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Exciting new art!!!

  • 09-04-2004 12:22pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 30

    The Defastenists' Second Annual International Exhibition is open from Tuesday 13th to Friday 16th of April 2004 in the Defastenist Movement HQ, 39 Reubens Square, Reubens Street, Dolphins Barn, Dublin 8. Come and experience the talents of Defastenist artists, film makers, writers and musicians, and discover what Defastenism is all about! A much-needed shot of life into the Irish Art world, we need your support to make this a success! We can guarantee you'll be glad you came. :D



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭geekstinkbreath

    Excuse me for asking but, what is defastenism?
    What's the concept behind it?
    I'm intregued!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 248 ✭✭Achille

    ah lads.

    you've sold out.
    whoring yourself to the mainstream media like this.

    but im all for defastenism.
    it's the shizznit.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 HelgaTheSwedishMilkmaid

    Well, I'll read you a few extracts from the Defastenist manifesto written by founder Gary Farelly, cos I just get confused when I try to explain it myself:

    "Defasten: as in the opposite of fastening your seatbelt. Creative freedom.

    Defastenation: I am fascinated my the oddest thoughts, memories and fantasies. I want to find out why my mind is preoccupied by these images, working with them as my subject matter. This satisfies me greatly. This is defastenism to me. All of us defasten in our own way.

    ...Frustrated at the lack of a forum to exchange ideas and experiences in the pluralist art world, defastenism is the name describing the energy and cross inspiration shared by members. We respect the Dadaists and situationists and wish to reconnect with the explosive momentum they bodied forth. We lament the decline of movements and isms in the post modern era. Defastenism is not a movement with a stylistic agenda or iron clad set of rules; all we strive for is honesty in our work, exploring how close to the bone we can actually go in the exploration of our lives and the ideas it generates."

    It has been described, not in a negative way, as "selfish art", and I suppose you *could* say it's moving away from the kind of art whose artists are so obsessed with looking for a BIG original idea, or to make a BIG social comment, that they forget to express themselves, and look at things in a more close-up detailed way. Or maybe I'm talking ****e, I never can tell.

    Anyway, thanks for showing interest! Do come along and join in the fun next week!

    Achille, hello, I'm not sure who you are or if I'm supposed to know - you sound kinda like Rob, or Delo, but anyhoo... That's a good point you made. I'm sorry, I'm just really unprofessionally excited about it and I had to tell everyone! Besides, if I'm gonna tell someone, shouldn't it be the mainstream, rather than the snobby elitist (?spell?)types? Who knows.....


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭geekstinkbreath

    Originally posted by Achille
    you've sold out.
    whoring yourself to the mainstream media like this

    I wasn't aware that this particular board was exactly 'mainstream'
    Even if it was, spreading a new idea isnt my definition of selling out,
    im all for the fight against ignorance.
    After all isn't that what this board (phantom fm), all about?

    Sorry, once you get me started on the 'selling out' rant, i find it hard to stop!

    More to the point,
    Defastenism sounds like an interesting concept. In a world where alot of artists (writers, musicians etc included) make social outcrys, (im not denying that its neccessary these days) it's nice to once to see a group exploring the surrealist thinking, but with the dadist nature of bringing art down to the human 'man on the street' level, perhaps.

    I think people have trouble seeing art modern as an expression of self, and an exploration of the mind, but more as some unknown crazy statement.

    And While its often easy to analize other people and the world, looking inwards is often the hardest. Well done for trying!

    Anyway that's how I understand it from your manifesto.
    (Sorry if it's wrong, I have a habit of missing the point!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 HelgaTheSwedishMilkmaid

    Yes, that's it exactly! At least, that's the way I see it. I may have been a bit harsh on artists, musicians etc. who do want to make social statements/provoke thought and stuff - that kinda thing is necessary and important, it's true. But I reckon some artists are too busy looking for a shocking, thought-provoking thing to convey that they might forget to stop and think if they actually believe in what they're saying...or something.
    Hmm and maybe us Defastenists are making a social outcry of sorts - that it's important not to underestimate the importance of your own thoughts, interests, situation, and such like. That noticing the random objects and happenings of everyday life can be just as amazing and life-enhancing as ...I dunno...bigger, more famous stuff. Urgh, but that all sounds a bit Seamus Heaney... (no offence to him, I'm sure he's great really, maybe the Leaving Cert just killed his poetry for me.)

    Ayeayeaye I think I've had too much chocolate - I don't appear to be making much sense. Ooh, we're in the Independent today by the way! The Life section! Ooooh!

    I'll come back when I know what I mean.


    p.s. Yes, selling out can be a bit hard to define, can't it?
    p.p.s. Surrealists, yeah!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 248 ✭✭Achille

    don't worry lads, my little contribution was meant only as an easter egg sized post with oodles of sarcasm sauce on top.

    the inclusion of the word "mainstream" when describing, quaint, board was meant to make it clear that my sell-out comment was not serious.

    still, a far cry from those free photocopied posters with the funny black lines across them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭beardedchicken

    i heartily endorse this product/service!

    not entirely sure i understand what it's about, but i'm always for anything that's different and new and tries to challenge the status quo, which it seems that defastenism tries to do. and besides, it's exciting to be around at the birth of a new movement, especially one that's starting in ireland, at that!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭geekstinkbreath

    Wow I'm amazed i actually managed to not miss the point!

    I think youre right helga about artists often trying too hard to make thought-provoking social statements, as im not to politically minded i find it all a bit boring, to be honest.
    Its nice to see a refreshing outlook on artistic statements.

    And achille, i kinda new you were just joking about 'selling out' and stuff, but like i said, once that topic comes into play, i find it hard to restrain myself! I suppose it happens when you're into punk!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 HelgaTheSwedishMilkmaid

    Yeeeeah! I'm incredibly sleep-deprived, so all I can say is that. And mmm....sarcasm sauce. And thanks to y'all for getting involved in the whole discussionymabob!Yeeeeah.... Some more coherent ramblings later perhaps xo

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 HelgaTheSwedishMilkmaid

    Good news for all! The exhibition will continue until sunday um....popular demand...<ahem>

    N xo

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭geekstinkbreath

    Yey, didnt get a chance to go see it during the week, so hurrah for popular demand!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 413 ✭✭karma kabbage

    ARZE!!!!! Due to my *ahem* 'action-packed' schedule... I managed to misss this.... but didn't realise it until i had read all of the posts and become really interested!

    Are there any on-going plans as this 'ism' reminds me of alot of issues I have given thought to in the course of my work..... why is it you can never talk about art with out sounding like a total p*nce!?!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 HelgaTheSwedishMilkmaid

    I think talking about art has been made to seem poncey, been given a bad poncey name, by ponces who talk about art cos they wanna sound cool - but anyone who talks about anything just to sound cool and not because they actually are interested in it sounds poncey :) .......or maybe we are just ponces, at least maybe I am - you sound pretty cool :)

    Well, the "Defastenist studio" is always fairly open-ish (in that it's the 2nd year print department in NCAD) for curious folk like yourself to have a peek and a wee discussion with the founders and members of the movement (though people have told us we're not allowed just *start* a movement) if you're not scared :)
    Otherwise, our next exhibition might not be for a while, as they seem to be annual events. But if you can get hold of the Easter Sunday issue of the Independent, we're in that, and some Drogheda papers too ;)

    What kinda stuff in your work do we remind you of?

    I think the key to de-poncifying art-talk might be bad grammar and the use of the words "stuff" and "things" alot.

    Anyone make it to the exhibition? What did you think?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭geekstinkbreath

    I think people percieve art-talking as being ponsey because it often seems like art is very airy-fairy, and people are put off by this and arts ability to let you see different sides of ordinary and non-sensical things. Hopefully people perusing this thread will not have thought this and realised that artists arn't that crazy and/or upper class!

    Anyway, to admit the facts, due to my busy schedule too, (no really it was, and still is!!) i didnt make it to the exhibition, (boo says you, and after all my backing of the product/service!) well to be honest i didnt quite no how to find the place either.
    Please have an exhibiton again soon!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 HelgaTheSwedishMilkmaid

    Yeah, I hope that too! I mean of course there are crazy and/or upper class artists, but there are them in all, well most, walks of life - it's just that the artists are more expressive about it, is all!

    Don't worry, we plan to have many more defastenist events over the coming months - including Gary and Alex taking part in a charity exhibition - and I'll let you know aaaaall about them, cos you've been one of the most supportive of all the people i've told about this! Thankyou! :)

    Also, did i mention you can send queries to I'm not sure if it's Gary or Alex or Seanan or who looks after it, but sure give it a try!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭geekstinkbreath

    Thanks!:) just sounded like an interesting 'ism', and it was fun discussing it!

    Keep us posted about more exhibitions, and feel free to pm me with any news/arty ramblings!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 413 ✭✭karma kabbage

    What kinda stuff in your work do we remind you of?

    Well to rephrase... it is the thought behind your work with which I can identify! I personally am not so concerned with the art of the 'big picture'. Everyone can interpret that... it is looking to the thoughts within and (similar to the surrealists) the land of the unconscious dreams which I often catch myself doing.

    With regard to calling into NCAD to chat.... I would truly love to. But am indeed very scared!! :rolleyes: I'll be aroung for an interview on Tuesday (27th) so maybe I'll get up the courage?!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭geekstinkbreath

    Id also love to call into the ncad; but not so much that id be scared 'cause i kinda know the place, but more like id feel like a bit of a randomer strollin in, not quite sure who/what was looking for!
    Hey, how about a defastenists open day! with balloons, and cake..


    Ok maybe not quite with those, but still, its a thought.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 413 ✭✭karma kabbage

    see above for cause of fear!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 HelgaTheSwedishMilkmaid

    Defastenist Open Day!!!!!!!! That's brilliant!

    I'm gonna suggest that to Gary, I think he'd like the idea! ESPECIALLY with cake and balloons!!!!!

    Don't be scared, you'll be grand once you get past the rabid hounds and the 40foot deep moat complete with piranhas.

    I'll get back to you on the open day, but seriously, it's a small place, just ask where the print department is and look for Nessa in 2nd year. I don't be there on Wednesdays though - lectures. Tuesday 27th I will indeed be there, slaving away at my desk most probably, so come on in! It'll be an adventure!


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  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭beardedchicken

    whoa, whoa whoa there!
    so what you're saying is that your name *isn't* helga? my entire belief system is hereby rocked to the core!

    i know, i know, i should be studying, and not spamming boards. ok, ok, off i shuffle - just don't tell you know who.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 HelgaTheSwedishMilkmaid

    Oh you knew who I was all along, and don't you deny it! However, unbeknownst to many, Nessa is in fact my fake artist name, like a stage name kinda.

    I wont tell you know who if you don't.

    Helga xo

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭geekstinkbreath

    Originally posted by HelgaTheSwedishMilkmaid
    Defastenist Open Day!!!!!!!! That's brilliant!

    I'm gonna suggest that to Gary, I think he'd like the idea! ESPECIALLY with cake and balloons!!!!!

    Why thank you, im quite proud of that idea now! :D
    Anyway, if there is a problem with getting room/permission for it etc,
    we could all just meet up in the pub!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭Wir_Sind_Helden

    em, will they let you bring cake and balloons into the pub? Or paintings of un-fastened seatbelts, for that matter?

    Wait I might have got this wrong...:confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭geekstinkbreath

    Hey dont knock my fantabulous idea "Wir_Sind_Helden", if that is your real name...

    Yet again you manage to 'cheapen' the tone of the conversation:p
    (And I knew my blondness/missing the point would eventually get around to you!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭Wir_Sind_Helden

    Well, yes in fact it is my real name. And even if there was an open day, you would'nt be allowed in 'caus you'd just flick elastics around, and eat all the cake. And pop the balloons. And fart.

    (P.S that wasnt a blonde moment, *ppfft* no way! Just a momentary loss of..thing...what was I saying?)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 HelgaTheSwedishMilkmaid

    Hello I have returned!

    The suggestion of an open day was met with great enthusiasm and joy and stuff, and we'll work on it as soon as our assessments are over!

    Meanwhile, take a look at this!!!!!!!!

    Wowwwwwwwwww, i just saw it for the first time today, i was so impressed!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭Wir_Sind_Helden

    Yes, I read your Manafesto
    And put it to the test-o

    Nah, the whole thing looks pretty cool, but I'm still kinda on the fence.

    I think maybe , a little cake and balloons , would tip me over the edge though...


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭geekstinkbreath

    Hey again! checked out the website, it looks cool, well done!
    now which picture is of you helga?!

    Jst tryed to sign your guestbook, but it gave a msg sayin that it isnt installed properly, might want to check that out

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 HelgaTheSwedishMilkmaid

    Yes, cake and balloons can be very persuasive alright.... :)

    If anyone has any other ideas to add to the cake and balloons defastenist open day please suggest away!

    Fraid I didn't design the website, Gary did, so I'll let him know about its various flaws, such as the guestbook not working, and the fact that there are no pictures of me, not even a mention, and after I painted the whole goshdarn "gallery"!!!!!! They say I'm their favourite Defastenist after themselves, but sometimes I'm not so sure...

    Ah no, there will be pictures of my work up soon, Gary just wanted to ask me which ones I wanted to put in. You can see my book in the background of the picture of Alex though!


