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Xbox - the poor thing



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,107 ✭✭✭TheSonOfBattles

    Haha, god I had so much fun reading through this thread.

    The truth is, all three consoles are good, just depends on which games you like and what your going to use it for.

    The ps2, cause it has her-uge third party support, and a large back list of games, so you'll always have a choice, and you know games are going to be released for it.

    The xbox, cause it's got the built in hard drive, xbox live, and you can chip it, and use it a really nice divx box.

    And the gamecube, cause well, it's got Link, Mario and Shigeru Miyamato, one of the greatest genius's in gaming history.

    And then of course there's the pc, which is an all-rounder, and will always have the technical lead over the others, and will do just about anything, even emulate the others if you have the hardware.

    Personally I have a pc, an xbox, a ps2 and a gameboy advance. And I love them all for their gaming goodness. Hell I still use my dreamcast for Soul Calibur, the best fighting game in the world bar none, until it's sequel comes out of course. And honestly enough, I never intend to get rid of any of them, cause I enjoy them all, because each of them has some class games that you just can't get anywhere else.

    Also if I could, i'd get me a gamecube (I already have a shopping list of games in mind for it).

    But i'm holding out for the moment, cause I just bought a vapochill, and i'm in the mood for some new hardware to take full advantage of it's overclocking potential, and that'll cost. Also, I want to be able to play Half-Life 2 at full potential.

    Anyways, in the end, they're all great like I said, and the truth is, gaming's never been so good. Sure there are a load of crap titles out there, but there's also some real gems, and the competition between the console makers makes sure there always will be. Thank the lord for it. I'd prefer to leave them do the fighting, while we gamers enjoy the spoils of their war.

    Oh, and clownboy, where do you work out of interest. Just saying your in "IT" will just make people laugh ***.

    And also, your never, ever to old for gaming. The day your to old, your dead. Simple as that. Never be ashamed of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,441 ✭✭✭✭jesus_thats_gre

    Shigeru Miyamato, one of the greatest genius's in gaming history


    Soul Calibur, the best fighting game in the world

    my nigga

    And also, your never, ever to old for gaming. The day your to old, your dead. Simple as that. Never be ashamed of it.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,919 ✭✭✭✭Gummy Panda

    Originally posted by TheSonOfBattles

    Oh, and clownboy, where do you work out of interest. Just saying your in "IT" will just make people laugh ***.

    Java Software Development. i come from a family of software engineers and computer technicans.

    Plus i know alot of people who are java architects, electronic engineers and generally IT support.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,441 ✭✭✭✭jesus_thats_gre

    Java Software Development. i come from a family of software engineers and computer technicans.

    No disrespect, but your a software monkey, not a hardware monkey.

    Plus i know alot of people who are java architects, electronic engineers and generally IT support.

    Absolutely no relevence.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,107 ✭✭✭TheSonOfBattles

    I have to agree with Jesus on this one (thank Jesus's, for being able to put that into a post by the way, it just looks kewl), working on java development doesn't really give you any relevant grounds to make these claims.

    Hell I could say I work in "IT" and spout off a load of rubbish and I only work in tech support for christ's sake.

    Besides which Syxpak makes a better, more factual, more informed sounding argument. Maybe you are right, maybe not, but the way your arguing at the moment, i.e. whinging about a flame war is never going to prove your point. So if you are goin to argue, GET ON WITH IT.

    P.S. Wahey, my centennial post. ww)
    Feels good. And here I thought i'd wouldn't even like boards. Boy was I ever wrong.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,919 ✭✭✭✭Gummy Panda

    Just because i specialise in software and not hardware doesn't mean i don't what i am saying.

    I made reference to my IT friends because they convinced me to get an xbox by making reference to the xbox's power over similar spec pcs.

    Plus they have they're degrees in Electronic Engineering then Syxpak. And he only posted specs. Most of his argument seemed software, directx, anyway. And i have studied the Direct X enviroment, but to be honest not as much as it deserves.

    Plus i don't think any college studys the interior of an xbox. My friends have because they have made a business outta chipping xbox consoles for people and repairing them. One is waiting to be certified by sony for repairing ps2's.

    I have yet to post up anything revelant to my argument because i am too lazy to bother. And have far too much to organise on the forum i am a mod on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 833 ✭✭✭Stormfox1020

    Wow look how off topic this has gotten heh.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,919 ✭✭✭✭Gummy Panda


    Big time!!

    Sorry to the original poster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,441 ✭✭✭✭jesus_thats_gre

    I have yet to post up anything revelant to my argument because i am too lazy to bother. And have far too much to organise on the forum i am a mod on.

    Again with no disrespect, all this suggests is that you dont have a baldies what your talking about.

    My friends have because they have made a business outta chipping xbox consoles for people and repairing them. One is waiting to be certified by sony for repairing ps2's.

    Get him to post replies them, instead of spouting third hand info that you dont seem to understand.

    I too am qualified to degree level in "IT", more hardward orientated, and wouldnt feel confident addressing some of the points Syxpak made. They seem to make sence. Is it that his posts intimidate you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,441 ✭✭✭✭jesus_thats_gre

    Most reference to hardware on this topic is pointless anyway, its pretty irrevelent. Its all about the software!

    Mind you, I would be interested to know more about the architecture of the Xbox.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,107 ✭✭✭TheSonOfBattles

    True, this has gotten just a tad bit off target, but still interesting none the less.

    And again, Jesus has a good point, unless you actually back up your claims, no one's gonna believe or care about a word you say, so either go back to the U.K. forum's you keep ranting about preferring and leave us all in peace, or actually give some of the information that you keep saying your to lazy to post. It doesn't actually take all that long to type up something.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,441 ✭✭✭✭jesus_thats_gre

    And again, Jesus has a good point, unless you actually back up your claims, no one's gonna believe or care about a word you say, so either go back to the U.K. forum's you keep ranting about preferring and leave us all in peace, or actually give some of the information that you keep saying your to lazy to post. It doesn't actually take all that long to type up something.

    Ohh I do like you.

    I would genuinely be interested in getting some replies clownboy. Would be a shame if you withdrew from the arena without putting up a fight.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,107 ✭✭✭TheSonOfBattles

    Wow, that's differant. Last time I entered into one of these thread/arguments I was the only one on my side, and got nothing but spite and idiocy. People kept takin words out of context, and even ignoring what i'd previously said and saying something contradictory to me.

    This time someone's agreeing with me. Bit weird really.

    Ah well, i'm sure i'll get used to it at some stage.

    Oh, and post, prove me wrong. Go on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,919 ✭✭✭✭Gummy Panda

    You seem to forget that i didn't start this. All i posted was that the xbox could get a medium performance from half-life 2 because the xbox doesn't have the *exact* architecture of a pc.

    In return, Syxpak told me to stfu and that i was a idiot.

    A simple post has turned into a war against me. And i don't care what you believe and what you think of my understanding because i really couldn't care.

    I'm actually having fun with this crap. And in all fairness, the games board is **** compared to other games boards. Its the same crap all the time.

    I only joined for the broadband forum which has helped me with the problems of my ISP.

    I feel that i am getting nothing but spite and idiocy from the people on this forum. Very anti-xbox indeed!!

    All I've got to say is enjoy your games and stop **** over your games machine. And Syxpak, relax, your little computer is safe from an xbox. Now go back to taking pics of the inside of it and **** over it with the rest of NUI compusoc nerds!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,441 ✭✭✭✭jesus_thats_gre

    In return, Syxpak told me to stfu and that i was a idiot.

    Valid point, he is being proved correct the more you refuse to provide some valid points.
    A simple post has turned into a war against me. And i don't care what you believe and what you think of my understanding because i really couldn't care.

    Why do u keep replying then?
    I'm actually having fun with this crap. And in all fairness, the games board is **** compared to other games boards. Its the same crap all the time.

    So, do they not ask you to provide valid arguments or something?
    I only joined for the broadband forum which has helped me with the problems of my ISP.

    You are still here i see?
    I feel that i am getting nothing but spite and idiocy from the people on this forum. Very anti-xbox indeed!!

    I actually have an xbox, and I want you to prove him wrong. But you won't, make you look like a fan boy IMHO.
    All I've got to say is enjoy your games and stop **** over your games machine. And Syxpak, relax, your little computer is safe from an xbox. Now go back to taking pics of the inside of it and **** over it with the rest of NUI compusoc nerds

    I wish I had one of those card things you lot always use when someone refers to us as nerds/geeks :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,107 ✭✭✭TheSonOfBattles

    I had a war against me in the WoT thread in the (and I didn't start that either) literature forum, but never once did I have to resort to name calling, or just acting the prat.

    And if you'll look above, you'll see I LIKE the xbox, and want you to prove your point, which is why I asked you to. All I said was that syxpax is making a better argument. Personally, I still prefer my pc, and that's what i'll be using to play Half Life 2, but that's cause I have the choice.

    I still love my Xbox, and will buy games for it when I get the chance, and chipping it to make a divx box in the future to.

    Point is, you may not have started this, but you PARTICAPATED in it. At least have the decency to finish what you DID start.

    Or like I said, you can just go back to the English forum you keep praising, and yes your right, it is fun to have these arguments and be the only one on your side, but your also right in that, if you do bow out now, we will think very little of you, and your "IT" friends. And it obviously does matter some bit to you, else you wouldn't be continuing to post, simple as that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    Originally posted by Sarky

    Does Stormfront have a games section, by any chance?:)


    Xbox isn't bad.

    I'm not a dedicated gamer but I have an Xbox & Ps2 in the house.

    I must say the Xbox has some very strong points:

    Better DVD quality.
    HD to copy music onto.

    Not a great selection of games but in Splinter Cell, Halo, Dead or Alive, Gothem, Morrowind, Knights of the Old republic, DOA volleyball and Silent hill two, you have enough quality to keep you occupied for a good while.

    knights of the old republic is one of the best games I've ever played and I can't wait for Fable.

    The PS2 tends to get pulled out to play alot of the classics, but as the new games are usually released multi-format I think Xbox may nudge ahead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,145 ✭✭✭_CreeD_

    Yup it's the software in the end, BUT many aspects of that software are controlled by the hardware they're built to run on. I know you can have a brilliant game that's technically sub par (eg. the likes of Thief) and sh1te that's technically amazing (ala Unreal 2003) but to mix the 2 (best parts anyway) you need the best designers on the technically best console. For better or worse that's the Xbox.
    I think there are overall more good games for the PS2, and Nintendo has a cult following and probably always will (sorry playing Nimbuey the mighty death fairy and using my purple Spooge blade to defeath the Nefarious Ganjuuuuebliepoops doesn't do it for me, but to each their own ;) ...PS. In the way this thread has gone maybe I should make it very obvious THAT WAS A JOKE). But while it may not have the largest collection of great games between the 3 that number is quickly growing and it has the greatest potential for future improvement.

    While I don't agree with the way replies have been made since Clownboy was correct, and Syxpack did tell him to STFU for nothing more than mentioning basic fact, that you can easily verify if you do some research. The XBOX outperforms an equivalently spec'd PC for a number of reasons, the lack of OS, no redundant services, and probably the single biggest advantage - PLatform Consistency (Developers know exactly what hardware their game will run on, they can tweak the hell out of it and make design decisions that they absolutely know will work (or not) on the console). Basically a properly written Xbox game will be streamlined, a PC version can't be. Just compare Splinter Cell on the PC and Xbox, I have an AThlon2700, 1.5G of ram and a Geforce 4600 (Not top of the range I know but on paper it easily outstrips my Xbox) - The Xbox version is smoother than the PC (at the same res.).

    All 3 consoles are good machines, If you like the games one has to offer then buy it, that simple, stop wasting your time here trying to argue about something that comes down to personal taste.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,815 ✭✭✭✭po0k

    Originally posted by clownboy
    You seem to forget that i didn't start this. All i posted was that the xbox could get a medium performance from half-life 2 because the xbox doesn't have the *exact* architecture of a pc.

    In return, Syxpak told me to stfu and that i was a idiot.

    A simple post has turned into a war against me. And i don't care what you believe and what you think of my understanding because i really couldn't care.

    I'm actually having fun with this crap. And in all fairness, the games board is **** compared to other games boards. Its the same crap all the time.

    I only joined for the broadband forum which has helped me with the problems of my ISP.

    I feel that i am getting nothing but spite and idiocy from the people on this forum. Very anti-xbox indeed!!

    All I've got to say is enjoy your games and stop **** over your games machine. And Syxpak, relax, your little computer is safe from an xbox. Now go back to taking pics of the inside of it and **** over it with the rest of NUI compusoc nerds!!


    _CreeD_ I seriously suggest you take 30mins out from your day and do a bit of googling on the XBox and stop just making assumptions. Or better still, go back and read my reply where I stated (more coherently and acurately I believe) what you have just stated.

    I've nothing against the XBox, it's a decent machine, makes a great media centre for the sitting room (top-notch DVD player and Mp3 station), we have one in the house. I don't see myself playing it much though.

    Console wars are a load of balls too. It sickens me to have to trawl through page after page of mis-informed opinions and bullshit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,145 ✭✭✭_CreeD_

    Nah, I tune out after the first few flames in any post, apologies for some redundancy though, but more accurately or coherently? Neither post had any real level of detail, just the usual summaries that get thrown up in these things (and btw why do you think that anyone else's post is based on assumptions? Very puzzling considering you pointed out they were similar to your own, which I presume you believe to be based on fact)
    Anyway , 30 mins? LOL, dear god no, 15 seconds for the mp3 generation . And that's 30 seconds so far so this one is done :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,876 ✭✭✭Borzoi

    Originally posted by jesus_thats_gre

    I wish I had one of those card things you lot always use when someone refers to us as nerds/geeks :(

    Not quite what you wanted, but more appropraite under the circumstances:[IMG][/img]shinji.jpg

    By the way 'people who work in IT' are the guys who pack the computers into the boxes in Dell* other wise they have real titles:D

    *This also includes tech support

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    _CreeD_ I seriously suggest you take 30mins out from your day and do a bit of googling on the XBox and stop just making assumptions.

    Er, hang on a minute. Just where did he make assumptions? I can't see a single comment in that post which isn't entirely accurate...

    On the other hand, YOU are the one who posted earlier on in the thread making assumptions about the resolution that Xbox games run at (in fact if you check out most modern top flight games on the console they're designed to run at 1024 on HDTV rigs, this being one of Microsoft's key USPs for the system)...

    Oh, and who spewed some godawful tripe about the AI in Halo. I've been playing it on the PC, and while I realise that your incompetence with a joypad control system undoubtedly makes it feel good to dismiss the AI and peer down your nose at it, I can assure you that the untweaked AI in the PC version is better than ANY PC fps game. Yes, including Half-Life.

    Now in general you know your stuff, and the fact that clownboy seems more given to casting aspersions on your parents marital fidelity than actually debating with you certainly helps your case, but listen here fella - you know the idea about people in glass houses, throwing great bloody rocks around the place, and how it's a bad idea? Well, I'd strongly suggest that you shouldn't march in here waving a random IT degree and expect to make pronouncements about console game development without having some SERIOUS evidence to back up what you're saying... Because to 99% of game developers, your degree is roughly similar to saying "I work in IT" :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,666 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    I was gonna post to this thread a few pages ago, but you gotta realise, that when the zealots take over, nothing is true, and fact finding is a self perpetuated rumour.

    shame on you CreeD and Shinji =)

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,666 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    but, argh, i'm getting dragged in.

    Have a gc/pc/xbox/dc in the house, and to my knowledge I have never been able to play panzer/brute force/dao3/hunter/ssx/timesplitters on my pc. Where can I get the pc versions of these games ?


  • Registered Users Posts: 17,441 ✭✭✭✭jesus_thats_gre

    Have a gc/pc/xbox/dc in the house, and to my knowledge I have never been able to play panzer/brute force/dao3/hunter/ssx/timesplitters on my pc. Where can I get the pc versions of these games ?

    Sucked in!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 183 ✭✭fester

    I've had an xbox + ps2 for a couple of years now. I've always perfered my xbox.
    Better graffix, i think the controllers are better, its faster to save your games... and u dont run out of space.

    That said, my xbox is lying in a heap on my bedroom floor from a blown power supply. PS2 still going strong.

    And there's also the fact that there are only about 3 good games on the xbox :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

