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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Originally posted by charlene
    Exactly, It is hard to tell so why are you saying that all homeless people are scruffy are all skangers scruffy too. It is in my knowledge that skangers tend to be the type of people that are kitted out in the nice clothes all the time and if they find a speck off dirth are running home to get change. That of course refering to the girls. Especially the ones from town. Now I'm not saying all of them but I'm looking at it the way you do "Stereotypically". So we have got down to if you saw me with my mates you would calls us a bunch of scangers. Now what if you saw me on my own? I've many of times start talking to people at the bus stop or on the bus who couldn't believe I was homeless and that I was from Ballymun. Considering the fact that I'm not bragging or anything but I am a really polite and well spoken person. I also present myself well. So once more I'll say we're not all scruffy.

    have you even been readin this thread as to why people dislike skangers?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 charlene

    No, I dont speak with a D4 accent but I also dont drag my words out or leave out the letter T in nearly every word bar the ones that start with it. I also don't wear tracksuits I wear alot of flared jeans and T-shirts but all my friends wear tracksuits.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 charlene

    Yes, of course I've been reading it but maybe not close enough would you like to sumarise it up for me?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,441 ✭✭✭✭jesus_thats_gre

    Originally posted by charlene
    Yes, of course I've been reading it but maybe not close enough would you like to sumarise it up for me?

    Deadly reply.. Wonder if she will bother? Nope :p

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Originally posted by jesus_thats_gre
    Deadly reply.. Wonder if she will bother? Nope :p

    Are you talking about me? I'm not a *she*, I'm a *he*.

    This thread was originally about skangers and the clothes they wear. Whether they thought they actually looked good in those ugly nike tracksuits etc, and how they are steriotyped against due to the number of people who have had many bad experiences with people who dressed this way.

    You seem to think that you can tell a skanger because they dress "scruffily", which is right to a certain extent - however YOUR version of scruff is different to my version of scruff.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 charlene

    ok fair enough I can see the fact that we have went off the subject of skangers is bothering you which is why I have opened a new thread titled homelessness check it out if you want.

  • Registered Users Posts: 856 ✭✭✭andrew163

    this was drawn by a friend of mine.......



    (posted with the approval of the artist, of course (A) )

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭FirA_Fascio

    i love that pic..... probably coz its MINE :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭FirA_Fascio

    'mine' as in i drew it.. note the copyright :)

    not that the picture is meant to depict me... im opposed to scangerism of all kinds :ninja:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭FirA_Fascio

    I live in Dublin 15, a formerly nice, quiet little corner of the county, until scangers invaded. Now, everywhere you go, scangers, scangers, SCANGERS! For 11 years I've hated them, and I'm only 15.

    I'm someone who you might brand a "rocker", because I wear black and listen to Metallica (not punk... punk is just s**t these days... it's just a "hardened" version of pop). But do we annoy people, or start fights with them, or go around with huge gold rings on? No!

    I brand someone a "scanger", not only because of the way they dress, but because they hate everyone who doesn't go around in stupid tracksuits, wearing 90-degree caps and talking in a barely understandable accent, which most of the time is just put on to sound cool.

    I used to have a girlfriend from Belfast, and she listened to System of a Down and other bands that I listen to. After a little incident last December involving "poppers", the stupidly-named drug abused by little kids and wannabe cool people, she's turned into a heavy drinker, smoker and a slut...
    And I hate it even more since im opposed to smoking and drugs of any kind. SHE'S NOW A SCANGER, PEOPLE! :ninja:

    My hate torwards scangers would drop very slightly if they didn't try to indoctrinate other people and turn them into scangers, too.

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    How many times are you planning on posting in a row on this thread?

    ANYWAYS - Just because someone drinks or does "poppers" doesn't make them skangers. Don't blame your girlfriends drinking on the skangs, as she wouldn't have done it if she didn't want to. It's not like they held a syringe to her face and forced here to, now is it?

    I agree with you on the whole rocker thing though. I'm not a rocker but I hate when people put rockers and skangers in the same category. I don't know about everyone else, but I have never had any trouble with a rocker, however I probably wouldn't even be able to count up all the bad experiences with knackers...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭FirA_Fascio

    EX-girlfriend, Mr. utility_ :rolleyes:

    I'm not blaming drink, etc. I'm blaming her for being so stupid as to take it. IT'S PEER PRESSURE!

    If you must know, I'm not planning to post 3 in a row anymore because DeVore is ever-watchful...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 141 ✭✭Duritz

    Dont think poppers would make u a heavy drinker.... More a heavy Nurofen taker. The headaches r bad after that stuff !!!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    LMFAO @

    Sorry this had to be added in to the thread...

    Common expressions using knacker include:
    Feck off, you little knacker!
    - please leave you horrible person
    I'm not moving to the North side, it's full of knackers
    - I refuse to move because the area has too many undesirables
    It used to be a good pub, until the knackers started going there
    - too many scumbags drinking in there
    He was a sound enough bloke, bit of a knacker though
    - the boy was nice but a little rough and came from the wrong part of town
    Did you see the knacker's shoes on her?
    - did you see the horrible cheap tarty high heels/expensive Nike runners she was wearing
    You look absolutely knackered, you should get some sleep
    - you look exhausted, go to bed
    I was too knackered to head out
    - I was too tired to socialise
    I'm fit for the knackerhouse
    - I can't do any more work, I should be put in a slaughter house
    Did you knacker that bike?
    - did you steal the bike
    He broke into the shop and knackered a telly
    - he burgled a shop and stole a television
    I bet you the little knacker knackered that coat he's wearing
    - he couldn't have afforded that coat, he must have stolen it
    The knackers were up all night knackering cars and that's why they're so knackered now
    -the thugs were out stealing cars and that explains their exhaustion

    Even the tourism websites are warning people about them!

    Shlator boyz, I'm off to knacker some shmopeds :p

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    its probably been posted before but this too :

    Are YOU a scanger?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 622 ✭✭✭ColinM

    Originally posted by Am I Sad?
    If mentally labelling someone will help me through a day without negative incident then I will do it, whether I'm right or wrong in my judgement. Better safe than sorry. I can't and won't censor my thoughts
    your nice 'don't judge' attitude isn't going to stop them from kicking your head in if thats what they're set on doing. Nor will they thank you if you politely assure them 'unlike other people you didn't assume they were scumbags because they wore tracksuits'.
    I am absolutely delighted to see another person recently join who is clearly intelligent, and not afraid to express their opinions.

    There's far to much of the rabid PC-crowd here already who constantly scramble over each other in their haste to express what they think is the "right opinion".

    Good on you, Am I sad, and welcome! I hope we'll get to talk about other things in the future.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,633 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    Hear, hear.

    The group at large here is forgetting that being a skanger is a state of mind, not a function of the clothes you wear or the accent you carry. A skanger is marked by the following traits: an admirable lack of socials skills, impolite to the nth degree, carries chips on their shoulder about the haves & havenots, doesn't really see the point in school, frequently engages in (and sees nothing wrong with) random expressions of violence, is quick to anger yet is unable to carry a discussion/debate/argument using only reason and verbal skills (not developed?), advocates crime as an answer to the inequality brought on by poor life decisions, has no concept of etiquette or manners, indulges in anti-social behaviour, insecure to a very high degree, brought up in an environment where little or no value is placed on doing an honest days work, keeping the peace, or taking ones place as a responsible member of society, flouts the law with alarming regularity, has no concept of authority or accountability, will never entertain the possibility of self improvement and its role in self development, is inherently selfish and self-serving, abhors responsibility, and lacks the emotional maturity to drag themselves from the pit in which they were spawned to make a meaningful and productive contribution to society or the world at large.

    Most of it, if not all, comes from the parents, although you do come across profoundly disaffected individuals who turn to this path regardless of foundation & upbringing. More often than not this is also a function of a responsibility vacuum within the home. A skanger can be born anywhere, and wear the best of clothes, and carry the 'correct' accent and may still bear all of the traits above, although most commonly like begets like. One caveat: do not judge the book by the cover, although the cover normally does carry the title and thus a *fair* indication of the contents.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,806 ✭✭✭Calibos

    Totally agree mojo maker. Your point about scumbags from less deprived backgrounds reminds me off the recent case. You know your man with the glasses who kicked the poor guy to death after a party because he thought he was gay. Turns out he had glassed another poor guy before. He had "up the ra" tats etc. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about, I just can't think of his name.

    Anyway it turns out he was from a reasonably middle class family from a decent area. The parents were law abiding non drinking etc. I remember saying to myself, "how did he turn out like that?"
    Then I read a report from a journalist who visited the family after the guy was convicted to see if he could come up with an answer to that question.

    He described how the brother was a lay minister at the local church, he described the big picture of 'Our lady' on the wall in the hall, the 2ft statue of Our lady and child farther down the hall, a smaller one on the kitchen table etc etc. The journalist could find no obvious reason for the guy being a scumbag in that house....

    Hello??? :rolleyes: The family were obviously religious freaks and while one son conformed and even became a lay minister, the other son obviously rebelled against it and developed severe emotional problems because of it, got in with the wrong crowd and became a scumbag.

    Thats my opinion on that case anyway.

    I also remember about a regular in the pub I used to work in. For a while everyone was talking about this guy when his brother was convicted for a gangland 'hit' in the Uk. The pub regular is a sucessful insurance broker, chairman of the rugby club, captain of the golfing society etc etc His brother a Hitman!! They both obviously had the same upbringing, went to the same school etc. One got onto the school rugby team and in with that crowd. The other brother got in with the bad crowd in school. From that point on their paths diverged leading one to murder and the other to an upstanding prominent role in the community.

    Still.....9 times out of ten a scumbag is what he is because his parents were the same.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,685 ✭✭✭✭BlitzKrieg


    tried to read all of that tonite got as far as page 4....

    to answer the original question

    Yes I do believe a portion of "Skangers" kno wha they are wearing displeases a large number of people and places them in the red zone for social interaction.

    But i also believe to some extent this is the desired result. Some of them dont want people from columba's or KH being sociable with them they want the image that says i'm hard indepent and my own boss i do what i want and i only need my m8s (who conviently wear similer gear for easy identification) Therefore if (very theoritical) that fashion style was shown to be desirable you will notice a decrease in aggresion from that area. Look at the hard rock leather/biker/punk fashions of earlier years when they became popular the violence linked to these sort of people decreased.

    Now on the whole evil skangers should be burned topic. well they wear the clothes to amplifie their attitude, i say let them have it and i'll avoid it. And people who are afraid of me stereotyping this fashion sense i ask you this. If you kno someone who is a "sound" guy/girl who wears this type of clothes wheres the problem? You kno he is sound and if he is a sociable person then the image while discouraging in a short term (i.e walking down street and passing him) in a long term (in a pub for an hour or so) shall prove he is not a skanger. Its not as if he has abuse hurled at him while the two of you are walking down grafton street? (and if he does then the people hurling it fall into the generalized scumbag catagorie.)

    therefore to recap

    They wear clothes = image they want to present therefore they know people dont like that style

    If person is not scumbag then prolonged contact shall remove anti-scumbag image.

    example: Yes when i am in niteclubs i hang wit my m8s and scumbags hang wit other scumbags. if by some reason me and someone fitting the skanger fashion image are in proximity and engage in some form of conversation then the fact that we have engaged conversation without violence of abuse towards me or uncomfortable topics = 50% chance of sound bloke. Continueing of this trend raises these chance up to 80%.

    bored now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,117 ✭✭✭✭MrJoeSoap

    This is my first post on this thread but I am the most "anti-skanger" person you will find. These people are the lowest of the low, bottom of the barrel scum on this earth. As I type this, a group of these neanderthols are gathered 60 metres to my left, firing incredibly loud and high-powered fireworks at my house and others on my road. My house gets particular attention because of my dads profession, he's a Juvenile Liason Officer (A Gard) who tries to deal with these scum as they go before the courts. I get incredible abuse over my dads profession, and it has totally convinced me not to follow in my fathers footsteps. If hating these tracksuit wearing, schwaa-talking morons is being racist then I'm Adolf Hitler. Two days ago, my friend was mugged for his €300 phone standing at a bus stop outside my estate by these "lowlifes with knives". Every single time I go into town, I see these people and I shudder at the sight. AND THEY MOST CERTAINLY ARE NOT PRODUCTS OF THEIR ENVIRONMENTS, etc.. etc... OK, so some areas do produce large numbers of these people, but in my estate, where I have lived for the 18 short years of my life, there are plenty of these morons who have also grown up just yards from me. I know there is very little that we can do about these people so me and my friends have decided to move away, to leave this country, this continent, and the fast growing minority of scum who make my every move a nightmare. I plan on moving to Calgary, Canada, a city of over 500,000 people, which see's less car crime in a year than this city does in a night. At a Bohemians-Shelbourne match in Dalymount Park Phibsboro last year, we returned from a great night of football to find my dads passenger window smashed. Nothing was stolen, it was just obviously a "bit of fun" for some of these thugs. I have had so many other run-ins with these people it is not even worth listing them.

    Thanks for your time, and please appreciate my right to an opinion.

    The Soapster

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    well ****ing said!

    Nuke the Knacks!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 856 ✭✭✭andrew163


  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 1,849 Mod ✭✭✭✭Michael Collins

    I find it scary how accurate this is:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 465 ✭✭bloggs

    Originally posted by Michael Collins
    I find it scary how accurate this is:

    Ha ha!!!

    Is it me or do some skangers look inbred? Some have weird looking foreheads and screwed up noses.:eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 Delerium

    MrJoeSoap, I have to agree with you completely.

    I have decided to leave Ireland primarily because of the skangers. I have lived here for 4 years, and I was shocked when I first arrived here. I didn't think human beings could actually reach such a low.

    So I am moving back to SA now because I can't stand them any longer. They are everywhere and cannot be avoided. I would rather go back to SA and risk the crime than have to live among social misfits.

    I can't wait for the day when I can walk down the street and not see people spitting & swearing all the time.
    I can't wait for the day when the only tracksuit I see is at the gym.
    I can't wait until I can drive home without having to drive past a different burnt out car every week.
    I can't wait to get back to a society where you don't see horses kept in the middle of a residential area for no apparent reason.
    I can't wait to go clubbing again without being surrounded by young kids who can't handle their drink/drugs.
    I can't wait to see kids being kids again, instead of pushing prams and smoking a fag.
    I can't wait to see the back of those disgusting bum fluff moustaches.
    I will be DELIGHTED to NEVER have to see a pair of those big gold hoop earrings or sovereign rings again!!

    I once tried to discuss the whole thing with some of the knackers, wanting some sort of understanding of the whole thing. Firstly I could hardly understand a word they said, and secondly they decided that it was a great idea to show me their pathetic little penises (this was 2 separate individuals who didn't even know eachother). Then one proceeded to empty his beer over my head, and then tried to take a swing at me with the bottle. (And I am a polite, respectable looking girl!!)
    This just goes to show what kind of mentality we are dealing with here. That would NEVER happen anywhere else I know of.

    So after years of hoping that I would get used to it, or hoping that it was a passing fashion, I have finally given up and I am leaving. And I'm not the only one. I know droves of people who have left the country for the same reasons, Irish included.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 423 ✭✭Ichiro

    Wipe them out all of them

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 17,990 Mod ✭✭✭✭ixoy

    Originally posted by Ichiro
    Wipe them out all of them
    Then why not support my plan to get rid of all skangers? It's here in this thread. I've outlined the costs of the plan plus the economic savings to the Government. You know it makes sense!

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,974 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    Can't we just legalise ecstacy, and stop trying to prevent natural selection from taking its course?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,174 ✭✭✭[CALIBUR]

    So I am moving back to SA now because I can't stand them any longer. They are everywhere and cannot be avoided. I would rather go back to SA and risk the crime than have to live among social misfits.

    sorry but whats a SA? Delerium

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,666 ✭✭✭Imposter

    Originally posted by #MEAT#
    sorry but whats a SA? Delerium
    South Africa I would imagine.

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