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Our Bertie sides with Germania

  • 26-01-2004 9:05pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭

    Our Bertie sides with Germania against the Poles. From Anthony Coughlan...thought yez might like to read this.

    Taoiseach Bertie Ahern turns Ireland into Germany's pliant instrument for
    browbeating the Poles

    (Statement from the National Platform, 24 Crawford Ave., Dublin 9

    At Davos last weekend Irish Taoiseach Bertie Ahern said: "If people just
    stick totally with Nice and don't move at all, you can't do that because
    it's not going to be satisfactory to Germany. There's a fair amount of
    sympathy for the German position because they are a large country, they are
    a big part of the paymaster. We need to look very helpfully at the German
    position. I have to try and get movement from those who need to move and at
    the same time not try to put it in a way that forces them beyond a position
    they can explain to their own people and their own parliaments."

    - Irish Times, Monday 26 January 2004)

    It is shameful that Irish Taoiseach Bertie Ahern should be siding with the
    EU's largest country, Germany, as his remarks at Davos indicate, and
    implicitly threatening Poland if it does not agree to adopt the
    population-based voting system for EU law-making that is desired by Germany
    and France.

    It is brazen as well as shameful coming from the Taoiseach who pushed
    through the Nice Treaty in the repeat referendum he held in Ireland in 2002
    by saying that the voting system agreed at Nice was essential for EU
    enlargement,and was the best system for law-making in an enlarged EU.

    If the EU were a single State for a European "super-nation", in which
    Ireland, Poland and other member states were provinces, the
    population-based voting system demanded by Germany and France for an EU
    Constitution would make sense, for Germany's 85 million people would
    entitle it to greatest influence.

    Inside a federated EU State Germany could look forward to being joined in
    due time by Turkey, with its 100 million population, whose admission to the
    EU Germany champions. In the meantime Germany and France between them have
    nearly 40% of the population of an enlarged EU. That would enable them to
    block whatever EU laws they do not want and, with some allies, to push
    through whatever EU measures they do want.

    If the EU is not to be one State, but a partnership or alliance of
    constitutionally equal States, then it is proper that Poland and Spain
    should have similar voting weight to Germany - indeed that smaller
    countries than either of them should have that too.

    The population-based system for making EU laws that is proposed in the
    draft EU Constitution Taoiseach Ahern is striving to bring into being -
    i.e. a 60% population headcount - would turn the existing river of EU
    legislation into a flood. It would greatly increase the volume of
    legislation coming from Brussels, which is why the EU Commission and
    Parliament desire it, for their power derives from their role in EU

    National parliaments would become little more than county councils under
    the proposed EU Constitution. Citizens would have no control over what was
    happening politically. Their law-makers and rulers would no longer be
    accountable to them. Their national Constitutions would be wholly
    subordinate to the EU Constitution. The EU would become an international
    actor in its own right for the first time, separate from and superior to
    its Member States, for it would acquire the legal personality and
    independent corporate existence that it does not have at present.

    What a dishonourable political condition Messrs Ahern, Cowen and their
    fellow enthusiasts for ever-further EU integration have brought their
    country to, considering its historical traditions of national independence
    and democracy:-

    That the Irish Government should be reduced to a pliant instrument of the
    former imperial powers of Europe as they seek to foist a Constitution for
    an EU State on the peoples and national democracies of our continent - so
    that Irish Ministers may personally be able to enjoy the perquisites of a
    minor role in running such an EU Superstate themselves, while presiding
    over an emasculated parliament and an effectively disenfranchised


    Anthony Coughlan




  • Registered Users Posts: 6,741 ✭✭✭Piliger

    Congratulations Bertie ! We need to play the long game in Europe and When Germany has a beef with the system that we agree with then we need to stand up and be counted.

    Good on ya !
