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Am I Seeing things ?



  • Registered Users Posts: 20,978 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    Ever think of writing romance novels?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,034 ✭✭✭Rock Climber

    Originally posted by Ardam

    But...... I'd have gone home with him and cuddled him all night without it having to be sexual if he'd wanted. I'm not .......falling....... for him am I ?

    Then with his arm around me he started stroking my face. Just touching my cheek gently at first, then more of a caress, running all the way down my face, down my neck. At this stage my mind was not well focused and the drinks I'd had before we left were starting to kick in. I was getting a little ......excited...... and I'm pretty sure he could feel it too
    Where was his girlfriend?
    Was she not at his birthday party?
    If not why not? and if she was, why wasn't she going home with him?
    I nearly got a woody reading that to be honest :D
    You should have slapped the gob in, at least then you would know.
    By the sounds of things he would like that.
    But don't worry, there will be other oportunities with him :)
    Originally posted by Stark
    Ever think of writing romance novels?

    / me is rolling on the floor laughing at that one :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 141 ✭✭Jpaulik

    I agree with Rock Climber. You described the scene so well. I could picture myself there. I would have started sucking on his finger and moved my face close to his and see what he would have done.

    Forget the other drunken fools in the car. It's you and him and nobody else. It could be written off as a drunken mess gone too far easily enough for the lads not to be suspicious.

    But yeah, as Rock Climber said a situation like that will come up again. Take your time and just be prepared to not run away when it happens.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,978 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    Have you ever tried getting him away on his own? Does he give you much attention when you're out with him and "the lads"? Have you ever asked him to come over to a quiet side of the bar with you or to go out with you for drinks, just you and him full stop? I think I stand by my original statement of "attention seeking prick tease". He might have lingering feelings of homosexuality but at the end of the day he simply thinks it's fun to get you aroused (I guess that is gay in itself). Time to see if he'll go beyond games.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭Joe23

    Does he actually know you're Gay, And I mean for definite.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,219 ✭✭✭Falkorre

    its real simple, ;) ..........
    Phone him one night, just reeeeal casual, ask him if wants to go for a drink. If not that night then the next, make it clear u mean just the two of ya. (ie: "we aint had a chance for a good ole gossip in ages without all the other lot").

    If he says yes and looks to bring somone else along, then its likely he dosent relish you two being alone, and if so, he prolly wants to keep it just "flirty".

    If he says yes an brings no-one, then wait for him to make a move and then *follow through!* ur never gonna know otherwise are u? ;)

    if u are good friends, and u make a bad move, as long as u dont rip his clothes off and whip it out then an there in the bar, *you* do somthing small, a flirty peck on the cheek that *has the oppertunity to continue maybe. if it dosent, then u can brush it off in a funny kinda way, an it likely wont harm the friendship.

    better to know once an for all then to spend the next 50 years wondering, also, seems to me *he* keeps being the one making all the "potential" moves and you keep (possibly) being the one confusing *him* by not responding either way definitively. If he *is* interested, he may lose interest if u dont, then you'll *never* know. :)


    (also remember, often the BEST and longest relationships *started* as pure friendships! ;) )

    PPS: you, should write a homo-flirty-comedy book! Perhaps a kinda homo "bridget jones type thing! I for one would buy it! lol ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Originally posted by Rock Climber

    Where was his girlfriend?
    Was she not at his birthday party?
    If not why not? and if she was, why wasn't she going home with him?

    His girlfriend is in college in a whole other county. She's in the middle of exams at the moment so too busy to come home and say hello..... I know I know, but that's girls for you :D

    I nearly got a woody reading that to be honest :D
    You should have slapped the gob in, at least then you would know.
    By the sounds of things he would like that.

    "Gwaaann, get that inta ya". Not the classiest approach but, I must admit, one I've yet to try.

    Does he actually know you're Gay, And I mean for definite.

    Hard to say, probably. I'm not exactly gay, more AC/DC and refusing to accept a label :) ....some might say its more denial than refusal.... but who listens to them anyway :)

    The drinks on our own, "just to catch up ;)" sounds like a good idea. Sounds like a very good idea. I'll let you know how I get on........

    I nearly got a woody reading that to be honest

    ....only I won't go into so much detail'll have to buy the book for that, but on the plus side, there'll be pictures :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah


    ...that's all really, I've just really enjoyed this thread. And seriously, write romance novels!

    And updates, chapter two please.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,219 ✭✭✭Falkorre

    For the sake of everything good and funny left in this world, start a blog, or a Journal -> pwwwweeeze!? Its prolly the only one Id consider reading!! :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Drinks you said...

    We arranged to go for drinks but he invited a bunch of other people out too.
    My head: Ok, we're just friends and that's how it's gonna be, at least I'll have a few pints.

    After the first drink he suggests we go somewhere else. Just the two of us. Alone.
    My head: Yes. YES. YESSSSS. [For brevity, I'll remove the list of things I was hoping to do to him].

    We leave and he asks me where I'd like to go, suggests my favourite spot. It's quiet and relaxed and never too crowded. Walking there we talk and laugh a lot, things are going nicely.
    My head: This boy is going to feel lucky tonight ;).

    In the pub and we keep talking and laughing, having fun, really enjoying each others company. But that's as far as we seem to get. Sometimes the conversation goes in the uh..right direction but it never goes that far. Talking about body hair is the most intimate that happens. During the night he points out nice girls to me and I make an effort to not notice (even though they are niiiiiiice).
    My head: What?! Nonononono.....WHAT ?

    This night happens twice in four nights. Almost exactly the same each time. The second night he says is his "last night of freedom" before his girlfriend comes home for the Summer. I made an extra effort to suggest, in a I-could-be-joking-but-maybe-I'm-not way, that I'd like to do something more with him. Nothing.
    My head: Confused.

    Things have been pretty normal lately, despite his girlfriend being back he still touches me when we're around. Nothing over the top, just casually laying a hand on my shoulder that kinda thing. He still doesn't do this with any of our other friends. Perhaps I wear lots of soft clothes :)

    I am quite convinced now he doesn't feel anything sexual towoards me. Today I went swimming with a few other friends and I invited him along. If he'd wanted to see me in shorts, dripping wet and panting he'd have come along. He said he was tired from working all week and that he wanted to stay in bed. If it'd been the other way around, I know I'd have found the energy :)

    So that's it. We're just friends and that's all it's going to be. No biggy. There are lots of fun people waiting for me to play with ;)

    My sincerest thanks for all the advice, the suggestions and book requests :) But I think this will be Ardam's Last Post -- it's back to my regular account now.

    To borrow (and warp) a line from Jerry Springer... Enjoy yourselves and each other.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,034 ✭✭✭Rock Climber

    Just as well you're able for this type of teasing and teasing is exactly what it is.
    I've no doubt that given the right set of circumstances, your mate *would probably* experiment with you and that you and possibly he would enjoy that, but Qué sera sera etc maybe sometime, never rule it out, just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it won't.

    In the mean time, it's a good job you are posting unregistered as your PM inbox would be full at this stage:D

    Best of luck anyways :)
