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Israel attacks "terrorist training camp" in Syria



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Originally posted by Biffa Bacon
    No it’s not an excuse for their actions. The justification for their actions is that they are being attacked by genocidal fanatics whose openly-declared goal is the destruction of the state of Israel, and they must therefore either defend themselves or die.

    Of course, given all the “never again” talk after WW2, you might be forgiven if you expected Europeans to recognise and support the Jewish people’s right to self-defence. Apparently not though.

    Interesting you should bring up WW2, since (now I'm assuming you're American), the Americans didn't do a tap, until Japan attacked America.

    Yet the US, was quite prepaired to make money, selling arms to the British, who were 'actually' fighting the Nazis.

    If the US feels guilty about doing nothing for the Jews, please, don't try and put some sort of transference onto Europe.

    Of course you forget the some 20 million Russians killed by the Nazis... yet somehow, I don't see you lamenting their loss, or validating the brutal put-down of Chechnya by Russia.

    Not that I'm trying to say, there's you know... a glaring disparity between your 'logic' and real-life, that would be ascenine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Originally posted by Biffa Bacon
    If you’re suggesting that that’s what the Israelis are doing I reject that utterly. You think they just fire rockets into a crowd of civilians at random?

    Where did I suggest that. I said that they fire rockets into crowds in the name of being after a suspect.

    Thats what I meant as well.
    There is no moral equivalence between injury caused by the aggressor to the victim and injury caused by the victim to the aggressor.

    No, but there is no moral acceptability in either saying "civilians are fair game" and/or saying "civilians are not our concern as long as we try and hit what we are targetting".

    The Palestinian terrorists use the first. The Israelis would appear to favour the latter. You can couch it in as pretty a language as you like, but neither sides actions makes the others excusable. Its like saying "but at least my side doesn't kill them as badly as yours". The innocents are still dead, and still killed by wanton disregard for human life at best.

    There is no moral equivalence between those who deliberately target civilians and those who seek to minimise civilian casualties in as far as is humanly possible.

    I agree fully.

    Why is it so hard for people to see that?
    I don't think its hard for anyone to see that. I think its nigh-on impossible for many people to see that the Israeli's seek to minimise civilian casualties as far as possible....and thats where the disagreement comes in.

    Take a very simple example. Two days ago some Palestinians exploded a bomb in Haifa. In response, Israel was as humane as possible, and launched a missile attack at a foreign sovereign nation, on the grounds of "self-defense". This nation,which harbours terrorists, shows no respect, wants Israel dead, etc. etc. etc. went and showed how inhumane it is in response, by taking the unthinkably barbaric action of actually taking the issue to the UN first.

    I'm sorry - no-one who shoots first and talks later can claim any grounds of actions being "as humane as possible". Regardless of whether or not any innocents were killed, look at the proximity of the alleged camp to the capital city of Syria. One slight malfunction, and you had missiles falling on a foreign capital.

    Humane? Considerate? Balanced?

    Sure it long as you're on the right side.
    Welcome to Fionnan by the way!

    Indeed. Welcome.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭sovtek

    I might just be paranoid but I really found this action by Israel to be scary in the extreme.
    Again, maybe paranioa but I can see nuclear threats in the not to distant future.
    I'd also hazard a bet that the almost free reign to defy international law Israel has had since talk of war in Iraq will see Israel committing more actions of the same.
    I recall at some point Bush and Sharon both, over the past two years, stating that nuclear options are not ruled out.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Again, maybe paranioa but I can see nuclear threats in the not to distant future.

    Don't you think you're being a bit alarmist here? Israel while performing a number of extreme acts hasn't forgotten its past. I doubt very much the ISraeli people would support such a move, especially since they remember their parents being gassed.

    Pity we can't say the same for the other nations that have nuclear, chemical or biological capabilities.
    I'd also hazard a bet that the almost free reign to defy international law Israel has had since talk of war in Iraq will see Israel committing more actions of the same.

    Very likely. But then they've seen just how effective international law has been in the past. All they have to do is look at the invasion of Iraq, and realise that if you have Nukes no other nation is going to bother you too much ( as long as you succeed of course )

    At the end of the day the issue with the targeting of civilians is that Israeli Civilians are more obvious as being just civilians. Palestinian Groups wage a war of terrorism/guerilla warfare. Their tactics have placed the Israeli Government in the position of targeting everyone or no-one.

    Personally i don't see too much different between launching rockets from a helicopter or having a suicide bomber blow up within a crowd. The one doesn't justify the other, but its easy to be judgemental when we're not involved in the troubles.

    In the past i've been completely Pro-Israeli. I've changed my opinions somewhat. I'm alot more in the middle, now than ever. Neither side is innocent.

    Getting back to the issue of Syria, Israel has made the same move as what the US has done in the past (Iraq, libya etc). It doesn't matter that we think Syria is no threat. Israeli Intelligence ( which is considered one of the best in the world ) deemed them a threat. They acted. Wrongly in my opinion.

    Of course you forget the some 20 million Russians killed by the Nazis... yet somehow, I don't see you lamenting their loss, or validating the brutal put-down of Chechnya by Russia.

    In regards to this, you might mention the troops and civilians that the Russian forces killed. Or the tens of thousands of German women that were raped in the invasion of Berlin. That war created monsters on all sides. ( German troops captured by the Allies, many of which died, in concentration type prisons at the close of the war )

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,018 ✭✭✭Hairy Homer

    Originally posted by bananayoghurt
    warheads will never come into the equation, suicide bombers will, i won't be eating any big macs in jerusalem for at least a few weeks

    I'd be surprised if you can get ANY big Macs in Jerusalem. Cheese on burgers is heretically non Kosher.

    Having been chased out of the meat-eating part of a restaurant in Tel Aviv once because I had inadvertently committed the cardinal error of stepping into it carrying a cup of tea (which contained MILK!!!!! Get thee behind me Satan) I can imagine that some of the zealots wouldn't welcome any cheeseburger vendor with the sacred city's limits.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Originally posted by klaz
    Israel while performing a number of extreme acts hasn't forgotten its past

    That would seem questionable, given certain occurrences of the last year or so...

    Witness Israeli soldiers walking through Palestinian settlements that the Israelis had put under their "protection", and marking the walls of inspected houses with a Star of David. IIRC, there have also been situations where detainees have had numbers etc. marked on their arms for identification.

    No similarities to the Jewish communities which were controlled by Germans, nor of the methods of marking prisoners and/or concentration-camp victims.

    Witness Israeli settlements - expansionism in all but name. I bet if you were to call it "lebensraum" you'd be condemned as an anti-semitic pro-nazi nutjob though.
    especially since they remember their parents being gassed.

    Yes, and that will be the typical excuse....because the Israeli's aren't comitting genocide, and are nowhere near as bad as the nazis, then all other comparisons are irrelevant, and everything they do is fine.

    I bet if any other nation tried marking a Jew with a number on the inside of his arm, as a means of identification or as some form of "you've been checked" verification, and/or wanted to mark his house with a Star of David painted on the outside to also show it had been inspected....such nations would be decried as being guilty of a horrific and tasteless reminder of the holocaust.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 747 ✭✭✭Biffa Bacon

    Originally posted by Hobbes
    Putting a suicide bomber onto a bus is no different then firing a missile into a refugee camp.
    So you’re saying that someone who sets out to kill as many innocent civilians as possible is no different from someone who would try to stop that person from doing so, and all the while trying to avoid injury to civilians as much as possible?
    If anything made her into a terrorist, it was the actions of Israel.
    No, what made her into a terrorist was her conscious, deliberate decision to strap on an explosives belt, enter a restaurant in Haifa and blow to pieces as many of her fellow human beings as possible. Who gave her the idea to do this and who assisted her in carrying it out? The psychotic, criminal leadership of the Palestinians.
    Originally posted by mr_angry4
    How exactly has "defending themselves" stopped them from dying?
    It hasn’t. But it has stopped them dying in far fewer numbers than would otherwise be the case.
    Its a vicious circle, and the Israelis have to accept some responsibility for it. If you don't accept that, then I'm sorry, but I can no longer respect your opinion.
    Well I’m afraid I don’t accept that. There is no cycle of violence in the Middle East. What you have is acts of Palestinian aggression followed by an Israeli defensive response. Without Palestinian aggression, there is nothing for the Israelis respond to and thus no violence. Without an Israeli response, however, the Palestinians would simply continue to kill. Palestinian violence is directed at destroying Israel, not as a response to Israeli violence.
    I freely admit that innocent Israeli civilians have suffered at the hands of terrorists, but that is not a justification for going out and slaughtering Palastinian civilians in response.
    I agree, as do the Israelis. That’s why they’re not doing it.
    Originally posted by sovtek
    When the state of Israel's creation involved killing innocent people and genocide (look up the legal term), then not one Israeli can call anyone a terrorist and not be a complete hypocrite.
    1. The creation of the state of Israel did not involve genocide, at least not on the Jewish side. It did involve the Arabs attempting genocide against the Jews, but fortunately they failed.
    2. The creation of the state of Israel was endorsed by the UN. Does this mean that you:
    a. Accept the legitimacy of the state of Israel,
    b. Reject the authority of the UN and all resolutions it has passed criticising Israel, or
    c. Only recognise the authority of the UN when it is critical of Israel?
    3. Do you believe in the collective guilt of the entire Israeli people for the actions of individual Israelis?
    4. If so, does your notion of collective guilt only apply to those Jews who were living in Palestine when Israel came into existence, or does it include those who were born there after 1948 also?
    An American that gets Israeli citizenship based upon his/her religion and then moves into a settlement that was built upon land taken from a Palestinian and has UN Resolutions stating that it must give it back, has about as much right to self defense as a burglar breaking into your house.
    No Israeli settlements in the West Bank or Gaza were built on land taken from Arabs. There is nothing in international law that says Jews cannot build settlements in these areas.
    When they "offer" peace at the same time continually building new settlements, one can't honestly say that the Israeli government isn't "throwing it" in the Palestinian people's face.
    I think you can. They have always indicated they are willing to compromise on the settlements issue. The settlements issue is not an obstacle to peace.
    As opposed to the criminal Sharon.
    I assume you are referring to Sabra and Chatilla. Even if you accept his complicity in these massacres, which I don’t, you cannot seriously argue he is in anywhere near the same league as Arafat.
    Meanwhile Arafat is expected to "reign in on terrorist" while he's confined by Israel's to his headquarters while they plot to kill him.
    Arafat was supposed to reign in terrorism as part of the Oslo Accords. He has made no effort to do so and never will. If the Israelis were to kill him they would actually be doing the Palestinians a big favour. It would give them the opportunity to elect new leadership committed to compromise and peace who would help lift them out of the squalor they currently reside in.
    No they try and blame the victim for living around dozens of children, otherwise an F-16 is a perfectly reasonable weapon to bring criminals to justice.
    What kind of civilian casualties do you think there would be if they sent in troops to arrest suspects and battle it out in the streets?
    Nevermind that assassinating criminals without trail isn't usually the act of a "democracy".
    They are the legitimate acts of a democracy at war. No society can afford to allow such people move about at liberty for lack of evidence that would hold up in a court of law.
    Then consider all the teenage "militants" that the IDF kill for throwing rocks at them.
    The teenage militants that are sent out to act as human shields for terrorist gunmen?
    My thoughts exactly when Israel and American condemn the actions of "terrorists" while conducting themselves in the same manner.
    Since when have Israel and America deliberately targeted civilians?
    Hence Israel's lack of moral standing in condemning "terrorists".
    In what way is Israel the aggressor (unless you believe that Israel itself is illegitimate and must be destroyed)?
    Originally posted by Typedef
    …the leftist media is polluting the airwaves with lies.
    Well that’s one thing you’ve got right.
    Of course you forget the some 20 million Russians killed by the Nazis... yet somehow, I don't see you lamenting their loss, or validating the brutal put-down of Chechnya by Russia.
    1. I’m not lamenting their loss because it’s not relevant to the topic at hand.
    2. The situation is not the same in Chechnya as it is in Israel. The Chechen conflict concerns one region’s struggle to gain independence, while the Israeli-Palestinian conflict concerns an attempt by one group of people to destroy and take over another nation. Russia’s struggle in Chechnya is not a question of the survival of their nation, but in Israel’s case it is. This is why it is legitimate to bring up the Holocaust – because it shows why it is so necessary for Israel to defend itself.
    3. I do not believe the IDF has conducted itself in remotely as bad a manner as the Russian military has in Chechnya.
    Not that I'm trying to say, there's you know... a glaring disparity between your 'logic' and real-life, that would be ascenine.
    Yes, that would be asinine.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 747 ✭✭✭Biffa Bacon

    Originally posted by bonkey
    Where did I suggest that. I said that they fire rockets into crowds in the name of being after a suspect.

    Thats what I meant as well.
    Well to be honest I misread your earlier comments. I thought you said “you're firing rockets from a helicopter without any shade of an excuse of being after a suspect”.
    The innocents are still dead, and still killed by wanton disregard for human life at best
    So you’re saying Israel could achieve the same results but without injuring or killing civilians, except that they just don’t bother their arses to do so? How? What are they supposed to do?
    This nation,which harbours terrorists, shows no respect, wants Israel dead, etc. etc. etc. went and showed how inhumane it is in response, by taking the unthinkably barbaric action of actually taking the issue to the UN first.
    You’ve got it the wrong way round. What Syria did first was to harbour terrorists. Israel’s reaction was to put diplomatic pressure on them to end this. When their patience ran out, only then did they destroy the camp. Syria going to the UN is just playacting on their part, an ongoing part of the propaganda war.
    I'm sorry - no-one who shoots first and talks later can claim any grounds of actions being "as humane as possible". Regardless of whether or not any innocents were killed, look at the proximity of the alleged camp to the capital city of Syria. One slight malfunction, and you had missiles falling on a foreign capital.
    Come off it, do you think any military action in that situation could be carried out with zero possibility of innocents being killed?
    Witness Israeli soldiers walking through Palestinian settlements that the Israelis had put under their "protection", and marking the walls of inspected houses with a Star of David.
    I’m not aware of such incidents. If you have links, I’d like to read them.
    IIRC, there have also been situations where detainees have had numbers etc. marked on their arms for identification…No similarities to the Jewish communities which were controlled by Germans, nor of the methods of marking prisoners and/or concentration-camp victims.
    Disgusting. Let’s ignore the fact that detainees were marked with ink which could be washed off, while concentration camp inmates had their ID numbers tattooed on. Let’s ignore the fact that the IDF marked detainees so they could tell who they had interviewed, while concentration camp inmates were given a number in order to destroy their identity. Let’s ignore the fact that there was uproar over this in Israel itself, a democratic, open society where people are free to voice their opinions. Let’s just make some cheap comparison with Nazi Germany instead. Puke.
    Witness Israeli settlements - expansionism in all but name.
    Expansionism? Jewish settlements in Judea, Samaria and Gaza occupy a tiny fraction of those territories. And why should Jews not be allowed in these areas anyway, areas where there have been continuously inhabited Jewish settlements for centuries? Should these areas be ethnically-cleansed of Jews?
    I bet if you were to call it "lebensraum" you'd be condemned as an anti-semitic pro-nazi nutjob though.
    That’s because only an anti-semitic pro-nazi nutjob would call it lebensraum. Are Arabs being ethnically cleansed from these areas? Are any Jews being forced to live there?

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,411 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    Originally posted by MagicBusDriver
    Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.
    Originally posted by Victor
    Not quite. Lebanon, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Kuwait (not sure if women can vote quite yet, but it's on the way) and Cyprus are all democratic, some having problems around the edges. Israel also doesn't behave like a democratic nation in many ways.
    Oh, I forgot, Palestine.
    Originally posted by Biffa Bacon
    No Israeli settlements in the West Bank or Gaza were built on land taken from Arabs.
    So who owned the land beforehand?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭sovtek

    Originally posted by Biffa Bacon

    Expansionism? Jewish settlements in Judea, Samaria and Gaza occupy a tiny fraction of those territories. And why should Jews not be allowed in these areas anyway, areas where there have been continuously inhabited Jewish settlements for centuries? Should these areas be ethnically-cleansed of Jews?

    The areas that settlements occupy are:
    1) illegal and defy Security Council resolutions.
    2)Are taken from Palestinian occupied land and have been consistantly since the creation of the Israeli state.
    3)Are often occupied by foreign nationals (Many of them American) of the Jewish persuasion who have been given citizenship and tax incentives to live in settlements.

    This ignores the fact that:
    1) Israel was created after forcing the Palestinians that had lived there for centuries without compensation (a genocide in legal terms).
    2)Bombing of civilians was a tactic used by the Stern gang to get the British to allow the creation of Israel.
    3)Ninety five percent of the population was Arab before the creation of Israel in '47.
    4)Said population had been there for centuries.
    5)Israel has provoked and attacked it's neighbors at least once in every decade since it's creation.
    6)Israeli media is censored and one such person that revealed that they were developing nuclear weapons has been in prison since then.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭sovtek

    Originally posted by Biffa Bacon

    So you’re saying Israel could achieve the same results but without injuring or killing civilians, except that they just don’t bother their arses to do so? How? What are they supposed to do?

    Try completely pulling out of Palestinian terroritory and tell the settlers to not attack Palestinians and you would very quickly have a de-escalation in violence.
    You’ve got it the wrong way round. What Syria did first was to harbour terrorists. Israel’s reaction was to put diplomatic pressure on them to end this. When their patience ran out, only then did they destroy the camp. Syria going to the UN is just playacting on their part, an ongoing part of the propaganda war.[/QUOTE

    REALLY, when exactly did Israel come before the General Assembly and give evidence of terrorists being harbored by Syria. Failing that when did Israel submit a request for extradition of terrorists living in Syria?

    [QUOTE}Come off it, do you think any military action in that situation could be carried out with zero possibility of innocents being killed?

    Military action? I thought they were terrorists!?!?!
    I’m not aware of such incidents. If you have links, I’d like to read them.
    Disgusting. Let’s ignore the fact that detainees were marked with ink which could be washed off, while concentration camp inmates had their ID numbers tattooed on. Let’s ignore the fact that the IDF marked detainees so they could tell who they had interviewed, while concentration camp inmates were given a number in order to destroy their identity. Let’s ignore the fact that there was uproar over this in Israel itself, a democratic, open society where people are free to voice their opinions. Let’s just make some cheap comparison with Nazi Germany instead. Puke.

    Lets ignore the fact that Palestinians were deported en masse from their own land (legally genocide since you like the term so much) and now if they want to just visit their birthright or even just go to work (as their economy has been destroyed along with the majority of their infrastructure) they have to go through long waits at checkpoints and searches. That's assuming some soldier doesn't get spooked and shoot them.
    And why should Jews not be allowed in these areas anyway

    I didn't say they shouldn't, but only after they give the land back and take down checkpoints which prevent Palestinians their right of return to their previously occupied land.
    areas where there have been continuously inhabited Jewish settlements for centuries?

    Again, the area created that the Israeli state encompasses was 95 % Arab before the creation of the Israeli state.
    Are Arabs being ethnically cleansed from these areas? Are any Jews being forced to live there?

    Last time I heard 1500 Palestinians had been killed. Given that stat a Palestinian might very well see it that way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭mr_angry

    *sigh* Where do I start?
    So you’re saying that someone who sets out to kill as many innocent civilians as possible is no different from someone who would try to stop that person from doing so, and all the while trying to avoid injury to civilians as much as possible?

    Bo do they try hard enough? I don't think so.
    It hasn’t. But it has stopped them dying in far fewer numbers than would otherwise be the case.

    You can't know that would be the case. Pure speculation.
    There is no cycle of violence in the Middle East.

    Just plain wrong.
    Re: Slaughtering Palastinian civilians: I agree, as do the Israelis. That’s why they’re not doing it.

    I disagree. They're not doing it to the same extent as the Palastinian militants (and note militant - as in not tarring everyone with the same brush), but they are doing it.
    There is nothing in international law that says Jews cannot build settlements in these areas.

    Wrong again.
    If the Israelis were to kill him they would actually be doing the Palestinians a big favour.

    So now you're advocating assisnation? Very reassuring...
    They are the legitimate acts of a democracy at war. No society can afford to allow such people move about at liberty for lack of evidence that would hold up in a court of law.

    So they should kill people they have no evidence against? Again, reassuring...
    In what way is Israel the aggressor (unless you believe that Israel itself is illegitimate and must be destroyed)?

    I don't believe Israel should be destroyed, but I believe they should give back the land that belongs to the Palastinian people. Bringing in the army, kicking people out of their homes, puting them in a refugee camp (dump, more like), bulldozing their houses, and building replacements for Israelis...? Do you expect these people to be pleased? That is agression! Your attempts to deny this are rediculous, in my opinion.
    What are they supposed to do?

    Not fire devastating missiles into refugee camps.

    Frankly, I think your arguments are just wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

    Please stop being wrong.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭sovtek

    Originally posted by Biffa Bacon
    So you’re saying that someone who sets out to kill as many innocent civilians as possible is no different from someone who would try to stop that person from doing so, and all the while trying to avoid injury to civilians as much as possible?

    Killing teenagers throwing rocks isn't really keeping Israeli citizens alive now is it?
    No, what made her into a terrorist was her conscious, deliberate decision to strap on an explosives belt, enter a restaurant in Haifa and blow to pieces as many of her fellow human beings as possible. Who gave her the idea to do this and who assisted her in carrying it out? The psychotic, criminal leadership of the Palestinians.

    Really, while he can't leave his headquarters?
    Might it be the fact that her brothers were killed by IDF forces AFTER their arrest.
    It hasn’t. But it has stopped them dying in far fewer numbers than would otherwise be the case.

    Maybe if you forget reality and history.
    Well I’m afraid I don’t accept that. There is no cycle of violence in the Middle East. What you have is acts of Palestinian aggression followed by an Israeli defensive response. Without Palestinian aggression, there is nothing for the Israelis respond to and thus no violence.

    Which is why Israel has been such a peaceful country in the 50 years since it took over land inhabited by another group of people.
    Without an Israeli response, however, the Palestinians would simply continue to kill. Palestinian violence is directed at destroying Israel, not as a response to Israeli violence.

    You forget the myriad examples of "relative calm" which don't see one suicide bombing or Palestinian attack but do see consistant incursions and attacks on civilians that do kill Palestinian civilians.

    1. The creation of the state of Israel did not involve genocide, at least not on the Jewish side. It did involve the Arabs attempting genocide against the Jews, but fortunately they failed.

    It not only involved genocide (in the form of forced exile of the indigenous people) as well it involved terrorism committed by Jewish fundamentalists
    I really think you need to look genocide up.
    2. The creation of the state of Israel was endorsed by the UN. Does this mean that you:

    I see so the UN's mandate of Israel is legitimate but UN resolutions demanding repatriation of land that it illegally invaded arent.
    a. Accept the legitimacy of the state of Israel,

    Only as far as it's borders as of it's creation by the UN and on terms that Palestinians agree to
    b. Reject the authority of the UN and all resolutions it has passed criticising Israel, or

    I'm not the one picking and choosing UN resolutions here.
    c. Only recognise the authority of the UN when it is critical of Israel?

    Please show where I haven't recognised the authority of the UN.
    3. Do you believe in the collective guilt of the entire Israeli people for the actions of individual Israelis?

    No but they do have some responsibility for their governments actions. Just like I have some responsibility of the American goverment's actions as well you for your respective government (whichever that happens to be).
    Does that mean that they should be killed by suicide not in my opinion.
    4. If so, does your notion of collective guilt only apply to those Jews who were living in Palestine when Israel came into existence, or does it include those who were born there after 1948 also?

    Yes they bare responsibility for taking someone else's land. Just like the settlers in America that took Native American land and were attacked by said people.
    That being said I have never stated, nor do I beleive that Israel should be dismantled. It's too late for that. The illegal settlers are another matter and are often enough responsible for Palestinian civilian deaths as well as they steal their natural resources and harass them.

    No Israeli settlements in the West Bank or Gaza were built on land taken from Arabs.

    Please tell me the name of the Jewish homeland Israel attacked and took the land from then.
    There is nothing in international law that says Jews cannot build settlements in these areas.

    Heres but one, there are others.
    They have always indicated they are willing to compromise on the settlements issue. The settlements issue is not an obstacle to peace.

    It is when they continually build them.
    I assume you are referring to Sabra and Chatilla. Even if you accept his complicity in these massacres, which I don’t, you cannot seriously argue he is in anywhere near the same league as Arafat.

    Yes and he does. He's even wanted in front of a court for it. Strangely enough a witness for that very court was killed in a rare car bomb in Lebanon two years ago.
    Still you are comparing apples and oranges here. One is fighting for the freedom of his people while the other is killing the population of a people he occupies.
    Arafat was supposed to reign in terrorism as part of the Oslo Accords.

    And Israel was supposed stop building settlements and dismantle some as didn't and it didn't.
    He has made no effort to do so and never will.

    Hard to do with an occupying army that continues to kill the people that voted you as their leader.
    If the Israelis were to kill him they would actually be doing the Palestinians a big favour.

    I guess that's why the voted for him and didn't support the one guy that Sharon and Bush did want.
    It would give them the opportunity to elect new leadership committed to compromise and peace who would help lift them out of the squalor they currently reside in.

    Being that they were in that squalor before Arafat came along, that's hardly evident. By the same rationale the Israelis could live in peace and security if they would elect a leader who would negotiate in good faith and end the oppression of the Palestinian people.

    What kind of civilian casualties do you think there would be if they sent in troops to arrest suspects and battle it out in the streets?

    If they worked with the Palestinian elected leader in catching these people instead of constantly incurring into his territory and killling his constituents there might be alot less civilians casualties on both sides.

    They are the legitimate acts of a democracy at war.

    Killing civilians is not a legitimate act no matter if carried out by democracy, dictator, monarchy or feudal lord.

    No society can afford to allow such people move about at liberty for lack of evidence that would hold up in a court of law.

    So I guess the rule of law is out and terrorism is in.

    The teenage militants that are sent out to act as human shields for terrorist gunmen?

    Even though there are no gunmen around and the IDF start the rock throwing by racial slurs directed at Palestinians youths.
    Since when have Israel and America deliberately targeted civilians?

    Well it started with area bombing in Dresden as well as other cities in Germany and ended with the bombing of Al-Jazeera in Iraq.
    Israel has too many to list.
    In what way is Israel the aggressor (unless you believe that Israel itself is illegitimate and must be destroyed)?

    Your logical fallacy does not hold. Israel WAS created by taking land from it's indigenous people. In almost any other situation of similar context would it be called aggression.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Witness Israeli settlements - expansionism in all but name. I bet if you were to call it "lebensraum" you'd be condemned as an anti-semitic pro-nazi nutjob though.

    Bonkey, remember the context of my comment. I was refering to the concept of Israel using their Nukes, not any other activities they might have undertaken. I'm not going to get into another argument about whether Israel is justified or not in their responses to palestinian actions.

    Do you honestly believe that Israel would use a nuke against the middle East? Taking out the irrational concept that every action Israel performs is suspect, of course......

    Again, the area created that the Israeli state encompasses was 95 % Arab before the creation of the Israeli state.

    Actually no it wasn't. It was part of the british empire. And if you want to go back further, then it could have belonged to anyone. Everyone fought for that land all the time. It was rare that any nation settled or farmed that land. It was not Arab land.
    Killing teenagers throwing rocks isn't really keeping Israeli citizens alive now is it?

    I don't agree with the deaths, but you have to recognise how it happens. Palestinian teenagers act in a manner that deems them targets. Throwing stones at troops can be just as effective as a bullet in the head. If they stopped fighting, they wouldn't be targets.
    Which is why Israel has been such a peaceful country in the 50 years since it took over land inhabited by another group of people.

    And you're going to say it ws going to be a peaceful country, even if they hadn't? Arab Nations have always cried out for Israels destruction, since it was recognised. You're being naive if you really think Israel had any real choice. They assumed they could take the battle away from their own country and keep Israeli civilians safe. They failed.
    You forget the myriad examples of "relative calm" which don't see one suicide bombing or Palestinian attack but do see consistant incursions and attacks on civilians that do kill Palestinian civilians.

    and you seem to forget that violence occurs in palestine that doesn't involve either suicide attacks, and helicopter attacks. But yes, Israeli response is a bit excessive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Originally posted by klaz
    I don't agree with the deaths, but you have to recognise how it happens. Palestinian teenagers act in a manner that deems them targets. Throwing stones at troops can be just as effective as a bullet in the head. If they stopped fighting, they wouldn't be targets.

    ROFLMAO. Just as a effective as a bullet? Against people in body armor and tanks. Do you have a list of army deaths due to rocks being thrown?
    Do you honestly believe that Israel would use a nuke against the middle East?

    Yes. As soon as Israel knows it can get away with it, they will.
    Everyone fought for that land all the time.

    Why go back so far? Lets say from 9/11 to now. How much land has been taken? Quite a bit I believe.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I dont think Israel will ever use a nuke. Mainly because without the US support they're fúcked, and there's no way the US could remain their ally if they started nuking people.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    ROFLMAO. Just as a effective as a bullet? Against people in body armor and tanks. Do you have a list of army deaths due to rocks being thrown?

    no i don't. But then i've seen television images from the north whereby stone throwers deal visible damage to the armoured police.
    Yes. As soon as Israel knows it can get away with it, they will

    I on the other hand see it a bit far fetched. The same possibility of the US or Britain using them.
    Why go back so far? Lets say from 9/11 to now. How much land has been taken? Quite a bit I believe

    Because the reference was of who owned the land originally. How the land israel is founded is Arab land. We weren't talking abt the land siezed by Israeli forces, for occupation...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,333 ✭✭✭Frank Grimes

    Originally posted by klaz
    no i don't. But then i've seen television images from the north whereby stone throwers deal visible damage to the armoured police.
    So that justifies killing the stone throwers?
    What if the RUC/British Army murdered every kid up North that threw stones at them, what do you think would happen? i.e International reaction etc.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 Tito

    Sorry but everyone is attacking Isreal and blaming them for everything which is not right. How can you try have peace in the region when you have old Yasser doing everything possible to stay in power.
    I do not think you can be searching for peace when you blow yourself up and kill innocent people.Yes I see a independent contolled state for Yasser to live in but Isreal is picked on by every country in that region

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Originally posted by klaz
    Bonkey, remember the context of my comment. I was refering to the concept of Israel using their Nukes, not any other activities they might have undertaken.

    Yes, but by the context of your comment, the only reason offered as to why the Israeli's would not use a nuke is that they "remember what happened" to themselves in the past.

    I am simply pointing out that there is a wealth of evidence to suggest that they most certainly do not show that they remember what happened, or if they do, they only choose to do so when it is to their advantage.

    I'm not going to get into another argument about whether Israel is justified or not in their responses to palestinian actions.
    I'm not interested in whether or not its justified, with respect to the point I was making. I'm not even that concerned about BIffa's pointing out the outrage of some Israeli's at some of these actions.

    What I am pointing out is the choice of action implemented by the military, presumably under the authority of Sharon, is frequently and repeatedly showing that the Israeli's are not remembering their past.

    Do you honestly believe that Israel would use a nuke against the middle East?
    I never suggested that either. All I did was question the assertion that they wouldn't do so because "they remember".
    Originally posted by Biffa Bacon
    and all the while trying to avoid injury to civilians as much as possible?

    You keep saying if somehow that people will start believing you despite the fact that you never offer any evidence of this. Indeed, the assertion itself seems to be considered the "evidence" you use to answer so many other questions.

    Indeed, you might show how this is true considering that the death-rate currently stands somewhere around 3 Palestinians for every Israeli.

    Or can I just expect another emotion-filled post explaining how people who don't agree with you make you want to puke, followed by some more

    Disgusting. Let’s ignore the fact that ......

    Right...loads of reasons clipped which all explain why this was completely not the same issue....which then gets followed by :
    Let’s ignore the fact that there was uproar over this in Israel itself

    Yes - exactly. If it was so the points I clipped for brevity were asserting, then why was there outrage from the holocaust victims about it?

    And my point still stands. It only became an issue when the Israelis/Jews complained about it. When I complain about it even after the Israeli's themselves spoke out, my actions are disgusting - makes you want to puke. When Israeli's complained about it, it was "democratic and open", as well as sufficient to have the practice abandoned as having been needlessly insensitive. Kinda proves my underlying point - the only people who can criticise the Israelis without being branded in one way or another are the Israeli's themselves. The rest of us are wrong, even if we're making the same criticisms.

    Well done Biffa. I think you've indicated the underlying hypocracy of the situation perfectly - that there are indeed double-standards at play here.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Originally posted by klaz
    no i don't. But then i've seen television images from the north whereby stone throwers deal visible damage to the armoured police.

    Bit like bloody sunday.. how did that all pan out?
    I on the other hand see it a bit far fetched. The same possibility of the US or Britain using them.

    You should of said just Britain, as the US have already said they plan to use nukes in the battlefield and are building more to do so. Plus the US have used weapons which are just as lethal as nukes.

    As for Israel using them, I can well belive they would do so if they could get away with. They pull all other manners of crap because they can get away with it.

    Attacking Syria was an act of war. If it was a form of self defense then every attack a country makes on the US is one of self defense too. Do you believe 9/11 to be an act of self defense? I don't, so why should similar actions be classed as such.
    Because the reference was of who owned the land originally. How the land israel is founded is Arab land. We weren't talking abt the land siezed by Israeli forces, for occupation...

    Sure but if you go back to a certain point in time, the land belonged to someone. So when people start the argument it's always "We were here first".. so 9/11 look at the map compared to now. Remember Israel was stealing land at the exact same time while the rest of the world was looking at two towers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Originally posted by daveirl
    but Al'Quaeda aren't a country.

    Tell that to Afganistan.

    I am not comparing the targets or the victims. An attack on a country is an act of war. Only the US is the muppets claiming that attacking first is a form of self defense. Probably the reason Bush got behind it.

    Of course one country bombs Israel it's a travesty, when Israel does it, it is self defense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Originally posted by daveirl
    I agree with you that the attack on Syria was wrong, but you can't possibly compare it to 9/11

    Yes, and no.....

    one was an attack on a location of innocent civilians. The other was an attack on civilians who had been pre-judged to be guilty of terrorism.

    So one was cold-blooded murder by terrorists attacking a foreign nation on the pretext of it being an attack on the biggest threat to the continued existence of their way of life, while the other was cold-blooded murder by a nation attacking a foreign nation in the name of justice whilst dispensing with the notions that normally accompany justice like "proof of guilt", on the pretext of it being an attack against the biggest threat to the continued existence of their way of life.

    The only way I can see that you can argue that the two should not (or cannot) be compared is if you posit that somehow it is acceptable for Israel to take whatever actions it deems necessary in order to achieve its chosen goals, while condemning fundamental Islam for taking whatever actions it deems necessary in order to do likewise.

    If both sides show no respect for what little international law there is, then why is one side condemnable for it, while the other is not?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭sovtek

    Originally posted by mr_angry4
    I disagree. They're not doing it to the same extent as the Palastinian militants (and note militant - as in not tarring everyone with the same brush), but they are doing it.

    I just gotta put this in. Last time I saw a stat (admittedly it's been a few months) 1500 Palestinians had been killed compared to 600 Israelis since Sept 2000. That would suggest to me that the IDF kills more civilians than the most fundamentalist suidice bomber in the West Bank could ever hope to.
    While I don't condone Hamas' tactics of attacking civilians, they more often attack IDF forces.
    Just to put things in perspective here. Some have called for the destruction of Israel, most Palestinians don't and the last statement of a Hamas leader I saw said that they would stop attacking when Israel pulled out of the occupied territories. Hamas also abided by the last ceasefire even during IDF incursions, they broke when Israel attempted to assassinate a Hamas leader.
    Hamas and Arafat are not one in the same.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭sovtek

    Originally posted by klaz

    Actually no it wasn't. It was part of the british empire. And if you want to go back further, then it could have belonged to anyone. Everyone fought for that land all the time. It was rare that any nation settled or farmed that land. It was not Arab land.

    Actually it was. The fact that it was part of the British empire doesn't have any implications on it's population. South Africa used to be part of the British empire. How many pasty faced people with straight hair inhabited that country when it was finally given independence in the 40's? Do you remember Apartheid?
    The fact that the Babylonians exiled the Jews in 560 BC doesn't have alot of relevance today. That's unless you take the German refugees from WW2 using it is an excuse to take over modern day Israel and exile the population that had lived there previous to '47.
    By that rationale my parents should give back the land to any existent Couhilticans that lay claim to it.
    Tell a Palestinian carrying a deed to land in Israel that no one "settled" prior to '47.
    Furthermore that "they didn't settle or farm" is anther excuse to liberate a people from their land. That was used extensively in Africa (I once heard a South African women of the Jewish persuasion compare Israel to South African in that very way, as in "no one had settled the land when the Dutch came just like the Palestinians").
    And you're going to say it ws going to be a peaceful country, even if they hadn't? Arab Nations have always cried out for Israels destruction, since it was recognised. You're being naive if you really think Israel had any real choice. They assumed they could take the battle away from their own country and keep Israeli civilians safe. They failed.

    They had a choice. They could have chosen not to attack their neighbors.
    Your being naive if you think that someone can just come in a take the land and then no one in the area isn't going to get pissed off. Every instance of Israel attacking it's neighbor has been at it's own provocation and with Israeli MP's calling for expansion.
    It's understandable that Arab nations would call for it's destruction when it involved their brothers being exiled from their own land especially when they were going to have to take them in as refugees.
    The fact that no Arab nation acted upon it is quite amazing.

    and you seem to forget that violence occurs in palestine that doesn't involve either suicide attacks, and helicopter attacks. But yes, Israeli response is a bit excessive.

    No I haven't forgotten which is exactly why I brought up the fact that intervening suicide bombings involve almost daily killings of Palestinians, demolition of homes, checkpoints, curfews...etc..etc.
    "A bit excessive" is a horrific understatement.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,481 ✭✭✭Vader

    Biffa Bacon keeps saying that the Arbs are the ones wrecking the peace. Its very hard imo to talk about complex political events without going back decades or hundreds of years for causes but to be short lets talk about the roadmap for peace.

    90% of Palastinians went on cease fire according to the US. Fine we'll agree on that even though those who diddnt agree to a cease fire did suspend activities for one month on a provisional basis. Israel used this time to launch a helicopter gun ship attack on a leading terrorist. I'm pretty sure the rules of war forbid killing while holding a white flag. Obviously the killing ensued.
    Israel is the only democracy in the middle east
    Israels a democracy:rolleyes: Democracys dont build giant walls to segregate the populous. Democracys dont exclude people from marrying one another. Democracies dont treat muslims the wat israelites do. The disrupt business, bulldoze homes, attack refugee camps, have racist employment policies.

    By any standards a Democracy must have universal sufferage, Israel doesnt. If a countries leader fixs an election (like Bush did) then the country is no longer a democracy.:ninja:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭mr_angry

    I dont think Israel will ever use a nuke.

    Is this the same Israel that threatened to nuke Iraq if it fired any scud missiles at them in 1991???

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Originally posted by Biffa Bacon

    2. The situation is not the same in Chechnya as it is in Israel. The Chechen conflict concerns one region’s struggle to gain independence, while the Israeli-Palestinian conflict concerns an attempt by one group of people to destroy and take over another nation.

    I'm glad you're finally acknowledging the fact that Israel is a colonialist force at the expense of Palestinians and is indeed destroying Palestinians, in a neo-aparthied, religous war.

    That's progress Biffa.
