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severe dislikes

  • 18-08-2003 1:11pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭

    inspired by the interests thread, i was wondering what everyone really hates doing.

    me, i hate:

    making beds
    walking in irritating boots!
    washing dishes
    cleaning out the rabbit's hutch
    conversing with idiots(hey, i take offense to that...-sparky)
    thinking of things i hate......... damn



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭nosmo

    Wenches (unless they're medevil beer wenches (YAY!CLEVAGE!))
    Unwarrantedly arrogant people
    Attractive Females (*shakes fist*)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    yo, this is sparky. oh. and ana.we are happy to see that someone else is as sad as us.:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭nosmo

    Ampallang?? sore. >_<

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    i'm sorry, sparky is just after hijacking my account. he's the 'sad' one. etc etc etc:mad:

    why i oughta..........

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael


    Ignorant people who think they know everything and refuse to believe that they might possibly be wrong


    Small children (ie 1-7)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,738 ✭✭✭Barry Aldwell

    I really hate having to take off my boots. i love my boots, but taking them off is torture.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭Mystic Fibrosis

    Being toyed with. It's happened so many times it's just becoming a LITTLE annoying.
    Blunt objects.
    Manufactured creativity.
    Liars/ Fake people.
    People who think we world is a beautiful place.
    People. Except for a notable few.
    Good & Evil.
    I can go on for a while...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭Asuka

    Youre full of shit.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭Mystic Fibrosis

    To the brim, baby :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,738 ✭✭✭Barry Aldwell

    You're also full of hate. For a person. Who you recently broke off ties from. Oh yes. I have IRC logs.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭Liquorice

    Being thought of as innocent or naive
    Having to walk long distances in my prostitute boots
    Blisters. On my feet(see above).
    Being patronised
    Eating. It's such a huge botheration. Why couldn't we have evolved so our organs can create all of our essential nutrients?
    Certain people
    Certain aspects of human nature
    Annoying little spoilt children
    Being told that boycotting McDonalds/Coca-Cola and being a vegetarian isn't going to drive the aforementioned companies out of existence or stop people eating meat. I'M AWARE!
    That seems to be all I can think of for now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 250 ✭✭Plasticman

    People who deliberately irritate, annoy, or assault random for strangers for reasons which do not hold up to ANY kind of scrutiny.

    Prudish people who try to restrain you from things because it goes against THEIR belief system, even if it is perfectly legal, safe, rational, and otherwise beneficial/not malign.

    Judgement on basis other than actions/intent.

    Other's trying to control one's fate.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    Originally posted by Mystic Fibrosis


    NO. that's not allowed. i may not be one, but many of my friends are. and i take MAJOR offense to that. seriously mister, i'm very mad. just because of a couple of paedophile priests, as well as those annoying preacher guys who don't like sin, or whatever other reasons you have, you cannot, and willnot condemn all of the perfectly admirable christians of the world, many of whom share similar beliefs to mine (but not about homsexuality. grr)

    ps sorry if i inadverantly offended anyone in this speech i just made :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 408 ✭✭purplepolkadot

    1 i HATE when people make me feel stupid, cos i'm not stupid.

    2 i HATE when i say something like "whoa, these trousers do nothing for my arse", and one of the girl friends go "But, You're Not Fat, Lisa". INEVERSAIDIWAS. that really gets on my tits.

    3 Rude people are Scum and should be Slaughtered

    4 i HATE when people take my diet coke (for example), without asking me (rude), drink 3/4 of it (rude), backwash (ming), half-rip off the label (annoying), play with the bottle so it gets all flat (i can't very well drink it then, can i? CAN I?!?a certain lady did it everyday, at least twice in ctyi. when she wasn't perioding all over the place.

    5 PEOPLE WHO LITTER SHOULD HAVE PAIN INFLICTED ON THEM WITH A BIG RUSTY SPOON, they're just ****e like, and it's even worse when the litter is RIGHT THERE BESIDE THE BIN

    i don't like avril lavigne, or the worship of the former, i wouldn't go so far as to say i hate the girl, cos i'm sure she's lovely, but well, she's a big mangey hypocritical liar with ****e music. that just popped into my head. i don't like westlife's cover of rainbow zephyr either. and i don't like it when people assume some band or whatever is ****e cos they haven't heard about them or read about them in some magazine. and i really don't like it when people let their tastes be controlled by magazines like Q or stuff like MTV. that's ****e.

    i quite like some of other people's hates. i LOVE making beds and washing dishes. and eating has to be one of my favourite pastimes. and well, you always need a few people with morals knocking around.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 theymademedoit your list, you had both "ignorant people" and "christians". is that meant to be ironic? :confused::confused::confused::confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭Mystic Fibrosis

    Originally posted by theymademedoit your list, you had both "ignorant people" and "christians". is that meant to be ironic? :confused::confused::confused::confused:

    Not at all.

    My beef with christianity is that I believe that NO organized religion should have power in the world. You can deny it, but they DO have power. I think that's wrong. It's not an anarchic thing I have, it's that your belief in a deity doesnt entitle you to ****. Also, your beliefs also do NOT entail you to kill thousands of people who do not believe in your god.

    I have no problem with those who believe and worship God. I'm all for choice. But the christian church has some SERIOUS issues.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 250 ✭✭Plasticman

    I agree that the church as an organisation can be corrupt. You can dig up a couple of old rants on the site, and if you were at CTY session 1 '02, you might remember me dominating a certain discussion on catholicism, ranting for about 20 minutes before the RA's changed subject. Ah, those were the days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭nosmo

    Originally posted by Mystic Fibrosis
    Also, your beliefs also do NOT entail you to kill thousands of people who do not believe in your god..
    And by saying this do you mean that you can be justified to kill by other means? I'm really sick of the generic "I don't like christians" mantra.. SO ****ING WHAT.. you don't like them, along with thousands of others, many of whom may claim to be christians! EVERYONE knows that christians have done wrong, but comdemning the whole christian population for something done by a minority (catholics) is as bad as saying the (supposed) attacks upon the pentagon and the world trade center were the fault of Islam.

    gss, bitch


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    isn't george bush catholic?

    another thing i hate: when you're sitting in the art gallery, quietly doing a prelim sketch of a painting and a big bunch of italian/spanish students walk RIGHT in front of the painting and stand there, burbling in their language for about 45 minutes while you sit there, frying in your own rage.

    and when you're drawing the turtles in the natural history museum and some schwwaa child comes up and say, really loud, ''THIS GIRL HERE IS DRAWING!!!!''

    sorry, i just had to get that one out of me. :mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 102 ✭✭Happy CTYI guy

    Lack of food
    lack of money
    lack of anything on TV (blast you parents)
    schwaa kids in any quantity
    80's music
    power cuts
    boring meaningless sermons
    school mornings

    yeah that's it

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 372 ✭✭Outcast

    I hate:
    The simpsons
    precocious people
    pop music
    couples (when i'm not with anyone)
    leaving ctyi!

    Happy CTYI guy are you Chris "God"?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭claire h

    Originally posted by Outcast
    precocious people

    You mean those talented-youth brats? Yeah, can't stand 'em... ;)

    -- giving people the impression that I'm ditzy (pah, they're not supposed to know that!)
    -- Chemistry (the academic subject-kind, not, y'know, that kind)
    -- cleaning
    -- George W Bush
    -- people who sit next to you on the bus when there's plenty of free seats elsewhere. Gah.
    -- patronising idiots
    -- feeling/being inferior
    -- people who are overly pretentious about their musical tastes
    -- homophobia
    -- idealism
    -- narrow-minded obnoxious oppresive Religion teachers
    -- any time before 8am, unless it's a matter of still being awake from the night before

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 178 ✭✭Dalamar

    People who thing george bush is doing 'a good thing'.
    Small children. everyone says they're cute, but all they do is cry and scream.
    pop-up ads.
    annoying banner ads.
    scratched cds/dvds.
    stupid webpages made for boardband connections.
    Flash intros on web-sites.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31,967 ✭✭✭✭Sarky

    Dog farts.:mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Cait

    people who try and justify their vegetarianism by saying things like 'we just weren't made to eat meat'. if we weren't made to eat meat then we couldn't damn it!

    (i don't get how anyone can dislike eating :) it's one of my favourite activities)

    laziness....that's damn annoying.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Miss-Misery

    Watching as you and those around you are screwed by the hellish gods of CAO. Turns out i hate that. Funny that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭Lil' Jesus

    - Leaving CTYI
    - Skangers
    - Sheep (people who follow other blindly because its 'cool')
    - People who gladly admit theyre sheep because they think THATS cool
    - blindly religous teachers who force people to pray
    - people who punch my pretty face for having curly hair and not giving them my phone
    - any type of predjudice person
    - poeple who act like they dont know when all you did was act like a moron and dance the like the crazy bish you are
    - my school, if you could call it that
    - my own stupidity in being a damn commuter 2 years in a row
    - people who think they cant be wrong
    - adults who think theyre better than you because they 'have more experience'
    - people who rant on to me about how 'stupid being a vegetarian is' when i ask for a lend of their friggin card, just say no people im in a hurry!
    - people who cycle over to you to tell you you have no life, actually that was kind of funny
    - the fact that i never even got to have a sip of jolt because of my lack of money, brokeness and financially challengedness
    - the fact that i missed a lot of reunions
    - the fact that i was a total recluse last year at CTYI
    - a lotta other things about me :p
    - people who steal a certain persons gnome hat
    - people who steal MY hat that covers my shameful hair, actually, that was funny too, hehehe
    - work that requires effort
    - doing anything other than lazing around the house
    - laziness, how i loathe it!
    - people who have the nerve to not hug total strangers, oh wait, there were none of those in CTYI, huzzah!

    Well, thats all i can puke right now. Im off to ponder over why most of my dislikes were about people. :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 Forge

    i dont like hitting my head repeatedly with some sorta magestical unicorn.
    but thats just me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,446 ✭✭✭Havelock

    In no paticular order;

    -Organised Churchs, no problems what so ever with organised religion, what really gets up my nose is someone telling you they are the authority of gods will. I prefere dictators whom at least tell you its their own meglomania or what ever that gives them the right to persicute your fellow man. Anyone who uses a god or gods as an excuse or reason should be summarily put into the presence of the afore mentioned deity, so they can ask persmission, preferably slowly.

    -The ignorant. Those whom choose to be.

    -The ugly. Shudders, yes I'm that shallow, not apologising for it. They should have their own Island or something so that they don't offend our eyes. (and yes I know about the whole hating the ignorant and then being so blantently ignorant myself)

    -The stupid, see above.

    -People who correct my spelling

    -Women who use strange men on buses as a weapon of fear against small children ("If you don't behave, I'll tell the man over there, and he'll take your toy away") I'm usally all for children asking questions and being inqusitive, shows potential to learn, and I hate being portraied as the bad guy. Evil ok, but not bad.

    -Study, needs no explaination.

    -Forceful vegitatians, face it, I will eat meat even if its from the last cutest animal on earth. If a cow had half a chance he'd eat you and everyone you cared for!

    -People with no sense of humour, espeically the depressed who can't take a joke about depression.

    -Dentists. Novacaine, needles, that goo-stuff for taking imprints *vomits**shudders.

    -RB gansta rappers with the down wit their homies, etc etc....

    -Football hooilgans

    -People who claim to know about military matters or firearms, but their information is only what they garnished from CS and othe rcomputer games (you lot are the saddest human beings on the planet and I will hunt you all down)

    -People who complain about couples,when I am in one.

    -Couples, when I'm not.

    -Smoking, smokers, smokes, smoke. (hahaha Jan 1st 2004)

    -Mini-rockers, skate boarders mini-bars (any mini anything)etc

    -"Ists", racists, agestist. Technicially makes me an Istist.

    -Computer viruses

    -NTL, I have my reasons

    -George Bush

    Theres many more, will add too later, after lunch.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 76 ✭✭Squeee

    What I hate most of all is when people come up to you and say they've "got a syringe (I no spell) filled with blood", tell me to give them my money, don't EVEN SHOW ME THE ****ING SYRINGE BUT HAVE MY FRIEND BY THE ARM SO I CAN'T EVEN CALL THEIR BLUFF BECAUSE IT'S NOT ME THAT'S AT RISK. God i hate them.
    I also hate:
    Slane (I didn't get a ticket)
    False people
    People who can't see through false people (I don't hate them, they can sometimes be a tad frustrating)
    People who do everything for attention
    People desperate to be thought of as "cool"
    A lot of people
    Aggressive people
    People who only see things from their point of view (everyone does it at some stage..yes yes, that includes me)
    People who attempt to force their beliefs on me
    People who try to catagorize or stereotype me
    Intellect snobs
    The damned sun
    Bees and wasps (my enemies)
    Clowns (ever since my very recent trip to the circus...)
    There was a lot of people. Well, now I'm feeling horribly angry and aggressive thinking about all these things and must fix it.....
    I like:
    Eccentric people
    Friendly people (not in that way......well, that way too.)
    Musicals (I'm so ashamed)
    Destroying *******
    The beach
    And otherstuff, I don't need to mention it as I feel less homicidal.
