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why is microsoft so bad?

  • 10-02-2000 4:00pm
    Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭

    just wondering if there is actually any reason why ppl are always bashing microsoft?

    lets face it, a lot of ppl here actually have jobs indirectly because of them.

    just wondering like.

    oh and i happen to like windows 98



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Eamo, have your trolling skillz truely deserted you? Say it's not so!


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,518 ✭✭✭Hecate

    I think its all down to begrudgery, people see commercial success and they take out their frustrations on it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,313 ✭✭✭Paladin

    No its because MS release the most buggy software that companys selling PC's are almost forced to install pre-sale and as a result the little company's with the well written, more useful and flexible code in their software, get smothered. Lets face it. Netscape is better than IE. Delphi is better than VB, and Linux is better than Win. The only reason we use the MS ones are because they are so widespread and compatible because of MS flexing its corporate muscle.

    That said,it is a fair point that they provide jobs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,021 ✭✭✭ChRoMe

    Fair enough there is a good few problems with a lot of microsoft applications that are released but are microsoft the only people who release buggy software? It took the "allmighty" id about 10 patch's before q2 was complete. And whats all this about almost being forced to install their software on new machines. Thats the choice that the computer manufacturers make. If it wasnt for microsoft computers wouldnt really be as accessable to people as they are today. If you have used any win9x machine you can use them all. The same cant really be said for linux. And the reason for all the corporate muscle? becuase microsoft are the best at what they do. Sure it isint perfect but what is?


    "I like happy things. I'm really calm and peaceful I like birds bee's I like people. I'm really happy and gleeful like when my teacher sucked my dick in preschool" - Eminem

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Read the DOJ finding of facts on the MS case. It will explain it better then anyone here. Some scary stuff in it.

    I also might add Chrome is spouting BS. MS set the whole computer industry back years just so they could remain on top.

    Anything at all which would in the slighest allow a user to move to a different operating system, MS killed off.

    MS aren't in trouble because they are the best, they are in trouble because they were naughty.

    [This message has been edited by Hobbes (edited 10-02-2000).]

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,601 ✭✭✭Kali

    windows 98 desktop
    Enlightment/GNOME desktop.

    not even a single glance at 98.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    "Netscape is better than IE. "

    Not in my opinion, and the general feeling is that IE is a perfectly acceptable browser.

    Other then that, what did you expect from a company? That they should just give everything away free and allow fair competition. Dont be so naive. Yeah its pretty ugly and not healthy but you cant hate them for it. Why shouldnt they squissh their competition as much as possible *within the law*. Its the last caveat there that has them in trouble with the DoJ.


  • Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭Vincent

    I prefer microshaft internet explorer, over netscape but after that i totally agree with paladin, anyone that has incoming(came with that big mad microsoft joystick me friend got ) do a virus check on it, can't remember name of the virus on it, but it makes other virus's u might have invisable. *****es the lot of them smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    yea IE is better then NS.. least on the MAC in general (it has a memory leak somewhere and isn't as Java friendly).

    On Windows, at least NS doesn't take down your whole system when it crashes.

    Your right, no biggie about crushing your competition. Perfectly legal, it's just that they went about it illegally.

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭SCRUB

    All the bickering about them is a load of old horse ****e . I just installed redhat 6.1 there the other day and i have to say it was a bit of a pile of sh*t as far as i was concerned . The installation was a load of b0llocks and then took up a bloody gig . It was god damn buggy and annoying .

    I think if that was as wide spread as windows people would be running to Microsoft in my opinion .

    As regards netscape and IE ... there both as buggy as each other and i dont really care with one i use to be honest .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Werid, I have a Redhat server here running for just close to two years, and have only had to reboot it twice (both times because of power outage).

    No other machine I have ever worked with has had such good up time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,313 ✭✭✭Paladin

    Having spoken to lots of computer programmers (mostly elec. engineers actually) who are VERY good at programming, and from the reading of several magazines, I have discovered that although IE is a perfectly useful browser, and might be nicer to use, the code used is not as smooth as netscapes. Of course the average punter cares not about code and so likes it more than netscape. It was the code point I was trying to make.

    In reference to hating them, I never said I did. What I will say now is that I do smile.gif Manchester Utd have helped football, but I still hate them. Thats how I can h8 MS. Because I can.

    As for flexing corporate muscle. I am not naive in thinking that MS shouldnt try to dominate the market. What I am saying is that MS have broken the law in squishing anyone who could compete with them (perhaps a paradox here since if they *could* compete they wouldnt have been squished). I dont doubt that Microsoft have helped the growth of computers, but by the same token they have slowed down the possible growth. Many companys that tried to compete were put down or bought out. Those they couldnt do that to were cheated! E.G. netscape.

    Might I point out that the melissa virus effects MS outlook express and NOT Netscape navigator.

    As for Linux being crap. *sigh*. So you are complaining about size? Taking too much Hard disk space hmm? AAAAAWWWW smile.gif While running in its minimum capicity it uses less than half (possibly quarter) the rescources Win9x does (rescources as in your computers ability to process information, not its hdd space).

    All this said the b4stards still have a monopoly, with Linux growing though. You have to give them credit in the corperate world if not in the programming world. Every goddamn thing has to be MS compatible first and formost (almost everything). The result is that I have to play most of my games through it.
    Wan the red hat! smile.gif
    Thats my 20p's worth.
    Actually its probably closer to a quid at this stage.
    *reflection* wow. This is my first pure non-spam post in ages smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭Steven

    Netsc@pe using bogger sunglasses.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,316 ✭✭✭ButcherOfNog

    Having spoken to lots of computer programmers (mostly elec. engineers actually) who are VERY good at programming, and from the reading of several magazines, I have discovered that although IE is a perfectly useful browser, and might be nicer to use, the code used is not as smooth as netscapes

    u really don't have a ****ing clue, do you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    If it makes you feel any better, MS licensed thier IE code from a company called SpyGlass then overnight wiped out the company by giving away IE free (all thier customers dropped Spyglass and took IE seeing as it was the same codebase).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭Steven

    Roflol, this is even funnier th@n those pure sp@m thre@ds smile.gif. No-one h@s @ clue wh@t the other people me@n sunglasses.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,313 ✭✭✭Paladin

    How about something a bit more substantial than profanities BofN?

    What that implied was that my sources are numerous and reliable.

    You dont have to believe everything that you read, but if your going to dispute it, resort to disproving it rather than childish swearing.
    The subject at hand however, is very opinionated and there is no definate fact. Just opinion. That was mine. Everyone else had theirs. They are entitled to. If your opinion differs, it doesnt mean you have to insult others.
    Im sorry if my consumer views insulted you.
    I also think Mars is better than Snickers because its ingredients are mixed better and it tastes nicer smile.gif:p

    [This message has been edited by Paladin (edited 10-02-2000).]

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    If it makes you feel any better, MS licensed thier IE code from a company called SpyGlass then overnight wiped out the company by giving away IE free (all thier customers dropped Spyglass and took IE seeing as it was the same codebase).

    Absolutely correct. I'd do it too. Business is war and if you are in the game to make friends you are going to be one lonely (unemployed) mofo.

    Does this mean you have to be a bastid to succeed? No. It just means there are a lot of bastids out there looking to burn your company so their market is emptier.

    The problem with Spyglass wasnt that they got burned by M$, but in their naive hippy fantasy of the business world they sold their code to their biggest competitor.

    "Hey man, thats a nice baseball bat, can I see it for a minute?"
    "Sure man, share and share alike after all"


    "ta. here you go. Oh you're dead. Tough."

    I bet you all those Spyglass programmers got great jobs with M$ maintaining their code.
    The business people got eradictated from the business gene pool.


  • Registered Users Posts: 486 ✭✭acous

    come on .. linux sucks as a desktop OS unless you're gonna spend ages configuring it. i dont mind configuring but i do mind endless howtos and you end up finding that some things just cant be done... ask a linux guru and they tell u of some obscure program to install... now yes linux very stable but not all these little apps are. and thats what it feels like, a load of little apps stuck together, it just doesent work well. yet.

    i love the idea but its not up to scratch as a desktop os for me.

    and paladin if netscapes code is cleaner how come it crashes more? surely stability is the aim in coding and not a few hundred k less memory usage.

    sry bout the rant smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    No they didn't Devore. They licensed the use of the code, they didn't buy it outright. I believe it was only a stop gap until they wrote thier own. But yea, it was stupid of Spyglass to assume that MS would play nice.

    Giving away IE free was to put NS out of business but they had the server business to fall back on.

    Anyway there are loads more examples of unfair business practises in the FOF.

    A lot of the changes in the last year came about because of the court case.

    Oh yea on the Linux sucks as a desktop. Kind of true for the typical person. But I recall reading on /. they reckon they will have a fully workable straight out of the box Desktop version for Joe Newbie by the end of the year.

    [This message has been edited by Hobbes (edited 10-02-2000).]

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,313 ✭✭✭Paladin

    Netscape crashes more?Hmmmm. Not on my pc tho tongue.gifsmile.gif
    Business IS war btw. You have to accept it, but you dont have to like it smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 202 ✭✭Karla


    [This message has been edited by Karla (edited 10-02-2000).]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 202 ✭✭Karla

    Yeah they had the server business to fall back on.

    Here's an interesting article by Tim O'Reilly about how Microsoft almost gained control of the web-server world.

    Just imagine trying to surf an Internet made up of 100% MS products. Ewwww. smile.gif

    As for IE and Netscape. They both have some pretty cool features, I especially like the HTML checker in Netscape. Anyway, does it have to be one OR the other?

    Use both of them

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    I see MS are now being investigated by the EU.,1283,34253,00.html

    One of the funnier things is, if they are proven guilty the EU can tell them to make changes to w2k or get the **** out of Europe. As well as another case which could be a 10% revenue fine (any bets MS forgot to grease the wheels of the EU smile.gif)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭Steven

    I'd just like to say, here here on the mars thing smile.gif and nothing actually causes my pc to crash. It does it spontaneously on it's own. Good ol' windows '95 sunglasses.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    well, i have to say that in my time as tech support to american market for IBM i learned a lot of things
    the main thing i learned was that 98% of calls were user caused problems
    i have never had any problems with win95 or 98 at all
    every game i buy (for the leet haxors among you) and every application i buy will run it.
    for a stand alone it does everything you want it to.
    i have never used linux, i have heard many stories about it...mostly about how you cant install this that or the other and when you can its a series of pervers and obtuse commands and proccedures to get it running.
    windows does it in about 2 minutes and is 99% gaurenteed to work (with the exception of that stupid sb live sound card!)
    if there was the exact same amount of software/hardware support and ease of use and a decent gui with linux, itd prolly get a thumbs up from eeryone as it 'seems' more stable. but is that coz ppl who use linux actualy have to know what they are doing, or is it just that there are millions of plebs hwo havent a bog about pcs that use windows?

    besides, they have some excellent products including age of empires2 and the odd joystick.

    but at the end of the day, it is about business. i use windows coz its easier. i have a job admining NT. thanks microsoft. i will shortly be making lots of money because of you

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Some of it is Emperors new OS.
    If you want to be L33333t you have to swear by the most obscure port of FreeBSD to a VAX system. The more obscure and the more you SWEAR its the greatest thing since the zx-81 (the only TRUE computer) the more l333333t you are.

    If anyone questions you, tell them they are L4M3 A$$ F4Gs and you will Ha><or them, or ignore them and tell everyone they are lusers. yeah.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 79 ✭✭rat

    Absolutely correct. I'd do it too. Business is war and if you are in the game to make friends you are going to be one lonely (unemployed) mofo

    you make me sick

    [This message has been edited by rat (edited 11-02-2000).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    that would make you poor....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,109 ✭✭✭sutty

    as a non programer i'd like to make a point about ns and ie. look at the install size of them ns(a little over 40 megs and thats with all the little apps) ie(just the explore is over 75 megs with all the little apps its over 150 megs)

    ie takes up to much room on the hd if you ask me.

    as for redhat 6.1 taking up a gig, look at what you get with it. you get tones of apps.
    win 2k askes that you free up 650 megs before you install it and mine takes up 750 megs and i have no good drivers for it there all very basic drivers. the dx7 that comes with it cant be detected by anything that needs it.

    its also down to supply and demand. people that are just getting a computer for there first time have no idea about which is best windows or linux? most of them dont even know what linux is. if someone was to make a linux that was pnp it would more than likely out do windows.

    ps.. if you want to point out my bad spellings go on i dont care.
    but if your going to try and insult me come up with something better!!

    I pulled the plug on Dublan :)
