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Quake 3 Official Point Release

  • 14-01-2000 2:36pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭

    Now that this is out for real, (d/loading it now!), Will it be used in the league? Is the IGN server running with Pure Server set to off? (anyone with the patch can play).

    see below for list of changes...


    Changes as of 1/13/2000

    Store CD Key in a seperate file
    Shrink Icons on scoreboard and do away with staggered heads
    Voting can change gametype if current map does not suppoprt current game type
    Server list shows ip address
    possible team uneven measures? (as in L-Fire CTF) Prevent team join, prevent capture, prevent flag pickup
    Add team overlay location colors
    Server Browser: Could we remember settings for "Show Full" and "Show Empty" ? They are reinitialized every time. I like to see *ALL* servers and it's redundant to have to click those two buttons every time
    New scoreboard. Minor positional adjustments to default score board when clients hits more than seven, the scoreboard goes into compressed mode and interleaves the players head models/icons.
    Fixed health color display bug on team overlay
    Changing gamma causes a crash
    Spectators can now go through doors. A spectator only teleport is created on each side of the door that teleports a spectator to the other side (spectators on q3tourney4 will love this)
    fixed drop shadows also showing up on ground with gap
    bots should NOT use the personal teleporter when carrying a flag (except
    fixed bot_minplayers, kept loading bots during intermission because
    changing ctf strategy randomly if the game is 'stuck' for too long
    Bots have both agressive and passive ctf strategies
    fixed recalculating item area even if item didn't move
    added flag status icons to the hud, displayed as:, flag icon -- at base, empty colored square -- flag taken, grey colored square -- flag dropped
    fixed resetting rush base away time when flag returns
    fixed bots defending dropped flags
    fixed team leaders not giving 'orders' to themselves
    fixed removing double quoting in chat, tchat and print messages before
    Keybind INI files are broken
    Fixed Gamestate/Snapshot issue for modem users
    don't play denied sound if team mate picks up the powerup
    g_teamAutoJoin (default off), sets it so players automatically join a team on connect
    g_teamForceBalance (default off), forces it so that the spread between the number of players on a team is no more than two. Player will be disallowed to join a team with two or more players than the other.
    added callvote nextmap, and display available callvote commands if usage is incorrect
    adjusted maximum width of team overlay down
    added g_needpass serverinfo so remote browsers can determine if a password is needed
    Team scoreboard needs to overlay a colored team background on the scoreboard to clearly show team divisions
    added the ability to set g_password to "none" which means no password. This makes /rcon g_password none work
    fixed width problem for names on the team overlay
    team scores displayed on scoreboard in spectator mode
    team scores are now correctly updated and displayed when joining game in progress
    dead player displays crossout for weapon instead of missing texture on team overlay
    Fixed scores so that only the flag carrier gets five points for capturing. Team members do not get a bonus--the entire team gets a capture point. This was the originally indended scoring for Q3.
    Fixed it so that you get the aggressive enemy bonus for fragging a player who hurt your flag carrier (it had an 8 millisecond timeout, oops)
    Add g_doWarmup to allow warmup countdown timer on all game modes. This helps out in clan matches, since they can do a restart and get a fair countdown (as opposed to a random map_restart that is abruptive). This also gives people with slow load times a fair chance
    add g_doWarmup to callvote so people can vote in the warmup option
    Player is ALWAYS shown on the scoreboard, dropped at the bottom if player wasn't shown in the top scores
    drop ctf flags when player activates personal telporter (you can't take it with you!)
    don't draw crosshair in spectator mode (names are still drawn however). Crosshair is drawn when following a player.
    empty servers should show by default on the server display list
    adding game cvar tracking so that cvar changes made in mid game are told to all clients. The following cvars are tracked: dmflags, fraglimit, timelimit, capturelimit, g_friendlyFire, g_warmup, g_doWarmup, g_speed, g_gravity, g_knockback, g_quadfactor, g_w
    added the ability to select the position of the teamoverlay. Updated the game options menu to make the new positions available. I find I like it much more in the lower left [doesn't interfer with chat text.] Available positions are: cg_drawTeamOverlay 0 ­
    added 'teamoverlay' to userinfo. This allows the server to determine if the client has the team overlay display on and only send the team information if needed (turning it off saves some bandwidth)
    made positions on team overlay static--takes the top eight players by score and puts them in client order (so they won't switch positions on the team overlay)
    made location strings left justified in team overlay
    Added IP banning. Similar to Quake2 method. Two new commands addip _mask_ and removeip _mask_. The ban list is saved in a cvar called g_banIPs. g_filterBan controls ban direction (default value of non-zero means everyone is allowed to connect, except thos
    teleport spectators to other side of door trigger brush when the door is Not open
    Display 2D player, flag, ammo and armor icons if draw3dIcons is off in status bar and on scoreboard (so all 3D icons are replaced by 2D version if cg_draw3Dicons is off)
    fixed bug where bots stand still not reacting to anything, not even incoming enemies
    added new individual CTF AI
    fixed team AI when base flag is gone
    fixed bots ignoring your commands if your name contains certain non alphabet characters (like . / ~).
    added ctf task preference for human players
    don't start kill, hitnokill, or hitnodeath chats when there are nearby enemies
    Add new cg_drawIcons cvar, turns off all icons (2D or 3D depending on setting of draw3dIcons
    don't start chatting when using a powerup
    Denied no longer sounds on same team pickups
    dropped items can fall out of the map or stick into walls. dropped items should use player clipping
    If a callvote passes with "map _mapname_", the game will keep the value of nextmap the same. This allows a player call vote a map change without upsetting the map rotation
    Screenshots broken in Q3, restarting exe causes game to overwrite 001 etc
    delay deferred model load until after death, and after client presses fire to respawn
    "No team_CTF_redflag in map" is no longer fatal
    Weapon Switch Issues: I'm still getting double clicks when I run out of ammo on the lightning gun or plasma. I'll have the fire button down, it runs out of ammo, it clicks, I let go of the fire button, press down, it clicks again
    Fixed up flag on flag carrier player model, made it stop rotating while being carried
    CTF Flag destroyed by nodrop areas
    s_khz 44 broken
    Right justified the team overlay
    default shader fix
    com_hunkMegs now works properly, com_hunkMegs has a minimum value of 56 for standard gameplay and 1 for a dedicated server connecting to a pure server works properly, no more kickouts


    Anyone else got any comments on this?

    Lucutus of Borg


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,207 ✭✭✭MindPhuck

    Yes. We can all read the Whatsnew.txt file.

    Ive played with this release (and the beta) and it fixes loadsa stuff. We should use this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    and it is how big and it is course on the ign ftp board?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,529 ✭✭✭SickBoy

    Give me time WWM, I'm in work atm and as soon as I get home its going up on
    Its only 1.4 megs or something like that so no need to crank up the duel ISDN connection ala UT patches smile.gif


  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    give it time......remember how big the q2 patches got wink.gif
    mind you, i think sin probably gets the award forbiggest patch at 23 mg afaik

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,049 ✭✭✭Cloud

    I put it up at


    It's also running on

    [This message has been edited by Cloud (edited 14-01-2000).]

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,207 ✭✭✭MindPhuck

    Once again John you outdue yourself.

    Excellent ms. moneypenny.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,049 ✭✭✭Cloud


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,529 ✭✭✭SickBoy

    John I hope you didnt **** with my file system up there smile.gif
