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Predictions for 2004

  • 01-01-2004 12:42am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 857 ✭✭✭

    It's around this time that we get the psychics' predictions for the coming year. Strangely, we don't get evaluations of the success of the previous year's forecasts. So if you see any concrete predictions, post 'em here and we'll look at them again in a year's time.

    Psychic Sarah is kind enough to leave her predictions up over the entire year. It's a little hard to evaluate since I don't know what was generally known (to paraphrase Rummy) at the beginning of 2003 and I'm not sure when exactly the predictions were written. Also, I'm not well up on celeb gossip.

    A few things that didn't happen: earthquakes in Britain, Bono's Nobel Peace Prize, Bush forced out and new elections precipitated (something I don't think is even possible in the US - the elections there are on a rigid timetable), a black pope, a major airplane disaster for Quantas.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,797 ✭✭✭Paddy20

    People will still be smoking in Public Houses in January, and more than likely throughout the rest of the year.

    P;) :ninja:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 317 ✭✭SHAMAN


    "The world will end on september the 14th, 2004".

    Don't ask me where i got this, personally I'd rather not believe it. However, it's interesting to know there are some factors involved:

    1. So called psychics throughout the ages thought the world would end in the year 2000. It didn't. However, due to difficulties in the calender, with Georgian monks, Julius Caesar and many others to blame, there may very well be as much as four year miscrepancy; either way i.e the millenium actually began back in '96, or has yet to happen (Jan. 1st is not necessarily the start of the year).

    2. In a typically vague sort of way, some black AND white cults say the Antichrist and Christ shall both return in the first quarter of the 21st century.

    3. There is a million to one chance we will in fact be hit by the asteroid Toutatis in September 2004. It's about 2km across. Do not be alarmed however; when I say a near miss, this is on an astronamical scale and is in fact probably equivilent to a million miles or so. It's a question of how strong Earth's gravity is really.

    4. Finally, prophecies say that this year will be struck with many supernatural occurences. It's also interesting to note (though on a somewhat unrelated topic) that Christ might actually have died in September, on a Friday the 13th.

    I won't bother saying "Repent" or anything (wait, I just did). I'm not sure myself, just somthing happened to say once (a brief glimpse into my life that the people I know can calmly say this sort of thing in passing).
    Oh well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,481 ✭✭✭Vader

    Why not go see if you can get some of Nostradasmus' [SP?} proficies for this year. I know its easier said than done because of his abstract dating system but still if you could.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 857 ✭✭✭davros

    It's Chinese New Year today (Gong Xi Fa Cai!) so here are a few predictions for world leaders in the Year of the Monkey...

    World Leaders Forecast

    [Apparently, George Bush is a "weak metal gentleman". Saddam is a "weak wood person". Metal controls wood, as you know, so the events of 2003 were rather inevitable.]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 psychicsarah

    HI there sarah here

    for your interest...if you look at the web site re articles about and articles by Sarah, you will see the dates of various media publications...all of which had these predictions printed and 'out there' before they actually happened...

    (It really would not be my style to put things up after the event...what would be the point in that...???)

    I do have a very high success rate ...possibly 90 %

    And yes I do get 3 or 4 lotto numbers out of 7 in most draws!
    Since the Irish Skeptics set me their challenge I have collected the slips to prove it!!!

    some things take longer to happen of course and don't necessarily happen in said year...

    there are degrees of knowing with psychic predictions too (ie descriptive predictions are 'tuning in' to likelihoods) ...sometimes one picks up on current trends...

    BUT when I know I know!!!

    click on these links to aid your research!

    best wishes


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 psychicsarah

    sarah here

    Just checked what you said re Bono...and nobel...the first prediction was that he would be nominated, which he was ...

    there is a definite reason why he didn't actually win! (yet!!!)

    re the earthquakes in UK...there actually were reported tremours in Wales and Northern England in that year

    re Bush...This was written in advance of the Iraq controversies...and there are now very definite moves to oust him, I think re the additional election thing ...I was picking up on the recounts and controversy re the election at the Gore actually won!!! (let's hope it's not all rigged again). Also that there will be major nonsense re this coming election...I'm afraid he will get back in!!!

    as for the Quantas crash,,,lets hope that fits into the category of 10 % sometimes wrong !!!

    Check the web site to see the many predctictions I got right..

    Recently on Spanish Radio I predicted that Greece would win the Euro 2004, and that was only 2 or 3 games into the tournament...( a good bet for some people)

    The radio station were asking about the English results, and of course I m afraid I wasn't able to give them good news

    Also, who would have thought Posh would get pregnant after the Loos fiasco!??? well,, maybe a few people!!!

    best wishes


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,550 ✭✭✭Myksyk

    And yes I do get 3 or 4 lotto numbers out of 7 in most draws!
    Since the Irish Skeptics set me their challenge I have collected the slips to prove it!!!

    1. You didn't say most. You said 'every single lotto draw'.
    2. You refused point blank to take up the challenge as set.
    3. Does this mean that you are now willing to take up our challenge? We would love to test this particular claim?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,180 ✭✭✭keu


    me wants Psychic Sarah's opinion.

    because I can.....:)

    davros: url removed

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,011 ✭✭✭sliabh

    Just to pick up on a few of these:
    sarah here

    Just checked what you said re Bono...and nobel...the first prediction was that he would be nominated, which he was ...
    The standards/requirements for Nobel nominations are pretty low (a university professor of social science is sufficient) and so the number of nominees each year is pretty high. Dozens are nominated each year (even George W got a nomination last year!) so saying Bono is going to get a nomination in a year when he has been fairly active on the world stage is not exactly a hard prediction.
    re the earthquakes in UK...there actually were reported tremours in Wales and Northern England in that year
    Dozens of micro quakes occur there and here every year (<5 on the Richter scale) so again this one is like predicting rain - a sure thing. And as climatoligists are predicting more extreme weather I don't think Sarah get's credit for this one either.
    re Bush...This was written in advance of the Iraq controversies...and there are now very definite moves to oust him,
    Yes this is what is called the "scheduled election". Predicting something that happens evey four years is again not that hard.
    Check the web site to see the many predctictions I got right..
    Well looking at what you wrote a lot of it is vague waffle. Very little is specific so you have deliberately left yourself a lot of wiggle room e.g. "There is the possibility of a Sarin attack on the London Underground". Where there are specifics you seem to be playing the odds for what pretty much anyone can guess is likely to happen e.g "The management of Aids will improve vastly in the next few years" hardly a difficult call considering the focus given to the disease these days.

    Much of what is there for the 2003 predictions is also descibed as being in future years, providing further room to back away from specifics. So in the interest of taking a scientific approach I will go through the list and actually whittle it down to the specific things for 2003. Then I will throw it open to the board for everyone to review and see if you have a 90% hit rate.

    I am taking one liberty. I am not going to bother with the celebrity stuff. It's not my field and most of it is manufactured nonsense produced by publicists anyway. I leave that to others here to break down.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 857 ✭✭✭davros

    keu wrote:

    me wants Psychic Sarah's opinion.

    because I can.....:)
    Not in this thread, you can't.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,011 ✭✭✭sliabh

    [Sliabh - All my contributions are in square brackets and italics. Everything else is from Sarah. As these are predictions for 2003 I have assumed that where no other date is specified then the predicted event was to have occurred in 2003.

    Opinions had been removed. Only definite statements are included. So "It would be well for the USA to monitor its water supply, particularly in the New York area. Again this would be vulnerable to attack. " is not specific enough to be rated as a prediction.

    I have removed purely celebrity related predictions (relationships, marriages, babies etc). I have left in those related to sportsmen where they are measureable]

    "Predictions 2003 and review of Year 2002 (Written October 11th 2002)
    Edited in December- re updates in brackets. "

    [1] "I’m dreaming of a white Christmas!" (New York New York) 2003 will bring us just that.

    [2] Weather conditions will get more interesting into 2003. There will be more Earth tremors in the UK. Let’s call them earthquakes!

    [3] Climactic conditions will get even more extreme. The annual flooding events after the snow will be worse than ever with rivers breaking their banks etc. There will be many storms, some just below hurricane level.

    [4] A re-emergence of foot and mouth in the summer will be confined to the West Country and Peak District.

    [5] A major break through in science will assist the terminally ill when its lessons are applied.

    [6] But the scourge of Small Pox will re surface as a result of terrorist activity in the Middle East.

    [7] There will be a Mediterranean Earthquake (Turkey) bringing much devastation

    [8] and a major landslide in the Far East.

    [9] Mount Etna will remain active and smoulders it’s way through the year with one more blow out to come, probably in the summer.

    [10] The next Pope will be Black…a coloured gentleman (French African –Nigerian connections), for the first time in history.

    [11] Hot spots for potential terrorist activity this year are Egypt, Hawaii, Turkey, Munich, and New York.
    [I am including this one as a prediction of terrorist activity in any/each of these locations]

    [12] Legal papers for a U2 member leading to an unexpected parting of the ways. (Could represent the agreements re the loss of the Grand Canal Studios, but I doubt it! It signifies someone caught between a rock and a hard place.)

    [13] The destruction of the U2 Dockland studios is a pending statement of immanent change. Do not read this as U2 splitting up…because they won’t.

    [14] Bono is still on-song for the Nobel peace Prize…he was nominated this year, and will be again. Third time lucky!
    [contrary to what Sarah has stated I would take it that this is a prediction that he will win the Nobel prize]

    [15] Roy Keane’s connection with the Irish football squad will outlast Mick Mc Carthy’s
    [questionable if this is 2003?]

    [16] Roy may have to re-juggle his career commitments due to injury and subsequent surgery.

    [17] The hatchet will be buried with the Irish people. Forgiveness and reconciliation is possible and desirable. A significant appearance on The Late Late Show will clear the air once and for all.

    [18] Bush.. will be discredited in a major way by the end of the year.

    [19] War is highly likely in Iraq (February/March)

    [20] There will be 13 victims of the American ‘snippers’ before they are apprehended. The perpetrator is a trained army-man…a war veteran who has gone slightly nuts.

    [21] A major Australian airline disaster. Quantas.

    [22] Superman actor Christopher Reeve will learn to walk again.

    [23] The sudden passing of a senior member of the Royal family will give the Queen a Triad of grief to cope with.

    [24] Geoffrey Archer will make good again upon his release from the end of the summer.

    [25] Bertie will hit problems in Government re finances…already happening (but predicted before the election which brought him back for a second term.)

    [26] Beckham’s replica Man Utd strip will provide the vital evidence needed to nail the killers of Holly and Jessica.

    [27] In tribute to these girls Man Utd must play their hearts out this season. They will win at least two if not all three of the major Trophy’s: European Cup, League, and FA Cup. My prediction is for a repeat performance of 1999

    [28] I see Beckham kissing a Trophy and dedicating the win to Holly and Jessica (European Cup). The shape of the cup I see looks like the European Trophy.

    [29] Before too long we can expect Mc Carthy’s resignation to be announced.

    [30] I suspect he wants to steer Ireland through the European championships but I don’t see much success for Ireland in this tournament.

    [31] The tit-for-tat between Mc Carthy and Keane will take a literary shape

    [So those are the predictions. Go to town on them. I think responses to each can be marked one of three ways:
    MISS - The prediction was not fulfilled in 2003
    HIT - The prediction was fulfilled in 2003
    HIT/WEAK PREDICTION - The prediction was fulfilled but it was based on obvious evidence. e.g. [2] - Earthquakes in England/Wales, which happen all the time and [19] War in Iraq, which the dogs in the street knew was going to happen in 2003. If marking a prediction this way then cite evidence please.]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,180 ✭✭✭keu

    Not in this thread, you can't
    thats why i addeda link.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 317 ✭✭SHAMAN

    Good God, are you people still here?

    As it turns out (unless, with my typical stubborness, I'm somehow managing to ignore the End) the Apocalypse didn't happen. Yay!
