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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,810 ✭✭✭lodgepole

    I'm not sure that it's stereotyping.

    Someone made an example earlier of trenchcoats and the Columbine killings and the response was that we've never experienced that.

    If the majority of my experience with people dressed in the manner described is negative, then of course i'm going to be more wary of approaching them, conversing with them etc. It doesn't mean I won't, but it does mean i'll be more careful. The chances are that an identical barrier exists for them, and they would have problems approaching certain groups.

    I agree it's unfair, but that's the way it is.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,556 ✭✭✭✭Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

    Originally posted by loismustdie
    u are a strange strange man


    " They are, however, popular past-times among a majority of that group as is harassing people, stealing cars and starting fights."

    i was replying to that :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,322 ✭✭✭✭super_furry

    Yes, people have the right to dress whatever way they like. However, they do not have the right to act whatever way they like especially if they way they are acting adversly affects other people. If I'm wrong to discriminate against scangers, then so be it, I'm not going to change my opinion of these people until I have just cause to do so, and not because it isn't politically correct.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,556 ✭✭✭✭Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

    it's not your "opinion" of these people, it's the fact that you think of them as 'these' people..

    you've already made your choice before you examined any of the 'facts'

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 658 ✭✭✭xx

    Originally posted by loismustdie
    THEM apples = skanger lingo surely, wouldn't your type of people be better to say THOSE apples?

    Nope, nope, its 'them apples' - Its a quote from a movie that I thought would be fitting.
    Anyway, back to the (many-tiered) point at hand. I'm going with Super_furry on this one. I'm from the country, but go to College in Dublin. Every single time I get off the bus, all I see are skangers. EVERYWHERE. You can't miss them. But thats an image thing, and seeing as no-one on earth could help them with that, I'll leave it alone.
    But I digress. As with Super_Furry, pretty much any bad experience I've had in dublin (which, granted, are very few) have been with skangers/gougers/scrotes/pikeys etc. I've never seen other people with the 'attitudes' that these people have. They think that just because they reckon they're 'hard' or 'bleedin out-of-it' that they have a licence to do anything they like. Smoke on buses - why the hell not? Shout abuse at random strangers who pass them by - but of course!!! And lets not forget the whole 'I'm with the lads and feel like beating the crap out of some guy on his way home from the pub' - hell, why not, Mr. Scumbag???
    If my attitude is seen as racist/discriminatory, then so be it - I'm a racist mofo then. But I don't care, to tell you the truth.
    So what I'd like to know here is how many people have had bad experiences of the skanger variety? C'mon, lets have a tally-up. If you can't take one persons word for it, Loismustdie, we'll see if we can get a good few people to bolster the argument that skangers are the dregs of the irish society.
    They're unproductive and contribute nothing to this nation (apart from litter and the ever-spiraling crime level), they make the streets unsafe to walk on at night and are single-handedly increasing the population. daily.
    But before you can start with your 'what gives you the right to say this' spiel - I have the right because I have a pair of eyes and ears and can see and hear what goes on around me. Point and case.
    Now, how do I get off this preaching pedestal?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,446 ✭✭✭Havelock

    At this point the arguement is degrading to a point where I will simply recommend a "Everyone who doesn't write on is scum" club. Whos with me?

    Alright, we all have our own opinions and experiances with skangers. All mine have been negative, I have never had a possative interaction with one, and for that reason I try to avoid any more. I will discriminate against them (as in prejudge) to the extent I would sit at the front of the bus, or not sit beside them in a pub, because to do the contary will just lead to harassement in my experiance. I would do the same weather it be them, skin head neo-nazis or hooilgans. Its just street smarts and comment sense. If there was a history of men in neat suits going around town mugging, a beating up people for fun and sitting getting pissed in parks and being abusive (worries how these will read) I'd avoid people in suits, its that simple. The skanger clothing is like a uniform, it acts as an identifier. And it is identified with being a scumbag because that is the reputation that exists. I believe not all people who dress this way are scum, but you can never be sure who is and is not.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,556 ✭✭✭✭Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

    and are single-handedly increasing the population. daily.


    anyone else find this to be ****ing hilarious? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Originally posted by loismustdie
    if you're scared of them go get yourself kevin costner to mind you when you're walkin around at night, and if you keep to yourself you'll be just fine hunny. an don't make yourself out to be so innocent, you abviously spend a lot of time studying these people

    Right now I am using my left hand to touch the scar still under my eye. I was hit with a soverign ring, nearly took my eye out. Why? Because I was standing at a corner with my friends and these 'socially challenged' people had been drinking Dutch Gold. He asked me for a pound, I said I didnt have one (which I didnt) and he punch nice.
    Oh and guess what he was wearing? Shock horror! Skanger clothes....well I'll be damned. Well I suppose it was mostly my fault, I was trying to have fun on my JC results night, for shame.

    Judging people is not wrong generally imo, it's a fact of life, and it is stupid not to. Street-wise as one person said so perfectly.

    Although, like everyone here, skangers are not the only people I judge. I judge goths, skaters, jocks etc.... Skaters and jocks annoy me, jocks especially because they were everywhere in my school days.

    Oh btw are a muppa.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,322 ✭✭✭✭super_furry

    it's not your "opinion" of these people, it's the fact that you think of them as 'these' people..

    Which I do so because of my past experiences with them. Again, if that's discrimination, then I freely admit to being guilty of that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 658 ✭✭✭xx

    Originally posted by Mordeth

    anyone else find this to be ****ing hilarious? :D

    Was wondering if anyone would get the joke in that line. And the winner is: Mordeth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,924 ✭✭✭✭BuffyBot

    Originally posted by Mordeth
    anyone else find it strange that a lot of the boards community have been arguing with the 'racists' over at stormfront for their portrayal (how do you spell that damned word) or black people as criminals, intellectually inferior.. etc etc, and then they hop over here to after hours to bitch about the skangers and scumbags..


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 61 ✭✭Shilo

    Apparently, what LMD is saying is that you can go ahead and bitch about skangers but in order to do so, you must be fully cognisant of their name, address and full social history. It's all about picking on individuals here.

    Actually, when I was working in Henry St. and some f*cker came lunging across the counter at me when I was 6 months pregnant because he didn't like me pointing out (very civilly, I might add) that he had ASKED for a service that he then decided he and his 'mott' weren't prepared to pay for, I didn't much care who he was. But, if asked, I can tell you WHAT he was.... :mad: Alas, I can't tell you his name but I can tell you he had the requisite tracksuit, heavy 'gold' jewellery, bad tattoos and was obviously drunk and violent. Hmm, well, that narrows it down then, eh?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 96 ✭✭wombat

    In my time in dublin I've lived in Rialto, Finglas, Santry, Collins Avenue and most lately Donnybrook.

    Some of the best people I've ever met have work tracksuits (but not many large rings) and some of the biggest ****ers I've ever met have worn suits.
    I've been jumped by skangers a couple of times in my life and called hippy or muppah or dracula or some other ill informed ****e more times than I can actually count.
    Almost every single time a car has run a red light in front of me or missed me completly as they ignored both the red light and my presence on the paedestrian crossing at about 60mph it has been driven by some D4 tosspot.
    There are gangs of little wannabe hard men **** out in D4 who are every bit as bad as the groups of little ****s out in finglas, the difference is that their Daddy is a lawyer.

    The only reason I can think of personally to dislike "scangers" is that I hate the accent (not that I'm a fan of the D4 one for that matter) I think it's a harsh and lazy way of speaking but that's not the issue. They drink in fields, other kids use their fake IDs to drink in pubs, they're all pretty much as bad as each other.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭sod

    Originally posted by super_furry
    I mean do they wake up one morning and think to themselves “I know, I’m going to buy a cheap tracksuit, some sovereign rings, a baseball cap that I’ll wear at a 90 degree angle

    funnily enough, the real scangers wear the most expensive tracksuits and jewellery you can get (jewellery that looks like the stuff their into i mean), and you forgot to mention you stick both hands down the front of said tracksuit bottoms while walking around parnell st or wherever.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭loismustdie

    well then you need kevin more than anyone don't ya? before ya called me a muppa (very dignified) i was gonna give you some allowance even though i still disagree with you i would have said fair enough you did have a really bad experience, you did nothin wrong and they did, but it was only with a handful of people and you cannot make a generilisation. the point remains that 2 wrongs don't make a right, this thread shouldn't have been started and that all skangers aren't scumbags

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭loismustdie

    Originally posted by xx
    Was wondering if anyone would get the joke in that line. And the winner is: Mordeth.

    i get second prize? i hadn't read the original post when i read mordeths but i got it straight away :) ****!

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,975 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    i think in this case you could alter the old adage: "when a wise man realises he is wise he becomes a fool but when a fool realises he is a fool he becomes a fool no longer"
    "when a scanger realises that he is a scanger he becomes a skanger no longer"

    I used to dress/act a bit like a scumbag/skanger etc. when I was a teenager (come from the northside of cork). Then I grew out of it and realised what a dickhead I was. Still trying to rid myself of the remnants of the accent unfortunately :( My friends from my area would agree with that as well, you reach a stage where you realise "hey wait a minute, i look like a right eejit and everyone hates me.".

    There's a hell of a lot of scum in my area by the way. Since dressing like a normal person and when I was still living there I found it was impossible to walk outside my front door without getting hassled. If I sat too near the back of the bus and the skangers at the back started getting worked up and frustrated if the bus was stuck in traffic or whatever, I'd get the head smacked off me. Thank **** I'm out of there, but it still freaks me out when I go back home to visit the parents. My brother's a right skanger so that doesn't help either.
    They drink in fields, other kids use their fake IDs to drink in pubs

    That part was fun :) It was a good laugh drinking in fields then fleeing en masse from na garda siochana. The bad part was tripping over a couple who decided that shagging in the bushes was not beneath them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Originally posted by loismustdie
    well then you need kevin more than anyone don't ya? before ya called me a muppa (very dignified) i was gonna give you some allowance even though i still disagree with you i would have said fair enough you did have a really bad experience, you did nothin wrong and they did, but it was only with a handful of people and you cannot make a generilisation. the point remains that 2 wrongs don't make a right, this thread shouldn't have been started and that all skangers aren't scumbags

    And calling people ignorant and plain stupid is dignified as well?
    Take that plank out of your eye please and stop generalising about people on boards.

    The bottom line is, most people are going to judge people how they dress, if I see a group skangers (especially drunk) I will avoid them like the fecking plague, I know they will be 90% of the time trouble. I do not propose they should sit on the back of the bus, or that we should begin a lynching campaign, but that we should be weary of them, until they proove us otherwise.
    Btw I am talking about teenage skangers, not anyone over 25ish.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭loismustdie

    Originally posted by super_furry
    Yes, people have the right to dress whatever way they like. However, they do not have the right to act whatever way they like especially if they way they are acting adversly affects other people. If I'm wrong to discriminate against scangers, then so be it, I'm not going to change my opinion of these people until I have just cause to do so, and not because it isn't politically correct.

    all i wanted you to do was admit you were wrong, not change your opinion. your decency as a person sh make you change it

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭loismustdie

    Originally posted by Absolam
    Yes; dress how you please but accept that as a consequence people will judge you on how you dress; that's just life. If you look like trouble then people will treat you like trouble.

    this rule also applies to geeks etc, society sees it as unacceptable which it is. any discrimination is discrimination

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,975 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    Oh for god sake, skangers are skangers. You keep your moral objections, but I'll still keep a wide birth any time I see a gang of skangers in town.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭loismustdie

    Originally posted by Shilo
    Apparently, what LMD is saying is that you can go ahead and bitch about skangers but in order to do so, you must be fully cognisant of their name, address and full social history. It's all about picking on individuals here.

    Actually, when I was working in Henry St. and some f*cker came lunging across the counter at me when I was 6 months pregnant because he didn't like me pointing out (very civilly, I might add) that he had ASKED for a service that he then decided he and his 'mott' weren't prepared to pay for, I didn't much care who he was. But, if asked, I can tell you WHAT he was.... :mad: Alas, I can't tell you his name but I can tell you he had the requisite tracksuit, heavy 'gold' jewellery, bad tattoos and was obviously drunk and violent. Hmm, well, that narrows it down then, eh?

    so wen i asked if u were all just ignorant or stupid, wht was your answer??? you completely mis understand me and shouldn't try to summerise wht someone else is saying if yu're incapable

    you can say what you like about that person who did that to you becasue he was wrong, even though you haven't really given us the circumstance that doesn't matter. you can hate him as much as you want but you shouldn't look at other people who have never met him but who dresses the same as him in the same way.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭loismustdie

    Originally posted by k.oriordan
    Oh for god sake, skangers are skangers. You keep your moral objections, but I'll still keep a wide birth any time I see a gang of skangers in town.

    keep a wide birth, keep whatever you like - i'm giving my opinion as you are yours

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Morgans

    I'm sure skangers would take me as i am, and get to know me peronally, if i wore my cloth cap, my tweed coat, and my wellingtons into the square. The less people defend these skangers rights to act without impunity and actually got down to try solving the problem - no easy task - the better ireland would be.

    Saw some young lad try to steal something out of a shop in Nutgrove a couple of weeks ago. He was chased down by the owner who caught him, but didnt hit him. Despite this, I was asked by his compadres to give a statement to the cops for compo reasons.

    Lovely people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Originally posted by loismustdie
    keep a wide birth, keep whatever you like - i'm giving my opinion as you are yours are telling people to change them for the decency of mankind.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭loismustdie

    Originally posted by Sangre
    And calling people ignorant and plain stupid is dignified as well?
    Take that plank out of your eye please and stop generalising about people on boards.

    The bottom line is, most people are going to judge people how they dress, if I see a group skangers (especially drunk) I will avoid them like the fecking plague, I know they will be 90% of the time trouble. I do not propose they should sit on the back of the bus, or that we should begin a lynching campaign, but that we should be weary of them, until they proove us otherwise.
    Btw I am talking about teenage skangers, not anyone over 25ish.

    where did this 90% statistic come from?

    the question are you stupid or ignorant was a question. a lot of people are misunderstanding me and not eveb trying to see where i'm coming from. they seem to be incapable of understanding what they don't agree with an i was asking if their disposition was ignorant (is that fair enough) the alternative of course is that they have a learning disability. sorry if i caused offence, because noone here has been offensive to anyone of course :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭loismustdie

    Originally posted by Sangre are telling people to change them for the decency of mankind.

    i'm askin you to change your opinions? this is a message board - convertions not too much unlike debates accur here where members give their opinions. as is human nature everyone generally agrees with their own opinion and would welcome others of the same opinion. however, as long as no1's opinion is unfair to anyone else conversations can be informative and beneficial, don't you think. you can keep your opinion

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 465 ✭✭bloggs

    loismustdie, if you don't like this thread (as you said you didn't like me starting it, then please just don't comment in it)

    The problem with skangers is (as someone has said) that they appear to people like scumbags. So when you see a bunch of them walking down O'Connell St at 2am most people will likey move to the other side. While if you met the same amount of guys in suite/goths/"normals" (what ever they are ;)) most people wouldn't have a problem.

    I have been verbally abused by skangers on buses and at bus stops, listened to them talk on their phones in cinemas and anything i stand up to them, i get a shower of abuse back.

    What i am saying is that if you dress like a skanger you have to accept that people will treat you like a scumbag.

    Honestly Lois, who would you rather feel safer leaving to look after you car while you go to the shops? A skanger or a guy in a suit?

    I blame the likes of Christina Aguluera (excuse the spelling) who has loads of money but dresses like a skanger, she seems to be a role model, but the young female skangers seem to think if they dress like her they will be the same as her. Afraid not.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭loismustdie

    Originally posted by Morgans
    I'm sure skangers would take me as i am, and get to know me peronally, if i wore my cloth cap, my tweed coat, and my wellingtons into the square. The less people defend these skangers rights to act without impunity and actually got down to try solving the problem - no easy task - the better ireland would be.

    Saw some young lad try to steal something out of a shop in Nutgrove a couple of weeks ago. He was chased down by the owner who caught him, but didnt hit him. Despite this, I was asked by his compadres to give a statement to the cops for compo reasons.

    Lovely people.

    you all think you're better than skangers so two wrongs don't make a right.
    a group of kids do that - we should just burn dublin down so it won't infect the rest of the country. get over yourselves

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