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Justin Barrett on Today FM now...



  • Registered Users Posts: 78,414 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    And were all these Gaels Catholics? Is Catholicism a result from multiculturalism?
    Originally posted by PaulHughesWH
    Children or pregnancy becomes a hindrance to some ambitious and selfish career women - therefore, if they do fall pregnant, abortion becomes an easy way out. Kill the baby, and then you can storm on with your career.
    And what of the men behind the women?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 227 ✭✭Syke

    jaysus, i dont get the irish ireland lark at all. i often wonder is this sorta thing a scam to win over the unemployed and working classes who feel bitter towards foreigners.

    i know a good few people who have been scamming the dole for years, theyre the first to turn the immigration issue into a major problem for ireland.

    its quite sad that ireland is goin through the motions of the type of small minded insecure racism that most other western countries got over 50 years ago.

    we really are an infant state in so many ways. while there are probably a few scammers out there, most foreigners in ireland are here to work, they are pretty much like any irish man workin the same type of job. in the same way, there are scammers, but there are lotsa irish ones too.

    this referendum is just idiocy at its highest level. and barrett is a typical bandwagon jumper. id expect nuthin less from someone coming from student politics

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    • We speak english using a greek alphabet
    • We listen to music made in england
    • We watch television shows made by Americans and filmed in Canada
    • we watch movies made by Americans and filmed in Eastern Europe
    • We drive machines invented in France
    • We use computers built in Taiwan with software made in Seattle
    • We play a football game invented in greece
    • We surf the internet with a system invented in Switzerland
    • We play video games made in Japan

    Am I missing something here?? I really don't follow how having refugees in our country is destroying our culture?

    What part of our culture are we losing exactly??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Just posted this on the Barrett bulletin board ...
    You do know you bulletten board is displaying the date in the American (NON-IRISH!) manner of month-day-year and, much worse than that, the clock is set to Eastern American time!!!

    How can you claim to support Irish culture when you won't even follow the simplest foundations of our culture such as the correct IRISH time and date!!

    Oh I feel soooo much better now :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 205 ✭✭Ryvita

    Originally posted by PaulHughesWH
    Thank you for not being so dismissive, Ryvita. You and I will probably never agree on the same-sex marriage/abortion issues because I find them both unnatural, and I see abortion as murder. Your above quote goes against your pro-choice convictions, as it is those materialistic and selfish attitudes which make the abortion industry such a success. Children or pregnancy becomes a hindrance to some ambitious and selfish career women - therefore, if they do fall pregnant, abortion becomes an easy way out. Kill the baby, and then you can storm on with your career.
    Originally posted by PaulHughesWH
    But why do you have "no time" for Justin Barrett?.

    The reason I have "no time" for Justin Barrett is because of views like that about Abortion. We'll put aside for the moment that you don't agree with abortion, that's fair enough and I really can understand where you are coming from. But where does the "selfish career women" come from? Do you actually have statistics for this? Any of the people I know who've had abortions were frightened teenagers who couldn't support themselves or the baby. I just find arguments like that very simplistic and not at all compassionate. You don't even try to understand what is behind a choice like that you just paint all these people as selfish. Unfortunately it's not that black and white in reality.

    I just don't think it's a very christian attitude to people.
    Originally posted by PaulHughesWH I endorse your views about the unfair treatment of the Catholic Church, and the importance of Irish culture. But why do you have "no time" for Justin Barrett? What is so overtly bad about him, that you have experienced or can prove? WHY is there such a huge media campaign to discredit him? Do you not think that the people forcing this "German Nazi rally" crap (which I know, for a fact, is not as the media portrayed it), have not got their own agendas? You have a lot of good beliefs, Ryvita, but I wish that you and so many other Irish people could realise how insidious the European Union is, the media, and other forces. They all seek the destruction of culture, national sovereignty and the Catholic religion.

    And while people continue to knock people like JB, it will keep getting worse.

    The fact that JB has been proven to have attended meetings of a far-right German group really does not bode well for me. As a voter this puts me off voting for him. I'm afraid I'm not alone.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,557 ✭✭✭DublinWriter

    Did you know that in the UK rich list that the you're seven times more likely to be a millionaire if your name is Patel as opposed to Smith.

    Of course you don't want the Chinese and Koreans coming here because they work their t*ts off and show us Irish up as the drunken Monday morning hung-over work shy slobs that we all are.

    Plus, their kids will be Irish and will probably achieve on average far better grades than 'white' Irish kids do.

    Considering we were the butt-end of racism in the UK and the states for eons, the current racist attitude of the Irish makes me physically sick.

    Considering some of the racist comments I’ve seen made on the Internet, I’d like to see the Irish Government adopt the same anti-hate and race laws that the UK introduced in the aftermath of the Stephen Laurence killing.

    When it comes to scroungers and people who know how to milk the system - the best ones still, and always will, remain indigenous.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,730 ✭✭✭✭simu

    Originally posted by Muck
    Its still all Ein Volk stuff from Paul.

    By the way he is welcome to put his theories in Irish, especially to ole Muckypoos here :D , except that I doubt he speaks anything other than the language of the Anglo Saxon ..........


    ...And anyone who has any knowledge of Irish-language culture knows that it has always been influenced by other cultures - Irish speakers don't live in a vacuum, you know!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭TuathaDeDanaan

    Oh the reds are out in force now eh, Its funny how thought crime is the solution to the stalinists vision of an equal society! come on lets bring on the race-hate laws(only applied to white people of course)

    Muck, the Tuatha De Danaan a celtic tribre anyway didnt impose homogenity on anyone, they invaded a pre-existing celtic culture the fir-bolg and left after a few hundred years. They were overlords, an elite.

    4 million koreans in japan?????, How about learning to use citations, The Cia Factbook on japan states:

    Japanese 99%, others 1% (Korean 511,262, Chinese 244,241, Brazilian 182,232, Filipino 89,851, other 237,914) (2000)

    So did you pull that statistic out of your hole or what? Japan is one of the most homogenous, rich and crimefree countries in the world and long may it say that way.
    If only we could go in thier direction rather than aspiring for the white mans guilt suicide of multicultural degeneracy and death by low birthrate/mass immigration.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,557 ✭✭✭DublinWriter

    Originally posted by TuathaDeDanaan
    Oh the reds are out in force now eh, Its funny how thought crime is the solution to the stalinists vision of an equal society! come on lets bring on the race-hate laws(only applied to white people of course)

    That Muslim cleric in the UK (Abu Hamza, Finnsbury Park Mosque) being done under the anti-hate laws now, so that's your cynical arguement about such laws only being applied to white people out the window.

    So did you pull that statistic out of your hole or what? Japan is one of the most homogenous, rich and crimefree countries in the world and long may it say that way.

    If only we could go in thier direction rather than aspiring for the white mans guilt suicide of multicultural degeneracy and death by low birthrate/mass immigration.

    It's also one of the most screwed up, mysogenic countries in the world. Have you any idea how high their rate of teenage suicides is? Are you seriously suggesting life as a corporate 'salri-man' is something to write home about?

    Saudi is also one of the most crimefree countries in the world - for obvious reasons.

    I have no 'white man's guilt'. As a Humanist, to me, this arguement is just like flees argueing over who owns the dog.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,730 ✭✭✭✭simu

    An article on rising juvenile crime in Japan
    According to police figures, the number of minors aged 14 to 19 who committed serious crimes such as murder and robbery rose 11.4 percent to 2,212 in 2003, while the number of offenders under 14 rose 47.2 percent to 212, topping the 200 level for the first time in 16 years.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,143 ✭✭✭spongebob

    Originally posted by TuathaDeDanaan

    Muck, the Tuatha De Danaan a celtic tribre anyway didnt impose homogenity on anyone, they invaded a pre-existing celtic culture the fir-bolg and left after a few hundred years. They were overlords, an elite.

    The Celts (the Tuatha De Danann) invaded a country populated by Non Celts or Pre Celts (the Fir Bolg) you numbnut. The Celts never left either .

    Stop pretending to be a Celt :( if your contention is that they all left after a few hundred years , what a load of Bollix of the highest order :( .


  • Registered Users Posts: 19,608 ✭✭✭✭sceptre

    We could all move back to Wales. Of course we'd have to do something about those filthy Brythonic Welsh that made us loveable Goids move west. And we'd have to take the Scots with us. Or Bavaria, if we can do something about the non-Celt Germans. Then we can move east, look up the Poles and Scythians and finally get some breathing space. Sweet breathing space. There's probably a German word for that we can use.

    Can we leave Justin here?

    As as aside, weren't the Tuatha De Danaan "not Celts"? Isn't that the entire significance of the Milesian (the Celts) invasion, the overcoming of Eriu, the Battle of Tailtinn and the subsequent transport of the Tuatha De Danaan by the Daghdha to the Sidhe mounds where Lugh, Brea and a one-eyed Nuada spend their time sleeping when they aren't wandering around invisible waving their big white shields (and presumably visiting Manaan on his sekrit island in August)? The Book of Invasions is pretty clear that they didn't even come from the same direction as the Celts. Better watch out for those TdD when we're building the Metro to the airport though, given that underground is theirs
    edit:In any case, as Muck said, the Fir Bolg certainly weren't Celts

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,484 ✭✭✭✭Stephen

    Originally posted by pdh

    Maybe he might get close to 10% of the poll, how do others feel on this ?

    2.4% first preferences. Take it Justin. Clifford "Stop the Paedophiles" T. Reid got a similar amount.
