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ETCC Evolution.

  • 08-07-2004 5:28pm
    Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 14,748 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    Im a few weeks late i know but ETCC [Europen touring car championship mod for F1 Challenge by RSR ] has progressed to Evolution status.
    This is a really great mod with stunning physics.
    I cant stop playing the thing ,it offers fantastic racing .
    A thoroughly professional job by RSR.

    New features/changes at a glance:

    * the all new Enna Pergusa track

    * completely revised physics, including improved tire physics

    * improved balancing, more realistic laptimes

    * 20+ setups included for various tracks/cars

    * "optimized" mts-files to cure the display issues experienced by nvidia users

    * modified engine sounds and new commentary sounds

    * improved AI behaviour, more intense racing

    * an improved launcher with new useful features
