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CA is killing



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,676 ✭✭✭Gavin

    i mean this is ridiculous. people play quake because they like it be it CA or Clan matches. For people to try and force others to play ffa or something else is pretty pathetic. As for being lefft behind in Q1 because england got there first that just does not deserve comment....


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 880 ✭✭✭Von

    Bunnors and Koopa, youse only win duels cos the other guy has only a shotgun most of the time. Not fair.

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭pox

    "or maybe its the fact that your l33t skills
    count for sh!t in ca and thus you suck at
    Thanks, I needed a laugh.

    "Exactly who are these best war players?"
    well of course you wouldnt know, but
    currently the best wars players are ppl
    like tomb, von, bunny, mickah, anjo, blade,
    koopa, ol, Jay...hell lorcan is good!

    "As the movies say Bring it on"
    "I'll play any of your l33t war players.."
    wow, two laughs in one day! thanks.
    be careful though, as you run the risk
    of your supposed cool falling down around
    you in embarrassment as your ca skillz
    fail you out repeatedly.

    Death lad stop talking without thinking.

    CA is fun because you can get a game
    immediately. The server is the most
    frequented server we have for three reasons,
    they are that it is an immediate quake hit,
    its easy to win, and there are always
    people there.
    My point is that people will not stop
    playing CA cos of the reasons above.
    and to the rest of you, if you want simple
    fun start an ffa. duels can be exhilirating,
    and wars are the most subtle
    (why? cos the control of the level by
    communicating and following a plan of
    events and positions, reacting to enemy
    movements and attacks, and redesigning
    battle plans in the fun).

    why is it not fun? because people play quake
    with their brain switched off. it can
    be a tactical, intelligent game.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 852 ✭✭✭m1ke

    From what I hear q1 players in Ireland can't hold their own against good quake players abroad and no clan in Ireland could take on a decent clan in the uk or europe, which is probably down to CA, look at the Q2 scene, we have an abundance of players and clans that could take on the very best players in the uk and europe and win because we hardly ever play CA, RA, FFA or duels, 95% of what we play are wars.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 411 ✭✭H_K

    Krash - as CW also do, DK are usually playing UK clan for training nowadays....
    We have played and beaten many highly rated UK clans such as Detox, CP (sometimes, sometimes not) and The X


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    Lads.... Is it just me, or is a huge amount of point-missing being done in this thread?

    People play Quake, or Q2, or Tribes, or whatever, because it's FUN. Because they ENJOY it.

    If people decide that for the, CA is more fun than wars, or vice versa... It's a bit stupid to start telling them what they should or should not be playing, isn't it? All this bullsh!te about "rotting your skills" or whatever is utter crap. As long as people are enjoying themselves playing the game, that's what counts.

    Mata ne!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 107 ✭✭KinDreD

    the titanic eamo....we to are doomed like that imfamous vessel......:/

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭pox

    just read more replies.
    Ste: stop, please, youre embarrassing yourself. put up arguments in favor of
    ca that actually occur. (Point: people move like 'wildfire' around
    the level because you usually cant rj 4 times in succession in non-tp1 games)

    Verb: "people play quake because they like it be it CA or Clan matches"
    ah shhhh lad. what fool plays a game they dont enjoy? you dont like non-ca then play
    ca only. Just dont expect skills of much use to develop.

    "For people to try and force others to play ffa ... is pretty pathetic"
    doing nothing about it and seeing what a joke our scene is becoming is also pathetic.
    what new talent have we? who do you think will replace our current ie team when TE
    cut them all off tongue.gif

    "As for being lefft behind in Q1 because england got there first that just does not
    deserve comment"
    ..because it's true. Late summer 96 I found GI's site and CT stumbled onto the irish
    quake scene. At that time I recall sujoy was winning it big on the european scene.
    anyone who can remember will agree, the difference was astounding.

  • Registered Users Posts: 469 ✭✭Overlord

    Perhaps a good idea would be to setup a second CA server. This one would have TP 2 and would be a step up for CA players that want a more challenging game. Where more thought is required and a bit more subtlety.
    The original TP 1 server would be available for newbies to learn the essential skills of quake - rjumps, rocket fights etc. ( which CA is briiliant for ).
    A TP 2 server would rock, the teamplay 1 thing is the root of all evil IMHO, with TP2 there would be spam but ppl would need more skill to implement - communication with your teammates would be required so they know whos dropping those grenades.
    I used to love the whole idea of CA - no thought needed wink.gif but the combination of those skills so many irish quake 1ers have now, with thought and a wee bit of intelligence makes for a vicious and more rounded, enjoyable game.

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭pox

    shinji mate, you've missed the point. it's easy to misunderstand from misreading
    what I've written. Me saying you cant have fun becuase it rots your quake skills
    would obviously be great, cos then the those same monkeys could point fingers with due
    moral alititude. however thats la la land. I play quake becuase Its fun, (read my post
    re the breakup of ct)
    I want these people who have no exposure tow wars and duels and ffas to play them,
    becuase they are fun and GOOD FOR YOU, just like milkyway. CA does you no good, but it
    is fun (initially, and morosely boring after too much). And why cant they get that
    exposure? becuase the ffas dont occur, the wars need preparation and practise before you
    can enjoy them, and duels are usually between the better players in the community.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 496 ✭✭Bunny

    Yeah its true...Koopa is the only one who seems to able to remotely compete with good foreign players. We suck at wars and just about everything else. Its to do with connections and the amount of players here aswell. Its sometimes hard to play quake for fun when we are trying to prepare for Rapture...what with Von the only remotely active war player (in comparison English Div 3 players get alot more practice than he does) etc etc.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Lads, would you ever listen to yourselves...

    CA is preventing wars
    How many war players are there who desperately want to play wars but are dragged unwillingly into CA??

    Most of the CA players are just that *CA* players. Death, lolth, slosh, gandie, muso, me etc. They are not war players. If you want to find war players look on IRC. They are there either sending each other "hugz!!!!!" or complaining about all those CA players having fun.
    I dont see how the CA server stops you from organising a time and server every night and have a big old WAR.

    Shutting The Server
    Thats got to be a joke. Thankfully the server admins are a less reactionary then that and I'm surprised at Dre for suggesting it.

    CA has no skill
    Snore. You go faster (because for rjumping and tp1) and its more vicious because everyone is armed. If you want to be a ****ing accountant then go and camp your precious armours and weapons.
    Every time I hear that sort of ****e from war players I reckon they got their asses kicked and it couldnt possibly be that someone was better then them at Quake so it must be a lucky/random win

    I so rarely get hit by spam that it doesnt bother me usually. If you are getting hit by spam its a sign of CA inexperience. There are things you do in wars that are just stupid to do in CA and vice versa.

    If you want wars why not organise yourselves and set a time so a critical mass will show up then, rather then this idiotic CA-waaahing.


    [This message has been edited by DeVore (edited 14-06-99).]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 35 Critic

    Can't we all just play good ol' FFAs like in the really olden days?
    My own definition of quake fun would be e1m5 with 8+ players gibbing the ****e out of each other and a race to the top(which i would never be in :p)which meant every frag was worth a place in the top rank.
    ya know what i mean,fast exciting stuff with none of that teaming, having to listen to other ppls orders and crap.i'm not dissing wars or anything (there aren't enough)but ye gotta say ffa was great fun and it would be worth it if we started playing them again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 880 ✭✭✭Von

    Lo Dev. I have no opinion on CA, its just a mod like artifact quake or something, but it's funny that I get people like Death and Ste, who only play CA, telling me how much I suck at wars and shouldn't be on team ie. sad.gif

    [This message has been edited by Von (edited 14-06-99).]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 496 ✭✭Bunny

    Ahh Dev...CA can be vicious, but its really just down to good aim and jostling yourself for the best positions in fights....sure I went around the server with grenades on +attack a few months ago and got myself, er, the team plenty of points..eehh. Playing Wars in my ****ing opinion is alot harder...everything is NOT all nice and equal, which goes both ways...yes you have a boomstick and the bad guys have rocket need more than aim for that one. Don't mention resource camping either in Wars either....CA is camping. The way to make CA more skilled would be to have TP2 on....yes can kill your teammates....and some kind of health COUNTDOWN thing, that counts your health slowly down to everyone comes out and fights. I still think CA is cool though, but it shouldn't be compared to wars or duels.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    ...and so this reflects on CA players in general....exactly how?

    Particuarly since you omit that the single biggest proponent of CA (ie ME) has also been the person most staunchly defending your right to be on

    Dodgy logic in there somewhere vonny!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 225 ✭✭earthworm_jim

    I think that anyone who has properly played ffa's, duels and wars can't help getting bored stupid by clan arena.

    I'll never see what people see in it. Anyone who only plays CA - you don't know what you're missing lads.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    OK here we go again with the CA is killing Wars ****e. What next Q1 is better than Q2.

    As Devore said I only play CA (on the Irish Servers). As Bunny says it is different than Wars, Duels or FFA's. I have always sucked at Wars and I freely admit it. Crap at Duels thats me (except on E1M2). I find FFA's extremely boring, but I do play occasionally on Barrysworld. The main reason I play CA is that everyone starts equal. At least us HPB's stand a chance against LPB's. But on a level that a LPB controls in a War or a Duel I find it difficult to get into the game. I mean check out the Barrysworld FFA server and see how many with pings of over 100 are in the top 3, normally noone.

    Lads if you feel that CA is ruining your War skills f##k off and play wars. Also nothing ****es me off more than "Warplayers" coming onto the CA server and telling people to got to the War server for a War. People drop and ruin the Game we had already going and then 2 Minutes later the muppets who dropped are back asking for a reset.

    Basically if you want to be an anally retentive, control freak War player stay off the Clan Arena server, you can be guaranteed that I'll be staying off the war servers.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,274 ✭✭✭Monty - the one and only

    I have played Quake on and off for over a year, I'll usually pick a server that has a good ping(usually Irish). I don't give a crap if it's arena, ffa, war, etc. I just play for fun, I'm not great at the game but I do enjoy it even if I do get trashed most of the time.

    In my opinion, each type of quake has it's advantages and disadvantages, but if arena is what people want to play. Quit moaning and keep playing

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,274 ✭✭✭Monty - the one and only

    I've been playing q1 on and off for over a year now, I enjoy most types of quake.
    Every time I start up I'll usually play CA
    but then move on to ffa. I first learned how to rl jump properly in CA. Because of it I learned the basics Of quake and have carried them across to other games such as hl:tfc. My aim has improved tenfold over what it was when I first started to play

    CA is great for newbies to do just that, and then move on to greater things.

    I will say this though, it is one of the best types of Quake smile.gif

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,274 ✭✭✭Monty - the one and only

    Whoops didn't mean to do this

    [This message has been edited by Monty - the one and only (edited 14-06-99).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,339 ✭✭✭✭LoLth

    At this point I would like to point out an actual event.

    I joined the CA server on Sunday. Only Critic was there. So me an Critic agree to have a duel. No iffy butty crap, he says '29000?' and I go 'k' and off we go.

    Duel server full.

    Critic says '28000?'

    I say 'K'

    I can't get on to the war server without picking a team, I can't pick a team before I join because I don't know what teams there are. It also won't let me spectate.

    I end up back on the CA server, I join a game and have a laugh. Critic ends up back there too by the way.

    The point of this is. War players/duellers stop whining and moaning. I tried to give it a go (and this isn't the first time either) and the end result was, the only place I could get a game was on the CA server. I am sure mine is not an isolated case.


    As for skills:

    I learned to rj on CA without needing some script or something. I've been getting practise at one on one rocket fighting. (TP2 would be good 'cos you couldn't use rockets close up or fire into a melee IMO), my aim with the shaft is still crap but improving.

    At the minute, the only problem I have with CA is the lack of diversity with the levels. But then again, the problem I have with ffa etc. Is you get killed, everyone has a RL except you. you're screwed for ages until by a stroke of luck (or a great show of superior skill - against experienced FFA players??) you pick up a backpack. CA, you might have to wait around for the next round, but everyone is level in terms of weaponry. It comes down to skill (at CA) and tactics - and yes, in CA there are tactics. Teams that use tactics and support other team members when they need it do tend to win more often rather than be reduced to a race to see who can get pent and quad first.

    Sorry, it's Monday, and I've got a ****ty day ahead of me in work and an even ****tier evening after that.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 225 ✭✭earthworm_jim

    3 things bug me about ca, like:

    1. With nothing to pick up, there's no motivation to go anywhere. like duh??

    2. everyone spends a good portion of the game observing. like wtf??

    3. You can't hurt yourself or teammates. like huh??

    Still - most games are only any fun if you're any good at them and I guess if I got more used to the bouncy, spammy, chucky rocket at doory in hopey style of ca I'd like, like it a bit more, like smile.gif

    Overlords idea of a tp 2 server is a good un.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,339 ✭✭✭✭LoLth


    '1. With nothing to pick up, there's no motivation to go anywhere. like duh??'

    Motivation to move: you want to have fun. If you don't move you'll be hunted down (campers do worse in CA than wars IMO).

    Benefit: Less campers. No one hangs around the RL, no spawn campers. You're not stuck trying to find weapons / armour that everyone seems to be getting to a second before you. Tactics are different.

    '2. everyone spends a good portion of the game observing. like wtf??'

    Depends. This is not a regular feature. Yes, sometimes the remaining players can spend ages looking for each other. But a lot of times, a win is fairly decisive. Also, CA isn't just about shooting first. Running (knowing when to, and knowing where to run to) is very important as is finding new and novel ways to 'outflank' those chasing you.
    Every game needs rules. CA has rules that help it move along smoothly, if not as quickly as everyone would like. If not for the team structure (which really requires the 'waiting' aspect) it would just be FFA with all weapons.

    The hurting self etc, I agree with. Well, maybe hurting team-mates. the ability to RJ (even incessantly) is part of CA. And in the end you do pay for it (I love when people run out of rockets and you still have 20! Gives a nice mobility advantage - as well as the damage potential). I thought I saw a patch somewhere that any damage done to team mates is instead taken by the shooter. That would be nice.

    also, most of the 'chucky rocky at doory in hopey' style of CA isn't actually without reason. Like any game there are standard tactics. The chuck rock at door as you go past is because that is usually where you would expect to find someone. Are you saying that WAR or FFA players NEVER spam, or shoot off a rocket etc at a place where they 'think' someone might be?

    PS. As for spamming. I think the most grenades I have ever lobbed without actually knowing I had a good chance of hitting someone, is 3. otherwise it's just a waste and you never know when you'll need them.

    PPS. get in touch with Mike. tongue.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 225 ✭✭earthworm_jim

    Hey Jas,
    Are you saying that WAR or FFA players NEVER spam, or shoot off a rocket etc at a place where they 'think' someone might be?

    in ca ppl all have min 30 rocks to start with so they're much more likely to spam.
    in quake rockets are mostly scarce and you can't go chucking them around as much.

    In ca ppl just have set doors and drop down spots that they shoot at blindly every couple of seconds. In quake you'll hear a spawn or pickup and time the rocket so that it hits him as he comes around the corner. It's real easy to make no sound in ca but impossible in quake. It's the difference between guessing and educated guessing.

    A lot of ppl find ca fun so it must be good - the tactics and skill in it are a level below quake though.

    Tell Mike I'll call down to him tonight.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 496 ✭✭Bunny

    Lolth, camping in wars is standard now, you have to do it to win the game....aarr I remember the days that Incarnate were a
    'no camping clan'....that was funny eh?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 880 ✭✭✭Von

    Point is Dev, people who only play CA (and are bad at it) shouldn't bother expressing their opinion about who is good or not at 4v4s or duels or anything else because they are wrong. As for you "defending my right to be on the team". Defending against who exactly? smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭Koopa

    right death my man, come to the next lan, we can have a mini one on one ca competition, and we will see whether the winner is a war/duel player or a regular CA'er...

    if enough of you are at wwmans lan on friday, sure ill play ya there...

    [This message has been edited by Koopa (edited 14-06-99).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,339 ✭✭✭✭LoLth

    Bunny - aww, I used to love camping! But I couldn't do it much because of the torrents of abuse. but *gasp* didn't someone already say that camping was essentially CA? Haven't you just said that that skill is required to win wars? hmmmm, methinks hte wars peeps need to argue unopposing points... By the way, you get the same abuse now that you used to get in a war should you camp (well, most people, everyone KNOWS where Muso is to be found. Makes it easier when you're looking for him smile.gif )..

    Mark - Mike isn't working today, but he should be in the house. as for the shooting debate:

    Most CA players, myself included, have areas where, if it is a blind corner, we'll throw a rocket up - on the off chance. In a war (by your reckoning) people don't do that, so in a sense wars breed camping because campers are more likely to get first shot - in a war I would have thought that first shot would be even more important. In CAs the idea isn't one shot one kill, it is shoot, move, shoot (or in my case, shoot, miss, move, walk into someone else's fight and get killed by their miss smile.gif ).
    By breeding campers, and making movement noisy, don't wars etc, fulfill your criteria for 'not encouraging movement....boring..'?? I have 20 rockets (easy to accumulate in a war or duel - look at DM4 for example), I have red armour, I'll now sit still close enough to pent/quad and not move until my timer tells me its in. Or someone sees it and tells me.

    As for the amount of rockets. In a war or duel, rockets are essentially infinite (potentially anyway). If you avoid combat you can accumulate rockets all the time. In CA they are a finite amount. You use them to stay as mobile as the others (at the cost of your silent running), it takes more of them to kill an opponent who, through returning fire, is making you dodge and therefore not hit as cleanly. Rockets get wasted hitting camping spots. If the two games aren't even on the usefulness:amount of rocks ratio, then CA actually comes out behind.

    Very few people 'spam' to a recognisable extent. I throw a grenade (or two smile.gif ) behind me if I am concerned about people following. I use them to set off an explosion somewhere I am not, or to make people think I've R-jumped. There are a few spammers, those that send streams of grenades. but they are a minority and it is a dying habit. (it is also quite possible to avoid a steady stream of grenades - try doing that up the lower RA stairs in DM3 - I would consider that a skill!).

    The tactics in CA are different. The availability of RJs alters the advantages/disadvantages of the levels from the War way of playing. But that does not mean they are inferior. If you are using level and number of skilled players as a benchmark , please don't forget that Wars and Duels were around first. Bots can play practise for wars etc, of course the level of war or dueller skill will be higher. CA is still relatively new (or rather CA is relatively popular).

    Damage Mods:
    1. No self hurt

    2. Damage to team mates AND self if you hit them (and CA does have a lot of teamwork involved. I find that the teamplayers will usually win and proxy comms is very important - have to get my proxy up and running at some stage)...

    3. the health countdown (maybe kicks in when there are only two remaining) but counts in hundreths of remaining health ie: 300H loses 3 per count, 100H loses 1) otherwise, high health will 'wait it out'.

    Bug's 200 armour 100 health idea is a good one too, should make war people feel more at home (sorry lads I would fight against pent or quad though).

    back to work for me...

    (hmm is this post longer than Dev's??)


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 107 ✭✭KinDreD

    Why don't ye just play hahahhahha
