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CTYI '04 - who's doing what



  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    Originally posted by Raphael
    Y'know, giving us your NAME wouldnt hurt

    Stop being and idiot. why didnt you give your name? in every post? huh? cop on :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 644 ✭✭✭strawberry

    Originally posted by crash_000
    Stop being and idiot. why didnt you give your name? in every post? huh? cop on :rolleyes:

    Ouch - I felt the sting of the Leaving Cert there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 444 ✭✭s0l

    Screen Writing, Session 1.

    So far I know only one other person going to session 1.

    Last year put people off I guess.

    Well I guess I'll have to do something about that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 315 ✭✭gigglingrat

    What was wrong with last year ses 1? I went last year, therefore, twas great! At least....think it was ses 1... Coulda been ses 2...possibly.

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭✭ Jillian Lively Scabby

    Economics Session 2

    As my username suggests i'm Emmet

    Session 2, 2002 Computer Applications
    Session 2, 2003 Electronic Engineerignfgertawt

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  • Registered Users Posts: 408 ✭✭purplepolkadot

    Last year put people off I guess.

    right macdara, i won't take that as a personal insult. more as an insult to me jane and siobhan altogether. cos we were there and we were nice!!!! (oh and everybody else too)

    mick (friend of richie's, star of king arthur) is doin the oul session one as is some other guy who did classics. so that's LOADS.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,745 ✭✭✭doonothing

    s1 last year was brilliant! and id know, i have soooooo much to compare it to...*ahem*
    yeah, so aisling keatley is doing screen writing, s1 this year, but she wants to switch to s2, so if anyone in s2 wants to switch, post it hither.

  • Registered Users Posts: 76 ✭✭Squeee

    Awww... now I'm beginning to feel a little sad that I was so let down last year by it (I mostly talked to nevermores before going and either they lied to make me feel bad or it's not what it once was.) But in hindsight it was still great and I did meet some really great people.Also It's my last year to be able to do it and I really wanted to do philosophy. GIR! Stupid me thinking I'd be better off getting a job. Little did I realize I'm horribly unemployable. MUst end Rant, I'm sorry! But have fun and I'll probably come and visit some of ye coz it's so feckin' close to my house.... a daily reminder of my money-grabbing idiocy.:(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 315 ✭✭gigglingrat

    Ses 1 was good, insofar as I recall. *Damning with faint praise*
    Screw it, ses 1 was Brilliant, fantabulous, extraordinaraly extraordinary.
    So yeah.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    Yeah it was good but it didn't have that vibe. I don't have a whole lot to compare it to but even in 02 the vibe was just a lot more interesting, more loose, easy-going. I do still love the place though.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 315 ✭✭gigglingrat

    Ah yes...the indiscribable "X-Factor".


    Did it at least have a "W-Factor", or one of those lesser letters?
    Don't take this away from me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    Oh yeah, it definitely had lots of W-Factor.:rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Genki

    Legal Studies Session 2
    Living in perpetual fear that I will know no one (with the exception of my sister who shall be studying talk science)
    I'm Niamh and I did Japanese last year, session 2 (and Irish writers the year before)
    So please, take pity on me
    Someone pretend that they know me and will be at session 2
    Or shun me

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 134 ✭✭J Campion

    I didnt know there was Japanese last year!!! Was there? Surely you're not worrying bout not knowing anyone. If u know the CTYI experience, u shud no ul make lots of new friends in a couple o minutes... at least i did... and im not incredibly outgoin. Don't worry, ul be grand.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael

    Originally posted by Genki
    Legal Studies Session 2
    Living in perpetual fear that I will know no one (with the exception of my sister who shall be studying talk science)
    I'm Niamh and I did Japanese last year, session 2 (and Irish writers the year before)
    So please, take pity on me
    Someone pretend that they know me and will be at session 2
    Or shun me

    YAY! Niamh! I cant wait to see you again!!!

    (I'll pretend i know you :p )

  • Registered Users Posts: 408 ✭✭purplepolkadot

    right, i was there last year (session one that is), and wherever i am there's looseness, it's just the way it is.

    will everybody shut up the bitchin' on last year!!!! i thought it was much better than pissy oul 2002 session one (probably cos i talked to people. but that's neither here nor there and not the issue)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,745 ✭✭✭doonothing

    not that i have anything to compare it to, but AGH!!! SESSION ! 2003 ROCKED!!!
    best 3 weeks ever....

    yeah, so, its settled. session 1 2003 was brilliant.

    PIXIES!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!
    I think i came a little bit when they came out onto the stage..

    aaaaaaanyway, do you think that this year will be better? i do.
    if aisling switches.
    *crosses fingers for everything to work out*

    sigh...les pixies is over *tear*.....
    now all i have to do is go to the cure at oxegen and ill have seen m'three fave bands this year....

    why am i telling you this???
    AGH!!! HAND!!! die hand....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    i was thinking about good times from last year and do you know what i almost forgot? the time i pulled down your trousers.


    sorry, you had to have seen it coming, marc

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,745 ✭✭✭doonothing

    oh that was sooooooo funny!!!

    and how could i have seen it coming?? you just yanked, outta no wherer!!
    still very funny...


  • Registered Users Posts: 748 ✭✭✭Zounds

    Originally posted by doonothing
    not that i have anything to compare it to, but AGH!!! SESSION ! 2003 ROCKED!!!
    best 3 weeks ever....

    yeah, so, its settled. session 1 2003 was brilliant.

    PIXIES!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!
    I think i came a little bit when they came out onto the stage..

    aaaaaaanyway, do you think that this year will be better? i do.
    if aisling switches.
    *crosses fingers for everything to work out*

    sigh...les pixies is over *tear*.....
    now all i have to do is go to the cure at oxegen and ill have seen m'three fave bands this year....

    why am i telling you this???
    AGH!!! HAND!!! die hand....

    you need vallum........or.........something

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 315 ✭✭gigglingrat

    Thats weird, I was just thinking of the trouser incident this morning in maths. Nd laughing to myself. Heehee.

    Lil bit too much info there marc...:dunno:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    yeah, it ain't a good thing to be thinking about it in public. especially during a state exam

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 315 ✭✭gigglingrat

    The examiner dude already thinks we're morons anyway. Picture Higher level english....exam is can figure out how to close their exam booklets
    EVEN THOUGH it says in big letters ''gum here'', or words to that effect.

    Also other minor incidents involving flying rubbers and those thingys that hold all the pages together....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 168 ✭✭Peterfing

    You think thats bad? Today our examiner guy told us pointedly 'Make sure to put the short questions [of the Geography paper] INSIDE the blue booklet.'
    Hlafway through one guy leaves and the examiner reopens his booklet, inserts the short questions and reminds us all to put the short questions INSIDE the exam booklet.

    Ten minutes later another guy leaves. Once again, the examiner puts his short questions inside the answer booklet for him and reminds us all again what to do.

    I get the feeling he's starting to dislike our class. Especially me. Today he actually came over to me to stop me looking into my neighbours booklet. Its like the twentieth time but before he just shook his head. I haven't actually copied anything so far unfortunately. Its too far away to see. Grrr...

    Oh, did anyone else feel... morbidly depressed coming out of Maths Ppaer II today? I know I sure did. The only good thing about that paper was the fact that now I don't have to do Maths for two months! Wooooooo!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 315 ✭✭gigglingrat

    Yeah...examiners are paid to much anyway. Probably.
    I thought maths paper II was...fine actually. those words may come back to haunt me, but it seemed ok. Cept thereom nine! why did they have to give us the one theroem I couldn't bluff through. Sigh. Coulda been Pythagoras, suppose...*shudder* French, now that was an easy exam. History...I really should have studied at some point for that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    The one thing I even glanced at came up! Out of like fifty possible topics, they gave us six and I could do one! Thank God for that nifty little Michaelangelo guy! It was so good. Did anyone else think the comprehensions in the French were harder than usual?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 168 ✭✭Peterfing

    No, I thought French was surprisingly easy. Especially the Aural. Oh, except for that bit about why the village was evacuated? Why was that? Tell me there was a storm, I said it was coz of a storm.

    History is the only subject I've panicked for so far. I read through about a year and a half's worth of notes in the forty minutes we had before the exams. It wasn't too bad an exam thougfh actually. The two things that I wouldn't have been able to answer at all (World War II and anything to do with Irish history, about the rebellion and the IRA and all that), I didn't have to answer! Go Robespierre and the Celts!

    You thought Maths was fine, Aoife? Well scroooooo you :( God I wish I hadn't failed a junior cert subject.... I'm not talented at all...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 315 ✭✭gigglingrat

    Yeah, history would have been absolutly fine if I had even open a book proir to the exam. I did the plantations question...I feel SO sorry for whatever person who has ta correct my paper. I started talkin bout my friend Haggis from Scotland at one point. I don't think there was any reason for it...

    I said there was a big flood. But i made that up. Yer woman in the second bit liked going iceskaten right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 149 ✭✭twirly sponge

    I said there was a big flood too!! I hope thats right. History sucked so much. Probably cos I dint study and I dont understand any of it. Oh well. Maths rocked!! It was so great! Paper II was simple. SIMPLE!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael

    I said it was a flood, and that the emergency services stayed behind. Maybe if enough of us said that they'll change the french language to suit us?

    It could happen
