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good grief

  • 08-02-1999 4:13am
    Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭

    do you remember the lemsip ad with the lad goin into the shop and buyin lemsip and then comin out and laughin all the way home????

    that was me about 2 hours ago. i laughed and laughed and then i laughed some more, the reason for this mirth and merriment you might ask?
    its coz i finally got tribes aworkin. boy. its a bit good aint it. i want to play more, but my eyes refuse to stay open nay longer. take it easy quake2 my old friend, its bin nice. hello tribes, cccan i stay in your house tonight?

    ohhhhhh suger, daddys got a sweet tooth tonight!

    white(who needs quad?)wash

    must.... ...get... ......headshot... in..............


  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Nice one lad, I look forward to having you in my crosshair !!!!!!!!!!!

    Ohhh and forget any early nights. I've had Tribes working on my system 3 days and I've had very late nights (or early mornings) because of it. Jesus I haven't even reinstalled Quake on my system and I normally couldn't do without a fix each night.

    /me dog tired in work !!!!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 Square_Pusher

    hhhhmmmmmmm I gotta admit that when I first started playing tribes It was pretty cool. But do you folks not think your over reacting a bit?? Its good but its no substatue for good old Quake/Quake2 I know I'm going to get flamed for this (seems to be the norm for me on this board <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":P">
    What do you folks think that makes tribes so good?

    [BzR]ChR (desperately obessed with Cat Deeley) oMe

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,316 ✭✭✭ButcherOfNog

    Tribes is squad based with much better support for teamplay. it's also more playable on a poor ping. the terrain is much more realistic. it makes quake levels look square and rather odd.

    now i'm over my inital tribes addiction, i can say that it won't take over from q2 for me anyway. but ...

    q2 for me is only enjoyable when playing against good opposition on a good connection. on saturday nite I had some class games on war1, some of the most enjoyable q2 i've played in quite a while. i doubt i'll ever play CTF on q2 again, as tribes does it soo much better.

    tribes is fun no matter who the oppostion is and even if your connection isn't the best, it runs lovely on my local POP, unlike q2.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    It is also not Quake/Quake2, so stop comparing it to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Yeah Tribes is not Quake, I agree Chrome. Its a breath of fresh air. Its great to play in a team that really has its act together. For example when You know you have decent defenders that start to lay turrets, sensors and mines not like a twat on my team who killed me to get to the inventory station yesterday. I can see lots of muppetry appearing when this is realised properly in March.

    The only flavour I like is the CTF version and I reakon a 32 player game would rock. My idea for the team would be divide it into different sections.

    1 Defense consisting of 4 players. 1 the commander, the rest laying mines, sensors etc. and defending.

    2 Offense. 4 players charged with infiltrating the enemy base, getting the flag and destroying as much as possible while their there.

    3 Midfield. General skirmishers and Escorts for the Flag Carrier.

    4 Sniper Team. 2 Snipers on Defense and 2 Snipers on Offense. You know what they do.

    So what do yas think, good ideas or not ???


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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Who you calling Chrome? <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":P">

    Gandy, best game I've played so far is MultiPlay. Allows you to have 4 team CTF/S&D/C&H. Having a couple of the clans on at a time to see who's left standing sounds cool <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 Square_Pusher

    jeez a innocent post and Hobbes has to get all nasty :/

    Because of threewave ctf being the _most_ popular mod ever for Quake I belive that there are more similarties then run around and shoot stuff. I dont play UO becuase I dont have that amount of time to waste but what I know of it I cant see how tribes is closer related to it??
    Reguarding roleplaying the game wtf? these guys sit down and play the game in silly cardboard suits (with a cardboard axe? <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":P"> old iqcl finals stab in there you rember it Simon)

    Sad how you cant have a conversation on this board hobbes without getting nasty but oh well no ones perfect <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)"> I'm just re reading your post and mine. To everyone else did I come across agressive to validate such smarm from Hobbes (if so i better use the old smileys more <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    ChR I wounder how tight secruity is in the mtv buildings <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)"> oMe

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Actually if your basing your comparison to Quake on CTF, then Tribes is more like TeamFortress (least the TF guys seem to think so). But basically Quake/Quake2 is DM and this isn't that.

    As for UO, it takes no more time to play then the amount of time you's waste on Quake/Tribes. Just ask Venom. He's been playing a lot less then I have and the amount of stuff he has is unreal (of course he has a different defination of winning then I have).

    As for the comparison for that. Tribes is actually supposed to be Roleplayed. Maybe not the actual game, but the general thing was that you were affliated to one of the 4 main Tribes. All the older Tribes websites read like a sci-fi novel, and even talking to them they tend to stay in character (They normally post "OCC:" if out of character). This is how it compares to UO. There is a whole storyline behind the game. Check the manual.

    Btw where was billed as bringing the Quake and Quake2 people together? (apart from Clouds comment?). Devteam said they never intended it to be like Quake (mentioned on thier webboard some time back).

    What ****es me off is people coming on thinking it's Quake, so they go "ooh look there's someone, lets kill him" and have no concept that they are supposed to be playing on a team, so they end up stealing or hogging resources which directly effects the other players on the team. Quake tactics no longer apply when playing. Sure you can go DM'ing but all your doing is screwing up the game for the others.

    I'm surprised no one has come across some of the muppetry I've seen on the Public servers because of the Quake mentality (people changing sides, blowing up the base and then changing back, People stealing ships, stopping people rearm, shooting team, etc).

    Hob (I can copy wwman and be cool too) bes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    actually chrome team fortress is the most popular mod. i know this coz i read a lot of site an stuff an i generally know everything coz im an arrogant little git. part from that i reckon were gonna have big fights over stratagies.
    im sure nog has his own worked out already <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">
    i reckon defence of 5.. 1 being commander
    5 midfield (2 of which could ast as wingers and rogue players)
    4 forwards/attackers/strickers/robbie fowlers
    and finally 2 who can generally do there own thing. snipe rove etc. i think the idea of having a sniper and someone guarding him is a waste of time. snipers shhould take the shot and move. if they get caught from behind then they arent very well placed. unless someone happens upon them
    of course. ive only played it for 2 hours so what would i know <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">
    white(insert message here)wash

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 Square_Pusher

    All the people who have begun to play tribes over the net are quake/quake2 players. Becuase tribes is being billed to bring the 2 groups together its natural (and right imho) that it be compared as its attempting to do the same thing

    ChR Cat Deeley will be mine oh yes she will be mine oMe

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Already been in this discussion elsewhere.

    It's First person and you can shoot stuff. Thats about where it ends in relation to Quake. The game is a pure team game, and the people who were crap at close combat suddenly find they have a role which they excel at. It's not about score anymore it's about the team. In fact anyone who shouts "I got more frags" at the end of the game is a muppet.

    Btw, the game is more related to UO then it is to Quake <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":P"> If you have actually talked to the long standing Tribes (eg. Raven Nation). They roleplay the game.

    Chrome there are people who have never played Quake and have moved to Tribes, also there are people who have played Tribes for over a year. But then I forgot you have a friend in the biz so you know everything.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 Square_Pusher

    heh funny id softwares sources must be wrong <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":P">

    ChR doing some real ****ing work for a change! oMe

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Hobbes, I've seen a *lot* of muppetry on the public servers, though thankfully not too much on Tribes. The amount of time I've been shot in the back by someone impatient for an inventory station is insane.

    I've seen people hunt down and kill the same player over and over for an hour online, because they 'stole' a scout that person had called up!

    Last night, on Scarabae, at the beginning of the game two heavies went down to the flight deck and hopped in an LPC floating there, they told the pilot to head for the roof of the enemy base. Unfortunately, their pilot was THE most clueless person I've ever met - he flew them in the opposite direction, and off the map for about 5 kilometers! I had to fly a scout out there to try and bring them back, and by the time I got there, both the heavies had kill their dumbass pilot and suicided in frustration! <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    Then there are the people who have to be told, very carefully and verbosely, that the people with the green triangles on their heads are FRIENDS and that they SHOULDN'T SHOOT THEM. jeez.

    btw - 1.2 is ****ing scary. The Blaster is a piece of ****e now, completely useless for taking out turrets because of its halved shield damage. I used to have a favorites set for a light base attacker:

    Light Armour,
    ELF Gun,
    Targetting Laser,
    Repair Pack
    assorted toys.

    I've had to change this to include the Chaingun instead of the Blaster, which is fast at taking out turrets, but I find I run out of ammo before I can complete my mission.

    There have also been some changes to the maps - like the back door on the D&D mission seekanddestroy is a piece of **** to get into, whereas before it required a lot of skill with an ELF gun to get through.

    This of course means it's now going to be turreted to ****, which makes my live harder. <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Sniff.. I miss the old blaster. It was fun to get 2 people together and destroy everything in an enemy base from half a klick away. Now I have to get up-close and personal, or *shiver* stand there with a targeter. (or as I prefer to think of it, the big green shoot shoot me here I am gun)

    Hehe, git Cloud! That were a perfectly good scout, it were. Still, you got a disk between the shoulder-blades for your trouble. <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":P">

    Walking half-way across Scarabae is no fun I can tell ya..

    oh btw, if you think your PC can handle tribes, login in the "CC Tribes" server, you should get low pings. There's always about 20 people on in the evenings. Wait until you get to their modified "dangerous crossing" CTF map, and watch your frame rate go through the floor. My machine manages about 8-10 fps on that level when it's packed. it's scary. <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":(">


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,049 ✭✭✭Cloud

    Don't you know it was a big conspiracy against you Teeth, the 1.2 upgrade?!

    > I had to fly a scout out there to try and > bring them back, and by the
    > time I got there, both the heavies had kill > their dumbass pilot and suicided in > frustration!


    /me blows up Dr_Teeth's scout...
