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Peats and their staff



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 843 ✭✭✭DaithiSurfer

    There is however an enormous amount of people, who want to come into the store and ask questions, have a look at what their going to buy in the 'flesh' and seek advice (from someone who knows what their talking about!!). Generally these are the kinds of people that highstreet stores cater for. They aren't overly sure, so they want assurance.
    No wonder you want to cater for them. They then wont be overly sure on what agood price is :)

    I have a suggestion.
    Send someone around to Maplin, Dixons etc and compare your prices.
    Then come back here and post your prices, dixons, maplin, etc for a range of products.
    If yours are cheaper you wont mind doing this.

    I think the only thing i've seen peats beat the other high street stores on is blank dvds.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,496 ✭✭✭quarryman

    Originally posted by eo980
    OK Guys,

    Now don't all go and shout me down at once, but as an employee of Peats, I'll try and anwser your statements fairly, and without sounding .........

    well said. i'm not a big peats customer but its true that some people want to go into a store, ask questions and pay that bit extra. even it is cheaper online they may not feel they are savy enough to know the product they are buying will suit - they want to talk to staff about it.

    what i don't have time for is the PCWorld muppets who claim to know but don't. so far i've found peats to helpful when asked questions. actually they used to be pretty bad but not so anymore

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,754 ✭✭✭Big Chief

    i can accept the whole high street thing but i phoned up last week to ask about "Y Splitters for the PSU"

    now i was told that they were currently out of stuck but would be back in a few days and cost 5 euros

    i then phoned IT direct in temple bar who had some, and they were priced at 90cent...

    temple bar is high street to ? thats a big price difference

    i always thought that having a peats board for people from peats to answer these questions would be nifty in the "commercial" part of ( ) where komplett and other companies ask for feedback and talk to there customers.

    That in my mind would be a good step(suggestion!) and would take maybe a few mins out of the day for a member of staff to quickly check it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,886 ✭✭✭cgarvey

    Originally posted by eo980
    If your not happy with what you've been told by someone, just ask one of the others

    Firstly, fair play for defending your company (and yourself I guess).

    Secondly, both yourself and unkel suggest to ask another member of staff if you're not happy with the first member's response. 2 problems with that .. one is that I mightn't know (in the case of Ronaldo7's post, that person probably walked away thinking there is no significant difference between + and - .. yet it couldn't be further from reality), and the other is how to word "sorry, i'm not happy with the level of competence you displayed, can you please refer me to a more competent colleague?" nicely?!! It must be the Irish streak, but I wouldn't have the balls to insult someone like that, even if they have insulted me like the response in Ronaldo's +/- post would have.

    Just to clarify, I don't care that they don't know (yeah it would be nice to know everything.. or even "more" .. about what they sell, but that's a big range of goods), and I know they are more expensive, but recognise why they are (or at least some of it!).


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,998 ✭✭✭✭Kintarō Hattori

    Good man Big Chief,

    A positive step in the right direction :) One or two of us have discussed it here before, so I think its about time to bring the idea to the big cheeses and see what they reckon.

    In fairness to prices, DaithiSurfer, perhaps when I have the time and ain't answering this post, I might go 'round to Maplin and Dixons, but I'll probably see that we're dearer on some items and they are dearer on others. Believe me their just around the corner from me so I know!

    In referance to Dixons, its pretty much the same, and anywhooo computer wise, I can't remember the last thing I bought from Dixons, can anyone else? I don't mean to be smart (but go on let me!), computer gear from Dixons, ahh dear oh dear. OK I'll stop laughing now. Ahem.
    In referance to Hi-Fi gear, I wouldn't be the one to talk to in here, computers is my area, so perhaps they are, perhaps they aren't. (Don't swamp me please with lots of examples ;)

    Its always going to be the case that there are discrepancies and we can only do our best to try and address these. Believe it or not we are actually cheaper on some items, amazing I know! The fact is we do try and be as competitive as we can, just not always on the things that are of interest to you or me. That is, that which we may be blindingly cheap on, may be something that is of no interest to you, so you haven't looked at, or maybe even something you've not actually heard of, cermet trimmers, 20 way 90 degree box headers or flux capacitors even...... just kidding on that last one, but you get the point.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,718 ✭✭✭whosurpaddy

    well done for have the guts to come on here, not flaming, and taking the time to put some thought into your responses. were not all that bad. The kind of approach uve taken is typical of one thing ive always encountered in peats, good manners.

    Id love to see a peats board here, and might you go one further and do a komplett-esqe weekly specials?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,243 ✭✭✭zoro

    Originally posted by eo980
    A positive step in the right direction :) One or two of us have discussed it here before, so I think its about time to bring the idea to the big cheeses and see what they reckon.

    In fairness to prices, DaithiSurfer, perhaps when I have the time and ain't answering this post, I might go 'round to Maplin and Dixons, but I'll probably see that we're dearer on some items and they are dearer on others. Believe me their just around the corner from me so I know!

    first off sorry about the harse reply in the last post ... just out of an exam and what not :) but really, if i go into a computer store to buy something, and see another item that claims to do the same thing, but has a "+-" on the box, i'm gonna ask what it does, what it means, and if it's better than what i have! its only human nature ... but it's jsut unfortunate that in peats, the general consensus is that if it's more expensive they'll tell u anything to make us buy it. of course that _could_ be said about any store, but this is about peats :)

    also, on the price comparison ... it shouldn't be a few posts on internet webboards that make you get up off your arse and go check how much items cost in your store compared to other stores, it should be done before the prices are even set! or at least soon after!! it should'nt be up to the consumer to say "hey thats too expensive", you should be making an effort to keep the prices down to attract more custom should you not?

    the extra board sounds good though

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,471 ✭✭✭elexes

    have to say ive bought a lot of stuff from peats that i needed on the spot and the guys i ask always know what im after where it is . there all nice chaps i know a few of them are on boards . but i dont see there prices 2 badly off the mark if you compair there mx700 mx500 or the mx wireless keyboard to the likes of komplett .

    sure there are some things they are way off the mark with but that cant be help'd as u cant have the lowest price for everything .

    imo if ur going into peats look for the staff that have been there a while its pritty easy to point them out and there always nice .

    o and that + and - thing isnt it one is already formatted and the other isnt ??

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,155 ✭✭✭Xithus

    I read these boards regularly, and Iv asked the management here at peats to consider putting a board in the commercial section several times. Fact is there not convinced it would be in there best interest.. Im going to ask them to look at this thread, to try to get them to rethink the idea. In the meantime why dont ya all just ask for me or liamo when ya come in :D

    btw peatsd00d above was just a couple of us takin the p1ss. :D sorry mods I see he's been banned.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 811 ✭✭✭Ronaldo7

    btw peatsd00d above was just a couple of us takin the p1ss.

    Real professional man. I bet your managers would love that...

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,998 ✭✭✭✭Kintarō Hattori

    In response to zoro,

    I definetly disagree with your statement that we'll tell you anything to sell you something. One of the things that most of us here pride ourselves on is our honesty when it comes to selling you stuff- hey if it doesn't do what you think it does, I'll tell you that, and quite often I'll tell you somewhere else you can buy it, if I don't have it ot it's insanely priced (which isn't often!! :) )

    I think you might have misunderstood what I was saying earlier, I don't need to see webposts to keep my prices in check, we try and do that anyway. I was merely saying that IF I was to go around to Maplin's-Dixon's right now, I'd see variances in prices throughout the store and product range. We don't all buy from the same suppliers, they are going to be cheaper on some items, I'm not going to be able to match it, and we're going to be cheaper on certain items and they won't be able to match it. It's called shopping around. Your always going to have variances, its that simple. Thats why we have differant stores, that more or less sell the same thing, IE. Tesco's, Dunnes, Super Value, Marks & Spencer's.... etc. We don't need 4 differant supermarkets, but we have them because of variance etc... do you see what I'm saying? (Bad example I know but I hope it helps me make my point)

    In regards to your earlier post, I have been traumatised, I'm a sensitive guy!!! heh No just kidding, hope your exam went well.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,998 ✭✭✭✭Kintarō Hattori

    Ahh now c'mon Roanaldo7, lighten up.... he's just a young whippersnapper (is that all one word??!). I think in fairness, I've tried to address any serious concerns/questions you guys have had with serious and realistic responses.
    If you have any issues just talk to myself or Xithus. Obviously I know peatsd00d, and he is a bit of an ass!!
    (Better watch my back going home tonight- stab, stab.)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,601 ✭✭✭Kali

    Originally posted by Xithus
    I read these boards regularly, and Iv asked the management here at peats to consider putting a board in the commercial section several times. Fact is there not convinced it would be in there best interest.. Im going to ask them to look at this thread, to try to get them to rethink the idea. In the meantime why dont ya all just ask for me or liamo when ya come in :D

    btw peatsd00d above was just a couple of us takin the p1ss. :D sorry mods I see he's been banned.


    Its a very good idea, personally I've bought hundreds of items in peats over the past 6/7 years and have found that generally the staff usually do know what they're talking about, even when I don't .. like everywhere some prices will be ridiculously high (*cough* Sennheiser & Sony products) and some will be very competitive, IT Direct & Compustore are the exact same (all of which have received flamings on this board too)... people just need to shop around, but where the above board comes in handy is a sense of customer loyalty, if they feel that they're being listened to with regards stock and price levels and general product enquires then they WILL return... see the board, they've had god knows how many problems over the past 4/5 months yet people still continue to shop there mostly due to low prices but also partly to the presence of customer loyalty (a hard thing to come by when it comes to internet shopping).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,998 ✭✭✭✭Kintarō Hattori

    Hi Kali,

    I'm not saying that we cater soley for the highstreet, we try to cater to the online market as well, and we do a healthy business through our website, but yes of course we could be better.
    In regards to the forum, I'm with Xithus on it, I think it'd be a great idea, but its hard to change the minds of a company that have been in the business for 70 years. However, we're solely gnawing away at them... slowly grinding them down!! hehe

    Well I had broadband, now don't have it, but getting it back in..... so I won't be posting again until tomorrow morning. However Xithus I'm sure will be keeping an eye on whats going hehe he'll be glad to reply to anything you might say.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,155 ✭✭✭Xithus

    Maybe we should start an unofficial peats forum then.. :) Just me and ol Liamo. Again ronaldo, sorry we were just jokin.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,243 ✭✭✭zoro

    Originally posted by eo980
    One of the things that most of us here pride ourselves on is our honesty when it comes to selling you stuff- hey if it doesn't do what you think it does, I'll tell you that

    I think you might have misunderstood what I was saying earlier, I don't need to see webposts to keep my prices in check, we try and do that anyway.

    In regards to your earlier post, I have been traumatised, I'm a sensitive guy!!! heh No just kidding, hope your exam went well.

    the exam was like shoving a hot poker through my left eye socket, bending it and putting it back through my right one ... but thanks for asking :D

    about the prices: of course, i'm not saying that every single price here *points* has to be less than every single price here *points here* but your tesco example was fine. the problem is that in alot of cases the difference really cant be justified by saying suppliers! look at the example earlier on in this thread :) oh and one hint for your site, well, maybe two ... redesign it :p and (2) STOP USING EX. VAT PRICES! :) id say most of your customers are normal ppl, and cant avail of the tax free crap, and it gets on my tits seeing a big **** off red 99E, when it actually costs more :)

    regarding honesty, when i asked about the card i went in to buy (2 weeks b4 i actually bought it) i hadn't really done any research into them at that point. i was in the neighbourhood and dropped in to see what was in store. i saw two cards, and asked the difference between them. now, i think one was a Creative 5200 FX and the other some weird powerful thingy, but basically i was told that "this one has alot of colours and big screen sizes, but this one, although more expensive, has integrated dildo support and makes your monitor jump and down and *insert technical info here*" seemed like i was being coaxed out of my money. and i did NOT like it :)

    *note* i may have exaggerated slightly :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭STaN

    I went in looking for advice for a home cinema system for my dvd system, seen as they do tv's and stock a load of amps and such.

    They advised i get a system for a PC that it would sound as good.


    went to the sony store instead

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,984 ✭✭✭✭Lump

    DVD-r are 17 Sterling for 25 from


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,264 ✭✭✭RicardoSmith

    Yes for the love of.....STOP USING EX. VAT PRICES

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,155 ✭✭✭Xithus

    Originally posted by RicardoSmith
    Yes for the love of.....STOP USING EX. VAT PRICES

    Iv said the same thing myself many times. Ill pass on the message.

    Stan obviously the pc audio systems aint the best, but if your not into spending much cash on a home cinema setup they offer best bang for buck.

    £17.. sure thats only a tiny difference.. How much for delivery ?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 843 ✭✭✭DaithiSurfer

    Regarding your web site.
    A while ago i ordered a fair bit of stuff from your website. Filled in all the details needed and sat back waiting for the order to arrive.
    3 weeks later and nothing. I emailed peats and nothing.
    2 months later nothing and still no reply from my email.
    now 6 months later (having forgotten about it til today) still nothing (not that i want the order) and by god if i recieve the order now or my cc gets debited god help the staff in peats. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,143 ✭✭✭spongebob

    I reckon Peats could handle a Commercial Board all right.

    PM dev with €€€€ in the subject line

    My advice to anyone who 'needs' advice is to go into the shop (any shop) when its quiet and not when the queues are 3 deep , thats when you get to judge the quality.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,155 ✭✭✭Xithus

    I dont wanna be feedin ya bs but we were moving shop about 6 months ago and there might have been a mix up. Im sure after 6 months you wont be billed :eek:

    Slightly ot maybe but what do ye's think of the new shop ? Likes, dislikes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 811 ✭✭✭Ronaldo7

    Oh its perfect minus the prices.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 843 ✭✭✭DaithiSurfer

    This all happened i would say about 3 months before you moved shop.
    Maybe i've got the dates wrong but the timeline is correct.
    Anyway, no matter now, but i wont be ordering from your website again.
    I'm not the only one to have problems there.

    On a positive note,
    I do like the new shop. I go in the odd time for a browse and if i see anything i like i buy it online or somewhere cheaper (very easy to find). Dont feel singled out on that though, i do this with all of the highstreet shops on goods over €100.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    with regards to peats congrats, on the general new line of modding products by sharkoon, not many places how them so thats cool, let me know when the large black blue backlit keyboard is in and if its an american or english key lay out :) i want it

    just another comment but it does seem sometimes lot of your stock on the website can be out of stock or ships in 2-3 days or 3-5 days or something whats the deal with that?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,155 ✭✭✭Xithus

    Liamo looks after the sharkoon stuff, im sure he'll have an answer for ya tommorow morning.
    The website is really a big shop window for us. If we keep something in stock regularly its set to 1-2 or 2-3 days on the website. We can quite a lot of stuff to order, stuff that wouldnt really sell all that well if we bought it by the bucketload and that stuff is stuck up on the website at 3-5days or 1week. All depends on the supplier, how quick can we get the stuff from them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,155 ✭✭✭Xithus

    Originally posted by DaithiSurfer
    This all happened i would say about 3 months before you moved shop.
    Maybe i've got the dates wrong but the timeline is correct.
    Anyway, no matter now, but i wont be ordering from your website again.
    I'm not the only one to have problems there.

    On a positive note,
    I do like the new shop. I go in the odd time for a browse and if i see anything i like i buy it online or somewhere cheaper (very easy to find). Dont feel singled out on that though, i do this with all of the highstreet shops on goods over €100.

    Id probably do the same thing myself.

    Dont worry I dont feel singled out.. sure I buy alot of my stuff online aswell.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,264 ✭✭✭RicardoSmith

    The new shop seems smaller and seems to have less products on display. Personally I'd only go into window shop, and then only if I'm in the area and have to kill some time. You can get everything cheaper elsewhere, its generally seems to have lots of staff but yet you can never find one whos free, ever. Its a pain to get to as its well away from all the other shops, and parking is a nightmare all around there.

    Peats survives on people who don't have the cop on to shop around. Personally I think its tucked away too far from the main areas, as anyone who can be bothered to find it can be bothered to find cheaper prices elsewhere. On the main shopping areas it would attract more of the kind of people who don't shop around.

    I heard that Peats is the sole distributor for Sony in Ireland and that all the Sony centers are run by Peats. Certainly if you ask for anything out of the ordinary in a Sony center they generally direct you back to Peats.

    A long time ago I used to go into Peats on a Saturday morning and browse the computer software in the basement. These days with the web, and all the shopping centers, and maplins (and their catalogue) I personally have no reason ever to go in to Peats.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,471 ✭✭✭elexes

    maplins is pants imo and there returns policy is a joke . i was one day over the 14 days return and tho i had spoken to the manager on the phone about me not bing able to get to dublin within the time period i couldnt get cash back . that was back in november . they said they would have to send it back to there test center in the uk b4 i could get anything and im still feckin waiting on them . maplins has one nice staff member and the rest are just prats .
