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  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 17,990 Mod ✭✭✭✭ixoy

    Originally posted by Tusky
    Think about you and your friends , think about when you or your friends have had trouble ..... EVERY incident I can think of involves "scumbags" - that says it all , we havnt given them a bad name they have given themselfs a bad name , anyone who dresses like that and "isnt" a scumbag is afraid to be themselfs or afraid of the scumbags themselfs ,

    I refuse to believe any individual would dress like that :)

    Seconded. It's much more of a uniform than many other styles of dressing but, like a uniform, it does give conformity. Remember scumbags hate things different to them, so they can't be different themselves, right down to their crappy little 'taches [the male of the spieces] or their hoop-earring and baby [the females].

    Every mean-spirited, pointless robbery or insult I've ever received is from skangers/scum-bags. And no I was minding my own business. I was not doing anything to them in any way. I go about my life, pay my taxes, and live my life until their ilk see fit to disrupt it.

    Sign up to my plan! You know it makes objective sense!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17 Am I Sad?

    I'd hate to have posted early in this thread, had email notification switched on and decided to check my emails tonight!!

    Oh yeah, and remember every cognac is a brandy but not every brandy is a cognac! Theres nothing wrong with brandy but I don't drink brandy cause it tastes like cognac. I'm very discriminating when it comes to brandy....or know what I mean. No PC cognac Connoisseur will make me change my mind.


  • Registered Users Posts: 558 ✭✭✭mrbungle

    Originally posted by Mordeth
    if I put on my trenchcoat and go outside today, will you avoid me cos of the kids who did the columbine shootings?

    I would, cos it looks gay.

  • Registered Users Posts: 558 ✭✭✭mrbungle

    Originally posted by padraigmyers
    Black people are black and no matter what they do they will still be black, this is why
    racisim is generally accepeted as being wrong.

    Skangers dress and act like they do out of choice, its a life-style choice, and I have
    no problem in discriminating against the scumbags.

    Well said.

    Point proven:

    Try getting into any decent pub in the city centre wearing a tracksuit, a bunch of sovereign ring a mousy moustache and a black leather jaket !

    You could dress Bertie Aherne up like a skanger and he wouldn't get into Q-Bar, Cafe-en-Seine, Dakota, Cocoon, Dame Lane, Turks Head, Odean, any decent 20-something bar,

    You'll get the following:
    Bouncer: Members only.
    Bertie: But I'm the Taoiseach.
    Bouncer: Sorry, go home to your Mother.
    Bertie: Wanna buy any hash....

  • Registered Users Posts: 558 ✭✭✭mrbungle

    Originally posted by loismustdie
    you all think you're better than skangers so two wrongs don't make a right.
    a group of kids do that - we should just burn dublin down so it won't infect the rest of the country. get over yourselves


    Wait till you or one of your loved one's get a kicking or harrassed by a skanger.

    Not a nice feeling when you get your block knocked off aged 14 by a gang of sh!tbags who wanted some of a poxy icepop I had.
    This didn't swing me towards a dislike of skangers/scumbags.
    I mean, I don't go around acting completely anti-social, drinking on the streets, gimping around on the buses, talking on mobiles in cinemas, kicking the crap out people for no reason. These are but a few reasons.

    A few years ago, some of my school mates started getting grief from skangers from both sides of my hometown. Over 2-3 years they stuck together whenever they were out and going home from pubs/clubs, they systematically beat the crap out of every skanger in the town whenever 1 of them was provoked.

    Not vigilanteism, more like an objective self-defense.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 558 ✭✭✭mrbungle

    Originally posted by loismustdie
    i don't dress like a skanger but the truth is i've never had any trouble from skangers and i can't see why you all have. i don't dress like a skanger, i don't know how you all dress becasue you seem to not be able to walk down the street withough getting into fights

    >i don't know how you all dress becasue you seem to not be able >to walk down the street withough getting

    Have you not read what has gone before ?????

    Contrary to popular belief, the word discriminate is in a skangers dictionary !!!!

    They will discriminate with whom they pick on and start fights.

    You must be alone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    someone stick a poll up - are skangers hated scum yes/no

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,666 ✭✭✭Imposter

    May I suggest that maybe those who are defending these scumbags should get out of Ireland (but not UK or US) and have a look at how other countries are. Where I am at present there is virtually noone (only SOME 15 year old Enimem wannabees) dressed in tracksuits. Sports tops the same. Exceptions include when they're coming going from the gym or going to watch a sports event.

    People do not bother others. Public transport is safe. Occasionally a drunken fight occurs but it's not dangourous as no weapons are involved and people generally jump in to break things up (not partake in the 'event').

    Compare that to the 2 years I spent in Dublin before I left. Flat broken into with approx 1000€ (800 pounds) worth of stuff taken. 3 bicycles robbed in the space of 2 months. Girlfriends car broken into 5 times in a locked garage in 3 months. Always having to look over your shoulder.

    And I would blame all of that on Skangers (only got proof for 1 bicycle and 2 car break-ins but Guards weren't interested).

    When I say blame, I'm saying they commited those crimes. As people have said they're not all scumbags. The Guardai did nothing about them, so they're perhaps to blame as well (as is the justice system). Parenting is obviously lacking in these scumbags lives, so that's to blame as well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,446 ✭✭✭Havelock

    Orginally posted by MrBungle
    You could dress Bertie Aherne up like a skanger and he wouldn't get into Q-Bar, Cafe-en-Seine, Dakota, Cocoon, Dame Lane, Turks Head, Odean, any decent 20-something bar,

    You'll get the following:
    Bouncer: Members only.
    Bertie: But I'm the Taoiseach.
    Bouncer: Sorry, go home to your Mother.
    Bertie: Wanna buy any hash....?

    Damn f**kin' funny. I could just see it my head, maybe with a pregnant Mary Harney in a white tracksuit beside him, with the obligatory Jonny Blue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,974 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    I hate the way if a bicycle is locked up securely, they settle for one of the wheels of the bike, or for ripping the bike to pieces.

    I hate parents who raise scum as well. Fair enough there are some parents who do their best (i've seen them around and know that the kids will grow up bastards despite their influences), but there are other parents who actively teach their kids to be scumbags, telling them not to respect authority, "if a teacher gives you hassle in school, tell me and we'll sort them out" and so on.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 467 ✭✭Jokah

    Funniest thing I have ever seen in my life was at the Eminem concert. Now there was no trouble and the crowd were class, but the amount of KNACKS that looked the same. Im talking about the 12-13y/o boys who all dressed the same!!!!!!!!

    I mean it was weird. Seriously weird. The Baseball caps so perfectly perched at the correct angle. (only time they have used a protractor probably). Jeans and runners ....Shirts were tucked in(hand me downs) and covered with one of the main brands of the day......and the worst excuse for a moustache i have ever seen. It was hilarious and all my mates and I could do was laugh.

    Now i was close to front of the stage and there were some around but in general they were grand..

    I think when they react to a situation it is a gang or neighbourhood thing. What really gets me is the Southside dublin kids who want to be knackers and act like morons on the street for attention when their daddies are pulling in 6 figure salaries....I've seen some wanna be knacker rich kid taking on the wrong person his age on the bus...wasn't pretty...he lost

    Now the only confrontation I have ever had with Knacks is with the wanna be rich kid ones - spouting sh!t to impress their friends, honestly they p!ss me off.

    But yes I hate knacks and what they stand for. Scum.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 302 ✭✭Grimlock

    Has anyone else noticed that skanger girls are now hanging off black guys?!
    Wherever I see a black guy there's at least two or three of these girls hanging out of them......
    Maybe skanger blokes are just sexually frustrated! :eek:

    Another kinda recent development is with girls who grow up in the same areas as skangers but who aren't skangers (I'm guessing most ppl from these areas aren't bad; few bad apples and all that) have developed a new accent; it's not skanger but you can hear tones of skanger in it; I've only heard it a few times but it's quiet sexy I think; :D

    I'm rambling now!:rolleyes:
    Just my 2cents!

  • Registered Users Posts: 467 ✭✭Jokah

    "have developed a new accent"

    Like my point about wanna be rich kid knackers.

    They get off the mobiles with their moms and its like "no problem mummy ill be back for dinner at 6".

    A minute later he/she is saying to their mates.......

    "whatzzzzz the storrrrrrrieeeeeeeeeeee" "lets go to the gaff"

    Etc etc......why?

    Expect a lot of knacks out tonight cos the Junior Cert results were released today...

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,413 ✭✭✭✭Trojan

    Originally posted by AngelofFire
    I dont like the word skanger its often a word used by middle class pysudo intellects to categorise people who are less well off than them."Anyone who wears football or GAA jerseys is a skanger" "Anyone who lives in tallaght ballyfermot or finglas is a skanger" one of my rocker mates has this other mate who is condesendant towards anyone whos different from him. i show up to meet a group of rockers whilst wearing an ireland jersey and i get looked upon as if i have ten heads or something.

    How sad are some people these days

    On the one hand, it can be seen as classist and unfair, on the other hand there's realism.

    I live in D5 and work in D3. Call me prejudiced[1], but I know who's a dodgy character and who's not.

    And one thing that really, really pisses me off? I'm a big sports fan, love it. I love going to see the Dubs in Croker, particularly these days with the huge crowd sizes, the atmosphere is electrifying.

    But I can't wear a Dublin jersey on a non-match day. That really annoys me, but that's life. It's a choice I make, and live with. Why? I don't want to be associated with some of those who are in the habit of wearing the jersey daily. Stupid? Maybe not. Talking about association of symbols, something really shocked me when I was recently in Switzerland.

    We Irish are extremely patriotic, and proud of our heritage. Particularly our Celtic heritage. But in continental Europe, Celtic images are used by the neo-Nazis as their banners.
    The celtic cross is probably the most popular symbol among (seemingly not only) european neonazis, even more than the traditional swastika (but that’s maybe because the swastika is banned or has its use “protected” in many countries). They base it in that Celts are “true” Europeans (i.e., of “pure” breed).
    António Martins, 18 Apr 1998


    1. \Pre*judge"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Prejudged; p. pr. & vb. n. Prejudging.] [Pref. pre + judge: cf. F. prjuger. Cf. Prejudicate, Prejudice.] To judge before hearing, or before full and sufficient examination; to decide or sentence by anticipation; to condemn beforehand.

    (I think the evidence of experience is sufficient therefore I don't believe it's prejudice)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 302 ✭✭Grimlock

    XPThink said:

    "have developed a new accent"

    Like my point about wanna be rich kid knackers.

    They get off the mobiles with their moms and its like "no problem mummy ill be back for dinner at 6".

    A minute later he/she is saying to their mates.......

    "whatzzzzz the storrrrrrrieeeeeeeeeeee" "lets go to the gaff"

    No no; you mistaken me completely:
    I've no time for the girls you've mentioned and I agree with you they are annoying!
    But what I was talking about was girls from the perceived area's were skangers are from: like Charlene's examples:
    "Ballymun, Ballyfermot, inichicore, Darndale and so on"
    I mean girls from these areas who aren't scum but socially productive ppl: They seem to be developing a new accent which is a MUCH more refined soft accent without any vulgarity.
    Am I alone or has anyone else noticed this :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,322 ✭✭✭✭super_furry

    It’s not classist. I’m firmly working class, have lived in Tallaght all of my life and I despise scangers. Even today I had a run-in with two of them. I was at the bus stop opposite the Square waiting for a bus into town, minding my own buisiness with my headphones on. All of a sudden two inbred scumbags (probably around 19-20) come along and start kicking the back of the bus shelter causing the two old women that were sitting there to get up and walk about ten feet away. With no-one else around they start hurling abuse at me – the usual “Ya dirty ****ing hippy” “Yeeer a bleedin’ quyor,” “here mister I seen you in the bleedin’ George.” Anyway, I ignored them and thankfully a bus came a few minutes later. I have no doubt that had I said anything back to them or even looked at them, they would have jumped me.

    Feck all the PC, liberal bull**** – these people are absolute scum, a plague on the city and I have nothing but utter contempt for them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,413 ✭✭✭✭Trojan

    Originally posted by super_furry

    Feck all the PC, liberal bull**** – these people are absolute scum, a plague on the city and I have nothing but utter contempt for them.

    And here's the realism. Damn straight.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,556 ✭✭✭✭Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

    yeah, burn the ******s

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,348 ✭✭✭Ryo Hazuki

    Is loismustdie a skanger?

    I think he is.

    I dislike skangers.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,556 ✭✭✭✭Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

    when we're finished killing the skangers, can we start lynching the queers next? they're the ones bringing aids and crime into the country

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  • Registered Users Posts: 27,322 ✭✭✭✭super_furry

    If gay people went around in gangs insulting, threating and assaulting people for fun, I'd agree with you Mordeth. Your reasoning is becoming more and more facetious as the topic goes on - just look back through it and read the personal accounts of people's everyday dealing with scangers. You may want to be all PC about it and pretend that there isn't a problem but there clearly is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Right Mordeth.......
    That's great logic, how dare we dislike the anti-social. I think you are getting touchy because you know lmd. What is wrong with avoid people who you know will 90% of the time be looking for hassle? Think about it Mordeth.

    Just like I would avoid those wearing neo-nazi attire etc, as I would avoid klu-klan get ups. It's just common sense.
    I know the arguement is extreme, but so is yours.

    Also I never got why people say 'i saw you in the george'. Wouldn't that imply they were there too....****ing morons.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,441 ✭✭✭✭jesus_thats_gre

    I worked in a very busy supermarket for nearly 5 years. In that time, I developed a skill of being able to identify a ****bag with just a quick glimpse. Whether its morally right or not is a different story.

    Just one thing, why are so many of the fellas about 6 foot, skinny, have black hair and a stupid looking ronnie....

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,441 ✭✭✭✭jesus_thats_gre

    "have developed a new accent"

    This seems to Drogheda your speaking about, a perfect blend of the Dublin and Co. Louth accents. Nasty

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 17,990 Mod ✭✭✭✭ixoy

    Originally posted by Mordeth
    when we're finished killing the skangers, can we start lynching the queers next? they're the ones bringing aids and crime into the country

    Oh don't talk sh!t please. If you look at the statistics just released you'll notice that AIDs, in the last year, has decreased among the gay community but increased among the straight.

    Once again though we're back to the salient point that scumbags/skangers CHOOSE the life they live whereas other "minorities" are born into it. Hell of a difference.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 658 ✭✭✭xx

    Originally posted by mrbungle
    A few years ago, some of my school mates started getting grief from skangers from both sides of my hometown. Over 2-3 years they stuck together whenever they were out and going home from pubs/clubs, they systematically beat the crap out of every skanger in the town whenever 1 of them was provoked.

    Not vigilanteism, more like an objective self-defense.

    Am I the only one who see's the beauty of this? You know what, its only a matter of time before this sort of thing becomes the norm and it'll be the skangers turn to take a beatdown. Where do I sign up?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,413 ✭✭✭✭Trojan

    Mordeth, I think you're way off here. Your post seems to be entirely based on an emotional reaction, and not anything to do with the real world that we all live in.
    Originally posted by Mordeth
    when we're finished killing the skangers, can we start lynching the queers next? they're the ones bringing aids and crime into the country

    *) If you think ixoy/Havelock were serious about killing them, well you need to get some fresh air. Besides, it's financially unviable.

    *) How dare you compare the gay community to skangers? That's damn insulting to the gays.

    *) This thread has a lot of people with lofty moral values preaching from on-high. Do you ever have to walk around the north inner city? Or the Square?

    I don't think this thread was intended to be a "how do we deal with the skanger problem" kind of thread, but just a general discussion with people talking about their experiences and viewpoints, which *everyone* here should respect. That's the beauty of this site.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 302 ✭✭Grimlock

    Originally posted by Mordeth
    when we're finished killing the skangers, can we start lynching the queers next? they're the ones bringing aids and crime into the country

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Mordeth was being sarcastic!

    Maybe some of you guys need to take a breath of fresh air, maybe pop a valium and re-read the post! ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭loismustdie

    okey dokey

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    quick introduction - generally my name is shortened to lois, not lmd and i is female/she/her

    mordeth agreeing with me because he knows me - that's laughable (ha ha ha) as numerous boards experiences will prove to you

    so much to say so little monosyllable words to say it in:

    whether you would call me a skanger if you met me is one thing but i can assure you that i've never done anything against anyone like you've experienced. i'm not niave and i am well familiar with walking around rough places on saturday nights

    if you read my posts again without being biased you might see my point of view, you will see what i really think and if i was trolling is a message board where debates may arise through conversation (correct me if i'm wrong, i could be) as long as everyone expresses their opinion without insulting or whatever everything should be fine, the point of starting a thread is to get opinions, even if they don't conform with your own. i gave my opinion, people dissagree, i argue my point, they argue theirs - what's wrong with this? nothing! the only problem i had was that you were all being horrible about people based on their appearence. contrary to what some posters interpretted, i don't condone scumbags or anyone who is responsible for attacks like those from the many horror stories shared. and i'm not even going to bother repeating my point for you at this stage

    have fun with the thread anyway :)

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,556 ✭✭✭✭Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

    actually i read in the irish indo yesterday that alot of gay men are apparently trying to catch aids so that they can feel part of a 'group'.

    isn't that sweet

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