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Indigo Op Abuse

  • 30-06-1999 1:21am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 411 ✭✭


    I thought these complaints of op abuse recently were only carried on by people with fueds of reputations, but i was wrong. An Incident on Indigo Clan Arena annoyed me tonight.

    I killed Death while he was lagged, but I couldnt see him so i didn't know. He replied with a bombardment of abuse, especially when i hit/killed him...


    This was tolerable, but then Critic made a comment about his volatile behaviour, and I agreed, and then for agreeing he kicked me


    Then, i rejoined the server, to be greeted with more infantile mocking comments...


    I then left the server, annoyed and vexed over what should have been an easy game. I agree with people who say CA is just fun and a way to relax, but how can it be with this type of crap coming from the ops ?

    The Behaviour of Death was childish and immature, and I call for a revoke of his ops or his removal from the Irish CA team (both preferrably). Devore said earlier on
    People I can work with and I am happy to associate myself with.

    Personally, I couldnt work with Death, nor be assosiated with him. Pox also commented on "Ireland's banana Quake scene" ... removing Death from power would be a good start to making the servers a more enjoyable place for us all.


    [This message has been edited by H_K (edited 30-06-99).]


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭Chaos

    Killing some1 when there lagged deserves a good kicking cheeky.gif
    DK 0wns U

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,339 ✭✭✭✭LoLth

    sometimes it's hard to see if their lagged or not. They could be just waiting. (unless their suspended in mid-air having a seizure or somethin'). I tried playing a guy who kept getting lagged (Bond, I think) and I kept having to stop and look to see if he was moving (first time I just shot him -without looking to see what was what.. he was lagged and none too happy. After that I had to wait before I took a shot, he was lagged about half the time.) It was no fun. A lot of sneaking about, finally getting a lovely clear shot and then having to turn and walk away because the target can't move..
    I won, but that really doesn't mean anything because of his lag, and of course the times when I hit him without realising his condition.

    Maybe lagged people should be fair game.. bad connect etc. are part of your equipment for the game. Either lag kills are considered OK, or we work out some way to even out ping and PL for all players. So, ISDNers, get rid of that line! or all chip in to buy the rest of us a line each.. smile.gif
    While we're at it, save up and upgrade my computer for me.. it's not fast enough.

    From a personal POV, when I stall etc, I fully expect to be killed by the time I come out of it, though I have to say, it is nice when they leave you be. But when they all gather around you and wait for you to move while they have taken up nice tactical positions that pretty much ensure you maiming, that's a *****! ' Laaaaaaag. That's it, I'm dead. Oh No I'm not!Yaaaay! That was nice of th...' Boom! ' ****'.. Might as well just kill the stiff and not get his hopes up.. smile.gif

    just a thought on the matter of LAG killings - a bit off topic I know. (not a sermon tongue.gif )


    Preacher LoLth: 'Suffer little children. Suffer!'

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 8,947 Mod ✭✭✭✭mewso

    I agree on the lag killing. You should fully expect to wind up dead if you freeze up, especially in a full scale battle. In a 1v1 situation most players leave off. The best policy, if you see a lagged player (IMHO), is to walk away and wait well away from the player until he's o.k. That's the ideal but I say move away because many times in my efforts to be fair I've stood a short way from a player waiting only for him to blow me to sh¦te when he comes out of it.
    As to ops I have never had a problem with death but it has to be said that people have to lose ops as well as gain them or no-one is going to respect their authority anyway. Many don't as it is. Irrispective of who it is they should lose ops immediately if they're kicking people just to get back at them. If ye can't take friendly slagging people then you can't be an op.


  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf


    As far as I'm concerned people are kicked only for the following,

    1/ Ruining the game for others (severe verbal abuse etc.)

    2/ If that person is banned from the servers.

    I'd love to kick someone if I'm lagkilled but thats just not on. As Lolth said everyone has different systems and connections. I prefer to find myself alive after lagging but its not an ideal world.

    Death normally is sensible when he's on the server so this stikes me as unusual. I'm sure Slosh will look at this and take the necessary action.


    [This message has been edited by gandalf (edited 30-06-99).]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 394 ✭✭DEATH

    Well Done On the effort that your sad self put into that post hk.

    clap clap

    You forgot something though, the abuse that you hurled at me for around 5 minutes. If you just expect someone who is meant to look after the server to put up with this maybe your even thicker than was orginally thought.

    And unlike as you said you were not kicked for the lag kill you were kicked for the abuse.

    Other Admins on the server at the time had no problem with my kicking of you.

    Ill have no problems doing it again if your take your muppet self on to the server and hurl the same abuse at any one.

    Since your friends with little daa why dont you just join him in isolation.

    Just looking at Your pics

    The First one Shows me slagging someone ON MY OWN Team and not u monkey boy as i seem to remember u were blue no? Doesnt the picture mention red no?

    As for your other pics
    it shows the abuse that i recieved from both you and your little chum critic.

    [This message has been edited by DEATH (edited 30-06-99).]

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    From a totally independent pov.....

    Deaths post does not sound like that of an OP, surely ops are meant to be respossible amd mature. Not ppl flying of fthe handle. It seems very unlike the death I know on IRC?

    In H-K's first screenie he seems to be in a slagging match with Critic, so that 'could' back up what death was saying.

    IMHO, if you lag u die. Quake is so fast paced it is silly to expect ppl to spot someone who is lagged all the fuppin time, simply not possible,

    none of my business really but I am on hold on the phone and have nutting else to do.. smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    umm, isnt the aim of the game to frag the other guy?

    am i wrong???

    anyone i see lagged or facing a wall typing is dead. i dont log onto a server to play mr nice guy. besides, being a mediocre player, i have to get frags anywhere i can get them.

    if someone freezes during this match against finland (that is still going ahead last i heard) do you really belive you wont be fragged during that lagged, or do you really think that you will not frag the opposition?

    i mean seriously. if you are going to play, kill as many people as you can. if they complain just tell em you can get them back when you freeze up. or tell them to go to a namby pamby server where they can be nice to each other and leave health and armour packs lying around for you so you can have more fun not dying.

    get a life.

    i cant wait til q3a comes out and then i can see those nice little things above ppls heads that show typing ot lagged players. i'll be aiming just below for a nice head shot.

    have a nice lag free day smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,438 ✭✭✭TwoShedsJackson

    ah Eamo, "anyone i see lagged or facing a wall typing is dead."

    and to think you were all nice and polite until thefirst couple of times i lag fragged you smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 861 ✭✭✭Slosh

    Pat, you should have kept this private and mailed me.

    The Death I know is a very level headed guy but **** him off at your peril. Thing is tho - u're a pretty reasonable guy too.

    Who else was on the server at the time ??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 394 ✭✭DEATH

    AS i have said he was not kicked for the lag kill i aint that petty

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,494 ✭✭✭kayos

    just an independant point of view since I rarely play Quake any more. I have play with H_K and have found him to be very helpfull For gods sakes I TK'ed him once but he said nothing much about it I think his word's were "I'm on your team". I never had any dealings with death and I cann't say anything about him. But I do find it hard to believe that H_K would so abusive to be kicked. Games are games ppl don't get a god complex about being an op. Op's are there to kick ppl who F*** up a game for everyone or someone who is banned from the server. Ya its a ****er when you get lagged and you die but admit it if any one here was in a full battle and ran around a corner see's and nme what do you do fire. I think it is a bit stupid to expect ppl to stop and think about it "No No I won't kill him he's a splendid bloke really" that is f***ing stupid. Just my two cents worth on the matter.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭Chaos

    Hello cheeky.gif
    Pats just a child getting older tongue.gif
    DK 0wns U

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Hmmmm, Now, I've had my run ins with HK before so I dont think he's an angel. That said even non-angels deserve a fair deal.
    I know that most ops put up with abuse far worse then any abuse we would allow be thrown at non-op players. Death just has a shorter fuse then the rest of us and doesnt take abuse well at all smile.gif

    I dont think we can take this on the word of anyone with strong vested interests and this SHOULD have been kept off this board and sent to Slosh directly.

    PS: that quote from me is as national DM manager. Not as CA team player. I have nothing to do with the CA team organisation.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 411 ✭✭H_K

    Death, your post amuses me.

    You acted like an irrational baby on the server. Now, on the boards you are trying to argue
    a point - you didn't even TRY to rationalise anything whatsoever on the server, you jumped
    straight into slagging me...

    Ill try and sort out the validity of some of your statements:

    "You forgot something though, the abuse that you hurled at me for around 5 minutes"
    This is a TOTAL lie. I asked Death to come to the server to help us out. He sorted it out, and that was fair enough. You came on later with Blade and them, you were making a
    hulaboloo about being team mates etc, and I was saying absolutely nothing. I killed you
    while you were lagged (so what?) and you slagged me, again I said nothing, but you kept slagging me.

    "And unlike as you said you were not kicked for the lag kill you were kicked for the abuse"
    Kicked for what abuse ? YOUR abuse seemed to stem from the lag.

    "Ill have no problems doing it again if your take your muppet self on to the server and hurl the same abuse at any one."
    More of the same....

    "Since your friends with little daa why dont you just join him in isolation."
    I truely think you should join him in isolatoin...

    "The First one Shows me slagging someone ON MY OWN Team and not u monkey boy as i seem to remember u were blue no? Doesnt the picture mention red no?"
    Maybe so, but I do have other pictures of abuse to me...

    "it shows the abuse that i recieved from both you and your little chum critic."
    My "little chum". Your tone is insinuating, and still insulting to my intelligence.

    Critic is a spot on bloke - and believe me, he wont take sides - he speaks his mind totally
    regardless of friendship - i should know. Critic saw the ridiculousness of your behaviour,
    and pointed out that you committed the same crime as you couldn't take.

    oh, sorry - i missed this one

    "Other Admins on the server at the time had no problem with my kicking of you."
    Not dragging Blade into this, I spoke to him later on IRC, and he understood what I was
    saying, and tole me that ops shouldn't argue in public.

    Slosh, other people on the server, if my memory serves me were Blade, ace, skyclad,cream,
    and some other LPB's, im not too sure of their names. Before everyone came on, it was
    myself, critic and ace trying to have a 3-player CA...thats how death came in when we were asking for help.

    Death, it seems you are totally avoiding all the facts and making vague insinuating comments
    like you are trying to turn the tables.

    And anyone who has had "run ins" with me will know that i am quite determined in getting the
    truth out, as long as the people I think ar guilty get their commupence. ie.This Dog
    bites back...(Blade + MP wink.gif. Soz about using that quote out of context though Dev, but it is a sensible one tongue.gif

    Also, forgot to mention I have gotten abuse from Death before his Op days...when trying to
    arrange games when I was an IQCL admin, he called me chicken for postponing a day (a chicken
    in about 25 lines and 50 phrases of cliched kindergarten style comments)

    Vaggabond : Why would I be in a slagging match with Critic - he is my best friend in real life ! Ive known him for years before Quake and introduced him to it...

    Thanks for backin me up there Kayos.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 394 ✭✭DEATH

    Ooooh Mommy Dont Take My Ops, Think how Powerless i will be omg like
    the seriousness of the situation has just dawned on me, i might not be able to kick some country hicks from a games server.

    Good Golly Ms Molly.

    Hk u can spend all afternoon thinking of reasons why i should or should not blah blah blah

    Amuse Me more child

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 496 ✭✭Bunny

    Here, just don't kick people. Its bold, blade and ocb dont do it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 411 ✭✭H_K

    no death, i just dont have time for your stupid games, and I would rather play without your hassling or insults ok ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,601 ✭✭✭Kali

    Imagine a world free of bickering and arguments ..
    imagine the butterflies,
    imagine the trees,
    imagine the cool breeze flowing through your hair,
    wouldn't it be fabulous?
    oh wait what was the topic again?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 107 ✭✭KinDreD

    i like to cheat....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,601 ✭✭✭Kali

    ... with other blokes wives.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,494 ✭✭✭kayos

    Death I take offence to you saying "i might not be able to kick some country hicks from a games server." F$%^ you if you have a problem with ppl outside the big smoke just think about who your insulting. These boards were on a server in galway before they were mved here. I live outside the big smoke But I ain't no hick. just because we airn't spoiled by mummy and daddy with ISDN lines. I know plenty of ppl on these board outside the bigsmoke who are a lot higher up the ranks than you. I'm a reasonably guy but I just hate being insulted for where I live. Can't you learn to accept ppl for who they are and not where they come from. I don't insult ppl from Dublin or any where else and I don't think anyone should. As the song said "Free your mind and the rest will follow".


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,438 ✭✭✭TwoShedsJackson

    Hell, i always thought it was 'free your mind and your ass will follow' smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭Koopa

    em i dont want to take sides in this argument cos i wasnt there, but as for 'kicking for abuse'... death you spew abuse when someone uses tactics etc. that you cant handle.. (watch me verses death CA demo)

    say that stuff to me on a lan, my good man...
    where we can have a nice scrap as soon as someone crosses the line smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by Koopa (edited 30-06-99).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Just check the server logs, if there was abuse started by H-K it should all be logged.
