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low fps with glquake over net

  • 10-03-2000 11:52pm
    Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭

    I've just got a voodoo3 and it runs fine off the internet, my fps in demos ranges from 40-72 but over the internet it drops as low as 15 fps during fights and the sound is choppy anyone know the reason for this?

    And software quake isn't using the voodoo3, i'm gettin the same fps i got with me 2mb inbuilt video, so how can i change this without reinstalling quake?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,313 ✭✭✭Paladin

    At a guess.. and Im going out on a limb here...
    Maybe GLquake would work better since it ACTUALLY uses the Voodoo?
    I dunno. Just a suggestion. But if software works for you...

  • Registered Users Posts: 486 ✭✭acous

    what spec machine u got?

    also check for a button that says "click here to remove low fps and choppy sound with voodoo3s"

    or am i just a nutter?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 394 ✭✭DEATH

    yer fps online depend on your connect i think so u norm have a ****e connect dont ye try the cl_maxfps from 0 - 70 see what it does to your pl and then theres your rate as well the higher the more fps i think you just have to find a balance where it gives ye gud graphics and not fuk yer connect

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,308 ✭✭✭quozl

    the voodoo wont work with software quake, thats kinda the point of glquake. voodoo cards are just 3d accelerators, dont even have 2d capability. software quake will just use your ordinary card. Get glquake working with voodoo instead smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭Vincent

    thnks quozl, but so far no look with glquake its very slow over the internet. Anyone have any suggestions, i've tried all the commands for higher fps and they work but fps isn't the problem, it's the engine or processor or something like that, that's slowing it down.

    When i install minigl, it searches my hard-drive for glgames, it finds quake and quake2 but doesn't find quakeworld, is it suppose to?

    btw it says here that my voodoo3 is a 2d/3d card, so how come i still get **** fps and low res with it in software mode?

    [This message has been edited by Vincent (edited 11-03-2000).]

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  • Registered Users Posts: 649 ✭✭✭Spoonman

    Looks like your CPU cant keep up with the voodoo card and being on line at the same time (uses cpu to network tcp/ip etc) therefore its holding it back. get a k6 or something their so cheap now, 3dnow should work in glquake with it and a v3, does with v2's anyway.

    [This message has been edited by Spoonman (edited 11-03-2000).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭Vincent

    I don't have any money at the moment, just spent it all on the card smile.gif. i got new drivers etc, and it is more playable but still nowhere as fast as it should be it feels like i'm playin on a p90 damn annoying!!!

    So anyone know what i can do without spending any money? and how to i find out what fps i'm getting in glquake and quake2?

  • Registered Users Posts: 486 ✭✭acous

    if the v3 does 2d and 3d you should pull out the ****e 2meg one u have then u can be sure its using the voodoo at least.

    or am i just a nutter?

  • Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭Vincent

    The 2mb is inbuilt frown.gif

    i got me some questions

    1)How come quake2 is faster for me than glquake
    2)What's commands turn off cd-rom, joystick etc in glquakeworld, or anything else that boosts performance.
    3)And will someone please tell me how to see u're fps in glquake and quake2!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 275 ✭✭BugBlaster

    as for glquake.... for net play should you not be using GLQWCL.exe with that its
    cl_showfps 1
    to see what fps you are getting.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 486 ✭✭acous

    glqwcl.exe -nojoy -nocdaudio

    theres a load of tweaks out there but i cant see a voodoo 3 needing them

    check planetquake, i think theyre doing a think about glqw with newer hardware (since quake wasnt made for gl let alone a v3)

    or am i just a nutter?

  • Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭Vincent

    I've got a p166 32mb ram. How do i get the voodoo to work with software quake, and software quake2?

    + how to show what fps i have in glquake and quake2?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭Koopa

    ok i stopped reading that when they told tnt owners that glquake would be too dark, and so use qwcl.exe

    even if your tnt drivers dont explicitly allow gamma control, all tnt based cards allow hardware gamma control, use qizmo and "proxy:gamma <value>" command if your drivers dont seem to support gamma control

    theres no point in having a decent 3d card(like a tnt) if you're not using glquake, your fps in software is mainly determined by a combination of the speed of the ramdac on your 2d card and the speed of your CPU, nothing to do with the speed of your 3d card

    if you have anything better than a tnt1 with a p2-400 you can use "glquake.exe -width 800 -height 600 -conwidth 800 -conheight 600" or 1024*768 and still get steady 72 fps

    heres the command line i used to use (for anyone who cant get qizmo working properly mainly)

    E:\Quake\qizmo\QIZMO.EXE -q -b e:\quake\ -p 27501 e:\quake\glqwcl.exe -heapsize 32768 -zone 1024 -width 800 -height 600 -conwidth 800 -conheight 600 -bpp 32 -no8bit -nocdaudio -nojoy -novbeaf -particles 0

    obviously replace e:\quake with your quake folder, and e:\quake\qizmo with your qizmo folder

    for voodoo based cards, change the "-bpp 32" to "-bpp 16"

    if you have lots of video memory, (over 16megs), you can put "gl_texturemode gl_linear"(default is gl_linear_mipmap_nearest) in your config to turn off texture mipmapping totally, it doesnt make much difference to visual quality unless youre using a high res. to begin with

    [This message has been edited by Koopa (edited 12-03-2000).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭Vincent

    thnks turning off cd and joystick etc helped, it's still a bit slow but i say thats all down to my p166. I won't be able to upgrade till the summer so i'm stuck playing glquake like this for another couple of months frown.gif

    Just out of curiosty, how much would a new motherboard, 600/800 mhz processor and 128/256mb ram cost?

    [This message has been edited by Vincent (edited 12-03-2000).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭Vincent

    Thnks paladin i'll have a gander at it now smile.gif. i've just got qizmo working, and that seems to speed up net play alot. Just got a few questions about it.

    How do i access the options when qizmo starts up?, fps settings etc.

    the -particles 0 command doesn't seem to work ie i still see particals after rockets, why?

    And any other commands that help with qizmo?

    And i how to i brighten up the quake?, it's very dark and i already have ingame brightness up to full, and my monitors brightness up to full.

  • Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭Vincent

    Ok i've figured out how to use the menu etc smile.gif, but can u save settings?, cos everytime i want to have a game i have to configure fps settings etc.

    And can someone tell me what compression options i should enable?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭Koopa

    i just made an alias in my normal config
    "alias proxyautoexec "exec proxy.cfg""

    and then in proxy.cfg i had..
    say ".fps 4 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 1"
    say ".color 4 12"
    to boost fps, and filter out some ****

    when you connect to qizmo, it execs any alias that you set to "proxyautoexec",
    so it execs proxy.cfg as soon as you connect in this case

    type ".help fps" when you're in qizmo, it should give you a list of options, in case you dont want to do what i did (turn off explosions etc).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 384 ✭✭Ser

    lol ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,313 ✭✭✭Paladin

    At a very rough guess varying with quality, Id say about 400 quid.
    128 mb 100mhz RAM = £140 or so (ram prices take big swings)
    Precessor & mother board = £250 approx.
    Depends on Intel/AMD, specs etc.
    The 1000mhz processor was just brought out by amd and intel so processor prices for the 600 - 800mhz range should drop like a rock by the summer.
    I hope so anyway smile.gif
    Im only making a guess at these prices.
    Try the likes of to see 4 ureself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭Vincent

    hmm i hope u're not laughing at my stupidity ? smile.gif

    How do u connect to a qizmo then to a server?, spooky mentioned it but didn't say how.

    And what compression options should i enable?
    and how do i save them?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,313 ✭✭✭Paladin

    Easiest thing is just download qismo Vince. It will have a readme with all the instructions on it.

    P.S. I presume you are using glqwcl.exe to run quakeworld.

  • Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭Vincent

    Yep paladin i'm using glqwcl smile.gif. i've got glqw sorted now, slapped a couple of commands in the autoexec, turned off cd, joystick support in the command line etc, renamed 3dfxgl.dll to opengl32.dll and replaced the older one with that, and i'm usin the fps commands in qizmo smile.gif. I have my fps capped at 50 and it generally stays at that maybe 40 when there's a large fight smile.gif

    Now all i have to do is fix my connect. i'm usin a usr 3com modem and i'm connecting at 50,666bps, and the init string for limiting connect speeds on usr modems doesn't work, or i'm putting in the wrong one in or something smile.gif, connectin at this speed gets me a lot of lag and higher pings than i should be getting frown.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 359 ✭✭m1RV

    Vincent - Download MiniGL, 1.48, it gives a better fps than the full 3dfx OpenGL implementation, and the reason you got a sh1t fps at first was since you had the sh1tty 3DFX GL driver which comes with QuakeWorld.
    Btw, I get bad lag on 50,200bps connects too, you should look for third party sites to cap it to 46,666 or 48,000

    << Arf Arf >>

  • Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭Vincent

    I've been looking around for init strings to limit my connect, but so far no luck, i've tried the one in the manual and for some reason that doesn't work.

    If someone feels like helping me smile.gif, go to there is a general manual for 3com/usr modems, and there's a section on limiting connects, but i can't get it to work frown.gif
