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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,446 ✭✭✭✭amp

    Originally posted by flogen
    firstly Im sure alot of people saw that, and I make no odds about it. Yes I stupidly spammed with my site addy (I was new to having a site and wanted everyone to k|blahblahblahetc.etc.etc.

    Now, as far as your journal goes, yes I have read it, and have afew points i want to raise with you. The section that is most applicable to my suggestion would be the following paragraph.

    Indutituably my dear fellow

    Now, firstly, i dont think it will ever happen where every game has online features.
    Even if it does happen, it will not replace offline gaming 100%. just like 3d didnt get rid of 2d, no matter what online features are available, there will never be an end to single player/offline needs. And even if offline gaming was totally gotten rid of in favour of online play, when do you think this will be? I doubt anything like this would be forseeable for many many years, and yet games such as counter-strike (which you yourself name as being finite, in the sense that one day interest will dissapear for it) are given unique forums. Even if there is only a difference in online and offline gaming for another 10 years, why shouldnt there be seperate forums that specialise in the topics until then??

    You've not really proved your point there flulgen. You haven't disproven my analogy of the transition from 2D to 3D, you haven't established that online gaming is hugely different enough from normal gaming or that it requires a seperate forum.

    As for your comment that gaming forums should not change just because games change, I find that very confusing. do you want the forums to become obsolete and out of touch with modern gaming?

    I meant the structure not the content.

    As for the other parts of my idea. Please tell me why the two LAN forums shouldnt be combined (also, as a matter of interest I would like to know what megaLAN is anyway... honest question).

    I love honest questions, are the rest of your questions dishonest? Megalan was organised by myself, Shadow, Biohazard, Ronin and DeVore. (You may have heard of DeVore, he owns along with the other directors, the website called It's a specialised forum for Megalan event. Is it possible for you to understand that?

    Also why shouldnt the individual games forums be moved to sub-catagories of the games forum? after all, CM4 is a game, is it not? as is half life and counter strike (these could also fit under online gaming, as the majority of content on these forums regard the online features of the games).

    Are you actually debating some sort of new structure for the menu? Are you actually getting this frothy about the menu at the top of this page? Christ I can't be arsed doing the whole [/quote][/b] thing anymore. I'm amazed I managed this far.

    Shut up Rim.

    blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah with my online forum idea, LAN idea and games idea (noting my above points on your journal entry).

    Flogen [/B][/QUOTE]

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 10,247 Mod ✭✭✭✭flogen

    You've not really proved your point there flulgen. You haven't disproven my analogy of the transition from 2D to 3D, you haven't established that online gaming is hugely different enough from normal gaming or that it requires a seperate forum.

    I have no need to disprove your analogy because its a poor one. Online gaming has changed gaming so much, and it can not be compared to other advancements. While 3D looks more realistic (usually) than 2D, it did not effect gaming the way online features have and will. the difference between 2D and 3D gaming differs greatly from the difference between Online play and offline play. Online gaming offers users with a connection to gamers the world over, new downloadable features, updates, patches, and gives connections to competitions and tournaments. Offline gaming on the other hand gives users what you could call a more personal gaming experience, which allows them to play the game the way they want to and this suits alot of people. There are many differences between the two types, and i think they both deserve a seperate area of discussion

    As for your comment that gaming forums should not change just because games change, I find that very confusing. do you want the forums to become obsolete and out of touch with modern gaming?

    I meant the structure not the content.

    fair enough, but by nature online gaming HAS changed the content of gaming. With online play you can get more and better weapons, levels etc. which are not available offline. Also games such as Counter-strike change immensely in online play to their offline originals.
    Megalan was organised by myself, Shadow, Biohazard, Ronin and DeVore. (You may have heard of DeVore, he owns along with the other directors, the website called It's a specialised forum for Megalan event. Is it possible for you to understand that?

    Firstly thank you for your brief history of megaLAN.
    secondly I do know who Devore is, but thanks anyway for the tip.
    Thirdly, after reading your explanation, it strikes me that megaLAN is a LAN party with a special name. Am I wrong to say this? If im not, then surely updates about megaLAN events would fit better under the LAN parties forum, which specialises in LAN parties.
    Are you actually debating some sort of new structure for the menu? Are you actually getting this frothy about the menu at the top of this page? Christ I can't be arsed doing the whole thing anymore. I'm amazed I managed this far.

    no, Im not debating the structure, Im mearly trying to help make the menu more accesable, and fit the forums under their suitable catagories. the Games menu is after all the longest on the whole site, and that includes the general drop-down menu. on top of that, its un-necissary.
    Im amazed you managed to this far too, given you have no basis to your argument.

    oh, and again, please try to avoid the childish insults, if your going to slag me at least TRY and do it well, rather than name calling and telling me to shut up.


  • Registered Users Posts: 11,446 ✭✭✭✭amp

    Ah you admit to being Rim. I rest my case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 35,524 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    You never answered what a 'popen' was.

    ... my mistake.. you did.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 10,247 Mod ✭✭✭✭flogen

    Ah you admit to being Rim. I rest my case.

    did I deny it? if so, congratulations, now how about giving a constructive input???

    so is there anyone here who has any actual thoughts on my idea?


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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,446 ✭✭✭✭amp

    They can't. Some are mesmorised by my dominance of this thread. Some are enjoying the banter more than they liked whatever crap you were blabbing about. But most simply don't care.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 10,247 Mod ✭✭✭✭flogen

    But most simply don't care.

    well, if they dont care at least they have the decency not to reply for the sake of argument.

    also i dont think theyre mesmorised by your supposed dominance of this thread, but more your self-proven childishness shown above


  • Registered Users Posts: 11,446 ✭✭✭✭amp

    Why do you sign your posts with your name Adam? It's written at the side panel just there <-


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 10,247 Mod ✭✭✭✭flogen

    Why do you ask off-topic questions when your supposed to be a mod?
    Didnt you threaten to ban anyone who went off topic on the games forum in a thread about the PSP?
    <edit> my mistake, you actually did ban someone for going off topic, and then close the thread for the same reason. <edit>
    I sign my name because I want to.... is that ok for you?

    So anyway, about my idea, do you have any constructive comments to make on it?


  • Registered Users Posts: 11,446 ✭✭✭✭amp

    Yeah, I banned 3 users after I warned them not to go off-topic. I see no warning in this thread.

    I now declare this thread officially off-topic. Everybody feel free to post the first thing they think of. Let's make this thread fun again.

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  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    Er, I can sticky such a warning if you like.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 10,247 Mod ✭✭✭✭flogen

    ah yes, show the people your mod abilities.

    so what your telling me is that if i go off-topic in the games forum, nothing will happen as long as there is no warning from a mod saying not to?


    does anyone here actually have anything constructive to say?


    <edit>please do post that btw... it might stop him embarresing himself<edit>

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 702 ✭✭✭roxy

    i personally think thats a great idea, it would really clear things up on the games forums and make it much easier to get what you want.

    amp, stop being such an idiot, your wrong, stop acting like a child.
    if you have no argument, stop posting replys just for the sake of it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,396 ✭✭✭✭kaimera

    ffs...poor amp.

    does one nee read the Games Charter?

    tis there so one knows what NOT to do.
    amp feels a thread is going off topic he's entitled to lock and ban [ESPECIALLY if there was a prior warning.]

    with games being one of the more demanding fori, he's doing a damn good job.

    cut him some slack ffs

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 10,247 Mod ✭✭✭✭flogen

    dont get me wrong Kaimera, I never said he was doing a bad job in the Games forum. I understand how much work it must be and i respect that. I also totally agree with him locking the thread for going off topic. its his job, and it makes the forums alot more user-friendly for serious posters.

    However, what i have a problem with is the fact that he is going off topic. If he has nothing to say to do with this thread, then there is no need to say anything at all.
    Why should 3 people be banned for posting off topic when he can do it as much as he pleases (and not even in his own forum)??
    I know they got a warning, but they were just low level posters, a mod should know better..

    PM me if you want to continue this, because all this is just dragging the thread even more off topic

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,446 ✭✭✭✭amp

    Yeah ecksor, why not? In fact why not draw up a charter like the rest of the forums have? Just a thought.

    Anyway, as far as I'm concerned this thread ended with Flogans snotty post asking what the Admins thought.

    I also have no interest in engaging with any further debate in this thread regarding the Games heirarchy. This is still a benevolant dictatorship, not a democracy. Debating about whatever the hell people want to do to the Games Heirarchy or forum doesn't mean diddly squat. The Admins can and will do whatever they want to do.

    Lastly, I do not moderate this forum. I am not a moderator here. Even in my dominance of Blue-wings "I want a X-box live forum" thread I didn't go on about the fact that I was a moderator. Should I write my journal in the style that I moderate? In fact, should I live my entire life according to the way I moderate?

    Flogen, your sheer and absolute ignorance about how functions is outstanding. Bravo.

    Now, please write an indignant response to this post. Also a quick PM to an Admin about my rudeness might be in order. Of course finishing it off with calling for my banning, is almost required at this stage.


    P.s. Shut up Rim

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 10,247 Mod ✭✭✭✭flogen

    indignant responce.... well let me see what i can do

    Firstly, i have no need to PM an admin about your rudeness, its here for everyone to see.

    secondly i have no need to call for you to be banned, there is little chance of that happening, and im not the kind of person to do that anyway

    thirdly, I never thought this was a democracy, however dictators can still be given advice by others around them

    fourthly I know you are not a mod here, however the fact that you are a mod elsewhere mean that you should know how the forums work and should have enough cop-on not to post off topic. Do you always break forum guidelines where you dont mod?

    lastly, yes I did ask what people thought about my idea, but what you posted had no relevance what so ever. I dont care what you think about anything else (including me), I just want a constructive opinion or a comment that can be discussed.

    You were doing an OK job at that, then you kinda lost track of yourself


  • Registered Users Posts: 11,446 ✭✭✭✭amp

    Originally posted by flogen

    fourthly I know you are not a mod here, however the fact that you are a mod elsewhere mean that you should know how the forums work and should have enough cop-on not to post off topic.

    Yes, I do know how this forum works. Basically the interesting part of the thread is at the start and if the person who starts the thread displays a startling lack of understanding about something then it's open season. This is probably not what the Admins would like but it happens quite a lot.

    Do you always break forum guidelines where you dont mod?

    I believe I have already answered this question with this question, which you failed to answer:
    ..should I live my entire life according to the way I moderate?

    lastly, yes I did ask what people thought about my idea, but what you posted had no relevance what so ever. I dont care what you think about anything else (including me), I just want a constructive opinion or a comment that can be discussed.

    You seem to be demanding it. Howabout you just ignore me? There's an ignore button right there below this post. Why not press it? Besides, I think you do care. I think you care too much what people think of you. Which is why you constantly feel compelled to reply to my drivel. You see this as some sort of battle where there is a victor and a loser. Me? I see this as fun way of educating you about! Also, it's a small bit of drama which I'm sure has at least 4 people interested. Lastly, that wasn't lastly, this was:

    You were doing an OK job at that, then you kinda lost track of yourself


    Hey thanks for the constructive criticism buddy! I look forward to your further reviews of my posting style. Anyway, DeVore will return soon and no doubt his anger will be mighty and he will no doubt smote me greatly and Feedback/Suggestions will return from it's current torrent of anarchy back into it's normal waves of NEW FORUM IDEA: HOW ABOUT A FORUM FOR BARCODE BATTLERS! type posts.

    Unga bunga,



  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 10,247 Mod ✭✭✭✭flogen

    Yes, I do know how this forum works. Basically the interesting part of the thread is at the start and if the person who starts the thread displays a startling lack of understanding about something then it's open season

    whats your point? did I show a lack of understanding?
    which you failed to answer:

    ..should I live my entire life according to the way I moderate?

    no, unless you want to.... but as a mod you should know not to post off-topic or attempt to insult posters as you did. you saying 'shut up' to an idea is not on topic, an attempt at an insult and just plain pointless.
    You seem to be demanding it. Howabout you just ignore me? There's an ignore button right there below this post. Why not press it? Besides, I think you do care. I think you care too much what people think of you. Which is why you constantly feel compelled to reply to my drivel. You see this as some sort of battle where there is a victor and a loser. Me? I see this as fun way of educating you about! Also, it's a small bit of drama which I'm sure has at least 4 people interested

    no Im not, im ASKING for constructive comments about my Idea.
    and I dont want to ignore you, i shouldnt have to. You should know better than to post such rubbish to which I then decide to reply to. If i ignored you i wouldnt get to read your constructive comments (if you ever decide to post one)
    btw, I know how this place works, i dont need your help. thanks anyway.

    oh, and about your last post:
    I also have no interest in engaging with any further debate in this thread regarding the Games heirarchy

    if you have no interest why do you continue to post on this thread? this is regarding the 'Games heirarchy' after all.

    I dont see this as a competition, I'm mearly replying to your mis-guided comments, however you are not obliged to reply if you have no interest in the debate.


  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 10,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭ecksor

    This is going nowhere.

    In future I will ban persistent off-topic trolling on this forum.

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