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CA is killing

  • 12-06-1999 5:11pm
    Posts: 0

    Get rid of all the CA servers!!!!There are hardly any decent active clans anymore.All the new players are playing CA instead of wars.There are only a handfull of war players left.What is going on !



  • Registered Users Posts: 861 ✭✭✭Slosh

    Hush Child....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 880 ✭✭✭Von

    Without a large player base here there cant be many clans. Without many clans there can't be leagues or tournaments. Each UK qw clan (at least 50 clans) has on average over 15 players. Compare that to the 7 or 8 in CW (only me blade tomb are on around the same time anyway) Not everyone is available for league matches every week so they need that many. People like CA and FFA cos u can get a game quickly. Pickup wars happen later at night both here and in UK cos people can hang about longer.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 496 ✭✭Bunny

    Right now, we probably have some of the best DM3 CA players in Europe.....but that counts for ****.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭El_Presidente

    I'd have to agree,

    I'm just as guilty as anyone as playing too much CA but whenever I get the chance I always go for a war.

    Maybe we could orgainise more regular times for pickup games? Trying to get an active clan together out of the player base is imposible but at least if we tryed picking a regular day and time for pickup games so that if you want to play wars then all you need to do is turn up at the right time and go.

    Not an ideal situation but better then nothing.


  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭pox

    I hope that was sarcasm bunny, cos most
    the decent quake players avoid ca like
    the plague - it rots your quake talents.

    I think the ca server should be shut down
    and ppl will be forced to move to ffa and
    duels for fun (recall if you can that duels
    involve 2 people, which is astoundingly
    the minumum requirement to start a ca match)
    (oh, and ca duels are a joke, its a perverse
    ra wannabe which requires the ability to
    spam while retreating from confrontation
    to attain l33t madskill scores with that
    crap damage mod)

    wars are they way to go and ppl like
    mickah whos gone from muppet tongue.gif to
    king ***** highscorer are a testament to

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 394 ✭✭DEATH

    Would all the muppets kindly step back
    are we making ppl come to server and play.
    Do We come on to irc and flood saying WAR! WAR! WAR!.
    As for quotes
    "I think the ca server should be shut down
    and ppl will be forced to move to ffa and
    duels for fun "

    Stop talking tripe perhaps if you put as much effort into setting up wars and the like for you ppl to play than you do to moaning about how gay ca is you might be able to get somewhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,279 ✭✭✭regi

    Um, I think the CA servers should stay. People have fun playing on them, me included! Quake is a game, and games are supposed to be fun.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭Chaos

    Put up a fucing ffa server insted of spam arena ffs

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 467 ✭✭Cheez

    I'm interested in being in a q1 clan if anyone wants me!!
    i have a good aim and have played q1 before(know loads a maps etc)
    i still have interest in the q1 scene being a q2er i have played clan games and the likes all i need is some bloke to explain in detail how to set up quake1 (gl) and a proxy properly n stuff
    like the deoderant sure(tm) i won't let you down!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭pox

    ah death where do I start. I dont fully
    understand what you just said, and moreover
    the logic you employ is a little skewed,
    but Ill proceed with what I infer from your
    reactionary post.
    "are we making ppl come to server and play"
    Well it would have been a good point had I
    ever _made_ anyone play a war.

    "Do We come on to irc and flood saying WAR! WAR! WAR!"
    you dont need much arranging because luckily
    for you the CA server sorts you into neat
    little teams and even changes your color
    for you (phew, less buttons to press eh?)
    However if this is a statement to the effect
    that you are displeased with my and other
    war enthusiast's tactics for 'making people
    come to server and play' then I'll be sure
    to use /msg, so the general
    populace are unaware of the war, and it
    becomes a little elitist gathering, perfect
    for you twitch monkeys to jump up and down
    pointing fingers in delight at the chance
    for some moral highground for once.

    "perhaps if you put as much effort into
    setting up wars...than you do to moaning
    about how gay ca is you might be able to
    get somewhere"
    Again death, where were this the case, then
    you would have me on that one, well spotted,
    good call. However, reality tells it thus:
    I repeat a sentencce perhaps 3 or 4 times
    in to the effect
    'war starting 28000 now'
    I then leave to join the war (and begin
    the arduous task of remembering which number
    the color red is, and ho-hum'ing at how silly
    it is that the server doesnt decide for me,
    and asking myself who wrote this mod anyway?)
    If teams are uneven I go back to irc and
    search for people who may be interested in
    a game. I do this continually until we have
    sufficient a number and the war can begin.
    Thats about all one can do, but you seem
    to think I should put more effort into
    organising wars!? Would a poster campaign
    suffice? Some bumper stickers and a billboard
    perhaps? I put energy into "moaning about
    how gay ca is" only when the topic arises
    in a conversation, or in a thread
    *GASP* thats what this is - omg hes actually
    allowed express his opinion, becuase its
    a discussion forum in which the subject has
    further to this quote, death, I wish to add
    that I shudder to think of where YOUR idea
    of 'somewhere' is.

    My opinion, in case you lose it in the
    muddle of trying to think up a good put-down
    reply to this post:
    Clan arena focuses on very few quake skills.
    In irish quake we were dangerously close
    to playing it with the exclusion of all else.
    Wars require MANY more skills, as do duels.
    Wars and duels are the stages in which
    quake skills are rated on the international
    scene. This therefore does not bode well
    for the recognition, nor progression of
    irish quake talent.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I fell asleep reading that pox.The last paragraph would have done tongue.gifYou ****ed or summit,there ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 411 ✭✭H_K

    play som WARS and then get yo ass in dk cheez - i da man smile.gif


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 411 ✭✭H_K




    the patster

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭Koopa

    pox has been angered



    but i agree with pox.

    ca with self-damage on might help youre skills(sortof like RA), but the muppet version of ca that is being currently being played does nothing for you, just helps you become worse at wars/duels.

    as for being the best ca players in europe, sure they cant even take ME one on one ca on a LAN(this is a challenge), what the **** are they going to do vs lakerman and the likes..

    simple solution: put on teamplay 2 on the ca servers, and 200 armour 100 health.. its actually fun, we used to play it in trinity ages ago..

    [This message has been edited by Koopa (edited 13-06-99).]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 658 ✭✭✭Jedi

    Time to switch to Quake 3 lads. @#$% CA. Otherwise we are going to get left behind by the rest of europe and will end up playing catch up. Lets start getting a clan or 2 together for Quake 3.
    We have a great chance with Quake 3 unlike Quake 1, were england were miles ahead before we even started net playing. If we continue to play Q1 and CA every night the same ****e will happen again.
    For the last 3 nights there have been only but a handfull of irish players on the irish and english servers. I'm not going to miss the boat, are you?. smile.gifsmile.gifredface.gifsad.gifsad.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭Koopa

    thats a load of ****e to be fair.
    you wont get good at something just playing with youre own little group, no matter how long you do it(whether you start early or late).
    the UK was ahead in q1 because of the number of UK quake players, even now they have something like 40 QW clans..
    same reason as america was ahead in q1 back then, cos they had higher spec machines and more people.

    thresh won his ferrari on a p200, while we had to play on p75's in college labs. no wonder we couldnt do the moves in those demos.. we had **** machines, and also noone to learn the moves from(once u learn a move, its **** easy to do again).

    quake3 will be a muppets game until some machine gets invented that gives constant high framerates in it, same way as the first q2'ers were muppets here(referring to q1 players beating the q2 players at q2 back then, you know who you are smile.gif)

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    what boat?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 394 ✭✭DEATH

    I think im right in saying no matter what you say pox with all your well thought out reasons and digs the ca server will stay and continue to be the most popular as regi said ca is fun and it doesnt require the effort of learning tactics and level control required than that of wars. Fine you dont like it but does that give you the right to get it shut down ?

    or maybe its the fact that your l33t skills count for sh!t in ca and thus you suck at it?

    ah well we could talk all day about but whats the point. CA server will continue to exist as long as people want to have a quick game and FUN even.

    [This message has been edited by DEATH (edited 13-06-99).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    ahh right.
    i was just curious like.

    anyway, CA is for muppets.
    should play more wars. every time i log onto the war servers everyone disconnects. i feel that you are all scared of me?
    tell you what, to make it fair in future, i'll use only the axe (as long as its only a tinfoil (not tincool) one)

    insert Damo V's Hobbes banter below ----V

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 936 ✭✭✭FreaK_BrutheR

    I like ca. ca is fun. if i din't like it i just wouldn't play it. i suggest this approach from the "war" mongers smile.gif

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭El_Presidente

    Hey H_K , DK taking on players eh?

    When can I get a trial?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 496 ✭✭Bunny

    Yeah but don;t go onto the CA server with an alias folks....or you'll just have to ignore the torrent of abuse etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 574 ✭✭✭ste

    How in the name of **** does playign CA ruin ur quake talents ?

    You need to be sharp, have an accurate shot, move around the level like wild fire, so HOW does that *ruin* ur quake ability?

    absolute bull****.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 411 ✭✭H_K

    were in #d-k on irc or any servers if u want to ask

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 496 ✭✭Bunny

    People play Ca for fun 4 am..having a smoke or whatever..its cool.
    Easier for new people too.

    If you're playing a war however you actually have to use teamplay, you can't just fire rockets and grenades everywhere...and thats if you are lucky enough to have a rocket launcher in the first place. CA is just rocket arena with corners....and rocket arena is purely based on aim. Still it's alot better to play CA and take it easy, than to play Quake and be all serious about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,339 ✭✭✭✭LoLth

    I have to admit, wars and Ca are vastly different, and while being good at one doesn't mean you'll be good at the other it doesn't mean that playing one will ruin the other. I admit I'm crap at wars. Because I have never had the practise. I have played a grand total of oh, 2, wars. CA I can play anytime. I don't need permission. I don't have to put up with elitist attitudes, I can just play and enjoy the game. I have said before that I would love to get practise at wars should they become a 'regular' occurrance. To which the reply was singularly underwhelming.

    So, each to their own. If you believe that CA has that much influence on you that it damages your war skills, well, don't play CA then. If you think CA is taking players away from wars, then try asking more people to play a war, not harrassing mind, or arranging one in the middle of someone else's game of CA or whatever. But wait til a game has finished and then suggest it.

    Really I think this is all just a bunch of noise for nothing. Anyone needs another person for wars, look for me on the CA server.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭Koopa

    dave, ca isnt comparable to ra for the simple reason that they use teamplay 1 on the servers.. someone with crapper aim can easily win on ca through spam, they cant on ra.

    ste.. i used to play ca ages ago, and even though i dont play it really anymore(except the odd game), i have yet to see anyone moving like wildfire across a level on ca, and in most cases the 'accurate shot' is replaced by spamming rocketjumpers(wow look i can rocketjump) types.

    ever stop to think why most of the regular war/duel players would beat the regular ca players in a one on one game of ca?

    fair enough if you are playing ca for fun, I do that too, but ca doesnt require half as much skill as duels or wars. (rocket arena rocks as a test of skill on LAN, but on modem it becomes a bit meaningless)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 394 ✭✭DEATH

    Who gives two shags whether or not it takes the same skill.

    Exactly who are these best war players ?
    As the movies say Bring it on.

    I'll play any of your l33t war players who know the tactics to any level convieved, im sure the rest of the ca regulars will be happy to oblige to play the higher beings that are war players

    As Balde says Ride ME

  • Registered Users Posts: 275 ✭✭BugBlaster

    Look lads... CA is FUN! FUN! FUN!... and as for adding teamplay 2 thats fine by me... all the UK Ca servers are setup that way with 200 armor and 100h or vis versa.

    As for the situation with wars, If people interested in playing wars met on IRC for specifis times. i.e. 8:30 and 10:30 then it would be easier to get the wars organised, having prior knowledge that a game usually starts a few minutes later... and none of this waiting about for hours on the server, Having idiots trying to frag ye when they well know you cause nothing only frustration for the ppl talking there setting up the match....

    ok thats my 10P worth...:-)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 496 ✭✭Bunny

    Death...a duel is harder than CA okay?...just try it!...I know so what who cares..but you're the one asking for it.
