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An impartial advocate for Sloth

  • 26-08-2003 12:05am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 622 ✭✭✭

    Have any of the admins reconsidered the case for "Sloth/Detonated Sauce/Beck Amerdam" lately?

    I know this guy managed to push you too far a few months back, but if he apologised to you, I don't know why he couldn't be allowed to continue to contribute to

    While at one point he did become abusive to you, I thought that overall, the chap demonstrated a good sense of humour and I considered most of his posts to be quite entertaining. Also, his Detonated Sauce alias created without question the best artwork to have appeared on the pick-n-mix forum yet.

    Up until now, I know that you may not have believed him to be sorry for the offensive way he spoke to you in a couple of threads a few months ago, but from what he has posted lately in the prison forum, I'm inclined to believe he is sincere in his desire to apologise and wipe the slate clean (I've quoted two of his latest posts below).

    I know there may be other matters relating to this that I am not aware of, but based on the posts that I have seen, I think Sloth deserves to be at least considered for "parole".

    Could I ask the administrators of these boards to consider the possibility of allowing him to continue to participate in these boards in as dispassionate a way as possible?

    It might help you to look on his case with fresh eyes if you keep in mind the words of the bard:

    "The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
    It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
    Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;
    It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
    'Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes
    The throned monarch better than his crown"


    PS - As far as I am aware, I do not know Sloth and he does not know me.

    I was trying this time, really I was.
    Give me a second chance! Other people have gotten banned and come back under different usernames...just gimme a chance.
    I think I've learnt from past indescrentions and I'm ready to rejoin society as a fully fledged responsible person. The point of prison should always be to rehabilitate offenders not merely to keep them off the streets away from other people. It was often found amongst prisoners especially those who had been incarcertated for as long a period as I that prison gave them a new found respect for life beyond the barbed wire walls and they became far better citizens once they realised what they had to lose if they were forced to go back. Parole has always been a good method of inforcing released convicts to adhere to some sort of guidelines when they are finally allowed back into society as while they may have the best of intentions sometimes they may get a wee bit carried away with their new found freedom and quickly revert back to their old ways. With a mildly guiding hand though and some sort of structure though the released can actually contribute somewhat to society and the reintegration process can as smoothly as possible. I've looked back on past...mistakes and realised that I may have been a tad forwidth with certain viewpoints and that not realising that picking a fight with the gonvenor of an area is libel to get you into a lot more trouble than simply attacking a peon who no one will miss. Certain avosionist policies would come into effect on my part namely staying the **** out of your way :> It has been a thoughtful period of solmon reflection in here and reflecting on the past events made me realise that I went about things with the wrong method and too much guile for my own good. This should not taint future relationships though I feel. I am sorry for past indescretions and the troubles they may have caused, this was of course fully my fault for backchatting with the teacher like some sort of rowdy student and now that I have gotten a good clip around the ear I feel that things could change but only if you let them. I don't know particularly whether or not you would let things changed but as you said yourself I simply pushed forward too far at a bad time and that I was not prudent enough to know when to stop. This was of course my downfall but it is my personal opinion that certain sleeping dogs should be allowed to sit out of the way in the darkness and all that is left is for me to say sorry. Sorry. Anyways, Star Wars Galaxies was rubbish :>
    Post edited by Shield on


  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    I read his little apology the first time he posted it. He's like a little dancing clown that does tricks on any sort of cue. All that muppetry over a SWG forum, and after he registers his new account his very first post is a long rant about how bad a game it was. Clown I tell you!

    His natural habitat is some sort of epilepsy inducing psychedelic boards with quick reply boxes to promote his 20 post per day oral spillage. He's the classic example of someone with nothing to say and all the determination to say it and say it often.
    Have any of the admins reconsidered the case for "Sloth/Detonated Sauce/Beck Amerdam" lately?

    No, not really.
    I know this guy managed to push you too far a few months back, but if he apologised to you, I don't know why he couldn't be allowed to continue to contribute to

    You can get away with a fair bit on boards in all fairness. If you're getting us that wound up that we ban you, and your second account, then perhaps the first thing you should do before trying to win us over again is to not take great pains to piss us off yet again a short time later.
    As far as I am aware, I do not know Sloth and he does not know me.

    You're not exactly a great character witness then, are you?

    His best chance is to be quiet for long enough that we say "Gosh, what was all that about again? Ooh, look at the pretty pictures." the next time the subject is raised. That includes stupid blog like posts on the prison forum. And no, this isn't a guarantee of anything anytime anywhere. The attitude that we owe him an unbanning, or the courtesy of reconsidering, or a reply, or even the steam off of my piss is something he in particular needs to lose if he's going to get anywhere without pissing me off again.

    Mind you, perhaps DeVore feels more forgiving.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 622 ✭✭✭ColinM

    Good man for the quick reply Ecksor.

    Well, I can't be a character witness who can speak for what he is like outside of the context of his posts here, but I believe I have seen most of the posts made by his aliases, and on the whole, I think that provided he remained respectful to his hosts here, he can be a worthwhile contributor to this online society.

    One thing I don't know is the full circumstance regarding the Beck Amerdam alias being banned. Am I right in thinking that this was his most recent alias and that he was banned as soon as you found out that he was the same poster as Sloth? Was there any other reason for banning him (like say - due to any of his posts under this alias)? I did not realise that this was the same poster until after he was banned.

    I have to agree with you about the other v-bulletin board that Sloth was a member of, Ecksor. I hate animated gifs, high-intensity colours and screen clutter also. I am grateful that has decided not to go down this route.

    I know the decision is yours, but how about testing your opinion on this matter by talking about it with the other admins to see whether they feel you are acting unemotionally about this particular poster? If as you say, DeVore may feel more sympathetic towards him, maybe you could consider a final chance for him? One where he is allowed back under your terms and if he breaks any of these, then he is banned with no chance of reprieve?

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    Originally posted by ColinM
    I did not realise that this was the same poster until after he was banned.

    Well, it was a bit of a riddler vs batman type conundrum alright, the netsource posts on broadband, the 14 posts per day, the starwars galaxies posts, the I AM SLOTH signature ... Each taken individually they don't mean much obviously, but together they weaved an intricate web that seemed to spell out I AM SLOTH.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 622 ✭✭✭ColinM

    Ok, but he did not have the "Sloth" pic in his sig until relatively recently from what I can make out, and I was only aware of the Beck alias through some posts. He did not stand out to me as he had not built up a large amount of posts under this alias, and I don't share his interest in Star Wars Galaxies. I had no reason to chronicle whether his pattern of posting was consistent with the Sloth alias.

    Anyhow - please bear in mind what I have said and sleep on it.

    Cheers for now,

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    Wow, amazing, when those last two (three?) posts were deleted, I magically forgot all about them!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 622 ✭✭✭ColinM

    Leigon sent me a PM sugesting that it would be better (for him obviously, if he is sloth) that they were removed.

    The reason I removed them is that (sucker that I am) I thought it possible that he posted here thinking it would be funny but did not fully realise the implications of his actions.

    I thought it was possible that he had reconsidered what he wrote and came to the conclusion that they weren't funny. Maybe he has reflected and reconsidered his attitutes. Maybe he has re-examined his own mind after re-considering what I have said in my posts.

    Maybe I am just too gullible and willing to give someone a chance though.

    Yes, Ecksor, I made a snap decision and removed them because I thought it possible that you had not seen the posts. I always figured this could be remedied later if I was shown to be wrong about Sloth's change of heart, but leaving them there and removing them later if he had had a genuine change of heart wouldn't have been as workable. I I have kept a record of them and I may post them back depending on Leigon/Sloth's actions from now.

    If he does now post a grovelling and sincere apology to you and DeVore and whoever else he owes one to, then these missing posts are probably best kept out of this thread.

    I agree with you though, that it is more likely that I will find that a leopard who doesn't want to change his spots won't

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,048 ✭✭✭BKtje

    I know nothing of his banning or him at all and can't say one way or the other anything about him. This below quote just hit me as 'eh thats worth a banning'?
    he registers his new account his very first post is a long rant about how bad a game it was

    Are long rants a bannable offence now? cos if they are most people on these boards should be in the prison forum (especially on issues regarding Eircom). I realise he probably did more than just this long rant but i don't see how this can be used as evidence against him.

    Now as i said i don't know anything about him/his ways so it might be better to just ignore this post....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 622 ✭✭✭ColinM

    I have some new information:

    Last night, L3igon told me in a PM that he was not Sloth. He seemed believable.

    Sloth has PMd me just now (using an account that he has not yet posted under) and his communication reads as honest and sincere. Sloth has told me his real name. He has also told me that he is not L3gion. I am tending very much towards believing him.

    He says that he has tried to make steps towards apologising and showing that he has learnt to change his behaviour in IRC discussions, but has been kicked off by Ecksor when he realises who he is, regardless of how he is behaving or what he is saying. I appreciate that he is "the boy who cried wolf one too many times" but if this is true, it is very difficult for him to have the opportunity to make amends or demonstrate that he has changed.

    He also tells me that it was Ecksor who directed him to this thread.

    Sloth tells me that he wants to write a genuine and sincere apology and he has asked me to check it over before he posts it to make sure that it is written in such a way as to minimise the possibility for misinterpretation.

    I am still aware of the fact that I may be being manipulated and that Sloth may be yanking my chain, but I think there is still reason to give the benefit of the doubt for now.

    Let's wait and see what apology is forthcoming...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 622 ✭✭✭ColinM

    Yes BK, I don't think Ecksor was saying anything about the content of his post, but rather that he considered that Sloth was being stupid by having his first post under a new identity be about a subject which was the theme for his original banning.

    I would say that maybe he wasn't trying to hide his identity, but rather say how wrong he was about the game and to demonstrate that he could now post in a respectful way and have something worthwhile to contribute.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    Originally posted by B-K-DzR
    Are long rants a bannable offence now?

    No, they are not. Long rants are often informative and educational as I often demonstrate when I get up on my high horse of infallibility and preach to the filth. I'm sure you've had the privilege of reading them every now and again and by golly if not then stick around.

    However, the point is merely that he got banned in the first place for his tireless campaign to get a star wars galaxy forum, greatest thing ever, boards can't do without it, can't shut up about, by god one more post should wind them up just enough that we'll get one, even when they tell us to go cool off for a couple of days, nearly there, yes yes yes, I can taste that gamey goodness now, my life for the next few years is probably hinging on this admin decision since this momentous game is going to rule my life. Surely it was good, I mean, have you ever seen a movie spin off game that wasn't good?

    THEN, after all that, he registers a new account and his first post is a long rant about how bad SWG is as a game. SHOCK! Did that make me laugh? Yes, yes it did. Does it make him a clown? Yes, yes it does. Does it (pay attention now, here comes the point) make him unlikely to be someone you can take seriously at all? Yes, yes it does. Did I ban him for this? NO, no I didn't. He was banned for the **** he did as sloth. I banned him again for being Sloth. Boards isn't an arcade game where you slot(h) in 10p more and you get an extra life and a clean slate if I can help it.

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  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    Originally posted by ColinM
    He says that he has tried to make steps towards apologising and showing that he has learnt to change his behaviour in IRC discussions, but has been kicked off by Ecksor when he realises who he is, regardless of how he is behaving or what he is saying.

    No no. Pay attention here. I said that his best strategy is to make me forget that he exists. Addressing me or talking to me at all is unwelcome. I don't want to know. That is reasonably well defined behaviour in my opinion.
    He also tells me that it was Ecksor who directed him to this thread.

    I pasted the link in to the IRC channel while he happened to be in the channel. This does not imply that I was pasting in there for his individual consumption.
    Sloth tells me that he wants to write a genuine and sincere apology and he has asked me to check it over before he posts it to make sure that it is written in such a way as to minimise the possibility for misinterpretation.

    I know exactly how I'll react and what action I will take. Don't waste your time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 622 ✭✭✭ColinM

    I have some new information from my "client"!

    Sloth has PMd me to say that Ecksor gave him the link to this thread on IRC last night and said "Sloth you should really keep up with happenings related to you"

    He also says that he asked some of his friends from the other boards website (mentioned by Ecksor above) whether any of them was L3igon. They said that none of them were and that they had no idea who L3igon was, but that apparently a few of them assumed that I was Sloth!

    I hope I don't need to actually state that I'm not.

    L3igon has not PMd me today, but as his (deleted) contributions to this post have been a spanner in the works so far, it would help alot if he PMd me to tell me exactly who he is and what his agenda is.

    Sloth tells me that he is now about to begin the slow process of writing a heartfelt apology. Let's wait and see what he has to say. I hope you will receive it with an open mind when it is offered.

    I think that may be all for the moment,

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Ok, here's how this breaks down.
    Sloth is an idiot. The type of idiot who, in a crowd, must be the centre of attention. Unfortunately he has no redeeming qualities or reasons for anyone to pay attention to him so he acts the fool.
    We all grew up with someone like that in school.

    Here's the funny thing. He can come back (and may have already!) if he can stay off our radar. Think about it, so long as he doesnt repeat the idiocy that got him banned in the first place... we wont know if Sloth has returned now will we?
    On the other hand, if he comes back and persists in being an idiot we'll spot him a mile off and ban him again.
    But "Sloth" is dead.

    Personally I dont know what all the fuss is about, one banned muppet...who cares?


  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    Originally posted by ColinM
    Sloth has PMd me to say that Ecksor gave him the link to this thread on IRC last night and said "Sloth you should really keep up with happenings related to you"

    This is a lie, and as such ensures that Sloth will never get back on boards if I can help it.
    I hope I don't need to actually state that I'm not.

    If I thought you were, you'd be banned already. If you need to explain explicitly that you're not, then you need to think about whether you're putting yourself at risk of being banned. Being Sloth is a bannable offence remember. Stop bringing this up.
    Sloth tells me that he is now about to begin the slow process of writing a heartfelt apology. Let's wait and see what he has to say. I hope you will receive it with an open mind when it is offered.

    It won't. I'm in the quick and convenient process of making sure that he doesn't send any more private messages or register any new accounts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 622 ✭✭✭ColinM

    I have certainly considered the possibility that you may ban me because I have chosen to act as an intermediary for Sloth.

    This very fact should show that I believe strongly enough that I am right about him to risk this. I have always believed in standing up for what I believe is right.

    I have asked Sloth to mail me his apology if the PM method does not work.

    With respect Ecksor, I think it is evident from what you have said that you are not in the position right now to act on this without your judgement being tempered by emotion.

    I will PM you my phone number because I think that we may be able to make better progress by speaking to each other about this. Please PM me before calling.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    Originally posted by ColinM
    With respect Ecksor, I think it is evident from what you have said that you are not in the position right now to act on this without your judgement being tempered by emotion.

    That's irrelevant. Anyway, I'm not nearly as emotional as I may seem, I'm just amazed at the crap I read before me.
    I will PM you my phone number because I think that we may be able to make better progress by speaking to each other about this. Please PM me before calling.

    I'm most amazed by the fact that my suggestion of making less noise has been countered by the brilliant tactic of making more noise. That my absolute statements of no chance of redemption are seen as some sort of hope best answered by more pestering and annoyance. I wouldn't ban you for defending or standing up for Sloth (I would start to question your motives and intelligence mind you), but at the point where you're not taking a definite final answer as a definite final answer and answering with further rubbish then you are entering into bannable territory. At this point you are acting exactly as Sloth did to start all of this.

    Leave it alone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,048 ✭✭✭BKtje

    Now that you gone into a bit more detail i do actually remember Sloth, vaguely.
    THEN, after all that, he registers a new account and his first post is a long rant about how bad SWG is as a game
    A lot of people changed their mind once they actually saw the game and how it was nothing special. That said he really was a muppet for going on about trying to get a forum before actually playing the game. (at least this is what i assumed happened)

    Any way i'll stop posting now as my points are not totally relevant to the main topic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 622 ✭✭✭ColinM

    Ok, I realise that the ball, the pitch, the goalposts - everything are yours. Out of respect for you and your property (, I will leave this for now. You have my number if you change your mind.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    ecksor you don't post often, but when you do its class. That may be the first praise i've ever given a mod/admin here so that il tell you something.

    Btw don't forget sloth accuse you both of being bent, and not in the good "i'm happy" way, but in the " itake candy from babies" way. And he said you where fat, seriously

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Look, "Sloth" isnt coming back. Not now, not ever. If he can successfully stay off my radar then he's obviously seriously changed. Other then that I dont need an apology, a confession or an ass-kissing. He's not coming back. Period.

    Look, the guy was a moron... he created more work for me then EVERY OTHER USER OF THE SITE COMBINED during his time here.

    You know what... can you point to an upside for me to let him back? cos I seriously cant think of one.

    *shrug* "Sloth" is never coming back.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,836 ✭✭✭BigCon

    This thread, taken together with the "Open letter to DeVore" one are two of the most entertaining threads that I have ever read! I haven't laughted so much in a long time...
    As if anyone cares here's my take on it:

    (1) Sloth is a pain in the ass

    (2) ColinM seems to be just a little too eager (like the one guy who always wants to dress as a woman at a fancy dress party).

    (3) ecksor is too easily upset by sloth and his attorney ColinM.

    (4) DeVore is pissed off at the whole pedantic affair.

    (5) BigCon should stop typing before he incurs the wrath of the admins...

    Thanks for the laughs guys!!!:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    To be fair, I doubt ecks cares that much. I'd say he's laughing his ass off at the stupidity of it all (and Colin in particular)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Originally posted by Boston

    Btw don't forget sloth accuse you both of being bent, and not in the good "i'm happy" way, but in the " itake candy from babies" way. And he said you where fat, seriously

    Boston posts on thread pertaining to multiple account banning.....

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