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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,089 ✭✭✭D!ve^Bomb!

    quote by embross...

    Your right I have no idea who robbed my house that's why i don't say some bunch of 'skangers' robbed my house....

    U are missing the point completely!! its not the clothes that make people skangers!!!!, i have a nike hoody(only one) and reebok runners, that doesnt make me a skanger, it doesn't matter if im from d4 or talla,,

    the fact that someone will rob ur house means that they're skangers, no matter where they're from..

    unless u have gone through wot other people have gone thru then u have no right to challenge peoples opinions.. they have the right to hate skangers, just like i do,, skangers are pure scum!! who have no balls as they feel the need start a fight only when theres 6 on 1 in their favour, they all need to be rounded up and slaughtered, then ireland will be a better place as a result of it,, we can ALL feel safe walkin home after that

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Emboss

    Originally posted by spooiirt!!
    ok. how about, you prove yourself right emboss.
    next time you see some locked skangers on the dart or at a street corner, try and stare them out of it! give them a really angry frown. why? to prove that youre not a girl like the rest of us!
    haha tell us how it goes!

    hmm I live in Tallaght... I don't think it's going to be anything I haven't seen before....

    I think the difference is here I'm a little bit older and I have lived in two completeley different parts of Dublin

    A so called 'posh part' and 'skanger land'

    Like a homosexual skangers have their own 'gaydar' a bit like a dog they smell fear.....I grew up around it giving a 'skanger' a look isn't really going to do anything...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Emboss

    Originally posted by Einstürzende
    No, you're missing the point. How'm I a muppet for being afraid of being beaten up again, it's not enjoyable now, nor was it ever enjoyable. It's happened too many times.

    I really couldn't give two fvcks how the scum of the earth perceive me if I keep my eyes on the ground as I walk past them. If I was to look at them the likelihood is I'd get the "Whata yeu bleedin' looking at" end of things, which I don't want. I can walk by w/o fear and get the sh1t kicked outta me again, or I can try to keep to myself and hope I blend in with the background. Once I don't get attacked again for no reason I don't care. The first few times I ignored it, passed it off as a bad incident, but it's happened to me so many times for no reason - half the times I wasn't even aware they were there cuz they came up behind me.

    Not everyone in a bloody tracksuit is a threat, but you can easily see who is or who is likely to be.

    Maybe if you had the sh1t kicked out of you many times by groups of people that dress look walk talk and act the same you'd be afraid of them too, quite frankly crucifixion is too good for them.

    Cruel as it may be, maybe you should have the sh1t kicked out of you multiple times so your eyes would be opened to the other side of things. At the minute all you can do is say how everyones wrong and you cant paint people with the same brush etc. Try getting kicked about several times and see how your attitude changes.

    yes after 25 years my eyes are closed....:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,483 ✭✭✭Töpher

    i'm not saying you're eyes are totally closed, they APPEAR closed to, shall we say, the other side.

    you say yourself you have never been the direct victim of skanger violence, so your claims that those who are fearful of, or wary of, groups of skangers really have no basis other than your own closed mind.

    quite simply, if skangers didnt beat people up and mug people, people wouldnt think anything bad about them. certain groups of skangers have developed a bad name for anyone who even looks like a skanger, whether they are a skager or not, but most ppl who have been attacked or whatever by skangers are not willing to get to know each individual. it is easier and safer to picture them all as the same and ignore the whole fcking lot of them.

    you are obviously lucky enough to not have been on the end of some skanger related attackings, unfortunately not many people are in the same position.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    In all fairness...

    I'm going to side with Emboss here.
    Go and show some ****ing BALLS, you muppets!

    All the average skanger needs is a good slap to put him in his place, and most of them are chicken**** little kids trying to act 'Hard'.

    I remember one night after a gig in Dublin last year, some ****ing skangers were around making trouble in town after Creamfields, shouting bollocks and making threats. So, two of them came over to us trying to hassle us. Now there was only myself and 4 other lads, and one of the lads wasn't having any of it! So he just shoved one of the ****ers, and the little **** landed straight on his arse while the other one ran like an indian curry. The other fecker got up and legged it then.

    Grand so, one lad had just put the ****ing ****s up 2 of these bastards. But about five minutes down the road, 8 or 9 of the ****ers came after us going "What the **** you push him for, huh?"

    So when they got close, the little ****er was pointing going that's him, that's the guy, or something like that. So this other inbred skanger came up with all his mates and thinking he was 'hard' tried to push the lad.

    The idiot ****ing skanger got a nice juicey headbutt for his troubles and that was him out of the picture.

    You can imagine what happened next, but I swear... a good ****ing punch to the jaw is all these idiots need to put them in their place.

    I only managed to kick one of the ****ers into the stomach before they either ran for it, or were on the floor.

    One of the lads even ended up with a pen-knife from one of the skangers... Not sure did he pull try to pull it out, and subsequently got himself smashed, or did yer man take it out of his pocket while he was on the floor. But it was ****ing hilarious.

    Unfortunatly, the lad who had first pushed the skanger had a black eye, but that was about all the injuries we got.

    Bottom line is...
    Put these ****ing idiots in their place.
    If they want to act hard, then teach them a lesson they're not going to forget.

    But generally, I dont ever really get any hassle of them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,483 ✭✭✭Töpher

    dude i'd agree with ya, but you had a group with you, 4 or 5 against 8 or 9 and i can imagine them backing down, but 6 or so on 1 (as seems to be the norm, with me anyways!) doesnt bode to quite such a positive result :confused: odd that! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Emboss

    Originally posted by Einstürzende
    i'm not saying you're eyes are totally closed, they APPEAR closed to, shall we say, the other side.

    you say yourself you have never been the direct victim of skanger violence, so your claims that those who are fearful of, or wary of, groups of skangers really have no basis other than your own closed mind.

    quite simply, if skangers didnt beat people up and mug people, people wouldnt think anything bad about them. certain groups of skangers have developed a bad name for anyone who even looks like a skanger, whether they are a skager or not, but most ppl who have been attacked or whatever by skangers are not willing to get to know each individual. it is easier and safer to picture them all as the same and ignore the whole fcking lot of them.

    you are obviously lucky enough to not have been on the end of some skanger related attackings, unfortunately not many people are in the same position.

    The other side ?
    I grew up in one of the roughest area's in Tallaght you would cream your pants at half of what my eyes have seen.....

    just look at the way people are reacting to me here for not even sticking up for scakngers but asking not to be labeling people by clothes/music/area they live in

    and by the sounds of it alot of the people who have replied have had the head slapped off them more than once...

    with this attitude they have shown on this thread it doesn't supirse me one little bit and keep going through life with that attitiude and you'll more than likley get a few more slaps

    i'm not the one with the closed mind here.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    Originally posted by Einstürzende
    dude i'd agree with ya, but you had a group with you, 4 or 5 against 8 or 9 and i can imagine them backing down, but 6 or so on 1 (as seems to be the norm, with me anyways!) doesnt bode to quite such a positive result :confused: odd that! :D

    Well, I think the question is, why aren't you in a group?
    Generally, if I'm going out anywhere I try and stay with people I know.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,726 ✭✭✭quank

    i dont wanna sound fúckin cliché or anything
    but its better not to fight at all, even if there is more on ur side
    not worth fúckin risking it

    what if one of them had a fúckin dagger or watever, and then one of yer mates get stabbed coz ye were fighting back

    and I always seem to be outnumbered by skangers anywho, so i have no chance either way

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    Originally posted by quank
    what if one of yer mates get stabbed coz ye were fighting back


    What if one of yer mates gets stabbed coz ye were NOT fighting back???

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,726 ✭✭✭quank


    but i would say ye would have a higher chance of getting stabbed if ye were to involve urself with a bit o "fisty cuffs"


    -Skangers are stupid and should die.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 658 ✭✭✭xx

    I'm going with Angelwhore here. I'd be damned if I'd let either A skanger or A FEW skangers get the better of me. I had an 'altercation' with this little skinny knackery type over the summer. It ended with me giving him a judo shoulder throw, landing him smack bang on a kerb. And what happened? Well, he was yelling abuse at me while his mates were holding him up and helping him stand. But did one of them approach me after that? Nope, and there was at fcuking least 9 of them and just me on me own. Since then, I'm very much of a mind to fcuk a skanger up on the slightest provocation.
    I also work part-time in a methadone clinic in the city centre and we deffo get loads of skangers in there. They all tried to look hard and act tough in the beginning, but when they seen it didn't wash with me they gave up.
    So these little twats aren't made of leather and tough as coffin nails. Granted, they DO carry knives more often than not, but hear this - if you're prepared to take a beating off a skanger without retaliating, whats to say that he won't stick you with it anyway? So there's you after getting a pasting from some little gouger, lying prone on the ground, and hoping he goes away. But what happens if he takes out a stanley knife and turns your back into confetti with it?
    So dudes, its not like you won't get a bigger kicking if you don't stand up for yourself - on the contrary!!! You're running the risk of either getting stabbed, glassed, deformed or brain-damaged while you cower from this wannabe bully. After working in this clinic that I mentioned earlier, I know first hand that there are guys going around town off their faces on either E, Coke or something to that effect. These guys are timebombs, quite literally. If they attack you, they'll try to kill you and won't think twice about it. So fer chrissakes, stand up for yourself!! Or as Angelwhore suggested, try to hang out with some mates if you're on a night out etc.
    Dammit, take up martial arts or something or buy a car so that you don't have to walk around town either!?!?! But this sit-down-and-die attitude is the worst thing you could do nowadays!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 439 ✭✭Atreides

    Originally posted by AngelWhore

    What if one of yer mates gets stabbed coz ye were NOT fighting back???

    What if yer mates stab you coz ye were Not fighting back???

    quank: you more likely to get stabbed if you roll up into a little ball and lie on the ground. Maybe walking about is an option when your in town, but not when its where you live, because your going to be made their biatch. I'm a nice bloke and all that, but the reason why I've never had any trouble is because scum know that if you start on someone with my last name, your going to get your head smashed in, basically. To do anything else is to invite trouble.

    AngelWhore: while I thing your group probably should have handled that better at the stage when your confronted by a group like that, strike first was the right option, been there. Except I was one my own and the group was about three times that size.

    In situations like that you have three options, Run, Fight or hide.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,598 ✭✭✭ferdi

    Originally posted by Skanger
    you more likely to get stabbed if you roll up into a little ball and lie on the ground
    eh no. if u fight back i think u'd get stabbed far quicker. these scumbags should be ****ing shot, they mess up this country for everyone else.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 439 ✭✭Atreides

    Originally posted by xx
    I'm very much of a mind to fcuk a skanger up on the slightest provocation.

    This I don't like, you will probably some day get a serious pasting off one of these lads and most likely deserve it. I'm not starting, I just believe violence is a last resort and nothing to be proud of resorting to. People who resort to their fists at the drop of a hat, well they always get what they deserve in the end. Maybe your good in a fight when you see them coming, but what are you going to do about the sly bastard you never see coming.

    Also using martial arts in a street fight, will get you arrested, plus chances are (unless your quiet good) you will make a complete foul out of yourself. It's like pulling a knife, don't do it unless you know how to use it and are willing to do use it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 439 ✭✭Atreides

    Originally posted by ferdi
    eh no. if u fight back i think u'd get stabbed far quicker. these scumbags should be ****ing shot, they mess up this country for everyone else.

    You don't know the scum i know then. They will kill you just to watch you die, they will **** you up royaly. One case of a guy rolling up into a ball and taking a pasting, lads then held him down and cut the name of their favourite football team into his back, with a stanley blade. You think if you don't provoke someone you won't get hurt. Some people like pain, doesn't mater if they give it or recieve it (i guess due to giving it out quiet alot to some of them)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Emboss

    Originally posted by quank

    but i would say ye would have a higher chance of getting stabbed if ye were to involve urself with a bit o "fisty cuffs"


    -Skangers are stupid and should die.


    I've heard more creative comments dribble out of a diying junkies mouth....

    case closed

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Emboss

    Originally posted by xx
    I'm going with Angelwhore here. I'd be damned if I'd let either A skanger or A FEW skangers get the better of me. I had an 'altercation' with this little skinny knackery type over the summer. It ended with me giving him a judo shoulder throw, landing him smack bang on a kerb. And what happened? Well, he was yelling abuse at me while his mates were holding him up and helping him stand. But did one of them approach me after that? Nope, and there was at fcuking least 9 of them and just me on me own. Since then, I'm very much of a mind to fcuk a skanger up on the slightest provocation.
    I also work part-time in a methadone clinic in the city centre and we deffo get loads of skangers in there. They all tried to look hard and act tough in the beginning, but when they seen it didn't wash with me they gave up.
    So these little twats aren't made of leather and tough as coffin nails. Granted, they DO carry knives more often than not, but hear this - if you're prepared to take a beating off a skanger without retaliating, whats to say that he won't stick you with it anyway? So there's you after getting a pasting from some little gouger, lying prone on the ground, and hoping he goes away. But what happens if he takes out a stanley knife and turns your back into confetti with it?
    So dudes, its not like you won't get a bigger kicking if you don't stand up for yourself - on the contrary!!! You're running the risk of either getting stabbed, glassed, deformed or brain-damaged while you cower from this wannabe bully. After working in this clinic that I mentioned earlier, I know first hand that there are guys going around town off their faces on either E, Coke or something to that effect. These guys are timebombs, quite literally. If they attack you, they'll try to kill you and won't think twice about it. So fer chrissakes, stand up for yourself!! Or as Angelwhore suggested, try to hang out with some mates if you're on a night out etc.
    Dammit, take up martial arts or something or buy a car so that you don't have to walk around town either!?!?! But this sit-down-and-die attitude is the worst thing you could do nowadays!

    hmm yes E that's why and the end of 'raves' all you see are big brawls because E and coke make you want to kill people....what planet are you living on...further more who the hell are you buying your drugs off ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,598 ✭✭✭ferdi

    Originally posted by xx
    I'm going with Angelwhore here. I'd be damned if I'd let either A skanger or A FEW skangers get the better of me. I had an 'altercation' with this little skinny knackery type over the summer. It ended with me giving him a judo shoulder throw, landing him smack bang on a kerb. And what happened? Well, he was yelling abuse at me while his mates were holding him up and helping him stand. But did one of them approach me after that? Nope, and there was at fcuking least 9 of them and just me on me own.
    jesus, your mad tuff.:rolleyes: i'm not a scrawny shyte but if 9 scumbags attacked me, i'd be ****ed.

    as for AW...we cant all fight crime like you and your side-kicks and i wouldnt automatical headbutt the little shyt like your mate coz i know that 10 of their inbred mates are around the corner. does it make you guys more manly that you were lucky that either there were not 20 of them of that one of werent stabbed...use the head, its all very well "Put these ****ing idiots in their place" but it dosnt always turn out so nicely.

    having said this, these fvcks cant continue to intimidate people - something must be done, but i dont know what. for now i'll just be avoiding the following: housing estates at night in anywhere but foxrock, any areas with a bad rep at night and generally avoiding the chance of getting started on by these fvcks/

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Emboss

    Originally posted by xx
    I'm going with Angelwhore here. I'd be damned if I'd let either A skanger or A FEW skangers get the better of me. I had an 'altercation' with this little skinny knackery type over the summer. It ended with me giving him a judo shoulder throw, landing him smack bang on a kerb. And what happened? Well, he was yelling abuse at me while his mates were holding him up and helping him stand. But did one of them approach me after that? Nope, and there was at fcuking least 9 of them and just me on me own. Since then, I'm very much of a mind to fcuk a skanger up on the slightest provocation.
    I also work part-time in a methadone clinic in the city centre and we deffo get loads of skangers in there. They all tried to look hard and act tough in the beginning, but when they seen it didn't wash with me they gave up.
    So these little twats aren't made of leather and tough as coffin nails. Granted, they DO carry knives more often than not, but hear this - if you're prepared to take a beating off a skanger without retaliating, whats to say that he won't stick you with it anyway? So there's you after getting a pasting from some little gouger, lying prone on the ground, and hoping he goes away. But what happens if he takes out a stanley knife and turns your back into confetti with it?
    So dudes, its not like you won't get a bigger kicking if you don't stand up for yourself - on the contrary!!! You're running the risk of either getting stabbed, glassed, deformed or brain-damaged while you cower from this wannabe bully. After working in this clinic that I mentioned earlier, I know first hand that there are guys going around town off their faces on either E, Coke or something to that effect. These guys are timebombs, quite literally. If they attack you, they'll try to kill you and won't think twice about it. So fer chrissakes, stand up for yourself!! Or as Angelwhore suggested, try to hang out with some mates if you're on a night out etc.
    Dammit, take up martial arts or something or buy a car so that you don't have to walk around town either!?!?! But this sit-down-and-die attitude is the worst thing you could do nowadays!

    yes because someday you'll be able to take out the black belt and try wrapping it around one of there necks!

    you don't need martial arts like angelwhore mentioned...just stick up for yourself get some balls....

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Emboss

    Originally posted by ferdi
    jesus, your mad tuff.:rolleyes: i'm not a scrawny shyte but if 9 scumbags attacked me, i'd be ****ed.

    as for AW...we cant all fight crime like you and your side-kicks and i wouldnt automatical headbutt the little shyt like your mate coz i know that 10 of their inbred mates are around the corner. does it make you guys more manly that you were lucky that either there were not 20 of them of that one of werent stabbed...use the head, its all very well "Put these ****ing idiots in their place" but it dosnt always turn out so nicely.

    having said this, these fvcks cant continue to intimidate people - something must be done, but i dont know what. for now i'll just be avoiding the following: housing estates at night in anywhere but foxrock, any areas with a bad rep at night and generally avoiding the chance of getting started on by these fvcks/

    it's funny you should mention foxrock.....
    where do you think all the real criminals live ? the ones who can afford 350,000 500,000 grand to go down the drain in an attempt to bring in heroin/e/coke/speed.....
    not in council estates trust me....
    they're not living in council me...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 439 ✭✭Atreides

    Originally posted by Emboss
    hmm yes E that's why and the end of 'raves' all you see are big brawls because E and coke make you want to kill people....what planet are you living on...further more who the hell are you buying your drugs off ?

    In Fairness you did say your old, and maybe out of the loop, but coke is a major problem in Dublin at the moment, and I know several lads he have been in serious trouble as a result. As for E, thing is allot of people (I know on drugs anyway) seem to take heroine to counteract the effects of E when the nights over, which itself can lead to trouble.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭loismustdie

    Originally posted by Skanger
    In Fairness you did say your old, and maybe out of the loop, but coke is a major problem in Dublin at the moment, and I know several lads he have been in serious trouble as a result. As for E, thing is allot of people (I know on drugs anyway) seem to take heroine to counteract the effects of E when the nights over, which itself can lead to trouble.

    anyone who takes heroin to come down from e is asking for trouble, it like bulemic people

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,598 ✭✭✭ferdi

    Originally posted by Emboss
    it's funny you should mention foxrock.....
    where do you think all the real criminals live ?
    whats your point? do these criminals try stabbing me as i walk down the street, no.

    btw i cant understand anyone who does not hold skangers as the lowest form of shyt, look at this....what is it about this scene that makes me tremble with rage?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 439 ✭✭Atreides

    Have to be pretty stupid to take E in the first place, but I've seen it work. One minute a guys talkign a mile a minute and can't keep still, the next he's back to "normal".

    Btw, the guy in hte middle with the blue hat in the above, is the leader. You get a sense for these things. Always go for the leader, the rest will back down.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭loismustdie

    Originally posted by Emboss
    hmm yes E that's why and the end of 'raves' all you see are big brawls because E and coke make you want to kill people....what planet are you living on...further more who the hell are you buying your drugs off ?

    so the product of the love generation makes you want to kill people? alcohol is the most violent drug there is undeniably and of course when ravers become junkies they're not likely to kill anybody are they?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,726 ✭✭✭quank

    Originally posted by Emboss
    I've heard more creative comments dribble out of a diying junkies mouth....

    case closed

    it all comes together now, emboss lives with half dead druggies

    Fredi: LOL wheredja get that pic?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,598 ✭✭✭ferdi

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,979 ✭✭✭✭Giblet

    Jesus, all I have to say about that pic is.

    "wha are they lookin ah"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,483 ✭✭✭Töpher

    the guy waving the mcdonalds takeaway bag around distracting them from the guy with the camera!

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