149 ✭✭twirly sponge

    to tell the truth, I can't remember you telling me anything, although I could probably think of something if I thought long and hard about it...but I couldn't be bothered. Unless someone wants to send me the aforementioned fiver, then I would think.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46 PurplePainter

    Hehehe how about $4.50? Its all I can spare! by the way, Helloooo girlies... now Kate *drags kate to corner*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    oooh just remembered I had an imaginary friend called Lowly (what a giveaway eh?)....

    Oh and I always stood up to the school bullies in primary. Heh...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭Liquorice

    I remember having lots of toys, and I can't remember not having a computer. I remember falling down the stairs a lot. I remember being bullied in school for being a nerd, not sporty, and fitting under the title 'uncool'. I remember my first day of school. I remember my first ballet lesson at age four. My imaginary friend bullied me, don't ask me why. My earliest memory is from about age three, I was in my grandad's house for Christmas, and I got a dolls house from 'Santa'. I remember seeing it for the first time, and also my dad trying to fit it into the car.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    ok, i know i said this thread was a load of uninteresting bullplop but a girl changes every now and agin. it's a beautiful process called indecision

    my earliest memory was not being able to blow out the candles on my 2nd birthday cake and hiding under the table, like aine, i rememeber a LOT of dance lessons from a young age, but i always hated ballet. i rememeber an awful lot of hospitals, i remember when i first moved to ireland and starting at my new school. and then its a blur until CTYI, pretty much

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 74 ✭✭:D mags :D

    My earliest memory is when I was three, throwing a yoghurt carton into the fire and by mistake throwing a spoon in with it. And getting in serious trouble for it too. I dunno, maybe spoons were hard to come by those days...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Hmm... my first memory is of falling down the stairs aged 3. 'Twas also the first time I tried that new fangled "holding onto the bannisters" thing. Nice to see irony was alive and well back then too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 76 ✭✭Shoeless Ailbhe

    I can't remember my first memory.

    Yes I know that makes no sense, but there's an explanation.

    My parents started home videos of me when I was about 1, capturing some very cyte moments, embaressing moments and moments perfect fot you've been framed. These videos continued for years and years, and now, I can't decipher whether I remember a memory or whether I only remember it cos I saw the video. The only memories I'm sure I have are ones that weren't recorded, and I don't remember very much!

    Oh well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 69 ✭✭malecO

    Originally posted by Shoeless Ailbhe
    I can't remember my first memory........etc....

    Oh well.

    That's probably right for me too. The earliest stuff that I seem to remember was probably told to me by my parents or someone like that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 76 ✭✭Squeee

    My earliest memory was sitting in front of the tv about aged three, watching "Fun House" (surprise, surprise) Overall, I'd have to say I had a pretty good childhood, I was just too much of a whiny little brat to appreciate it. I was always upset and crying. I'd have killed me. But I got blamed for everything in my house coz I was the youngest....unfair.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭Liquorice

    Really? I've always been blamed for everything because I'm the oldest. :mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭ll=llannah

    my childhood was actually not that bad, come to think of it. and i remember quite a bit of it, as well.
    i read. ALOT.
    and wrote. ALOT. (yes, when i was really little i wrote stories...lots and lots of them)
    and did basically anything, including sitting in an empty room just thinking, that involved my imagination.
    i managed to fit in with people at school practically effortlessly until the pre-teen years when all the girls at my school started wearing loads of makeup and jeans that looked like they needed to be sewed on to them, and only believed in themselves when a socially 'acceptable' guy made a pass at them or when the crowd thought to be popular liked them. and that was when i sat in a corner and read. yes, i was one of those little bookworms. but, in retrospect, i had alot of fun just reading and not caring what they thought. i was never really teased much, though, and besides a few friends who completely stabbed me in the back when i was younger, i've been pretty lucky in terms of finding friends and fitting in without changing who i am.
