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severe dislikes



  • Registered Users Posts: 76 ✭✭Squeee

    Hey! This thing wouldn't let me say b u b b l e s! That's not a bad word. That's ridiculous. I like destroying b u b b l e s.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭Liquorice

    Some more things I dislike severely:
    The Sun
    People who put on pretences
    The glamorising of gun violence in the media
    The glamorising or even just ignoring of hard drugs(cocaine, LSD etc)in the media, when relatively harmless drugs(in reasonable doses) such as marijuana are given out about
    My permanently pregnant science teacher who can't teach
    Microsoft. I wants me a Mac.
    Getting blamed for everything my sister does
    Avril Lavigne, Amy Studt and their army of poseurlicious pre-teens, mini-rockers etc.
    Computer viruses
    Being forced into a stereotype or label
    Not being allowed to do certain things because my parents are afraid that people will put me into a label that they don't like

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭ll=llannah

    people who follow other people like sheep to seem like cool sheep when they are really falling off a cliff.
    people who don't like candles because they don't have an on/off switch.
    people who tell me i dream too much.
    the sun.
    when my laptop doesn't like me.
    dust on old picture frames.
    when all the swings are taken.
    those damned arcade games. cause they always do the opposite of what i want them to do. ALWAYS.
    people telling me i'm tall. (REALLY?! THANKS, I HADN'T NOTICED.)
    distances which are too big and distances which are too small, depending on my mood.
    when the annoying voice in the subway car comes on the loudspeaker asking me for my patience. (it assumes i have patience. when in the subway, i never do. how presumptuous.)
    when i'm typing out a list like this and realize it's only annoying me and am about to delete it but realize that i might as well post the damned thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭nosmo

    Just a note, the only way in which LSD is a hard drug is in legal classification. There is no chance of addiction, and in proper moderation, it is harmless. The only person who has the right to classify drugs as hard/soft is YOU.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,446 ✭✭✭Havelock

    More stuff:


    -Rapists (thought I'm sure they count under the ist's, they are so loathsome that they must be mentioned)

    -Corrupt Politicans, who harm the environment, education or health sectors. Grrr.

    -People who don't wash enought

    -Dirt in general

    -Computer viruses, bastard bolloxing machine code.

    -Ireland's strict firearm laws, I want a damn gun!

    -Ireland's loose drinking laws, well the approach taken towards drinking here anyway. Drunks smell so bad.

    -People who are cruel to animals.

    -George Bush

    -Dublin Bus

    -Error 404's

    -Learning about Network Protocols

    -Pop up ads

    -Cost of living in Ireland

    -Not living in France, and not having access to good food, great wine, fabulous chocolate and proper summers.

    -Stag and Hen Nights in Temple Bar



    -Being Sick

    Enought of that, now for what I like

    -Life at the moment
    -Listening to good music
    -Facing a worthy enemy on the fields of battle.(Real or Computer based fields)
    -Good Books
    -Nice views
    -New Clothes
    -Heated Debates (arguments)
    -Good Friends

    Thats all folks!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    Originally posted by nosmo
    Just a note, the only way in which LSD is a hard drug is in legal classification. There is no chance of addiction, and in proper moderation, it is harmless. The only person who has the right to classify drugs as hard/soft is YOU.

    In fairness now you can only state that once you've tried it. otherwise all you're doing is spouting off anti-drug law websites. tbh any drug is dangerous at any time. i've had terrible times when i've been stoned/drunk and vice versa. you can have a bad trip on anything that alters your mind in anyway, whether its alcohol, marijuana, shrooms, LSD, coke, etc.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭Liquorice

    Hey, I wanted to point that out *pouts*. Except in a slightly bitchier and more patronising way, seeing as he made that point because of my post. I severly dislike it when people spoil my fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,738 ✭✭✭Barry Aldwell

    One thing that really gets on my (sexeh, man) tits is people pushing their religious beliefs (or lack thereof) on others. I'm not talking about the mainstream catholic church. I'm talking about the nutjobs in town that go around pissing people off and preaching to them, and individuals that use even a mention of religion to start telling people about their beliefs and why they are wrong if they believe otherwise. I have seen athiests do this, as well as religious people. Why can't people just let others believe what they want to believe, once it doesn't harm them. Conversely, at my aunt's funeral recently, one of my cousins noticed that I wasn't praying during the funeral. Thus started a day of being constantly asked why I don't believe in god. Hypocrites.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,326 ✭✭✭pretty*monster

    - ignorant people
    -people who bitch about attention seekers (cos come on EVERYONE wants attention)
    -being grounded
    -the crappy tv they show during the summer
    -when people point out that "healthy" food like eggs and bread are also bad for you
    -having bags under my eyes
    -housework, and people who care that there houses might be a little messy. (i'm quite a fan aff mess)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,738 ✭✭✭Barry Aldwell

    Originally posted by pretty*monster
    -people who bitch about attention seekers (cos come on EVERYONE wants attention)
    Generally when someone bitches about an attention seeker they are being genuinely annoyed by them. Many times this year at CTYI I wanted to blow up the 12 year old attention whore in my class with high explosives, then to grind what remained into dust, and to shoot the dust into the center of the sun.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭Aliminator

    Originally posted by Barry Aldwell
    Generally when someone bitches about an attention seeker they are being genuinely annoyed by them. Many times this year at CTYI I wanted to blow up the 12 year old attention whore in my class with high explosives, then to grind what remained into dust, and to shoot the dust into the center of the sun.

    :Neil. u say i'm confrontational. all i wanted to do was nuke this fuker

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 250 ✭✭Plasticman

    When people come up to you and ask you to do a free personality test so they can embroil you in their evil schemes. Namely that scientologist who wouldn't leave me alone today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 76 ✭✭Squeee

    Originally posted by pretty*monster
    - ignorant people
    -people who bitch about attention seekers (cos come on EVERYONE wants attention)

    You are quite wrong there. There will always be people who only wish to be left alone and ignored and I'm not even talking about the ones who pretend this for attention. And the people I was referring to are the ones who constantly need attention and to be admired by everyone and where, everything they do is simply a ploy to get more and more attention. I'm sorry, but those people kinda sicken me. Often, they make up a lot of stuff about themselves for more attention. Icky.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 402 ✭✭Man U babe

    There's very little that I really hate (ok, my old english teacher from leaving cert came close) but severe dislike is more appropriate.

    I severely dislike:
    -Skateboarders. Especially the annoying little bastards who see fit to skateboard right under the library building in UCD during the study week right before the exams.

    -Microsoft. it just hurts that I have to sell xboxes in work.

    -Computer Services. Self-explanatory.

    -Dublin Bus. Whoever saw fit not to put a decent direct bus link between tallaght and belfield deserves the frowning of a lifetime.:mad:

    -Religious fanatics who try to force their beliefs on me. I choose not to believe in god, thats nobody's business but my own.

    -Drunk old guys who try it on with me when im out, and are then impossible to get rid of.

    -Those people in town who try to make me give money to the hanly centre."im a broke student" doesnt seem to work with them.

    -the fact that i dont get paid enough to buy all the games i want

    -going through all the channels on ntl digital only to find out that theres still nothing on

    -the fact that theres no consistency between different clothes shops in their sizes. i can be anything from an 8 to a 14. grr.

    -when perk is out of cranberry and white chocolate muffins.

    -the irish weather

    -the fact that i have to wait for mario kart and f-zero gx to come out on the gamecube. I want them NOW, dammit!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    Originally posted by Man U babe

    -Those people in town who try to make me give money to the hanly centre."im a broke student" doesnt seem to work with them.

    yeah, and when they stop you and say ''you have pretty eyes, so give me charity money''. or when concern are telling you about starving african children and they say ''you're a pretty girl, pretty girls know what hunger is, they know what it is to starve''. yeah, of course i'll give you money, ****ers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 444 ✭✭s0l

    - Those bastards who cancel tv shows.

    - When you pooh and the water splashs up onto your underside.

    - The location of where I live (I love the view, the house, the air but it's just annoyingly out of the way... I love my internet)

    - Esat.. nuff said.

    - Pretensious tits.

    - People who take drugs, like customs and the police! (stolen from Hugh, but it's a great line :))

    - The fact that we've only ever had 6 people on at once on the #ctyi room on quakenet *pimp pimp pimp*

    The thing is though I don't really hate any of that, i just dislike it... although i may appear to be an angry person I'm just excitable.

    But there is one thing that I really can't stand and that's when friends **** me around.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    Mother of God, a lot of you are hate filled little beings. I must go now and lament upon the days of happiness that seem to have passed forever.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 rollover

    my dislikes..
    pretentious women
    arrogant people
    taxi drivers
    spanish ppl
    wannabe knackers
    teen goths and avril lavigne wannabes
    subway for their substandard food
    prices in ireland(if they dont justify quality which they dont for the most part,they shouldnt justify exorbitant pricing)
    bouncers(****in idiots..never met a sound one)
    excessive makeup on girls
    rich countries who give **** all to poor countries
    the government for profiteering from our alcoholic culture
    drunken idiots in public places
    pop-up ads (esp obvious on american websites)
    ...more to come..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 theymademedoit

    if thats the case, shouldnt you hate the organised religion side, not the christians themselves?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 69 ✭✭malecO

    Only one thing to say.

    *****FRENCH SCUMBAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*****

    they robbed my phone, damn then.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭Aliminator

    chancer's antics

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 292 ✭✭Spenguin

    My dislikes:

    People who think its funny to kick a sheep thats really close to the edge of a cliff so it falls off. Cos thats not funny.
    When windows crashes. All the time.
    Lumpy mattresses
    People who steal three jam donuts and a capri-sun from my fridge in CTYI and then follow me to the bathroom. *shudders.
    Being attacked in risk.
    When something you've been really looking forward to for ages ends up being bad.
    People who only like something because its cool.
    People who kill for fun.

    Now the things I do like:

    A combination of the two.
    Annoying Richard about his poofie hair.
    Invader zim.
    Free money, loike.
    And, Russians.

  • Registered Users Posts: 149 ✭✭twirly sponge

    Originally posted by s0l
    [B- The location of where I live (I love the view, the house, the air but it's just annoyingly out of the way... I love my internet)

    But there is one thing that I really can't stand and that's when friends **** me around. [/B]

    Those two are the things i hate more than anything. Well actually, it's not so much the location of where i live, it's more the fact that people who i want to see RIGHT NOW live so far away.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,446 ✭✭✭Havelock

    Man U babe: Is it true, is there some one who see's throught the evil ploys of Sony and Microsoft, that the only good console is a nintendo one. Excellent, everthing is now falling into place. Anyway good taste there lassie (as in Scotish for girl, not dog. Realised offence may have been taken)

    Is it just me or should we stop this thread, its rather depressing, people you are back in school in two weeks, college in 4-5 weeks. Lets talk about happier things, like Red Pandas, not quite a bear, not quite a cat, sort of a monkey type creature. Fabulous things really.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭Liquorice

    Don't worry, I hate Microsoft too, but I'm stuck with it because only it and Linux will run on my sister and I's PC, and my dad thinks that Linux would be too hard for my sister to operate. And I can't get a Mac because I'm broke(like I'd have enough cash for one anyway) and the money in my account is being put towards my 'future', most likely for accomodation if I get into Oxford or Cambridge(pleasepleaseplease). Although, having a little sister, I can still exploit her belief in the big fat red-clad guy. Ah, one of the few joys of having younger siblings.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭claire h

    Originally posted by Scarlett
    most likely for accomodation if I get into Oxford or Cambridge(pleasepleaseplease).

    Cambridge is scary and intimidating and aaaaagh-inducing. You're very brave. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭Aliminator

    Get working on that interview technique and all sorts of current affairs. they ask the most pointless things (e.g. in my interview they said: 'who would u put in 100 greatest britains?'....)
    And get those past exam papers. those exams are fuk hard.
    and luck is always a factor. ALWAYS. some years u get useless competition. some years u get nailed and decomposed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 76 ✭✭Squeee

    I have learned that I was wrong. I would much rather muggers didn't show me the syringe (though I'd always tink they had lied) rather than have them "calmly" show it to me. Unpleasent. And neil, if you read this, don't try text jenny, her phones gone. All gone. yes yes, I'm bitter. But this thread is all about bitterness so it's okay. I'm too bitter to start mentioning my likes, I'm in the mood to stay in my bitter cloud of scalding hatred. Nah, It's mostly luke-warm

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 444 ✭✭s0l

    Originally posted by rollover
    ...subway for their substandard food....

    You for saying that! Die you evil supermonkey ****!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    Originally posted by Squeee
    I have learned that I was wrong. I would much rather muggers didn't show me the syringe (though I'd always tink they had lied) rather than have them "calmly" show it to me. Unpleasent. And neil, if you read this, don't try text jenny, her phones gone. All gone. yes yes, I'm bitter. But this thread is all about bitterness so it's okay. I'm too bitter to start mentioning my likes, I'm in the mood to stay in my bitter cloud of scalding hatred. Nah, It's mostly luke-warm

    jaysus you have no idea what that fecking post did to me. couldnt find your number for a bit and didnt want ringing your house in case i woke up the whole family or something and from then on i was "the boyfriend who rings and wakes us all up". glad to know Jenny and you are ok, but dont DO that to me :D
