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The Leaving Cert, Blonde Imports ;) And ..ME!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,738 ✭✭✭Barry Aldwell

    Originally posted by gigglingrat
    hm. The whole idea of havin some kinda miltary holy dude seems a lil oxymoronic, if that be a word. ''Don't worry men! God is happy that you killed all the innocent bystanders! It's part of his.....divine plan! Oh yeah! Nd don't ask for a sign or you is goin ta HELL! At ease!"

    Theres something ironically comical bout it.
    The technical term is "collateral damage". And if someone is stupid enough to stand around watching a battle in progress, they deserve to die

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 315 ✭✭gigglingrat

    Stupidity is NOT a crime people! Lets not be intellectual snobs here! And the people didn't go to the war, the war came to them. Its not like "Oh here there should be a battle round bout twelvish. Should be a laugh. You bring the sandwiches, I'll bring the tent"

  • Registered Users Posts: 149 ✭✭twirly sponge

    Well, I'm here a little too late amn't I and now the subject has changed.... Anyhoo back on topic, I'm also doing the Junior Cert along with ye Ana, Aoife, Marc, Aine, Peter how the hell can you be doing the junior cert, I thought you were WAY older, like nevermore old. Crazy.

    Yeah, junior cert.... at the start of the year I was like "yeah, im gonna study SO much and il go in there all chilled cos il know EVERYTHING!!" But then I didnt study half as much as i should have. But i have been going into the exam hall (the sports hall in my school, *sigh* so many memories of PE classes and sitting around talking instead of doing PE, and youth club discos and funny funny times.....) chilled cos I dont really care about it anymore. Wahey. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 389 ✭✭Aliminator

    The technical term is "collateral damage". And if someone is stupid enough to stand around watching a battle in progress, they deserve to die

    have u no decency barry.

    side note: who is bothering for the hot house flowers. the thrills start at 5pm. that's when i shall turn up. then pixies. then chilis. end.

    [edit]what a great concert. convinced some twat to give up his pit1 wristband for 15e.[/edit]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 168 ✭✭Peterfing

    I wish everyone would stop telling me I look older than I am. I'm the age I am okay....

    That being said I hope bouncers think I look older than I am. Haven't had much look with the old 'I forgot my ID' yet...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 134 ✭✭J Campion

    Yeah, you definitely look older than you are. Then again, most people @ CTYI seem older than they are. I think it's coz they're more mature. Everyone except me. LAst year i had a reason to be immature. (namely i was the 2nd youngest person in the class) But this year, i dont know what i'll do! I think i might have to get a psyvchiatrist's note: "Please excuse John form normal/maturre behaviour as he seems to be allergic of same" or somethin to that effect. Any other ideas?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 134 ✭✭J Campion

    Isn't Peter lucky to have a that surname, imagine if i tried to do that with my name Twud be "John Camp". I could just imagine someone slipping an "is" in there somewhere and then the confusion would start!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 134 ✭✭J Campion

    I would like it to be noted that i have nothing against gay people, u was just saying ... and sorry for ythe "broken-up-ness" of this reply... I'm a newbie... forgive me... I'll stop jibbering now!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 168 ✭✭Peterfing

    John take your hands off the keyboard and step away from the computer.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 315 ✭✭gigglingrat

    Yeah, so the they all going for yis?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    RELIGION. oh my ****ing god

    i left as soon as i had finished it, without reading over it at all (which i usually do about 400 times). i have a MAJOR problem with that curriculum. stupid education

  • Registered Users Posts: 149 ✭✭twirly sponge

    Religion! That was alright really. I bluffed the whole lot of it cos, well I was hardly gonna learn anything for it, i mean its RELIGION. But I think I did ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 644 ✭✭✭strawberry

    Religion is a subject? What do they expect you to know? And why do they keep adding on subjects? Surely something's gotta give.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,745 ✭✭✭doonothing

    ah now, i dont mind "doing" it as a subject, cos our teacher cant control our class AT ALL, but i think its a wee bit ridiculous that we're examined on it....

    i mean, it is really "BE CHRISTIAN!!"

    its all very forced upon us.

    and the curriculum!! the "morality" section, MY GOD!!! if we dont know that stuff by now...

    seriously, that exam PISSED me off. so much writing!! its religion, it should be all box-ticking etc...

    well, i guess its all over now, no more religion exams ever...

    *tempts fate who then makes it a leaving cert subject*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭Liquorice

    Maybe it's just that my teacher focused on different aspects of the course, but in all honesty, it's not Catholicism being forced down out throats in the guise of a school subject. Yes, we had to learn a bit about Jesus, but my teacher covered nothing else to do with Catholicism alone...we did ecumenism, world religions, changes in belief over time, children's faith & mature faith and morality. And morality isn't 'taught' as such, more we learn to back up our personal moral beliefs with valid points.
    Maybe I just had a good teacher *shrug*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael

    I have a great religion teacher. Wait no, I have a religion teacher who has slagging matched in the middle of class, and gives over religion classes to history classes, and calls yassir(sp?) arrafat(sp?) the "fellah with a teatowel on his head"

    Thank GOD* its not an exam subject in my school

    *rather in context, ne?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 134 ✭✭J Campion

    Yes, we had to learn a bit about Jesus, but my teacher covered nothing else to do with Catholicism alone...we did ecumenism, world religions, changes in belief over time, children's faith & mature faith and morality. And morality isn't 'taught' as such, more we learn to back up our personal moral beliefs with valid points.

    Well you didn't half learn the curriculum! You deserve an "A" just for that, I think!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 168 ✭✭Peterfing

    seriously, that exam PISSED me off. so much writing!! its religion, it should be all box-ticking etc...

    I KNOW! What the hell do they think they're doing? I mean, there was a question asking about the meaning of life? Who the hell do they think we are. Worst examination subject ever. Its so stupid...

    Okay I'm done but gawd that was a stupid exam. As is my bimbo of a religion teacher. She once tried to impress upon us that the Old Testament was about Jesus and his followers until someone pointed out Jesus wasn't in the Old Testament... Oi.

    Who else thought Science was easy? Except for that velocity question. Thank you for pointing out I was wrong Marc. Hrmph. Apparently it was 2.5 m/s-2 or something... whatever. I'll get attempt marks right? Right?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46 PurplePainter

    And wat was with the death threats in the german aural tape? stop the madness!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 134 ✭✭J Campion

    I think maybe someone hasn't been getting enough sleep the night before her exams!!! Or are you serious? Was it like HAH if the Leavin doesn't kill you, we will personally revive the SS and hunt you down ICH BIN EIN BERLINER!!! :mad: or somethin like that? Damn crazy exam setters, they're out to get all of us!!!!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭Liquorice

    Originally posted by J Campion
    Well you didn't half learn the curriculum! You deserve an "A" just for that, I think!!!

    HEY!!! First book covered Jesus and Judaism. Second book covered mystery, Christian traditions, prayer, world religions, challenges to religion. Third book covered morality and life after death. Yes, I covered the entire curriculum, despite having two teacher changes throughout the three-year course.
    Grow up, people. "OMFG it's called religion we better dismiss it 'cause we want to be cool by dismissing Catholicism.". They focus on Jesus a lot on the course because the majority of Irish people taking the Junior Cert are Christians. Any teacher who 'teaches' morality is an idiot. That's not what's on the course. What's on the course is learning to make morally right decisions, depending on what your own personal morals are.
    No, I'm not theist, but nor am I atheist. I'm not promoting the course, nor am I dismissing it. It does have some problems, especially the book(All about Faith). However, my teacher took a different approach to the course, still remaining loyal to the curriculum and damn it, that was one easy exam. Maybe a bit more focus on world religions, revised editions of the book etc. would improve the course.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    i'm not trying to be cool by dissing catholicism, many of my best friends are catholics, i'm in a dominican school but i am ****ing fed up of being discriminated (that's not the right word, but it's the closest thing) in religion class for three years. i KNOW i'm in a catholic school, i like going to a catholic school, but i'm a smart girl and thus i don't think it's right nor fair for me to consistently get lower test scores etc because i don't know the fundamentals of christianity.

    we had the community of hope, love and faith books and they are APPALLING. they DON'T teach the course well, instead they tella necdote after anecdote about why you shouldn't sell cigarettes to your friends. EVERYONE i know who used these books agreed with me.

    in the chapters about sin and morality, our teahcer told us, she said to myself and another girl in my class who wasn't baptised that our judgement was clouded because we hadn't been baptised. for god's sake, this is a catholic school, yes, but not a bloody industrial school from the 1940s.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    Consider yourselves lucky tbh - before the introduction of an actual curriculum the school could teach whatever the hell they wanted - my school being a case in point, i've never come across such bigoted religious views in my life.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 315 ✭✭gigglingrat

    Ha! My school didn't do religion this year, for some odd reason. Very odd, actually, cos we do/did religion three times a week, and its all nuns and prayers at assembly. I'm SO glad we weren't tested tho, our teacher's the wrong side of terrible. Seriously, this year we watched schindlers list, romeo + juliet, about a boy, some awful 80's movie about hostages and some more I've forgotten. He said they were all ''religiously themed''. I'm sure you can find a religious theme in just about anything, he was just doin that so he could read the Irish Times in peace without our stupid divirsionary tactics. This year I didn't buy the book for three months, and I don't know why I did in the end, cos we only got to page 8 (skipping pgs 2 to 6 inclusive)
    I think the problem with the religion thing is that most teachers don't care, its not their subject of choice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,738 ✭✭✭Barry Aldwell

    In my (old) school I had the good fortune to have a religion class where we learned no religion, instead learning about various other, unofficial, subjects

    Unfortunately, my geography teacher was a tad religious, and so geography sometimes became religion

    Ah well, I'm free of there now, and I'll never have another religion class


  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    I had a 78 year old nun for my religion teacher when i was in 6th year... i got kicked out of the class for asking a question. I never bothered my ass going back.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 849 ✭✭✭mentalimplosion

    i know that if we weren't following the curriculum, we wouldbe learning about abortion or the downfalls of homosexuality or some such **** (the year above us, who didn't do it as an exam subject were lucky enough tobe made watch a filmed abortion) but it's the curriculum i have a problem with. well, since i never have to do it again, it's a bit of a moot point, if i'm using that phrase correctly... which i know i'm not,because my brain left me after the german exam...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 168 ✭✭Peterfing

    Tomorrow's my last exam... and then I'm finished the Junior Cert cycle. Tis a strange feeling. Strange and BRILLIANT!! Woo!

    Woodwork's my last exam. What's everyone elses? Is anyone else finished already?

    Also to point out, today is the first day of CTYI, Session 1 *sigh*. Ah Session 1.... Only 20 days left now everybody.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 168 ✭✭Peterfing

    Ah hahaha. The Session 1ers are watching Maid in Manhatten as their movie this year. Hmm.. not much of a step up from I-Spy. PG fun for all!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,880 ✭✭✭Raphael

    I have TG tommorrow afternoon, thats all.
    then free!
