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Bertie and Gerry, is it all over now? (sniff!)



  • Registered Users Posts: 15,944 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Originally posted by Cork
    This is not a case of Martin Ferris forgeting about his medical card.

    The assembly were elected last November and still have not sat.

    If I was a tax payer a would be unhappy.

    SF/IRA & DUP have to get talking to get it up & running.

    Clinton & Mitchell are gone.

    Its down to them.

    I'm a tax payer here in the south and I'm not happy about paying my taxes with the way the current Government are wasting it but they were elected so theres shag all I can do about it.

    Are SF the only party still taking their salary??

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,924 ✭✭✭Cork

    Originally posted by irish1
    I'm a tax payer here in the south and I'm not happy about paying my taxes with the way the current Government are wasting it but they were elected so theres shag all I can do about it.

    Are SF the only party still taking their salary??

    What areas of government spending are you unhappy with - health, education or social welfare?

    Are SF the only party still taking their salary?? They are not.

    It is absurd that an assembley that has not commenced - people are draawing salarys.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Originally posted by irish1

    Are SF the only party still taking their salary??

    What? What ?
    Sinn Féin are taking the queens schilling?
    /sorry I couldn't resist :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,944 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Originally posted by Cork
    What areas of government spending are you unhappy with - health, education or social welfare?

    Infastructure and Health are the main ones, but there are others.

    Like the ballymun project that wasn't properly researched and will cost millions more now and take 4 extra years to finish!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,924 ✭✭✭Cork

    Originally posted by Earthman
    What? What ?
    Sinn Féin are taking the queens schilling?
    /sorry I couldn't resist :D

    SF have been taking the Queens Shilling for years?[

    QUOTE]ballymun project that wasn't properly researched and will cost millions more now and take 4 extra years to finish!![/QUOTE]

    The government are responsible for Aspestus in the roof. Was work to be carried on regardless?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,944 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Originally posted by Cork
    The government are responsible for Aspestus in the roof. Was work to be carried on regardless?

    FFS I didn't say there were responsible for the Aspestus in the roof AND IN THE WALLS.

    But a proper researched project would have known that before they started!!!!

    See above I said
    wasn't properly researched

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,075 ✭✭✭ReefBreak

    Originally posted by David-[RLD]-
    you seem to be to be a bit of a DUP man yourself. Is Irish a Leprechaun language to you too?
    Sinn Féin Debating Technique #17: If all else fails, just call the person that disagrees with you a Unionist and/or a West Brit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,882 ✭✭✭Mighty_Mouse

    Ferris is an animal. Nothing nobler than that.

    Wont be relying on your vote, I take it. But the majority of your neighbours seem to think differently!:D
    Funny how the local areas that most support Ferris are the same areas with the highest number of ex-cons living there

    Oh! I see. How dare the Shinners encourage all those working class to vote!! Sure we had a nice little economic policys going on without them!

    What's coincidental is that just when Ferris needs the votes, a likely suspect is shoved into a car, driven into the wilds and has the stuffing kicked out of him by several men, who then plant drugs on him (makes you wonder who was doing the actual selling, that they'd have them, doesn't it?) and throws him out of the car

    Um!! Think it was Dick "to keep the Shinners out" Spring who needed the votes. Martin Ferris completely cleared the poll and everyone was told that he was going to do so well in advance!!!

    Sssshhhhhhhhh! June is coming .......................:eek:

    Planted drugs on him!!!!!!! Now I really dont believe this. Were you actually in the car or something or maby your the drug dealer!!! Who knows. I would imagine theres a max of five ppl who know exactly what happened!

    So what your saying is the IRA/Ferris kidnapped a drug dealer, beat him up and PLANTED drugs on him!! FFS!

    "wonder who was doin the selling"
    maby Martin Ferris was selling drugs to run his election campaign and this guy was taking his business. Mmmmmmmmmmm yes that sounds about right ................NOT!! :rolleyes: :(

    For gods sake man! Will you wise up and listen to yourself!

    Plus remember the whole "drugs .....poisoning Irelands youth.." IRA stance when your making accusations!
    It's called the PSNI. Just because Sinn Fein don't want to get involved doesn't mean that a new police force will get made up for them, so feck off for yourself.

    Pity the SDLP wouldnt stand on an issue that mattered to both communities but it will happen.
    Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise that it was so ****ing hard not to beat people with iron bars

    No. But understanding what leads ppl to resorting to this type of activity might be a start!
    Yeah, let's get rid of the RUC and bring in a new force.

    Deluding yourself again. is it that "Them Shinners just want the IRA to be the new police force"!!!!!!!!! What possibly is going through your mind.

    The PSN ARE the RUC for christs sake!
    Uh, the papers already know that Martin Ferris was convicted of gun-running.

    Dont call you the bullet for nothing Meh!
    So on one hand, you're saying that republicans have no connection whatsoever with punishment beatings. On the other, you're saying that republicans are justified in using punishment beatings because they can't depend on the police. As fine an example of doublethink as you'll find in anything by Orwell.

    No Im saying Martin Ferris did not beat up a drug dealer in the middle of his election campaign.

    Im saying that republicans policing their own areas is understandable.

    Maby you should read a persons answers before cnostructing your witty replies!
    It's better than lying in the gutter with thieves, murderers and terrorists

    Yes, yes and if you had your family and friends murdered, no police force, harrassment, no job opportunites, no political representation etc etc etc etc etc you would've ......................................

    All I'm asking is that ppl at the very least understand the situation before they cast their judgment. Repeating Michael "lunatic" McDowells remarks is only repeating his ignorance!

    are you crazy retracting your statement!!!

    Meh - -- -wow another doublethink statement!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,075 ✭✭✭ReefBreak

    I've had a gut feeling for a while that a big story will break very soon concerning Sinn Féin's links with organised crime. I sense that Bertie Ahern and Michael McDowell's comments against SF are arriving now because they know something is about to be revealed, and are timing it to coincide with the upcoming elections. I have no evidence, just a hunch. Hopefully, hopefully, my hunch will be correct.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,944 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Originally posted by Mighty_Mouse


    are you crazy retracting your statement!!!

    I think I am mate, cos everyone else is just thowing accusations around WITHOUT ANY PROOF.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,882 ✭✭✭Mighty_Mouse

    Sorry near forgot, the willaim Stobie murder is also worth reading for those interested

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Originally posted by Mighty_Mouse
    Wont be relying on your vote, I take it. But the majority of your neighbours seem to think differently!:D
    Given voter turnout levels, that's not a supportable statement.
    Oh! I see. How dare the Shinners encourage all those working class to vote!! Sure we had a nice little economic policys going on without them!
    Excuse me? When did I say working class? What I said was ex-cons, meaning that the areas that Ferris gets most support from tend to have a very large criminal element in them. And I don't mean shoplifters. Remember, that area in Kerry has been an IRA recruiting ground for decades.
    Planted drugs on him!!!!!!! Now I really dont believe this. Were you actually in the car or something or maby your the drug dealer!!! Who knows. I would imagine theres a max of five ppl who know exactly what happened!
    I'd suggest you go learn something a bit more detailed about that incident.
    So what your saying is the IRA/Ferris kidnapped a drug dealer, beat him up and PLANTED drugs on him!! FFS!
    No, I'm saying they kidnapped a man who wasn't liked in the area but who had no record of dealing, beat him within an inch of his life, stuck drugs in his pocket and dumped him out of the car.
    And oddly enough, that's what the gardai were saying at the time as well.
    "wonder who was doin the selling"
    maby Martin Ferris was selling drugs to run his election campaign and this guy was taking his business. Mmmmmmmmmmm yes that sounds about right ................NOT!! :rolleyes: :(
    Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that Ferris's mob aren't involved in the now-bloody-serious drugs trade in Tralee and the surrounding area?
    For gods sake man! Will you wise up and listen to yourself!
    I suggest you listen to someone who has more family living in that area and who knows what's happening rather than believing the press releases that animals like Ferris put out.

    No. But understanding what leads ppl to resorting to this type of activity might be a start!
    Indeed, if understanding was all you were doing - but you're justifying it and that's another thing entirely.
    Deluding yourself again. is it that "Them Shinners just want the IRA to be the new police force"!!!!!!!!! What possibly is going through your mind.
    The PSN ARE the RUC for christs sake!
    So you're saying that the reason the PSNI has a lot of RUC officers is because of a conspiracy - and not because SF hasn't supported the PSNI and there hasn't been enough time to train up catholic officers?

    No Im saying Martin Ferris did not beat up a drug dealer in the middle of his election campaign.
    And everyone living there says different.
    Im saying that republicans policing their own areas is understandable.
    No, it's vigalantism.
    Yes, yes and if you had your family and friends murdered, no police force, harrassment, no job opportunites, no political representation etc etc etc etc etc you would've ......................................
    All I'm asking is that ppl at the very least understand the situation before they cast their judgment. Repeating Michael "lunatic" McDowells remarks is only repeating his ignorance!
    And again, you're missing the point - it's one thing to understand someones motives - but you've gone well past that, to condoning their actions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,944 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Originally posted by Sparks

    And everyone living there says different.

    Without proof, Ferris received more votes than Dick Spring, I don't think that if EVERYONE THOUGHT he was guilty of what your accusing him of he would have topped the poll, and I have some experience of that area, i.e GF of 3 years is form there.

    Your trying to scaremonger people into beleiving things that aren't proven.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Originally posted by irish1
    Without proof, Ferris received more votes than Dick Spring, I don't think that if EVERYONE THOUGHT he was guilty of what your accusing him of he would have topped the poll, and I have some experience of that area, i.e GF of 3 years is form there.
    Your trying to scaremonger people into beleiving things that aren't proven.

    You're going out with a tralee woman for three years. Yes, that gives you far more knowlege of the area than me, I was only born there. And have family there. And extended family. And friends. And ancestors. So yes, the combined knowlege taken from over a hundred people who've lived there all their lives, plus the history from the previous fifty-odd years or more from their predecessors is nothing compared to the pillow-talk you've had with your girl.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,944 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Originally posted by Sparks
    You're going out with a tralee woman for three years. Yes, that gives you far more knowlege of the area than me, I was only born there. And have family there. And extended family. And friends. And ancestors. So yes, the combined knowlege taken from over a hundred people who've lived there all their lives, plus the history from the previous fifty-odd years or more from their predecessors is nothing compared to the pillow-talk you've had with your girl.
    I think you should try READING a post before you go on a rant.

    I said
    and I have some experience of that area,

    Where did I say I knew it better than you or even that I knew it well.

    Now please retract that last post

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Originally posted by irish1
    Where did I say I knew it better than you or even that I knew it well.
    That would be where you said "I have experience of that area, ie. my girlfriend is from there". i.e. means "that is" when properly translated. In other words, you were saying your experience was that your girlfriend was from Tralee, and you then went on to say I was not only wrong, but deliberately wrong.
    Now please retract that last post
    On what grounds? That I was correct and it's akward for you that someone from Ferris's general area would contradict your statements and point out that the man is a convicted gun-runner and up to his eyeballs in the provos?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,944 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Originally posted by Sparks
    "I have experience of that area,
    FFS sparks now you've just gone and mis quoted me
    I said
    and I have some experience of that area,
    Originally posted by Sparks

    On what grounds? That I was correct and it's akward for you that someone from Ferris's general area would contradict your statements and point out that the man is a convicted gun-runner and up to his eyeballs in the provos?

    That you were incorrect

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Originally posted by irish1
    That you were incorrect
    At the risk of sounding like a movie buff,
    "You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,944 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Originally posted by Sparks
    At the risk of sounding like a movie buff,
    "You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
    Sparks just be big enough to admit you were wrong you mis-read or mis-understood my post and then mis-quoted me!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,882 ✭✭✭Mighty_Mouse

    Given voter turnout levels, that's not a supportable statement

    Ok the majority of voters in your area - obviously the remainder didnt feel strongly enough against Martin Ferris to vote against him!
    What I said was ex-cons, meaning that the areas that Ferris gets most support from tend to have a very large criminal element in them

    Do you have a problem with ppl convicted of felonys voting? :confused:

    Could you name this area where everyone in it are ex-cons and IRA ppl. Surely these areas are class as "working class" areas :confused:

    What is the difference between a working class area voting for Martin Ferris and this area where all the ex-cons live?

    Sorry, I dont undertand what your saying here. You seem to of said the same thing twice IMO.
    I'd suggest you go learn something a bit more detailed about that incident.

    Could you enlighten me Sparks. Surely you must have a huge level of detailed knowlege about Martin Ferris planting drugs on dealers (do dealers not have drugs!!!:p ) because they were encroaching on his "turf". Could you provide any evidence!

    Wasnt this dropped by the Gardai! Wer'nt the Gardai accused of making false claims (not first time) and being pressured by political sources to make a high profile arrest of Ferris?

    Is it not true that most of what you have spouted is a fantasy?

    quote: MM
    So what your saying is the IRA/Ferris kidnapped a drug dealer, beat him up and PLANTED drugs on him!! FFS!

    No, I'm saying they kidnapped a man who wasn't liked in the area but who had no record of dealing, beat him within an inch of his life, stuck drugs in his pocket and dumped him out of the car.
    And oddly enough, that's what the gardai were saying at the time as well.""""

    How is what you said different to what I said? Why did you begin your sentance with "no" and continue to repeat what I had said more or less.

    So again its your belief that:
    So what your saying is the IRA/Ferris kidnapped a drug dealer, beat him up and PLANTED drugs on him!! FFS!"""""

    :eek: :D:p

    Martin must of been busy!! Why would anyone plant drugs on a dealer by the way?
    Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that Ferris's mob aren't involved in the now-bloody-serious drugs trade in Tralee and the surrounding area?

    I dont know who you mean by Ferris's mob. But I can guarantee that Martin Ferris is in no way involved with dealing drugs in Kerry.

    I can absolutely guarantee that!! 100 % sure.

    Your in cuckoo land here! Ask yourself WHY would martin ferris be dealing drugs? he has no motivation to do so.

    Tackle the man on political ground not on fantasy crazy off-the wall remarks.

    Provide one shred of evidence that this is not all in you head!!:D
    I suggest you listen to someone who has more family living in that area and who knows what's happening rather than believing the press releases that animals like Ferris put out.

    I suggest you see someone about the voices in your head!:D

    ok .................... Ive dealt with most of the rest of your comments Sparks.

    To sum up Sparks
    i think your demented! honestly man, where are you pulling this lark from.

    At least argue against the Shinners from some realm of reality. Theres loads of areas to tackle the Shinners on but this craic of complete off the wall , unprooveble remarks is no way for FF,FG, Labour etc to fight the growth of the Shinners!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,924 ✭✭✭Cork

    Originally posted by Mighty_Mouse

    At least argue against the Shinners from some realm of reality. Theres loads of areas to tackle the Shinners on but this craic of complete off the wall , unprooveble remarks is no way for FF,FG, Labour etc to fight the growth of the Shinners!

    Are people wrong to link the IRA to various rackets? How does the IRA support itself financially.

    Do you believe that the IRA are not involved in rackets?

    SF cannot continue to have it both ways. It either has to forsake democratic politics or its military wing.

    If it cannot decide - it should not be allowed to hold up the Peace Process.

    The government and new labour have made every effort to help SF - but the time is approaching that SF has to decide where it stands.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,944 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Originally posted by Cork
    Are people wrong to link the IRA to various rackets? How does the IRA support itself financially.

    Do you believe that the IRA are not involved in rackets?

    SF cannot continue to have it both ways. It either has to forsake democratic politics or its military wing.

    If it cannot decide - it should not be allowed to hold up the Peace Process.

    The government and new labour have made every effort to help SF - but the time is approaching that SF has to decide where it stands.

    I don't think SF or the IRA can take all the blaim for the peace proccess stalling.

    You call making wild accusations without proof helping them??

    I'm not going to bother responding to your first 2 sentences unless you find proof.

    Oh Sparks are you going to retract that post where you went on a rant completely in the wrong??

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Originally posted by irish1
    Oh Sparks are you going to retract that post where you went on a rant completely in the wrong??
    Let me guess - SF debating tactic #137 : If shown to be in error, attempt to paint your opponent as being incorrect, demand an apology and retraction and state that they're at fault for not apologising (for being correct!!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,944 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Originally posted by Sparks
    Let me guess - SF debating tactic #137 : If shown to be in error, attempt to paint your opponent as being incorrect, demand an apology and retraction and state that they're at fault for not apologising (for being correct!!)

    You were in the wrong now I dont wanna harp on about it, but you totally got my post wrong and the Mis-qouted me come on Sparks even you have to admit that.

    Apology will suffice

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    My post was correct, my assertions were accurate. An apology would be unwarranted and will not be offered.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,944 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Originally posted by Sparks
    My post was correct, my assertions were accurate. An apology would be unwarranted and will not be offered.

    How in gods name was it correct I made a statement and then at the end I said I had SOME experience of the area, so you wouldn't think it was completely off the wall.

    I never said I knew the area better than you, or that I was basing this statement on my knowledge of the area.

    You then MIS-QUOTED me, which you haven't corrected, seriously mate I don't know how you think you were correct!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,924 ✭✭✭Cork

    Originally posted by irish1
    I don't think SF or the IRA can take all the blaim for the peace proccess stalling.

    Punishment beatings, abductions & rackets?

    But SF/IRA are never responsible are they?

    Why is it so important for the IRA to hold onto illegal arms?

    Why cannot SF denounce violence?

    Michael McDowell is only calling SF's Bluff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,944 ✭✭✭✭Villain

    Trolling by cork, mods please handle

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey


    I've tried PMing you about this, but your inbox is full. Let me know when it isn't......but I'm not getting into this in-thread.

    Suffice it to say for now that I do not believe Cork is trolling, nor would I be inclined to take action against him.

    This is not open to discussion in-thread by anyone. You want to make a point, do it in the stickied thread about discussing the rules, or PM me.

    Anyone ignoring these instructions will pick up a one-week ban.

