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Eircom Eirconartists

  • 04-05-2004 5:42pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 29

    Dear Sirs,

    I have had to suffer the displeasure of three cold calers from EircoN in the past 3 months all trying to push their inferior broadband product upon me .

    Three times I have told them where to go and three times they have ignored me .I have even rung their headquarters to ask them politely to take me off their lists .

    I find it extremely disturbing that new staff who cant even speak english (some of them ) are given details of my internet usage and personal information and are being sent to disturb me at 8.30 pm while I am having my dinner after a long day .
    Two of the three callers obviously were obviously only temporary workers with poor english yet were given my name , address and internet details which I find to be outrageous .
    My granny answered the door to one while I was out of my house and the salesman (english speaking one ) told her he wasnt trying to sell anything ( a lie) in order to get my phone number and details of when I would be indoors off her .

    well thanks for listening , I needed to vent against this outrageous monopoly ,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,221 ✭✭✭BrianD

    I would play it by the book on this one. Write to them and ask to be removed from your mailing/contact list.

    Document the content of the calls and your concerns and send it to the Data Protection commissioner who can take your complaint further.

    You haven;t mentioned if you have a broadband connection who it is with and whether you were an Eircom broadband customer in the past. If you were an Eircom Broadband customer in the past they may have some ground to call you on one ocasion but not on three occasions! Perhaps they are following the same methodology as market research companies who will always call you three times.

    It is irrelvant to the issue - and frankly disappointing - that you had to suggest that people calling you were foreign.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,504 ✭✭✭viking

    Ensure that the following term is saved with your details on eircom's DB:


    Don't Ever Call Me Again


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 sign

    Ok quick reply to issues raised and some of the non issues. First of all thanks for the replies and the acknowledgement .

    I have never had a broadband connection and do not desire to ever do business with the eirCON monopoly who saturate the media with their advertising junk to background music of 'Queen' and who act like they invented football everytime theres a weather forecast.

    In response to BrianD .I wonder if he works for eirCON as he seems to have a desire to change the subject in such a way as to bring it outside the real issues which are not those of racism but of eirCON staff probably being very poorly paid as slave labor and also being trained ON THE CHEAP!!!!!!

    Just in case you were serious :

    I quote brian :
    It is irrelvant to the issue - and frankly disappointing - that you had to suggest that people calling you were foreign.

    As for that remark ,I never said they were foreign;I said they couldnt speak english very well . I know a lot of foreigners who can speak english better than I can . Ireland isnt a racist country but chances are increased of it becoming one if idiots like you attack everyone who tells the truth .
    My long time girlfriend is from Botswana and thinks reactionarys like you are the cause of most of the tension because youre always telling people off and have a guilt complex of imperial powers which the Irish never were a part of and which is not a part of the historical inheritance of irish people .
    So grow up and stop seeing monsters under the bed were none exist.

    yours etc

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 568 ✭✭✭por

    Sign - I have to agree with BrianD on this one. As I read your letter to Eircom it lost all creditability when you started mentioning the staff’s ability to speak English. Just tell them you do not want to call them anymore.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 568 ✭✭✭por

    "Just tell them you do not want to call them anymore. "

    Should read "You don't want them to call you anymore"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,802 ✭✭✭thegills

    A bit off topic but what the heck
    that you had to suggest that people calling you were foreign
    Have you ever been clamped in Dublin CC and had your car relocated by the b**tards. I am not racist but when you ring up at your cost you usually end up speaking to a geezer with bad English who is trying to explain where your car has been dumped!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,221 ✭✭✭BrianD


    I don't work for Eircom. It seems when I don't agree with folk they suggest that I must work for Eircom. This is unacceptable. You have raised an important issue relating to data privacy. I have not changed the subject but asked some questions that are pertinent to your concerns and also made some suggestions.

    Unfortunately, you have changed the subject to a unsubstantiated (and frankly boring) rant about Eircom with a tint of racism. `You never stated they were foreign but you must admitt that your statement was highly suggestive and this is the logical conclusion that most readers would make. Even if that was not your intention it was certainly irrelevant to your key issue. They you carry on with the classic "some of my best friends are foreigners" (even my girlfriend!). This may well be true but it certainly brought a smile to my face.

    Anyway, it looks like you have no desire to discuss the key issue so rant away about Eircom if you wish. The clampers are a different story ...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 sign

    Here we go:

    I ring them up and get assurances from them that they will no longer call on me . yet it happens 2 more times . And all of this in the last 3 months .

    BrianD starts a conversation about racism on the pretext of changing the subject away from the great rip off perpetrated on the celtic tiger and on our childrens education by eirCON .

    Brian calls this topic boring yet he bothers to read it and even replies to it.
    In fact I suspect brians attitude is one shared by those self hating racists because he constantly raises the issue of people being different [thereby singling people out ] instead of what we really should be doing which is showing some hospitality and treating each other as human beings with unique life stories and not constantly pointing fingers and flagellating ourselves over something which is not our problem .

    His paranoia about the :
    the classic "some of my best friends are foreigners"
    is a sign of his deep rooted insecurity.
    The fact my girlfriend is from Botswana has absolutely no connection to this french [non english speaking guy] who called to my door and whom I hope has not been now recognised in this column and harshly treated by his employers.
    Its true I have good friends from quite a few countries (being extremely well travelled) which I did not mention having considered it irrevelant by the way but your comments had nothing to do with .
    eirCONS badly paid,poorly trained and probably exploited temporary staff whom I resent being sent to my door while I am eating my dinner at half past eight in the evening after a long day .

    However the exact story of what happened was considered irrelevant by myself and was included because when it comes to making a complaint I was taught that every detail counts .
    This whole 'having to opt out' instead of being given a choice 'to opt in' is a ridiculous policy of harassment .
    When I asked to be taken off whatever list this guy had me on , I was told 'I dont know ' which is obviously a sign of bad training .

    Now to thegills remarks , well thanks for the reply but bringing up clamping does appear to be off topic .
    Thank you for reading my attempt at venting my frustration at the eirCON CONFIDANCE TRICK. If I am not mistaken though ,there is a history of racist language towards clampers .
    And yes I have noticed some racism creeping into the clamping debate ( and Im not saying its here in this thread ) which is repugnant to me but also repugnant to me is the politically correct lunatics who cant leave us all to be equal without constantly telling us that we are different .Their politically correct fascism stifles the very diversity they are supposed to cherish .

    as for 'por's addition about credibility ;

    The lack of credibility is eirCONS HERE AND THATS A FACT .

    If you 'por' cannot see what the issue is even though I went to the trouble of quoting it and writing in large caps lock letters then Sir, I feel sorry for you .

    yours etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,823 ✭✭✭Horsefumbler

    wish they'd try to push their product o me, I'm fucking begging for it of them

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 568 ✭✭✭por

    I do not wish to get into a slaging match here so this will be my last word on this topic

    Sign - I quote

    "as for 'por's addition about credibility ;

    The lack of credibility is eirCONS HERE AND THATS A FACT ."

    I am well aware of the poor service supplied by Eircom, once line rental will be available form other companies I will be moving away from Eircom, I currently use other companies for calls and internet.

    My point is that in your letter of complaint you seem to place more emphasis on the fact that the staff have poor English than on the fact that Eircom are calling you against your wishes. If I were you I would simply state the facts as to the unwanted calls.
    Most people in a customer service department would, I believe, have a reaction to your letter similar to the one BrianD and I have had. The lack of English issues sticks out a mile and dilutes the credibility of your complaint.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 sign

    'por' ; Its a bad sign of the level you are attempting to bring this debate to when you can be freely quoted as saying :
    I do not wish to get into a slaging match here

    Then you run your assymetric magnifying glass over the tiniest details of my original complaint and pick on the fact that 2 out of the 3 eirCON STAFF WHO CALLED TO MY DOOR had extremely bad english language skills .
    It is a fact of life that English and Irish are official languages of this state . My ancestors spoke Irish yet I have to speak English in order to survive .
    If you were in France for example you would be expected to speak French and I think I am not being unreasonable in demanding that COLD CALLERS SENT BY eirCON should actually use english when they speak to me .

    Two out of the three cold callers had difficulty making a point in English to me .
    The second of the three cold callers called some distance after 9 pm and frightened my frail 90 year old granny considerably .The street lamps outside the front door had failed to illuminate at this time and all I can say is luckily I was there at the time this happened.
    Perhaps por you do not speak English very well yourself and fear for your own situation so to alleviate your fears I am letting you know that all cold callers seen by me were met with traditional and compulsory Irish good manners and told what kind of company they were working for .Hopefully I have persuaded some to seek employment with a better company .

    As for your advice to
    If I were you I would simply state the facts as to the unwanted calls.
    I think youre on the wrong track .All relevant facts and points were made comprehensively and lucidly in my original complaint .

    I am exposing eirCON everywhere that eirCON HAS GONE WRONG AND everywhere that eirCON continues to go wrong !! That is what I am all about and that is the real issue .
    As for anything diluting the credibility of my complaint .


  • Registered Users Posts: 19,608 ✭✭✭✭sceptre

    OK, this is getting wacky and unamusing.

    Follow Brian's advice and contact the Data Protection Commissioner. Joe Meade seems a good chap who gives a damn so he'll probably be glad to hear from you. Might be handier if you referred to the company in question by its actual name if you want to make a complaint though.

    Phone Eircom, like viking said and make sure you get added to their don't ever call again list - tell them you've that right under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 and under the Data Protection and Privacy In Telecommunications regulations (SI192/2002).

    The issue of who can and can't speak English, while I'm sure it's an enthralling topic at dinner, is pretty much off-topic for the board. I'd suggest the Politics board (where there's a big semi-coherent thread about immigration going on recently) or the English board, a place I've always found excellent for bewailing the appalling standards of modern Anglo-Saxon.


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