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What is Peartree house and wy won't WWM let me join



  • Registered Users Posts: 35,524 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    What was the point in this thread?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,144 ✭✭✭Runfree


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Originally posted by sceptre
    You want to have sex with her only once every seven years? Some self-control you have there Mr Typedef

    What can I say.....

    The Uh-machs is a killer.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Originally posted by bug
    Merc stop making me sound like Jermain Greer.

    The only person I let in of my own making was Typedef...your the clicky clicky access man

    Bug.. by the way.

    Have I ever mentioned you're like.... seriously... (a babe)... like... 'big time'?


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,514 ✭✭✭Sleipnir

    Originally posted by Mercury_Tilt
    Access list for PearTree House
    50Cent - access allowed
    adnans - access allowed
    Amz - access allowed
    azezil - access allowed
    Beat Freak - access allowed
    Beruthiel - access allowed
    bikini widow - access allowed
    Blade - access allowed
    bug - access allowed
    bugler - access allowed
    charlene - access allowed
    Cherry - access allowed
    crash_000 - access allowed
    Dakeyras - access allowed
    DapperGent - access allowed
    daveg - access allowed
    deepspeed - access allowed
    deezoid - access allowed
    DemolitionAngel - access allowed
    Dr. Loon - access allowed
    Dustaz - access allowed
    ella minnow pea - access allowed
    Emboss - access allowed
    eth0_ - access allowed
    evie - access allowed
    Evil Phil - access allowed
    fitz - access allowed
    foxinsocks - access allowed
    FoXXy - access allowed
    gandalf - access allowed
    girldef - access allowed
    Gopher - access allowed
    Gordon - access allowed
    hacktavist - access allowed
    Hobart - access allowed
    Horsefumbler - access allowed
    imp - access allowed
    Jak - access allowed
    juno75 - access allowed
    kaids - access allowed
    Kaimera - access allowed
    Kalina - access allowed
    KdjaC - access allowed
    Keeks - access allowed
    Kell - access allowed
    Kharn - access allowed
    L3igon - access allowed
    Legion - access allowed
    Lemming - access allowed
    Lenny - access allowed
    LizzyBethAnn - access allowed
    logic1 - access allowed
    Man - access allowed
    Mark - access allowed
    mavedic - access allowed
    Mercury_Tilt - access allowed
    Mikaboshi - access allowed
    Minesajackdaniels - access allowed
    misswex - access allowed
    Monty - the one and only - access allowed
    mooman_00 - access allowed
    Moriarty - access allowed
    Pandora - access allowed
    patch69 - access allowed
    Phreak - access allowed
    poppygirl - access allowed
    Samson - access allowed
    sceptre - access allowed
    seamus - access allowed
    Shad0r - access allowed
    SheroN - access allowed
    Shinji - access allowed
    Silverfish - access allowed
    simu - access allowed
    skittishkitten - access allowed
    smiles - access allowed
    Smithers - access allowed
    Spacedog - access allowed
    Sparks - access allowed
    Squeaks - access allowed
    sutty - access allowed
    SyxPak - access allowed
    T.G Catter - access allowed
    Tha Gopher - access allowed
    Thaed - access allowed
    The Corinthian - access allowed
    Theadydal - access allowed
    thedrowner - access allowed
    Thorbar - access allowed
    Trojan - access allowed
    Truckle - access allowed
    Typedef - access allowed
    Walls - access allowed
    WhiteWashMan - access allowed
    Wolf - access allowed
    Wolfie - access allowed

    There is nothing to hide.

    Well Jaysus, it's hardly bleedin' exclusive is it!?!?
    "I don't wanna join any club that would have me as a member"

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,144 ✭✭✭Runfree

    can i have access.

    hold on I don't want access

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,169 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    I haven't even heard of half those people.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Originally posted by Boston
    fail to see how that makes me suck up to you. Listen we have allready had long debates about your hard man rep in the past " i went to collock" and all. Neither the time nor the place. Btw nice to see you read my stuff on boards.

    Sorry to disappoint you but someone just pointed out your hypocrisy to me...

    So, off to Trinity in October then? Good for you lad!
    How you will be able to deal with all those elitest upper class people? My goodness! Bit hypocritical neh?

    BTW you can start your own private forum too you know, you're own little Boston's Super Sekrit Club For Super Friends! You might have to pay people to access it .... though I'm sure Sloth and Fisty will read it.


  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    ps: this thread has about 6 hours to live. It was closed by someone else after one of my posts but I wanted to hear Boston confirm he's going to be a "Trinners boy" in the autumn. :)

    PTH is a private forum, pm the mods for access...

    btw, How many Bostons does it take to change a lightbulb?

    One. He holds the bulb up and the world revolves around him.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,144 ✭✭✭Runfree

    Can I have a Private forum.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,399 Mod ✭✭✭✭Thanx 4 The Fish

    Ohhh no, I tried the Pear Tree house access test and failed, what am I to do ?? Perhaps I will go to trinity or something. So do i get access ?? Who cares, who can tell ? Anyone for the last few choc-ices now.

    I don't like pears, or trees for that matter and I barely tolerate houses.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,838 ✭✭✭DapperGent

    Although I reckon Boston is being a bit of a pillock he does kind of raise a bit of a point.

    If there are going to be private forums I (personally me myself) think they should really be private. As in they shouldn't appear under the Mod's name and they shouldn't really be advertised in people's sigs.

    Not for people like Boston (who should know better) but for new users who may come to the conclusion that they are second class citizens on the site as they don't have access to these supersecret clubages.

    I think it could be potentially discouraging to new users to believe they don't have full access to the important parts of boards. I think this impression may be reinforced by seeing those picture things in sigs especially when they notice that these forums are the preserve of longterm users.

    I think the private foums are great (I've just laughed myself silly all day at Peartree) but maybe they should be a bit more inconspicuous?

    Just a thought.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,169 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Originally posted by Boston
    What is Peartree house and wy won't WWM let me join?

    hey boston, do you want access to PTH?
    No, and you missed the whole point of this excercise.

    As logical as a vulcan.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    I'm sorry for wanting the best possible education in my field, i suppose i should keep to my working class background and be a little peasant for you. Least My daddy ain't paying my way through some art degree so i can Trinners at the end of my CV. I working damn hard to get where i am and i'm not going to apoligise for it to the lieks of you.

    Now i don't like this i'm a memeber and your not bull**** you go on with wwm. I asked you a simple question before, what is PTH and CAn i join. Not did i want to but more like can people actually join it or is it an eleet hole run by upperclass gentry. Your answer was an abrupt no like moi didn't even deserve a proper one.

    Why the hell would i want a private forum Devore, i've never been afraid to stand by what i've said, and if you can find a post that you think i wouldn't have said in real life, then show me it.

    BTW if your to ****ing dense devore to have copped me taking the piss with the first trinity comment then your not half as smart as your arts degree makes you look.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,924 ✭✭✭✭BuffyBot

    "I don't want to belong to any group that will accept me as a member."

    Hmmm - seemed quite applicable in this thread

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Slotherm

    Grant me access please.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    see merc has answered my first question, and as to why wwm wont let me join, its cause hes a muppet. case closed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Originally posted by Boston
    Least My daddy ain't paying my way through some art degree so i can Trinners at the end of my CV. I working damn hard to get where i am and i'm not going to apoligise for it to the lieks of you.

    How could you have possibly passed the entrance exam with such shocking writing skills?

    btw, i dont have a sister

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,839 ✭✭✭Hobart

    Originally posted by Boston
    see merc has answered my first question, and as to why wwm wont let me join, its cause hes a muppet. case closed.
    Yea Merc. Why the Fnuk did you not jump when Biston asked the question in the first place? And as for WWM. I'm goin to discuss this with you here . This simply is not good enuf. Best of luck in collage btw the way Biston.*

    * ye muppet

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    entrance exam? you mean the leaving? actually i got a b3 in honors english.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    Originally posted by Boston
    see merc has answered my first question, and as to why wwm wont let me join, its cause hes a muppet. case closed.

    yes, i am a muppet.

    and no, i dont want you in there because you are an attention seeking fool, and i really dont like. in fact, i havent liked you since you arrived here. you have come to boards beer and hung around me like a bad smell. you are unsociable, you have problems putting together any sort of cohesive argument (take this thread as a case in point), you are rude and obnoxious, and you dont even have the decency to be humourous on any level.

    you have no redeeming features that i can see, you have no ability to admit either defeat or the fact that you have made a mistake. you arent special and nor do i feel the need to give you a full answer eveytime you put finger to key on in fact, you have recently gone out of your way to annoy people for no apparent reason by putting random 'yawns' after peoples posts purely so that someone will react to you.
    and this is becauase no one really cares what you say or who you are. you are just another random sad case who like to seek attention by trying to justify some pathetic crusade.

    the reasoning of your recent threads will tell us that.
    and to cap it all off, the only reason you continue to post is becauase you love the sound of your own voice.
    your opinions are uninteresting and uninspiring. i hope you are doing business in college, because quiet frankly, if its english, you may suffer badly.

    oh, and by the way, i wouldnt slag any off who has a degree. you havent got yours yet, and you could look a very very big fool if you flunk out. your arrogance is quiet stunning considering the rest of you isnt worth much.

    theres a number of reasons on why i dont want you in PTH, but i am aware that you dont want access, you just want to get people to communicate with you. i can understand that. havent spent an hour in a pub with you, i can fully understand why family and neighbours no longer make the effort.

    do us all a favour, or at least your good old mate whitewashman, if you want to be speshal, go and join the local library and read more.

    but hey, im sure you will post again, because you just cant let it lie, can you?
    go on, i know you are itching to type up a good ol reply.
    go for your life.
    but do me a favour, get someone who is funny to type it up. id like to get a laugh out of something you write due to humour for a change.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,277 ✭✭✭DiscoStu

    its the freemasons i tells ya!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    hmm i hung around you like a bad smell, First boards bear i introduced myself to you, after you said i wouldn't have the bottle to go. Reason why i didn't say to much to you at the time was basically because i think your a ****ing wanker and listening to you confirmed it, second one you weren't there and the one at the ginger man i only droped in for afew minutes and sat accross from amp for most of it. I remember you asking me what subjects i was doing for the leaving to which i replied why the **** do you want to know, at which point you pissed off to bitch at MMJD. Do yourself a favour and avoid the next boards beer if you don't like me so much. And since your draging "real life" in to this, you and certain others have in the past talked crap about what you would do to me if we ever met and desires to kick the **** out of me for what i post, yet you suddenly shut up when faced with moi in real life. I say put up or shut up. I only yawn after your posts because simply i've seen it all before.

    As for DeVore, as the admin of this site i think he can take care of himself in reguards me. He has the ultimate ignore function, its call 12 click

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    a hold on there Merc, i've have never said i would lay a hand on anyone, i've recieved death threats, threat of physical violence, threat of being sued from but i have never and will never threaten another member with physical violence, and if thats the way certain posts came accross i assure you that is absolutely not what i meant. nothing more weak then threatening foke over the internet.

    As for begrudging fun, how was i meant to know what PTH was used for, how was i meant to know who the members where. i asked a moderator of the forum what the story with it was and i didn't get a decent answer so i started this threat. i couldn't care less what you people talk about.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Doodee

    Originally posted by Boston
    I'm sorry for wanting the best possible education in my field, i suppose i should keep to my working class background and be a little peasant for you. Least My daddy ain't paying my way through some art degree so i can Trinners at the end of my CV. I working damn hard to get where i am and i'm not going to apoligise for it to the lieks of you.

    who the **** are you exactly to judge wheither or not someone worked their way through college?

    what, just cause your parents dont pay yours fees and such makes you something superior.

    your the ****ing elitest.
    your claiming to be a hard worker and poking fun at those who have their Education and have done something with it.


    your not the only person who has ever had hardship.
    and yes i can speak from experience.
    i am paying off regestration fee's aswell as €450 p/m rent.
    My mammay and daddy aint helping me, i work longs hours in a bog standard job just to do what i want with the rest of my life.
    ffs, stop blowing your own trumpet.

    Originally posted by Boston

    hmm i hung around you like a bad smell, First boards bear i introduced myself to you, after you said i wouldn't have the bottle to go. Reason why i didn't say to much to you at the time was basically because i think your a ****ing wanker and listening to you confirmed it, second one you weren't there and the one at the ginger man i only droped in for afew minutes and sat accross from amp for most of it.

    from this, and also judging on the title of the topic,this is a deliberate flame.
    ffs, there are tones of secret societys, just cause they are called secret societys does;nt mean that they should indeed be kept secret, just the content.
    otherwise people sure as hell wouldn't become members.

    the increase in over the past 6 months alone has seen alot of new faces who are liked within the community. most of these people got asked to join, or asked themselves to join a society.

    do they keep varcitys secret?
    no, but they do stop every tom dick and harry from joining.

    ****ing hell, Go outside and remove that ****ing rod from your arse and place it back on o'connell street where it belongs.

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  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    What a crazy man. I created the forum, as you could have found out with a simple search on this forum. If you want access, then you ask the moderators. Simple.

    In future I will be less inclined to grant private forums for reasons known best to myself (and DeV and Regi, cos we had a discussion about it and I was supposed to do something, and I didn't, but I will).

    I don't know if you realise that TCD has a bias towards the BA degree, which is why one of the foremost degrees in this country for that particular subject (which happens to be a science) carries a BA award. You will find this occurs with their Computer Science degree, for example. Your bias against the BA degree is a symptom of another sort of institutional bias, which you may or may not come to realise as you go through life.

    After all that, you asked why you couldn't have access, then when it was offered you declined, which means that you're rattling your 'cage' with an annoying little tin mug, trying to make a 'point'. Well, good for you. If you want to make a straightforward assertion or accusation, then please get straight to the point rather than this timewasting exercise.

This discussion has been closed.