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WAN - Dunmore -> Abbeyknockmoy

  • 21-03-2004 10:29pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭

    I am trying to get a wireless network going in my area. I have ordered up an outdoor access point and am looking for people who want to get involved and connect up with it.

    I only have line of sight from Dunmore ->Abbeyknockmoy, so if theres anybody in Abbey or in between who might be interested, then please get in contact.

    My ultimate aim in this, is to build the network to an extent that we can get access to broadband. If you live in this area, you KNOW you will be waiting for some time to come if you leave it to others to provide you with a broadband internet service. Don't wait! Lets get it ourselves;)


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭daveg

    I'd be interested in this. I'm living in Corofin - about 4 miles from Abbeyknockmoy. Let me know if this is possible.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Eurorunner

    Excellent. Thats a start. The couriers just collected the unit so i should get delivery tomorrow - if it arrives early enough i will setup tomorrow.
    Will have to get my head round how to test it - might be able to borrow some gear so that you can test with..we'll see. Hopefully my line of sight extends over that far (i definitely dont have LOS for Tuam). Its also quite a distance (28.5km/18miles) but if it was just a question of getting stronger kit, i'd do it.

    Does it look like you have line of sight in my general direction? Also hows your LOS towards Galway - as this could be an option for you also.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Eurorunner

    @Daveg: I would also suggest that you register over at (if you've not already done so) and post under the Galway section. I have a similar thread there. You might want to post there again just so as the existing GalwayWAN people know of your interest/location.
    That way, if theres an opportunity that one of them can hook you up, then i'm sure they would be quick to let you know;). There were also members on there recently - both afaik with broadband connections to share based in Tuam (Dunmore Rd.) and Ballyhaunis.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭daveg

    Thanks for the info Eurorunner. Whats involved in this setup? What would I need? How much does it cost?

    I'm not too sure about my line of sight to your direction tbh. :dunno:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Jaden

    I've got the gear, and I'm good to go.

    Caherlistrane calling.....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 218 ✭✭Haruspex

    Damn it. :( Looks like if I was still living in good old Bearna Dhearg, I could almost have LOS. Don't think I could sell this one to the olds though, especially since all the kids have flown the nest. Best of luck with it though. It's great to see an initiative like this in east county Galway driven by you, Eurorunner! Will be watching this space for further developments!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Eurorunner

    @Jaden: What sort of kit do you have? Are you connected up with anyone right now? I definitely dont have any chance of reaching you as i cant even get as far as Tuam. What direction do you have good line of sight in ie can you make it to Tuam/Galway/Corofin. Looks like trying to connect with Daveg in Corofin might be an option if the geograpy allows it. As i mentioned in my last post, theres someone in Tuam with a BB connection to share if you can make it that far.
    Heres a map showing distance between us -> map
    Seeing as you already have the gear Jaden, you may already have a lot of experience with this whole wireless thing? If so, please spill your guts as to how you think we can take this forward;)

    @Daveg: With regard to equipment and cost, i cant give you info with any degree of confidence right now as i'm also a newbie at this whole wireless thing. It has been suggested to me that if there are definite plans to connect up with someone, then all parties must insure that the kit is compatible etc. This thread here i think you will find interesting. As regards cost, my kit cost €300 inc. delivery/VAT - now, i'm sure you could spend more or less than this, it all depends on whats needed to get the job done. If you have the time to research it, is a great resource between info already posted and the knowledge is there to assist us.

    Daveg/Jaden: Theres a thread under the Galway section of the irishwan board where one of the GalwayWAN people has proposed a meeting - you might want to post there and express your interest. I will definitely show for this if it happens as theres got to be some experienced headz amongst them.

    Either of you know anyone on Abbeyknockmoy Hill that they could rope in? An Accesspoint on that f*cker could serve us all probably.

    Damn! I should have started this wireless thing ages ago..:D anyone else out there??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Eurorunner

    @Haruspex: Shame your not around to get involved. However, i would be grateful if you could spread the word - especially if you can find ppl located on high ground and particularly those with a techie background.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 versa

    Hi Eurorunner seen your post, I am still in Tuam, Have a BB connection here and an omni on the roof connected to an 3Com AP2000.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Eurorunner

    Thanks for posting versa. As you know, i'm out of the equation as regards a direct connect with your AP but lets see what Daveg & Jaden think as regards their chances with LOS in your direction.

    With a bit of luck, maybe we can reel in a few more recruits!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 742 ✭✭✭Senor_Fudge

    caherlistrane here
    and i know some guys interested in headford and corrandulla and annaghdown as well would that be possible at all

    can ya tell me more about it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Eurorunner

    @Senor Fudge: Most of the info you need can be found here. Basically, its a case of getting a network together through a series of Access Points and client nodes. This will take a lot of effort but there is the potential for a big payoff in terms of broadband access.
    One of the good folks over at irishwan provided me with this link for an overview of the kit required which is well worth checking out.

    What is imperative is that you have good Line of Sight ie no obstructions eg. trees, houses, hills, etc. to where you want to connect up with. You need to check this out to start with and take it from there. Heres what you could check out initially - do you have Line of Sight to Tuam/Corofin. Can you link up with Jaden who's also in Caherlistrane?

    Check all of that out and see what you think.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 742 ✭✭✭Senor_Fudge

    jaden ur inbox is full for pms
    pm me when u can
    i probably just live over the road from u im just before donaghpatrick graveyard

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,717 ✭✭✭ARGINITE

    could anybody give me a rough price for a client setup and a server setup?, and also is their any restrictions on the max broadcast power that you can be use?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Eurorunner

    @Arginite: Either the client or AP setup for the gear i got was working out at €250 plus vat/delivery (€300 inclusive). here
    There is a restriction on the max. broadcasting power from what ive been reading - can't remember what it is off hand but if you do a search in the irishwan board you can read all about it.

    Where are you located?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,717 ✭✭✭ARGINITE

    headford area.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Eurorunner

    Well i've got it installed and setup now.
    I've done a quick scan just to see if theres anything out there but came up blank. I suppose the real work begins now in terms of trying to get a specific connection going and getting more people involved locally.

    I not sure if this locations good enough to make it as far as Abbeyknockmoy/Corofin. The site itself could well do with being higher - those damn trees in between may be causing a problem. Will need to get the opinion of someone whos more familiar with setting this sort of stuff up...see what they think of the location. I could well get another 10 feet by adding a proper mast but will have to see if its worthwhile to do so first.

    Anywayz, its a start! - and i've more or less overcome my fear of heights :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Eurorunner

    If the rest of you want to try connecting up between yourselves, i can make my unit available for this purpose. I am fairly sure now that i won't be able to make it as far as any of your locations:(

    Now, there must be some more folks who want to get involved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,146 ✭✭✭Ronan|Raven

    Hope this goes well for you EuroRunner. Just out of interest is there any part of Xyou can see? If there was some way one could manage it I would be interestred in linking up with ye in some form or another. Would be nice to establish a link from my area up to where ye are and carry it on further. I can provide materials for masts ( Not over 90 foot!) at a very discounted price :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Jaden

    Inbox cleared. I'm gonna take this thread to the Irishwan site. Isuggest using the Line of Site map thread, and everyone posting a copy of the map, shoing where they are on it.

    I'm in Caherlistrane, right beside the Tank Hill, near the GAA pitch. I have alot of experience with wireless setup, albeit at shorter ranges. I have Cards and gear coming out my backside. I also Wardrive extensively in the Galway area, and I know where alot of you are already..... :)

    Link to Thread we should all post on:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,815 ✭✭✭✭po0k

    There's a guy in my course who lives near Tuam, he'd be interested I'd say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Jaden

    Just for the hell of it, I'll post here too:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,146 ✭✭✭Ronan|Raven

    Any of ye recommend a mapping service where I can calculate " as the crow flies" distance?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 bluehairedfreak

    I'm in Belclare. LOS with Tuam. Nearly line of site with Corofin, just trees in the way. Knockmaa is smack bang between Me and Caherlistrane however. Possible link through me from versa to daveg. I'm very interested. Also there a guy down the road from me who's father has land on Knockmaa. He's looking for broadband so I might be able convince him to get something up on the hill. LOS to most of co Galway from there. I don't know about distance to you Eurorunner but LOS would probably be OK. What's the max range? What's the story with equipment distance from house/computer. No houses up the hill so maybe nowhere safe for equipment

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 bluehairedfreak

    Originally posted by SyxPak
    There's a guy in my course who lives near Tuam, he'd be interested I'd say.

    BTW That's me

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Eurorunner

    Glad to see that the interest is there. I agree with Jaden - we should take this over to the irishwan boards now - anyone who's not registered on that board, please do so asap. There is a wealth of knowledge over there to steer us in the right direction as we put this together. I'm short on time now but will post tomorrow (and from tomorrow, will be posting on irishwan 'line of sight' thread.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Eurorunner

    Overview area map pinpointing locations of all those who have shown interest posted on the irishwan boards thread here

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,393 ✭✭✭Eurorunner

    There is a Galway WAN meeting coming up, details as follows:

    Date: 1st May 2004 - 12 Midday
    Location: Corrib Great Southern (Beside GMIT)

    Proposed topics for meeting:
    * Overview of GalwayWAN (what it is, what its trying to be)
    * Technical discussion of hardware required (we'll assume everyone has read
    * Quick introduction by everyone that arrives
    * Broadband Internet access for GalwayWAN
    - are people interested (get list of interested people)?
    - what would they be willing to donate to cover costs?
    - what would they expect in terms of quality of service?
    - how would we allocate bandwidth?
    - where would we locate it?
    * GalwayWAN Committee
    - Do we need one?
    - What would it do (organise meetings? conferences? shared internet/access to galway metropolitan area network)
    - Who is interested in doing this?

    If you live in Galway (City or County) and have an interest in the above, please come along.
