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No Sole traders allowed. Why?

  • 13-11-2003 7:53pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭

    Hi, I've just received an e-mail from one of the Moderators regarding a question i asked about traders and trade prices and it seems that you don't allow traders to sell on the boards, even those traders who are willing to pay a fee per item listed.

    Here are my suggestions :

    You should come to some arrangement to facilitate traders. You could collect fees on a per item listed basis. You are losing good business not to mention money which would obviously help toward the costs of running the website. There are many sole traders in Ireland who would jump at the chance of selling their items in real time. Because your website is established and has a large audience you would have no problem attracting sellers as well as buyers.

    If you have reasons for not allowing traders could you explain why? A genuine trader won't mind paying advertising costs.
    Post edited by Shield on



  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    You have a thread on Admin about this already, and there's a thread on the For Sale boards about this too from a few weeks back.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭Gordo84

    I don't have access to threads from a couple of weeks ago. I only found out about this site a couple of days ago.

    I placed the other thread in the wrong section not knowing were to place it so the thread got moved. I'm a newbie so i'm feeling my way around.

    So i placed the question on this thread which seems to be the right thread for this type of question. Still haven't received an answer from the Mods though.

    It could be a legal issue but they haven't said. Seems to be a taboo subject.

    And ecksor, thanks for your helpful reply.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    It isn't a legal issue or a taboo issue, it has been discussed at some length. I know the other thread got moved, but it takes time to get some replies in the Admin section.

    And you have access to threads from weeks/months/years ago.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭Gordo84

    If it has been discussed at length why haven't they posted their thoughts on the issue. If they just came out and said that they don't allow traders, gave their reasons and post it at the top of the admin section everyone would know where they stood.

    I mean, it makes good business sense to open a thread for traders. If its not a legal issue then why haven't they done this.

    People will still trade on the boards and ignore the rules. Its amazing how many brothers, sister, uncles, aunties and friends people have when they are regularly selling on the boards.

    The traders don't pay a fee, lose out on advertising income. Its very strange that they aren't on top of this. I think its time for them to nip it in the bud and let people know where they stand on the issue instead of threatening anybody caught trading.

    Do they need a license to open a trading section?

    Lots of questions, very few answers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,598 ✭✭✭Yavvy

    Gordo... there are oodles of answers regarding this issue and I suggust you read the newbie FAQ that should give you good assistance searching for these answers. This topic has been discussed and clear answers from Vex, DeVore and Ecksor have been given AFAIK.

    just cause your new doesnt mean you cant read discussions and threads form the "Pre Gordo84 era"
    I mean, it makes good business sense to open a thread for traders. If its not a legal issue then why haven't they done this.
    It would also make good business sense to sell porn** (donkey and other types) , penis enlargement pills and a dating service but its not necessarily the route the owners of boards want to take

    You seem to be very keen to have a soul/small traders board and maybe thats just the capitalist instincts in you but I reccomend you look at the for sale fourm. Vexrog has a thread in there in which many regular board users ( and FS general users) give their opinion on traders.

    the truth is out there

    ** please note that im not strictly against the sale of donkey porn...or any other kind on

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  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    Originally posted by Gordo84
    If it has been discussed at length why haven't they posted their thoughts on the issue.

    As I said, a response on the Admin forum can take time.
    If they just came out and said that they don't allow traders, gave their reasons and post it at the top of the admin section everyone would know where they stood.

    At present, we don't allow traders. (There, they came out and said it). As for getting that changed, the thread I pointed you to is the last I heard on any possible moves towards getting that changed. This is pretty transparent, no?
    I mean, it makes good business sense to open a thread for traders. If its not a legal issue then why haven't they done this.

    Alany answered this, but let me emphasize that although we do take money making opportunities if they suit us to help pay for our costs, boards is not about making money.
    I think its time for them to nip it in the bud and let people know where they stand on the issue instead of threatening anybody caught trading.

    I'd imagine that anybody caught trading is left in no doubt about where they stand on the issue ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭Gordo84

    "It would also make good business sense to sell porn** (donkey and other types) , penis enlargement pills."

    This comment is really ridiculous. Firstly, This board is open to all ages including teenagers. Advertising porn etc. would be the fastest way to have the site shut down. You say that this is not a route that the owners want to take. Too right they don't. They ain't stupid.

    It doesn't matter what people think about traders. Whats wrong with somebody showing a bit of enterprise and trying to make some money.

    It seems to me that certain people have a problem with single traders being able to make a few quid. Jealousy maybe.

    Why can't we get our hands on these fantastic in demand goods and sell them below the market value? If we can't do it then nobody else will do it. On our website, the cheek of them.

    The fact is, you just don't like traders. I get the impression you think there is something un-ethical about the whole thing and question the integrity of traders but it really is your loss. Extra advertising revenue would be good, wouldn't it. No, bad for business is it.

    I give up! You guys are narrow minded. To be honest, 1 of you needs to take a lead here and explore new avenues of income and pull the rest of you kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    Did you read the thread I linked to above?

    The admins are pretty open to this for the very reason that it seemed to provide a compromise between allowing traders and not having the sort of covert profiteering that the spirit of the ban prevents (but also see Keeks' posts on the subject above).

    This question seems to be still open, so it hasn't been rejected. Wait for a more definite answer from Vexorg and the For Sale mods.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭Gordo84

    I've checked out vexorgs thread. Some interesting stuff.

    A seperate board is a must. Don't what to infringe on private sellers.

    Nobody seems to have a problem with traders, infact most people who have replied to the thread welcome traders.

    You could charge a fee per item placed or if the trader is selling on a very regular basis you could come to a yearly monthly arrangement regarding fees.

    Simply process a creditcard payment periodically.

    But you guys are still dragging your heels on the issue. I mean everybody wins here guys. Cheaper goods being sold. The trader makes some money and you guys receive advertising fees. Lets get the ball rolling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,598 ✭✭✭Yavvy

    "It would also make good business sense to sell porn** (donkey and other types) , penis enlargement pills."

    hrmm...if anyone for one second thought i was serious about said products I would scoff at them...consider yourself scoffed.
    It doesn't matter what people think about traders. What’s wrong with somebody showing a bit of enterprise and trying to make some money.
    nothing, infact im a sales person myself., I love the "ol Cha- ching" .I just get the impression your a little too eager and like all good sales people your looking for customers to come to you.
    I can understand your desire to exploit the collective purchasing power of boards users... but

    you still dont seem to be able to grasp the concept that the owners of are generally open to all suggestions, however commercial value is not necessarily the most important or deciding factor . Crazy as it may seem the admins seem to to actually care about the "community” that is boards and not the " All New and improved offer ...commercial value " of the site. As a sales person I too often find this a difficult concept...accepts it.

    It seems to me that certain people have a problem with single traders being able to make a few quid. Jealousy maybe. must be it.

    No, bad for business is it.

    post on the Irish jedi council you should
    I give up!

    aww dont give up, thats not the spirit of a trader...keep on, not reading the replies and posting your excellent ideas to make millions , I for one find it very funneh

    1 of you needs to take a lead here and explore new avenues of income and pull the rest of you kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

    if any one wants to pull me anywhere ..i promise I will not kick or scream ( unless you want me to.)

    read replies
    calm down
    find your own customers :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭Gordo84


  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    Originally posted by Gordo84

    I think you should be more open minded!

    Just relax and wait for responses from the people I named. Impatience gets up our noses.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭Gordo84

    Ecksor, I am not being impatient and it makes me laugh when Alany posts useless replys to my questions.

    I posted a question, didn't ask for alanys opinion.

    He probably doesn't have the extensive network of suppliers i have worked hard to build over a long period.

    He probably doesn't have the money to purchase the goods i can supply at knock down prices.

    I'll bet he wishes he had, then he wouldn't post his irrelevant ignorant comments.

    I mean, does he believe that people should only purchase from the large commercial/retail stores at scandalous prices and in the process line the pockets of the store owners who in turn pay their staff a pitiful wage for doing the work.

    If he had access to goods and could make a profit would he turn the Opportunity down. I think not.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    Originally posted by Gordo84
    Ecksor, I am not being impatient and it makes me laugh when Alany posts useless replys to my questions.

    I think his responses have been fine. All I mean by impatience is that you seem to be assuming that you're being ignored because you don't like the answers or you feel you're not being answered or the answers are a bit tardy. Just relax.
    I posted a question, didn't ask for alanys opinion.

    As I said in my first post here, you already have a thread on Admin / Support about this. If you don't want other users' opinion then you shouldn't have posted in this forum.

    He probably doesn't have the extensive network of suppliers i have worked hard to build over a long period.

    He probably doesn't have the money to purchase the goods i can supply at knock down prices.

    I'll bet he wishes he had, then he wouldn't post his irrelevant ignorant comments.

    This sort of **** is just going to get up people's noses (mine for example).
    If he had access to goods and could make a profit would he turn the Opportunity down. I think not.

    Perhaps he would. You're very presumptuous, be a bit more open minded ...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 805 ✭✭✭vinnyfitz

    Originally posted by Gordo84

    He probably doesn't have the extensive network of suppliers i have worked hard to build over a long period.

    He probably doesn't have the money to purchase the goods i can supply at knock down prices.

    Really - and I thougth you were just an ordinary citizen:


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭Gordo84

    Ecksor, I am a very openminded person. It is some of the mods who are closed minded about the issue.

    This question was posted months ago and you are telling me that the Mods are still considering it. That would test the patience of a saint.

    Considering what? Whats to consider. Its either a yes or no. Make a decision. Post it in large uppercase text and bring closure.

    Some Mods support the idea of traders and some don't. Who is in charge of running the website? Who has the final say?

    Vexorgs thread has amassed a large volume of opinions yet a final decision hasn't been made.

    If someone posts this question next month are you going to tell them to relax and be openminded and that the Mods are discussing the issue. Its a bit of a joke really. They have a commercial section for the likes of Elara etc. but small traders are not allowed advertise.

    Where is the logic?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 439 ✭✭Atreides

    Vexorg, ecksor ,Regi ,Cloud , DeVore, (and somes others) basically run and own this Website, they make the policy decisions in general. Vexorg and keeks run the sales element of, it is only an element, not the whole site, not even most of the site, just a part.

    Moderators only have say over there own forum, opinions offered by moderators on subjects not related to their own forum are treated just like anybody elses.

    Small Traders are allowed to advertise, if you want to by a months worth of banner space, or purchase a commercial forum for a years contract, i'm sure it can be arranged.

    The administration is trying to prevent profitering and exploitation which is rampant on other for sale forums. Where users have no interest in contributing to the community, but merely use it to turn a profit. For-sale forums where orginally designed for users to sell and buy "stuff" amoung themselves. Not very fair using a non-profit organisation like boards to make a cheap buck, wouldn't you say?

    You seem quiet aggressive and confrontational with people who are tryign to save you allot of time and trouble. This is not a place where he who shouts loudest wins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,598 ✭✭✭Yavvy do make me smile. bless you.

    Yesh Im sure i would be very jelous of you if I was a trader...but alas im not. my business is not similar to yours and I dont need a network of anything...cept maybe a computer network.

    I started posting replys trying to be helpful to you. but your so intense that any one who isnt saying " YEAH YEAH SOLE TRADERS >>> LETS ALL MAKE MONEY ON TEH BOARDS ..SELLIN IS TEH BESTH" is your enemy ( and possible customer)

    TBCH your exactly the sort of trader i would be afraid of buying from if boards had a sole trading section. Your post is in feedback...welcome to the feedback del boy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    A thread was opened to discuss and consider this. If you posted there, I'm sure the relevent people have read the post.

    What you are effectively doing here is snapping your fingers at the Admins/Mods to get them to do your bidding. Admins don't respond well to that and it tends to be a textbook way of not getting what you want.

    Finally, considering your recent activity on "For Sale" and the fact that you know traders aren't allowed, openly touting yourself as a trader may not be the smartest route to go from there on in.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭Gordo84

    Vinnyfitz,The laptop i sold is my own and any other goods i have put up for sale are my own.

    Being an honest person i raised the issue of traders because until a definate decision is made the questions will continue to be raised.

    Obviously i could have kept quiet and exploited the for sale thread by continuing to advertise laptops/phones etc. just like others are doing. But if i were to advertise on a regular basis i don't mind paying for the privilege unlike others.

    I won't be advertising anything i purchase to sell for a profit because i have ethics and believe it is unfair to use a service that is not meant for traders.

    I only found out about this site about a week ago and decided to sell off anything i own that i don't need. Advertising goods with the sole intention of making a profit and doing it slyly doesn't appeal to me. I prefer to be upfront and honest about good that i purchase for resale.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭Gordo84

    Alany, You've just let it be known what you think of traders. So you think that traders are "Dell boys". I certainly wouldn't purchase goods from anybody who appeared to be a del boy type.

    Dell boys sell shoddy goods with no come back. Dell boys get their goods from dubious sources. Imagine somebody being able to sell goods at wholesale prices and still make a profit Alany. No way. I must be a dell boy type then! I must be out to rip people off and sell them stolen goods. You are right, there are many dell boys out there but they don't sell their goods on the internet. They sell on street corners and via mobile phone. Whoever i sell my goods to has access to my home/mobile no. and my address. I don't have anything to hide and you are not the type of paranoid person i would sell to seeing as you have already made your mind up about the real intention of traders.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,598 ✭✭✭Yavvy

    no no no ...I said YOU are the soft of trader I would have concerns about. Im all for traders and cheaper goods. Im actually infavour of a traders fourm ... my post have been about your ignorance ...I wont be taring all traders with the brush I have painted you with.

    again ...please listen to the advice others....and in the immortal words of the scousers

    "calm down, calm down"

    You not really making a great case for your self and others that may wish to use boards for trading goods.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,747 ✭✭✭Figment

    I love when people are incapable of listening.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Hang on... I didnt see Vex's post and I suggested that this user start a thread to debate it. He's not snapping his fingers, I did suggest he do this so that we could get a discussion going.

    In many ways I'm glad he has observed our rules and refrained from trading and asked for change.

    I read that thread (on FS) today and its exactly what I was trying to prompt here. Vex was ahead of me. We have an issue:
    We have small traders who cant afford the 1000 notes for a years CI Board. We can always just say "sod yis, too bad" if that were the outcome of our deliberations but it seems that people dont mind so long as they have a separate forum to trade in.

    Personally I would prefer that too... that way I can conveniently completely ignore that forum :)

    I dont mind commercialism but I BLOODY WELL WANT IT CLEARLY MARKED AS SUCH.

    Anyway, I think this discussion should move over to vex's thread which is more on-topic and what not.

    Sorry Gordo, I probably gave you some bum advice.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭Gordo84

    Devore, thanks for your reply. I'm glad to see that you can see where i'm coming from on this issue.

    I may come across as an aggressive trader to some people but that is definately not my intention. I could pussyfoot around the issue but i would be none the wiser as to the intentions of the boards owners.

    I am becoming impatient because the issue has been raised before and the board haven't decided either way. I like to ask a straight question and receive a straight answer instead of being told to be more open minded and less aggressive.

    If i can come to an arrangement with the board owners that would be great. I would probable only sell about 4 or 5 high value items a week anyway. I'm not a big time charlie out to monopolize the for sale threads with my items. Selling as a trader in real time is a viable option for me and many other single traders.

    If the Mods replied and told me that under no circumstances will they allow traders such as myself use the boards even if they are willing to pay advertising costs i will accept this and move on but the lack of a quick, no frills answer to my question only prolongs the uncertainty. A definate answer is all i ask.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,446 ✭✭✭✭amp

    I like the idea of a sole trader board. It could have threads restricted to traders that pay boards a certain amount (flat fee or percentage or something) Of course, joe punter could reply to threads in the fashion of the For Sale board.

    It could be the boards equivilant of a car boot sale basically.

    Gordo48, I think you need to be a little more patient. Boards is a big place because changes are considered carefully. If every suggestion made by user was implemented without due consideration then we'd very quickly end up in anarchy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭Gordo84

    Amp, with all due respect. I haven't plucked this question out of the air.

    The Mods have had plenty of time to think about this. Nobody is trying to push them into a quick decision but in fairness leaving potential traders in the dark is unproductive.

    The question was posted months ago. This board has been running for years. Its hardly and issue thats only come to the fore in the past few days. Yes, it takes time to implement a trade board but nobody knows if they intend to do this.

    They have all the feedback they need to make a decision. It seems that an overwhelming majority are in favour of a seperate traders thread but as yet nothing has been finalised either way.

    I mean, how hard can it be for the owners to have a meeting, Discuss all the feedback and come to a decision. It seems to me that looking for some concrete answers on the subject should be avoided as it might upset the mods.

    What can i say. I'm a decisive person. I am a believer in gathering the info, coming to a conclusion and making a decision.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭Gordo84

    Guys, having looked back through this thread i can see why people think i am coming across a bit heavy.

    Typing text on a board in a certain way can give the impression of an over eager capitalist trying to force the Mods into a favourable decision regarding opening a traders thread. I'm actually quite an easy going person believe it or not and am not pushing for an answer on this question to annoy the owners.

    But i do believe that people should know where they stand. And thats all i was asking at the top of the thread.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    I appreciate that, but I tried to let you know where you stand! The danger is that by the time the people who can give you a better idea come along the thread is 3 or 4 pages long and it starts looking like hassle and a bit pushy ...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭Gordo84

    ecksor, this is exactly what i'm talking talking about. By the time the owners of the board come along etc etc etc.

    Who runs the website. Can i contact them via my mobile. Will they contact me.

    The only reason a thread goes on and on and on is because the website owners don't have a definate answer on the subject.

    Ecksor, can i contact you via mobile or can u pass me onto the website owner regarding this issue. I'd rather talk to the owners. It would save me a lot of hassle.
