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Think The Days of Cyborgs Ruling Humans are Far In the Future?

  • 09-10-2003 5:05am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 36

    As some of you may or may not know, my wonderful state of California has decided that it would be prudent to remove our current governor and replace him with Arnold Schwarznegger. That's right, I'm being ruled by a time traveling cyborg.

    Most of you probably didn't know about it, seeing as how it was a local election 7,000 miles away.

    The only really good thing that I can see coming of this is that I can boast to others, including you, is that "My governor can beat up your governor."


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 451 ✭✭Zukustious

    It's been all over our news because, well, the terminator wanted to be governor. Everyone'll know about it because it was so funny. Congratulations to the guy but... it seems so weird. He doesn't strike me as the smartest of fellas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 337 ✭✭Green Hand Guy

    Maybe this'll start a trend. We could elect that guy who played T1000 as Taoiseach and Kristana Loken as president and then we'd have two terminators in power and the americans would only have one and we could rule the world! Bwa ha ha ha ha!

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    I'd give us about four seconds before some itchy-fingered wanker in the States blew us up with a barrage of nukes.:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,738 ✭✭✭Barry Aldwell

    ToBeHonest good luck to the insane figgot. If he can clean up Alex's home state/hole then he's a better man than most politicians.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 69 ✭✭malecO

    Off topic but, wasn't Ronald Reagan a hollywood movie star?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,738 ✭✭✭Barry Aldwell

    Originally posted by malecO
    Off topic but, wasn't Ronald Reagan a hollywood movie star?
    Even further off topic, but didn't he also ask where the Dr. Strangelove style war room was after his inauguration? Timmeh?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭ll=llannah

    dear god. he was actually elected. by the electorate. we're THAT celebrity obsessed that we see a movie star who woke up one morning and decided "hell, why not be governor of california!" and then people are actually stupid enough TO ELECT HIM instead of LAUGHING at him.
    I thought it was a joke. it had been a funny one, too, until i was told it really wasn't a joke and that it was true. *groan*
    "My governor can beat up your governor."
    *quakes in fear* ....only....not.

    maybe that's why he was elected- they were scared he'd come after them and beat them until they did vote for arnold.
    if only it were for that reason he was elected.

    Ronald Reagan a hollywood movie star?
    yes, he was....are you noticing a TREND yet? (he was also the oldest president of the long as we're on the subject of useless reagan trivia)

    but, yes, in conclusion....first the electoral college elects bush. now the electorate elects the terminator.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 197 ✭✭Bazookatone

    I am sorry to say this, but I've lost faith in the American people. I thought when Bush was elected, it was a fluke, he cheated, no people who could land a man on the moon would elect a pillock like that. but they've actually elected a man who could only barely act, (T-2 was one of my favourite movies but come on, all he did was wear leather and look good), who could barely speak English, and who probably doesn't have the slightest idea what the peole of california need or want. I know now that Bush will win next year. The yanks are really stupid enough to believe his crap. Sorry Americans, but I now officially think that as a nation, you have lower intelligence than a small child

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,738 ✭✭✭Barry Aldwell

    Originally posted by Bazookatone
    I am sorry to say this, but I've lost faith in the American people.
    While I've met plenty of nice individual Americans, as a whole I've never really had much faith in them. I mean, a prospective Democratic nominee for the 2004 presidential race turns out to have just happened to have voted for Nixon and Reagan, and been a registered Republican? Come on, this man is supposed to be the elite of America, having commanded Divisions before he retired, yet he can't decide which party he wants to be a member of?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 Nyopallo

    twix_girl (apologies for not remembering who you are): The thing is, we have no way yet of knowing whether or not he will do a good job. As I live in the state, I have a vested interest in this, and I'm not going to knock the guy just yet.

    He has no one who can pull his strings to make him do things, which is what plagued Davis throughout his tenure as governor. He's got the "untouchable" aura around him.

    Barry: General Clark is running as a Democrat because he wants to be president. He is more of a Republican, but no Republican in his right mind is going to run against Bush in the primaries.

    It's the same thing that Arnold did. When you look at his views on a lot of things, he's quite liberal (by California standards, anyway), it's just that he knew he could only win by having "Republican" underneath his name on the ballot.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    Tbh he did the smart thing. as opposed to last time when he got embarassed by the womanising rumours about him and didnt run, this time he went the clinton route.

    I screw women where and when i feel like it. and i dont give em nothing in exchange. as long as i cum, who cares?

    And it worked. people went "well at least he's honest"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭ll=llannah

    The thing is, we have no way yet of knowing whether or not he will do a good job.
    you're right. time will tell. (it was my inner cynic speaking.) maybe he will do a decent job.
    General Clark is running as a Democrat
    I think its slightly more than that. Granted, he is conservative compared to many a democrat, but I don't think he just said he was a Democrat to have a chance in hell at getting elected. I think he was genuinely disenchanted with the Republican party of this era.
    The yanks are really stupid enough to believe his crap.
    Jack, there are more than a few americans with our heads securely fastened on our shoulders. nowhere's perfect, that's for goddamn sure. The people in charge have made a lot of mistakes, especially when it comes to our lack of foreign diplomacy. But that doesn't mean that everyone has the IQ of a soapdish, altho it certainly seems the status quo doesn't have too much sense.
    I know now that Bush will win next year.
    If everyone thought like that, maybe he would. have a little hope, it won't kill you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    Have a little hope, it won't kill you.

    Yeah, we'll leave that to the monkey in charge of the world's largest nuclear arsenal!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭ll=llannah

    i mean for the electorate, not for the pin-headed monkey puppet with too much power.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    True, but only if they get off their asses and vote for someone who has a chance of doing some good and not continuing mankind's eternal spiral down into doom.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭larry

    The problem is that the problems are almost all caused (either directly or indirectly) by either the corporations or by the religious orders, without the support of whom one cannot get elected.
    catch 22.

    Alos, about the nuclear weapons, i wonder does the fact that most guns end up being used, either accidentally or on purpose, on family members also apply to nulear weapons. ie. given the vast arsenel that the usa has is it not likely that it will, at least in part, end up killing it's own citizens? Apart from that the vast resources devoted to them could stock many an inner-city library.

    those same resources could also be used to brainwash ( or should i say re-brainwash) the american public so that there is no memory of pop music? barney and friends perhaps?

  • Registered Users Posts: 337 ✭✭Green Hand Guy

    barney and friends perhaps?

    If Barney ran for President those war mongering hillbillys would probably vote for him. I saw some guy on Cribs who had a microwave by his bath. That's how dumb some of them are!

    (no offence intended to intelligent americans, but you have to admit a lot of people over there could be outsmarted by a week old piece of cheese.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    Actually in fairness this whole **** about "having bush controlling nukes is gonna destroy the world" is bull****. in this day and age they're a COMPLETELY unusable weapon, politically and physically. simply because with the current warning systems in place once you fire one you're gonna have bout 50 heading back your way. and politically despite the fact that bush's wars appealed to the selfish american aspect of people the slaughter from nukes would push em over the edge. they'd see too many bodies for the general american voting populace to be able to mentally jsutify/ignore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭larry

    exactly, america's nukes are more likely to cause harm to it's own people than anybody elses( although the fallout would probably do quite alot of harm to other countries in the area). What's the point in keeping them if the only person that it's ever potentially ever going to harm is yourself?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 444 ✭✭s0l

    Here's the best idea I've heard regarding nuclear weapons.
    Requirements: A Break away republic of, for example, Kazakhstan which is made up of an airport and nuclear missile silos.

    Now what you do is: Sell 'Nuclear Insurance Policies' to everycountry that can afford them. Strictly for defensive purposes, ie the nukes dont leave the break away state, but if someone nukes a country that has insurance then the break away state nukes the aggressor.
    For a country to buy a nuke for attack they would have to pay out more than what all the other countries combined are paying in premiums.
    Now who's going to commit an act of nuclear aggression when they know that the country they're attacking and all the ones allied with it and around it who could suffer from fallout will attack in return?

    Well it's not that great, but it's one of my many plans for getting rich in an elaborate unusual way :)

    Thank you Mr Ken MacLeod for that.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 292 ✭✭Spenguin

    Why is everyone so anti-arnie? I think its really cool. I voted for him! Well, I would have. Were I eighteen. And American. And about the robot thing, wouldn't everyone be happier if we were all robots? Ignorant bliss. Well, if we were stoopid robots it'd be cool. I sorta skimmed through the previous posts, but I noticed that at some point it changed to talking about nukes. WHY IS IT THAT EVERYTIME SOMETHING ABOUT AMERICA IS SAID, PEOPLE START TALKING ABOUT BOMBS!!? America's great. Its the only place where you could lose an election and still win (good thing i guess for whoever lost!), or get a job or freedomness and the like...

    I think I'll watch the show with the singing nuns now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,738 ✭✭✭Barry Aldwell

    Originally posted by crash_000
    simply because with the current warning systems in place once you fire one you're gonna have bout 50 heading back your way.
    Unless, of course, you launch a nuclear armed Tomahawk missile from one of your almost undetectable nuclear subs, which will fly at low altitude, beneath radar, and make it's target glow bright green, with no concrete evidence that it's your fault. In fact, the only evidence would be the rather large mushroom cloud, and the hole left behind.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 102 ✭✭Happy CTYI guy

    Originally posted by larry
    What's the point in keeping them if the only person that it's ever potentially ever going to harm is yourself?

    Maybe because for several decades there were several dozen thousand Soviet nukes pointed the other way?
