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A Screenshot?

  • 11-02-1999 9:34pm
    Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 28,633 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    Can someone stick up a really groovy screenie of this game - it seems to me like it's the most kickin' game out there!

    <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT="@B^)&quot;>


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Has anyone tried putting in Clan Skins. You have Clan flags and banners so when you take over the bases it gets kitted out with all your Clan pics.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Well, if we had a tribe or two, that would be a cool thing to do. <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)"> MP, Creeper - are you two still going ahead with your respective tribes?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12 Anzariba

    One thing is

    Even if we get 2 tribes together, We will have to play on foreign servers for games to learn the strategic diversity required.

    Its quite noticable among some of the players on IGN , who possibly have not played with players on other servers, that they have not got the diversity on defense and attacking strategies..

    I know they are beginning but they really should read the manual (online if they have warez) and the strategy guides..

    like how many ppl are using motion sensors, turrets and cameras together ?

    laying down sensored jammed corridors?

    Anza (self admitted sensors/turret/camera fetish) riba

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Why would you want to place sensor jammers in corridors? If it's in your base, it hardly makes sense. In an enemy's base, the turrets all use motion sensors or have cameras, so a sensor jammer would be no good? I've used them to set up sniping positions or hidden forward bases, but nothing else so far.

    Also, why would you place turrets and motion sensors together? According to my manual the turrets use motion sensors anyways. As for cameras, do they detect at all, or are they just used for players to physically 'see' enemies approaching? If they do detect, do they only detect enemy players if they are within it's field of view? Ie, if you place one, do you then have to access it and rotate it around so it points in the direction you expect enemy players to come from?

    One thing puzzles me - on Dangerous Crossing last night, I got up on top of the enemy base, and chucked grenades down into the flag room, destroying everything in it (apart from the built-in turrets). I then hopped down on the flag, and stopped moving. Normally the turrets sense this and deploy, but then retract again because they can't sense any movement - however this did not happen. The turrets just started firing, even though I was stationary. So how was that done? With a camera? If so, where is it positioned to be most effective?

    Oh, Cloud - I think we should lose the custom levels for now, most of them are just sodding MASSIVE. They really take away from the gameplay when there's only 4 - 6 on each side, which how is most of the time.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12 Anzariba

    Well Teeth, I am real sorry but until u are officially within my tribe u aint finding out from me...

    And as for sensor jammed corridors - same again!

    Anza (I kept teeth out) riba

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Security through Obscurity is a Microsoft tactic mate, remember that.

    And you might have kept me out, but you lot never got anywhere near our base - we had you lot on the defensive for that whole game, and got twice the kills. <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12 Anzariba


    I was on defense which is all i concentrated on...

    better to draw defending than lose attacking.

    And anyhow, talk to you later on

    Anza (Hmmm i get 6 green servers on IOL) riba

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 142 ✭✭Dupre

    I agree with Anz that ppl should use turrets and stuff more.

    Firstly, its not fair to expect a single person to do nothing but lay down turrets for the whole game. Everybody should chip in, and put down turrets where and when they're needed.

    Secondly, yeah - as yerself and Chaos showed us yesterday, it is possible to have a pretty solid defense with only 2 ppl doing nothing but putting down turrets, sensor jammers, cameras and mines (although I have to say, flag snatching on that Dangerous Crossing level is inherently difficult anyway because of the base layout).

    As for turret and motion sensors, Teeth, are ya talking about deployable turrets, or the in-built base ones ?
    The built-in one's have motion sensors as default (unless they've changed any of this in the newest versions).

    The deployable turrets have no motion sensors however, so if you switch on a sensor jammer, you can happily scoot by them without them noticing (unless theres some other sensor gadgetry around).

    I suspect sensor jammers are useful in your own base, because, AFAIK, they take any other gadgetry in range off the enemey radar, so camera's, etc, won't show up (I think - gonna check this tonight).

    This way you can place a camera near a turret and sensor jammer, and they won't show up on the map. Only really useful if you chuck the camera in a dark place where the enemy can't see it visually.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    I would disagree with you there - placing turrets inside a base should be done by one person only, or more than one ONLY when a plan for turret layout has been agreed. There are clever places to deploy turrets, and stupid ones. If people place turrets in dumb places that interfere with the better locations, your defenses will be weakened.

    I've had to destroy turrets placed in daft places more than once before, because they were interfering with positions where they were most needed.

    As for last night, without Anza's trickery with the the base turrets, that lev would have ended 8-0. <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    I was talking about deployable turrets, which according to the manual that came with my copy, AND the manual online at - come with motion sensors, has this been changed in the game?

    I know that the large plasma cannon and missile turrets use pulse sensors, but I though both the small built-in turrets and deployable ones used motion sensors.

    If however the deployable turrets use pulse sensors unlike their built-in cousins, then yeah putting motion sensors along side would foil enemy players wearing jamming packs.

    Is Anzariba going to help us out then? Keeping nuances of the game to yourself is very poor show, much better that ideas brought out into the open and discussed / improved upon. I take it you've never heard of Open Source? Peer Review? RFCs? FAQs? I'm sure the guys at GNU or L0pht would be glad to enlighten you...

    (thinking of creating a Tribes ******* Tactics site, to stop this closed attitude. The Q2 lads will know of my attitudes towards the likes of DzR never releasing demos etc)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 142 ✭✭Dupre

    We'll agree to disagree then <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    In theory, having one player do nothing but place turrets around the place is great.

    In practice though, I've tried doing this, and after about 6 games of doing _nothing_ else but placing turrets, I was bored ****less.
    Maybe there are a few bots out there that could stand it tho' ...

    Obviously having x ppl placing turrets around the place in a prearranged layout is great - but I can't see that happening for a while yet on <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=";)">

    As for deployables - I'm nearly positive that they don't have in-built motion sensors. The manual is telling fibs...

    And as for people not disclosing information - its their right to do it. But if people on other servers from other countries are using these tricks already, then the only people who are gonna loose out in the long run are the Irish players as a whole. Oh well ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Well, for turreting, I was talking in the mythical we-have-a-well-organised-team-here sense. <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    As for disclosing info, sure it's their right, but it's still lame. But I forgive Anzariba. <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">


  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Yeah Dupre I normally play defense as well. Last night I was playing on the Barrysworld Servers thru DNA. I played defense for around 3 games and it was nearly airtight. SO for the fourth game I told my "team" I was going offense for a bit of real action. Of course all the muppets didn't even place one turret or motion sensor and we got hammered sigh.

    I have noticed that turrets with sensors/cameras around are far better than just turrets themselves. I reakon turrets have limited motion sensors built in but when you place motion sensors near them (not right beside em) it increases there detection range.

    Thats all for now,


  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Placed Turrets do not have motion sensors, they have pulse sensors. Placing a motion sensor gives an added kick.

    Jammers are cool, and jamming the enemy or your own base is always an advantage. Information is ammunition, or something like that <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

    Motion turrets. Yes they will only sense you if you move. Unless.

    a) Someone is manning the turret.
    b) Someone can see you.
    c) Your standing with the enemys pulse radar zone.

    There is a Pulse radar across the way in dangerous crossing which controls most of the level. Take that out and it gets easier.

    Best way to get the flag on that level. Jet up top, drop oodles of grenades down to clear out the room and take out the inv station, then drop down, grab it and leg it. You will die however if your playing as a team, your team member is just outside grabs the flag and legs it. If your weak throw the flag to your buddy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,657 ✭✭✭OSiriS

    Does anyone actually use the command stations, like for manually firing the weapons? I know that in small games, such as what we are playing atm, it is difficult to have ppl maning these thing all the time, but used right the can be deadly. For one the are shielded, so once your generators are up and running...they are resonably safe. Then there is the fact that if they are left in automatic...they have limited range, but with a man controling it, depending on the weapon, they might have almost unlimited, with out the fear of the guy shooting back, or someone else picking you off while you're in sniper mode. Damn I love those rocket launchers<IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">

  • Registered Users Posts: 184 ✭✭YuM

    On a few levels the command stations is brilliant, set up half a dozen turrets / mines etc to cover your ass and its fish in a barrel time..

    Homing rockets on x20 really **** snipers off & you can forget about jetting past <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":)">.

    YuM (ban the Elf gun!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Yep using the command station rocks, but only if have your rear end covered with a fair few players playing, i.e. 6 or more per team (Something that doesn't happen often on the Irish Server) otherwise you'll get killed too cheaply (I know <IMG SRC="; WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT=":(">). Or you'lll get killed when Yums on your team, you musta killed me 5 times last night Yum !!!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 184 ✭✭YuM

    If your gonna do close quarters stuff around me rocket turret expect a wee bit of splash damage.

    & if you kill them, the rox on the way is gonna find a new target....

    !note to self! kill gan first then enmy....

    Press v - t - s
