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Xp 2500, what temp should it be at?

  • 13-04-2004 9:33pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5,391 ✭✭✭

    have just been wondering what the temp of this cpu should be?

    mines at a round 47C with my cpu fan spining at ~2000 RPM (volcano 12) about 5C lower when the fans at ~4500RPM thats with a over clock to xp3000, any faster and it starts sounding like a hoover!
    have one fans blowing in and psu plowing out nothing else, would another fan blowing out really help bring the temp down???

    what's the speed and temp of the stock heatsink and fan anyway?


    ps. anyone with same chip what kind of temps you get?

    Edit: Getting these figures using mbm5

    Have a asus a7n8x-e dlx if it matters

    can seem to oc much more without system lockup or reboost but thats a different isues, still happy enough with it for now



  • Registered Users Posts: 18,484 ✭✭✭✭Stephen

    my xp2800 (stock speeds) idles around 45 degrees, according to the winbond monitor software that came with my board - though I understand that this particular board (NF7-S 2.0) is known for misreporting temperature by about +8-10 degrees. Fan at 2700 RPM.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,013 ✭✭✭SirLemonhead

    I think the NF7-S only misreports temps if you're using an old BIOS version.

    Your cpu temp seems fine though. I wouldn't worry too much. Get more fans if you want to lower it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    hmm overclocked to 3200+ current temp is 40c load with the thermalright hs and a 92mm enermax fan at full and 4 case fans. however the load temp is highly dependent on the room temp yesterday the room was hot, too hot and the load temp was up to 55c at one stage as the room is small.

    with regards to the abit bios i have no idea what version i am running on

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,459 ✭✭✭T-b0n3

    My 2500+ barton runs at about 47 - 50 idle. Also using mbm5 to get that. Comp as sig. You think it would be safe to overclock her?


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    thats not a great idle temp tbh, it would probably be pushing on 55c at load then, with regards to overclocking try up the fsb to 200mhz in 10mhz increments or so, with a bit of look you could get a prime95 overclock stable at 200mhz without having to up the vcore and hopefully that won't affect your temps too much


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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,459 ✭✭✭T-b0n3

    KK i might try that. Also I think my multi is unlocked , worth using that?

    Also hope to be cutting the back grille of my case , installing a artic-cooling VGA Silencer for my 9800pro and mite also be geting replacement 80mm fan for my I.C.E system so that mite also help temps.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    multi unlocked you will be lucky if it is i would think unless you bought a mobile version which iirc you didn't, but lucky you if it is unlocked.

    with regards to the multiplier for a typical overclock i recommend lowering it right down and then upping the fsb as much as you can to see how high you can go, at the first sign of instability (tested via prime95) you can up your ram voltage (vdimm) don't put more then 2.8v through the ram though i'd say, they will come a time though when you won't be able to increase the fsb anymore without increasing the vcore its up to you if you want to mess with this as it will increase you cpu temps.
    when you've found the max fsb you can then up the multi again and see how high you can put it to give you a stable set up for your current vcore.

    however if you are multi locked and if you aren't i'm sure your aware the typical overclock for a 2500+ is 3200+ 200*11 which doesn't require multi change, so you might as well just try to get that, if you can't get 200*11 stable you could then try drop the multi to 10.5 or something

    good luck


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,391 ✭✭✭jozi

    In my first post i had 190X10.5, taught it was 200

    200 will only work for me table with a multi of 10, 10.5 works with vcore upto 1.725 but system did hang after a few mins.
    didn't try upping vdimm.

    dont really like the idea of upping voltages to much for some reason?

    would my psu be holding me back? have a antec lanboy, think it has a 350w psu

    doesn't prime95 need to be booted of a floppy? don't have a floppy drive:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    antec make great psu so i doubt that is holding you can but you can check you idle and load voltages and your power supply rails in your hardware monitor when turning on prime95 and see if anything changes significantly, this would be an indication of a poor psu or the fact that the psu can't deliver the voltage required.

    prime95 runs straight from the computer you just install like any other program, try upping the vdimm see if that helps your stability, just check what voltage your ram is rated to run at etc if your worried about the warranty.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,391 ✭✭✭jozi

    not to worried about warantie, if it breaks tough no pc till i get money for a new module

    vdimm, dont see it in my bios? prob called different

    where do i find out what voltages it supports? pny web site as it's pny i guess

    going to d/l prime95 and let it run tomorrow before going to work and give it a good long test!
    will post again with results

    thabks so far all for helping me


    ps think i should change tread title, kind of went of original subject :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    no problem at all

    hmm trying to think of other names for the ram voltage, possibley vdd, you should notice it alright its around the 2.5-3.0 region depending on your bios

    voltage it supports yeah check the pny website see what they have, if you not worried about the warranty lash it up to 2.8vdimm anyway. just looking again you have an asus board which should defintely support a change in vdimm

    just one thing you have mentioned is the frequency the ram is designed to run at if its only pc2700 designed to run at 166mhz that would explain why you can't get to 200mhz while if its pc3200 designed to run at 200mhz its another issue. if you do have pc2700 ram you should try to find whatever max fsb you can anyway and then you can mess with the multiplier.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,391 ✭✭✭jozi

    it pc3200 ram i have.
    quick look on the pny site didn't show up anything, i'm getting a little tired (long weekend):D

    d/l prime, not sure how it works (again tired, want to go to bed) but i got some thing to run here's what it says: ERROR: ILLEGAL SUMOUT, hardware failure consult readme file, which i will do tomorrow i guess but i doubt i'll be able to run the test before work


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,121 ✭✭✭Explosive_Cornflake

    A quick question not worthy of a new thread.
    Data you seem to be the man for this stuff.
    I have a barton 2800+ 333FSB,
    it running at 166*12.5

    i'm using a abit an7 and two sticks of 256 3200 ram.

    can i run it at 200*10.5 to make use of the 400mhz ram?
    would that work?

    Haven't got round to OCing it, no case fans yet.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 649 ✭✭✭Spoonman

    my xp2500 (@2.16ghz) runs @ 37C idle with a coolermaster aero7+ fan. Its one of the first bartons and unlocks nicely on my kt400 board with its fixed ratios :<

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    @jozi thats someform of prime95 error i presume its not the one i usually get (mine is usually related to rounding) so someone maybe able to explain the differences and what the error is related too?

    pny afaik pc world sells that ram i don't know how good it is tbh but if its rated for 200mhz at what every memory timings you should be alright did you find the vdd or something in the bios?

    @expslv_cornflk, could you run it at 200*10.5?, you'd have to have a multi unlocked barton to be able to drop the multi like that but if you can its possibly. but again even though you haven't really increased the frequency that much with that change you are still overclocking the machine as you want it to run at a 200mhz fsb when its only rated for 166mhz so you may need to increase the vcore to obtain that, you have an an7 which iirc has microguru which lets you overclock in windows which is fairly handy.

    for more info people check out here


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,121 ✭✭✭Explosive_Cornflake

    I'll have access to it tonight, so i'll see how it goes, but i've no internet connection on it so i'll have no update for ya.
    I think i remember changing the multiplier one day, but i'll see soon enough. Thanks for advice anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 65,388 ✭✭✭✭unkel
    Chauffe, Marcel, chauffe!

    Originally posted by jozi
    doesn't prime95 need to be booted of a floppy? don't have a floppy drive:(

    As data has said, prime95 runs from within windows. You were probably thinking of memtest86, an excellent little program to check your ram. You usually boot the machine up with a floppy with this program on it, but nowadays you can also use a cdrom provided your bios allows booting up from cdrom

  • Registered Users Posts: 759 ✭✭✭El_MUERkO

    My 2500+ is running as a 3000, idling its 47 degrees, torture tested for an hour or so it peaks at 52, I'm using an igloo silent breeze cpu cooler.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,391 ✭✭✭jozi

    Was thinking of memtest

    had prime95 running for about 9 hours, how do i see if it turned up any errors i can only see whats in the windows now not whats above (cant scroll up)

    cpu is set at 190x10
    max temp (according to mbm5) was 52C (not bad over a 9 hour stress test is it?) with fan at lowest setting betweeen 2000-2100 rpm
    idle now at 46C

    going to try fsb at 200 see will it run prime95


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    you know the way it goes into your system tray as a red icon if it turns up an error it will go yellow like when it is stopped by choice. it will crash out if ya get an error it doesn't continue on.

    like the round errors i get something like recieved value of 0.45687878 expected less then 0.4 and thats it finished if it was still doing calculations when you got to it 9 hours later all is well


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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,391 ✭✭✭jozi

    To data, in an earlier post you asked about vdd? i'm assuming that its called ddr reference voltage in my bios. i put that up from 2.6 to 2.7 (2.8 highest) also put cpu voltage up to 1.7

    will let prime run for an hour or so with fsb of 200

    just to see how low i can keep the temps i'll put the fan to max rpm


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    yeah thats stuff for the ram voltage, give it a shot with 2.7 if that doesn't work try,
    2.8 and that still doesn't work try 1.75v on the cpu once your temps stay around 50c


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,391 ✭✭✭jozi

    had prime going for about half an hour, readings from mbm in attachment
    how am i doing sofar do yous recon?
    am starting to get into this now i think!
    give it a shot with 2.7

    doing that now, so far so good i guess?


    data thanks again for the posts

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    no problem at all

    not massively familiar with mbm tbh, i have it installed at the moment to monitor my load temp but thats just as i've been too lazy to put abit's hardware doctor on the computer after i reinstalled windows :)

    anywho looks like your going good if i'm reading it correctly you load temp is 46c which is nice, not sure what core0 and core1 voltages refer to i would have thought they'd be the cpu voltage but don't know why there is too readings, there seems to be a little fluctuation here but hopefully it means nothing and it seems stable now.

    you psu also seems half decent as its maintaining fairly constant rails on the +voltage values


    edit just looking at my own values in the high low screen which i didn't even know was set up tbh, core 1 refers to my ram voltage and core0 my cpu voltage, according to mbm my cpu it undervolting i think must look into that

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,391 ✭✭✭jozi

    Originally posted by Dataisgod

    anywho looks like your going good if i'm reading it correctly you load temp is 46c which is nice

    data, thats only the load temp when my cpu fan is at full speed but its to noisey to leave it like that really.

    i'm wondering whats holding me back now, i set the multiplier to 10.5 (fsb200) and i cant get the pc to boot into windows. where as 200x10 is giving zero probs?
    seen a whole lot of people who got way more. i know there are many factors that effect this which is it on my pc?


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    put the vdimm up to 2.8v and the vcore to 1.75v and keep an eye on your temps

    i had to give my chip 1.75v to make it stable at 200*11

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,391 ✭✭✭jozi

    Gonna try that and run prime95 tomorrow, if i can get it to boot that is!


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,391 ✭✭✭jozi

    Been running the torture test in prime a fair bit today and it seems that it has the least problems with the first test (small ftt's?) got it to run for an hour while surfing the net.
    large ftt's only runs for about 15-20 mins
    the last one will run for under 4-5 mins, thats the ram one

    could this mean that my ram could be holding me back in my overclocking venture?

    if so i might sell the module i have to a friend and put the money towards something more high quality.

    also is my psu up to it? here's some of my spec:
    antec lanboy with incl psu, 300 or 350 watt not sure anymore
    asus a7n8x-e dlx
    amd athlon xp 2500+ (now at 2.1ghz, xp 3000+?)
    aopen aolus geforce 4 ti4200 agp 8x
    pny ram, 512mb
    sb live 5.1
    thermaltake volcano 12
    1 case fan, will get another soon (maybe 2)
    cd-rw & dvd drive
    2 hd, ide and sata


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    hmm i'm not sure about the individual prime tests as i just lash it on torture and see how it goes

    i reckon your psu is fine as its an antec and they are top quality stuff, if there is something holding you back i would guess its the ram. pny is a not a brand i go around recommending.

    how about a memtest run on the ram, not sure if you can vary the frequency that memtest runs at but see if you can test it at 200

    also maybe you should see if you could borrow some ram and test that instead it would be a shame to fork out 150 on ram and find that that was not the problem

    i presume this is vdimm 2.8 and vcore 1.75 you can't get stability at? can you get stability at 200mhz with a lower multiplier e.g 8*200? if you can then the ram shouldn't be an issue i think but the chip. worth checking out a few configurations anyway


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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,459 ✭✭✭T-b0n3

    data you reckon it be safe enough to just up my cpu to 200mhz? and then run prmine for abit?
    Dont really know how to reset the BIOS so id rather not be forced to.

