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Quake3, Biitches. (A Devore-length post, and no, I'm not ****ed)



  • Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭Mickah

    fuuck off mis-quoting me von.

    don't bring me into yer tissle with zero

    and von, u do come across with the most uppety attitude in quake, whether it's true or not, u still do.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 745 ✭✭✭SeP

    "TLP or something"
    ya uNT then whooped TLP and CD before being raped by C..hmm nevermind

    and uNT also trained up OSI then he ran off to INC when we won the league....bah smile.gif

    anyyyway u dont care much smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 411 ✭✭H_K

    ohh and you dont then mickah ?
    youre one of those ppl if u help out slags u or gives u ****e attitude the next min.

    von actually mentioned abat as being hard working also which your ignorant mind was too closed to see

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    Von, you skinny little no-life gay.

    First off, the IRC quotes you pulled in there were part of a HUGE conversation we had on irc with blade, typical pricck-acting of yours to pull in a few select lines to make me look bad.
    I couldn't give a flying fucck about whether your precious cw break up or not, if you ask anyone who was on irc in that conversation that night, we were discussing the whole reason behind the idea of clans breaking up and what it might mean to a q3 community starting off.
    And don't even start about pretending you arent THE most up-yourself person in the whole of the quakers. I was never a smug cunnt back then when I used to play CTF, and dont pretend that back then the generous CW was "helping ppl along the way". All we used to get in CTF was the likes of you yelling " CW against everyone else, CW against everyone else ", while you gloated in beating 500 ping gays and thought you were great, while at the time ANY set of four UL players would have wasted your gay ass. Why else do you think a sound man like Cream left Quake and CW? Don't pretend it was any other reason other than the fact that you decided to take on ninjas purely to be the best. He said it to us, that the reason he left was because you stopped playing it for the fun that it was, just took on ninjas to try and be the best. Oh, you're such a sound basttard, you 'trained' in Tarzan, we should give you the fucckin nobel peace prize.
    " I even heard from a certain newbie in UL that you guys were less than co-operative about sharing certain quake information to help them out." -- What kind of shiite talk is this ?? Unless you were talking to some dopey spastic who does nothing but spam binds all the game thru, ure talkin shiite. My brother and his friends started playin this year, sonic g-man etc included, they spend the most time on the LAN of anyone playin Winquake. Who do you think showed them the tricks, who's config do you think most of them started with?
    And you can go FUCCK yourself starting on me, as if i parade around waving my year-old best in the country badge. The reason I mentioned it was because of the fact that the likes of you thinking you're on a fuccking throne because of where you are in Quake, and it took you two years get there. You were pure crap, useless, until you ran off sucking CP's cocck, and bled them dry of their tactics and configs, its easy come running back then with your act together. And don't start saying bullsh!t like I was crap at CTF, you lying little wannker, I used to reach 190 and hop over teams 3 or 4 times over during a game, back before Beast was anything like he is today, Tomb was the only person who was remotely able for any of us, while you were whining on about your ping. Me asking mickah to play with me in a clan wasnt some dozey effort to start a ninja clan early on in q3, he like me is sick of Q1, and shares the same opinion about getting stuck into Q3 as a new game.
    Your here throwing shapes about about what we should all do and yet we never see you even playing quake, cept for the odd CA game where you come in as an alias and if you manage to come on top with your 30 ping against modemers then you exec 'ZERO.SCR' and give your stupid smug grin
    First of all, the only alias I ever use is Inner_Colon, and so many people know that now that the minute I come in ppl say 'hi zero'. I'm not "throwing shapes" about what we have to do, I'm trying to make sure that when q3 is well set up, that we aren't still floating around like the shower of paddies that we are now. My 30 ping? Since when has UL had a 30 ping? That's the reason you don't see us these days is because it's pointless. You can carry on with your bullsh!t cheap shots if you like, the reason I am nothing like I used to be at Quake is because like most people, I'm fucckin BORED of the game, I know you of all people want to hang onto it as long as you can, while CW are top, because you know as well as I do that for at least 6 months in Q3 there will be no british tactics for you to rob, you'll actually have to rely on your aim, which like mine is well inferior to most other players. Anyone can get ninja at Quake these days, the tactics are there and all it takes is lots of practise, but most ppl either havent the money for the phone bill, or like us, are too busy with exams and having a life to practise like b!tches over and over to gain supremacy in a game that's going out the window soon anyway. This isn't some stupid cheap shot at CW either, I get on well with most of them, but none of them have this sickening 'holier than thou' attitude that you have, Mr 98, everyone agrees anyway that it should have been Mickah in there instead of you, so you might as well get down off your high horse, coz we're gonna knock you off it soon enough.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 467 ✭✭Cheez

    jesus real movin speach there zero
    but anyway lets ALLL! get into quake3 and stop this infernal *****fest once and for all
    lets bring the quake1 and 2 skills together in a holy festival of supreeme quakedom where all irish people kick ass and english dudes know our servers yet are afraid to play on em!!!!!! grrr irish pride (we're kinda proud of it-yea i robbed the slogan from the bread people so sue me)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 SpeedyD

    And don't start saying bullsh!t like I was crap at CTF, you lying little wannker, I used to reach 190 and hop over teams 3 or 4 times over during a game, back before Beast was anything like he is today, Tomb was the only person who was remotely able for any of us, while you were whining on about your ping

    My god do you guys still play CTF??? I gave up quake because I thought everyone else had but I only recently found out where you all went to. Anyway I've many fond memories of the good ole days but I don't remember zero or any other LPB's for that matter ever actually switch sides to help the lesser team, infact the LPB's back then used to gang up on us, zero always had to be with Krusty and Overlord and was always a smug LPB, I don't know where he gets off thinking he ever even reached 190 frags considering the server limit was 150.

    I have to say I got very angry at some of the statements made by zero in his post, it's terrible to think back and remember that the people who really made the game enjoyable by switching sides to even a game up are now the ones being called lamers, vonswine was the first to switch teams as was scratch gowrude blade tomb dupre cream kosh beast papa and a few others I can't remember off hand, zero would switch to krusty's team even if it meant leaving the sides 6 on 4, infact all the bloody LPB's did this and then it was down to people like vonswine to even the teams out.

    Anyway I can't for a minute imagine why zero thinks he was even any good considering the HPB's used to kick the LPB's %sses, that was one thing I used to love seeing a team of HPB's with scratch tomb blade etc beat the living crap out of lpb's who ganged up together side by side on their college lan's smile.gif

    Speedy D

  • Registered Users Posts: 87 ✭✭Alan


    Who was in CP first? It was you & Scary, mouserat, cloud, not us.

    Going back to your first post..
    Quake2 had a better startoff, because they were mostly born from the Q1 scene, and those that werent, knew from the q1 scene that the UK was the place to learn as they were so far ahead

    The place to learn being the UK.. where you yourself learnt playing LPB. But when we HPB's start playing for CP, 4k and The X, we're robbing tactics and "sucking their ****s" and "bleeding them of their tactics or configs"? Isn't that what you LPB's did to learn?
    Q3 there will be no british tactics for you to rob, you'll actually have to rely on your aim, which like mine is well inferior to most other players

    How were you the best in the country if you have inferior aim to most other players?
    practise like b!tches over and over to gain supremacy in a game

    nD, Fianna, Spice etc didn't practice like *****es so? Maybe thats why CW are top now and you LPB types just don't like being beaten by modemers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 344 ✭✭shank

    Ahh Scratch........ the memories smile.gif

    Anyway lads what started out as an interesting topic has now gotten fu[ked over by the q1 lads petty grudges etc, start another topic if ya wanna slag each oter. This is the only thing that stops me gettin too enthusiastic about q3, knowing that all these pesonal vendettas will be brought in by the q1 lads.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 number1



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    sad, sad.

    Very strange that a ctf player nobody has heard of in 2 years and obviously doesnt read the boards is suddenly ressurected out of thin air and manages to find a ctf-related post 50 messages down a thread that started on the subject of Quake3. Lets look at his profile :

    Profile for SpeedyD
    Date Registered: 05-08-99
    Status: Junior Member
    Total Posts: 1

    Only one post and registered last night just in time to catch me talking about ctf.
    Von, if you have something to say, say it under ure own name instead of looking to ghosts for backup. I never priick-acted on the ctf servers, and I used to waste ure gay ass. The only reason any UL ppl used to go together was when you used to scream out ' cw against the rest, cw against the rest', and anyone who wasnt in cw was stuck with the muppets who were still trying to find a grappling hook.
    I'm up myself ?? I'm not the one who has to go under a diff name to praise myself.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 496 ✭✭Bunny

    Q3: Yah, its a fresh start, but you'll get the freaks with daddy's isdn playing it 24/7..will be hard to compete with that.

    CTF: CT just used to play on the lan in the beginning...just the dm levels and custom CTF levels (well 2 of them really)

  • Registered Users Posts: 450 ✭✭Chief

    NAw Bunny mate, youll just get me and coyote playing it with the bosses ISDN...yummy
    f|_|ckin S|-|itty heat tonight...more beer...yummmmmmmmy

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,438 ✭✭✭TwoShedsJackson


    Keep this one going lads. Highly amusing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 880 ✭✭✭Von

    Unfortunately that wasn't me pretending to be speedy d, sound chap and the last quake keyboarder in the world probably. Aliasing isn't my thing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 745 ✭✭✭SeP

    MikeS still plays with the keyboard
    we got him on the mouse but he was better on keys

    gwan ya mad yoke!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Tsunami

    First of all, for the muppets among you that want to pick up on the fact that I only registered for this board about 3 minutes ago, the go my guest. Myself, Zero and Krusty were all pussying around in Quake1 while most of you were still perfecting your roll manouvers in Descent. Quake3 will be interesting to say the least. But at the end of the day, what will have changed? Railing is railing is railing, and anyone with a half-decent rail shot in Q2 is going to rape ass in Q3...especially against those of you who are making the transition from Q1 directly to Q3...and like Von said, skill is skill...and if you're someone like Beast who can pick up a game in a nights playing and rape everyone the next day then you're still going to be up there in the top 10 when Q3 hits. Time will tell....

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Music Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 4,499 Mod ✭✭✭✭Blade

    I agree with Tsunami, in fact I was going to post that exact statement, I also reckoned people who played Q1 and Q2 will have the advantage over people who only played Q1 because at the end of the day thats exactly what Q3 is going to be all about, a mix of both. Having said that if the railgun is the only new skill requiring weapon in Q3 for the Q1'ers then there is a chance that Q1'ers other skills such as the LG will make up for it.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭El_Presidente

    I think a Scobe vs. CW game in CTF would be mighty interesting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,316 ✭✭✭ButcherOfNog

    speedyd, i remember him from ye olde winquake indigo ctf server smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 142 ✭✭Dupre

    Yeah - Quake 3 will be a mix of both Q1 and Q2, but from what I've heard about the Q3 railgun {last I heard they increased the damage area and decreased the damage} it shouldn't take Q1 players too much time to get used to it ... if you've got good aim and a steady ping then you're sorted.

    Same goes for LG: I wouldn't read too much into the weapon names, 'coz I think they've made changes to them which could make them pretty different to their name sakes in Q1 and Q2.
    So the Q3 railgun could turn out to be less effective but more newbie friendly than its Q2 counterpart. Of course, if the railgun stays the exact same, Q2 people will have an early advantage. We'll just have to wait and see what iD do with the weapons ...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 411 ✭✭H_K

    yeh speedy's cool used to ffa with him smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 880 ✭✭✭Von

    Railgun is instant hit weapon ain't it? Like shaft and shotgun in Q1 cept more damage. shaft is harder cos you have to keep it on the enemy to kill him but most good Q1 players can hit accurately with shotgun. So Q2 people might not have THAT much advantage. It's due out in a few hours supposedly so we can find out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭Koopa

    i dunno if this is a q2-engine thing(10hz something rate) or what, but it always seems to pause for a moment before firing railgun..
    shotgun has a pause, but like 1/3 the railgun pause or something..
    even on lan like

    hope they get rid of this pause, its fairly annoying

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 496 ✭✭Bunny

    zero and von always arguing..

    They're a bit like lovers really..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 225 ✭✭earthworm_jim

    I think any clans currently together should stay together.

    It's allway's sad to see a clan split up sad.gif I think GI, CW and INC should stay together as long as possible. Tradition and all that smile.gif
    It's hard enough to keep a clan together without splitting good ones up. Just a pity nD and ct had to break up.

    For all we know HiV will rape CW's butt (and give them a dodgy computer virus in the process). Q3 isn't out yet - let's see how it goes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 Mystery Machine

    so whats goin' to happen to us poor plebs who will only be able to play it in work but have shi**y pc's at home?
