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Dr_Teeth's Tribe - name suggestions

  • 24-03-1999 5:31pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 159 ✭✭

    Oh well, I suppose someone had to start..

    I was thinking about the name of this Tribe we are all supposed to be in. You know, the one without a name? smile.gif

    I like the idea of Tribe Tux - and we could do a skin which is a nice Tuxedo. Y'know - look smart, and kill people.

    I also like the Greek god ideas. Sadly, the Furies were indeed all women, so that would make us look like a bunch of online transexuals - an image I'm not altogether happy with*

    So, lets have some suggestions - get the ball rolling so to speak. Who knows, someone might come up with something really, truly amazing, like;

    "Dr_Teeth's Tribe of people he recruited from the UBB."

    Catchy huh? smile.gif


    *That is not to say that those persons who are currently fall into the transexual descriptive bracket don't contribute something useful and valid to the society we live in. (This paragraph was required as part of an ongoing EU programme of political correctness).



  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Only they aren't IGN's yet. They are the "Cloud boards"

    I suppose something a cloud theme in it (The Cirrus nimblus Tribe), but then Cloud would proberly send his lawyers around. smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    To tell the truth i'm all over bent's tribe tux idea - the tux skins would rock

    I still want a weird ass name - most quake and quake 2 clans have ****ty names. Whats that englist one 'clan 9'

    I think since we will be THE irish tribe no matter what - we need a name of celtic origin
    "Fion McCool and the Paddy Whackers"
    or even "St Patrick's Snake Phuckers"
    [spsp]Vaggabond - got a ring to it you must agree

    'soldiers of destiny'

    or even cooler, from a kilmaniam gaol story 'the invincibles'

    the golden children smile.gif

    or 'the microsofties' smile.gif

    [microsoftie]vaggabond smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Well the most obvious name is "Electric Mayhem" (and if you don't get the connection, you had a sad and deprived childhood smile.gif ). Brit, "Tux" has nothing to do with evening wear, for shame! -10 bonus points for you! I suppose we could make some reference to Patrick Tilley's books, just to please Cloud, but I don't think so. smile.gif

    The Tribe now is..

    Dr. Teeth
    Shinji Kun

    I think 12 is a good number, Dupre and Feelgood are inactive at the moment, so that leaves 10 - which is the maximum allowed in the UKTL, which will be the first league we enter (at the end of the current season).


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭Jade

    How about the "Irish Republican Tribe" or "Tribe Republica"

    Has that certain ring to it that indicates that we are going to mine thier Gen room, without destroying it, then sending a false warning making them panic into the gen room causing the destruction of them all !

    Love Jade smile.gif - the cutest Triber of 'em all

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Blinkin good tribe - as good as any possible I recon

    There are only two players who r good enough right now to get a scream at the team...

    1. Shadwell - very good defense player who never goes up just guards the flag and repairs - he has been super helpfull to me whenever hes around (ie: saved my ass more than once wink.gif?)

    2. Sherpa - dont know much - he always seems to be on the pulse gowing foward

    whacha recon - were all gonna have to meet up fur booze at some point.....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Well I came up with the idea of a "Linux" tribe to smite the MS tribe, and Teeth modified this slightly to be Tribe Tux (kinda like the way they add -ux onto all the flavours of UNIX, Hewlett-Packard UNIX = HPUX, therefore Tribes = TUX).

    Then I imagined a Jetpacking Penguin as the logo, nice tuxedoed chappy with blue stuff coming out of his backpack wink.gif

    Anyway TT is cool I think, motto "take that MS" tongue.gif

    BTW I haven't played in ages so feel free to ignore my rants.

    Prefix TUX is better now that I think of it, who wants to be confused with Take That!

    [This message has been edited by Cloud (edited 24-03-99).]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 sherpa

    I appreciate Vag's vote of confidence, but I frankly wouldn't wish to be in any tribe that includes idiots once involved with CC.
    Sadly, Dr. Teeth has seen fit to take Jade and Jaguar, who are possibly the most annoying morons around. Ah well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭Jade

    Cranky just posted this post from the office.
    That is why no one knows how else Shepra is or how to contact him !!!

    Cloud - check the logs and you will see that the above post came from a Telecom extension !!!!!

    Argggg cranky, will you stop messing around !!! Its getting annoying now

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    I'm just as quick to drop people. smile.gif I don't like muppets. Oh no. Sherpa and Dar are two other great players I'd like to have on board, we'll see how things go.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭Jade

    More proof that sherpa is Cranky.

    Look at the profile of sherpa and note that the name was regestered today and has a total of 1 posts....
    So as I said above he logged on from work here, 4 mins after I answered his post and showed it to him , I showed it to him and regerested the name sherpa..

    And on a slighly different topic, every post cranky makes it is to make a bad public image of myself and Jag. Both of us are tired of this, and we want to be able to enjoy the boards and post normal messages instead of every message having to be a defence for something Cranky said.

    Teeth, Me and Jag are serious about your clan, have you ever seen us messing in the servers ? (Except for that fake leadership fight 2 weeks ago)

    Please stop it Cranky, joke's over.

    [This message has been edited by Jade (edited 24-03-99).]

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,518 ✭✭✭Hecate

    "so that would make us look like a bunch
    of online transexuals - an image I'm not altogether happy with"

    ah well now, I belong to a q2 clan called HIV (Hot Internet Virgins) which was set up about a year ago as a joke, i think the clan was contrived after a night on the pi5s(which is the best way imho). But it got serious after we actually *won* a few matches..mostly against players from Gibralter with 300+ pings..but we won nonetheless. This boosted our confidence no end and we're amongst the top 3 Irish q2 clans now (not that theres that many). What I'm saying is dont discount this never know smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 Cranky

    Jade, stop your whinging. Of course the Sherpa post was a fake, and if Teeth didn't want you and Jaguar in his clan, you wouldn't be in it. Your servile attempts to crawl up inside his rectum would be funny, if they were not so sad.

    Dr. Teeth, I have simple respect for your abilities at Tribes, and the fact that John, I mean Jade, has decided to make public the fact that all he does for the good people at Telecom Eireann is sit on the net all day, instead of actually earning a living, is none of my business. Just don't start complaining to me next year when none of the phone services work.... You'll just have to ask Jade why he/she/it couldn't be bothered to do an honest day's work for the people who pay him. (This post forwarded to Alfie Kane.)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭Jade

    ROFL,I finaly broke him !!!

    Jade 1, Cranky 0

    Take it !!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 Cranky

    Jade, the only things you've ever broken are the heart of Jaguar (you evil little man) for leading him on, and of course, the record for
    most consecutive time spent standing still in heavy armor.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭Jade

    Jag is a big boy now, he can look after himself for a change. And BTW i don't spend all my time on the net in work, only an hour a day, rest of the time i'm surfing for work related stuff.

    Honest smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Cranky whats your Quake name? or are you new here? If so quit your personal attacks and fake posts. Either talk about Tribes or sod off to another board (quake board puts up with people like you, only proberly not for long).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭Jaguar

    Cranky you dont have a clue so stop digging a deeper hole for yourself.

    As for a name for the tribe, Tux is ok but a
    kickin name from mythology would be cool
    how bout

    Tribe Banshee
    Tuatha dé Danaan

    i dont know but its up to you

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    Tuatha dé Dannan sounds cool smile.gif

    mata ne!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭ChungKing

    Tuatha dé Danaan
    Tribe Banshee

    would get my vote

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    We could all look for banshee boards as sponsorship smile.gif

    cool name - but are banshees not chicks also?


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 159 ✭✭Brit

    Indeedy do - Banshee's were of the female ghostly variety. Again, the whole issue of sex-identity arises. That not to say I don't identify with sex - quite the contrary smile.gif

    So it was Cranky playing as Melieen (or whatever he called himself) on the server last night. I have never seen anyone fail so comprehensively to learn that I use mortars in place of regular weapons like the blaster. I mean, even X3MAX worked it out after a week or so... and then I switched to plasma and he's still learning smile.gif

    Time and time again he'd wizz up the side of a hill *thunk* zoom towards me *boom* - Brit PTT mortars Melieen into Oblivion... must have done it best part of 5 times in 5 minutes - despite the filthy obscenities streaming from his/her rancid uncontrollable facial orifice.

    I like the idea of an irish mythology name - although I won't pretend to be at all knowledgeable on the subject of Celtic history. So long however, as we don't end up sounding like an Enya B-side title.

    I still like the idea of us all running round in Tuxedos.. we could operate a true closed door policy on our base - "base bouncers" if you like. And our motto could be:

    If you name's not on the list, you ain't comin' in..


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭ChungKing

    If yer name's not on the list, you ain't comin' in

    I like that a lot & in fact was playing with someone on desert of death (can't remember the name, but i don't think it was any of you guys) & Ent (a newbie who i work with) kept coming at us & kept getting shut down - this guy and i had a good chuckle telling him such things i don't care if you come here all the time, you ain't comin' in!!

    lol - access denied!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 sherpa

    Brit, if you'd like the demo of the 3 times you mortared Mileena, I'll be happy to send them to you. As you well know, no personal attacks are tolerated on this board. Nor are any obscenities permitted on the game, so your specious remark about orifices (of which your posterior one is so inflamed I dread thinking about it) is laughable.

    By the way: You suck

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Cranky, cop on. Post under your own nick or not at all. Your constant sniping and argumentative manner is tiresome and annoying. Don't you have anything constructive to say? I suppose it's to be expected.. To quote the old saying - "It's in the nature of Usenet that someone will eventually post "Red Things Suck!" in"


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 745 ✭✭✭SeP

    emm snipe is not a nice term there!
    i "snipe" all the time in tribes yet im still a nice guy

    question of the day : why _is_ cranky such a ************** jaysus! sad.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 Cranky

    Teeth, lighten up. I'm not the least bit interested in your methods of moderating this board. If sherpa wants an id on this board, then he can bloody well post a message on it,
    and I'll send him the password. 'Cranky' plays on IGN every night, under about 50 or more different names thus far. Who cares?
    The fact that I've got to suffer the same ridiculous timeouts, lags, pl's and such as the rest of you is more than adequate compensation for any aggravation you feel with my posts. If you wish to do your gaming community a favor, stop trying to 'moderate' a la Stalin, and call your friends at IGN and tell them to get a decent server, a decent ISP, and etcetera. I'm waiting for your even-handed and moderate message to Brit not to slag another person's playing. But since that's probably not forthcoming, I'll just go
    get my balaclava on and smash his kneecaps....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 Cranky

    Oh yeah, that last post was for the benefit of Jade, who told me he was bored with the stuff you guys were posting, and requested the return of Cranky....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭Jade

    I am going to remain calm... I am not going to freak out at you Cranky.... I am sick of you and your cheap lies.

    This is yet another personal atack at me, and I for one feel that you should be banned from this message board and kicked off the IGN server whenever his true identiy is found.

    I did not want the return of Cranky, he gets a bit carried away. I don't talk to him in work because last time I did he hit me !!!!
    I have to work with the guy, and then go home to enjoy a nice game of tribes and to read the boards only to find him in tribes and on the boards posting utter crap.

    Can I make an offical complaint to the IGN about him ?


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    Could you two go smoke a bowl or something? smile.gif
    btw, if anyone causes hassle on the server, they WILL be kicked!

    See ya'll this evening smile.gif

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 Cranky

    LOL!!! Teeth, I wouldn't be so damned cranky if I knew how to make smiley faces on this board. I am going to experiment now...must be a control sequence, eh?

    Whoops, that brought up a browser menu. Oh well, guess I'll stay cranky....

    If I HAD a bowl of something, I'd smoke it, but it might be noodles, which would not be very good....

    In case anybody thinks I ever hit Jade, it's simply not true. I would never hit a girl!
