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Take it KT. :)

  • 12-04-1999 1:03am
    Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭

    Damn that was a good game - to go from 6 - 1 down with KataR crowing "Do you want a free cap?", to winning 8 - 7!! Yay EM, we might actually be good after all. smile.gif

    Soz if I got narky with people though, defense is really tough on that map - and we only got it together in the last few mins.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭Jade

    Yes, it was an most excellent game. After we hammered them on the previous level, I with Jag slagged the hell out of KT.

    The next level "Stonehenge" they where seriously kicking our asses like teeth said, with heavys in our base every 2 mins !!!! and a pile of flag caps.

    I then said i was going and KT said, thats it, go and run etc. This of course ****ed me off, so i decided to stay and kick thier little English butts around smile.gif
    I'm glad I didn't leave, once we got our defence sorted, i.e 3 heavys a sting of flag caps followed.

    It was then 6 - 7 to them. We destroyed thier Gen and I got our 7th cap, followed straight away with the finishing one from Teeth.

    Great game mostly except for the fact of Dr. Teeth freaking out at us all, " Never ever but mines there Jade !!" which at the start of the game when they where attacking our base like mad was in my opionion the only way to defend. (I was placing mines at the bottom, front entrence)
    But i'm gald he did because he got the non - EM members to get their act together and do something useful on our team, which makes a big change on that IGN server.

    You have to understand Teeth that most of the ppl in EM do show some signs of intelligence, even if our tatics don't agree with yours, what do you expect for a clan who never had one training session ?

    Speaking of that, I play tribes for approx 6 hours a night, on the IGN server or not. EM training the last 2 times was a joke. We have the makings of a great clan but not if some of you ppl don't start showing up. Your no good to EM if you don't do the training, know what your ment to do and know what the others are doing.

    So please stop holding the rest of EM back because you's couldn't be bothered to go to Training. More ppl not in EM show up for training than EM members !!

    I can't tell you how badly this ****es me off. I think teeth should get tougher with the clan. 2 Training sessions a week (Approx 1 - 2 hours each) followed by a game of EM v's the rest is needed.

    Of couse different ppl in EM have different skill levels, but why should the less dedicated players have the right to slow regular players down ?

    How can we expect for a full playable team to show up for a match if only 3 or 4 show up for traning.?

    I think some people should seriouly re-consider thier role in EM (this will prob get me kicked) 4 of us tonight worked together, did the jobs given yo us and where needed to be done and we came back for a great victory !!! We were acting the clowns at the start, no teamwork as normal on the IGN server and our asses where being totally kicked. A little co-operation and understanding what the other team members where doing and who needed help where proved to be most sucessful.

    Before I, and I'm sure a few other ppl classed EM to be a muppet clan, no training, no teamwork, no experience. Tonight it showed me we could be a normal, good Tribe, but its you non dedicated people thats slowing down everything for the rest of us !! We can be good, but not if you don't give us the chance to be. So please, if you think your going to be an vegetable for EM, please leave and let the rest of us know where we stand so we can train and a complete tribe, so we can work together and learn what we are doing.

    [EM] Jade,
    Teeths Tribal Girlfriend.

    [This message has been edited by Jade (edited 12-04-99).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND


    There has been, to my knowledge, one training session. Organised 3 or so hours b4hand - a lot of us were away. EM have had no organised trainigs. We cannot play the rest on IGN - theres no one who could chanange us out there on IGN. I would like games against the better UKTL teams goin.

    Teeth dont be afraid to delegate. I know it seems all Myself, Yourself and Chung (to name 3) seem to do is read/write on the bords or othert tribes stuff. There are 6 or 7 of the lads who whould love to get involved.

    I am the public servers every night for between 1 and 4 hours - I see all the lads at somestage or another - fact is if there r someone on the server there is a 90% chance theres an [EM] there

    Sounds like an organised game, if so no one told me *doh* did 30 hours (on sat - sun) in work this weekend - NT reinstall - it went bad(ie not bad - worst case bad) at each and every step - 3 hour job going to 30 (still not 100%)*you idiot*

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,657 ✭✭✭OSiriS

    Sorry bout the lack of show over the weekend.
    I was around for two and 1/2 of the games, but windoze 98 seems to have take a huge dislike to my puter. TBH I think it's the *cough* evaluation copy of Norton Utiliti. Well to cut a long story short I have reinatalled doze(4 the 5th time in 6weeks:/) and have noooo intention of slappin norton on again.

    And another thing, I was messing around with a few script changes. IMHO I feel that the process is a tad unstable....either that ot I don't know what the hell I'm doin smile.gif
    So I needed to reinstall Tribes and get it sorted out the way I like it (nuther 2hrs work smile.gif)

    Anyway, expect to see alot more of me in future...I'm hopin a full game a day during the week and 3 full games a day + Training at weekends.

    Cyas then.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭ChungKing

    Jade, I have to agree with vaggabond on the training issue - there have been only 2 sessions so far - the first with no notice (I wasn't even in the country when it was announced & wasn't likely to cancel my trip to make it) and the second session this saturday. Again, I had plans prior to this and couldn't make it.

    Weekends for me are bad anyway, so i'd like to get training in sometime during the week - maybe have 'standing' nights (mondays and wednesdays would be cool).

    How did it go on saturday, anyway? Did you guys do what was planned - ie. one group defending and the other attacking? How did it turn out? It would be cool to have a run down - Teeth?

    Also, what happened with this KT stuff? I assume it happened last nite after i left - it sounds like you guys, by chance, got into a clan match & had some fun smile.gif I'd love to hear a run down!

    You might notice its 5am in the %%%%ing morning. Froggy has to catch an early flight to get back to london for a meeting... groan. She sez sweetly, i could get a taxi ...heh-heh. Yeah, right. smile.gif Well, assuming in dont fall asleep on the way to work i should get my hours in pretty quickly today.

    Vagga - I truly hope you are a contractor & not a sorry permie-bean. 30 hours over the weekend??? All I can say is I hope you got paid for them! Shameful how companies exploit you puir permies haha smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 159 ✭✭Brit

    There have indeed only been two officially approved EM only training sessions;

    One was organised via the UBB and I only found it by pure luck. The second was on Sat, when Jaguar suddenly yelled; Brit - get over to the other server now!


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    This game stresses me out enough during matchs thanks Jade - I'm not going to do the whole mad politicy clan leader thing again, I had enough of that with Q2.

    [EM] is here for us to have fun playing the game. If people can't make to training sessions, then fine - I hope they had fun! (eh Chung *nudge nudge* wink.gif ) If they can't be bothered going to training sessions, then fine they can hang up their tags and I'll see them on the servers whenever.

    I'd just like everyone to know that we NEED at least 8 people (4 each from the Defence and Offense sides I chose) to make a training session work. For the last 2 (I admit the first one was called with no notice) we had at max 4 people, out of the 16 in the Tribe. sad.gif

    Training sessions are 9pm Saturdays on server 2. If this is a long-term conflict for any of you, then mail me - if not, we need you on the server.

    To answer your question Chung - no, nothing interesting was achieved - apart from the fact that myself, Fiend and Brit are now mortar-jump godz. smile.gif

    Jade - mining the bottom of the shaft on Stonehenge is a bad idea - it kills far more team-members going out than attackers coming in - who can all SEE the mine clear as day as they approach. Mine the top lip of the shaft, and put a turret well back behind it, I can see that mine as I leave and hop over it easily - but one at the bottom is a death-trap for us, not them. You killed me about 4 times with those mines last night - once when I had the flag.

    The Match

    Our team:

    Ehldas (got dissed half-way through)
    and a couple of others

    Their team:

    (3 other KT guys)
    and a few others

    The beginning

    Oh dear. This is where Tribe training comes in - I went for an early cap, and got it, but by that time KT had brought down our generators, killed all our defenses (pop-up, ELF, plasma, sensor - all gone) and had heavys continually skiing over to deal more damage. In this confusion KataR capped SIX TIMES in a matter of minutes. It really was a mess, with our lot trying to defend, repair, kill heavies, chase flag snatchers etc. Not good.

    The turning point

    I somehow managed to get out, and grab their flag just before KataR capped number 7. A serious flag siege ensued, but here KT made their fatal mistakes. 1. They gave the flag to a muppet and hid him behind their base whilst they attacked like crazy.

    We bunkered-in and held them, but while this was going on, we managed to destroy all of their defenses and whilst repairing our own - KT were ignoring our sensor/ELF/pop-up and going after me inside, whilst we took everything of theirs out.

    Ehldas eventually found the flag muppet, and the poor sod ran off the map in fright! A quick cap for me, then Going Offense!


    After this, they didn't have a chance. We had a fully repaired base, they had nothing. After my constant screaming, we had a hardcore defense at the generator and the flag (cheers Dar and Dragst, soz for my behavior smile.gif )

    Myself, Fiend, Ehldas, Jade and Jag attack relentlessly, never letting them repair, and getting 3 more caps quickly - making it 5 - 6 in their favour. I grabbed again, and KataR managed to get ours once more. Another flag siege. This time KataR and most of his team stayed close to their base, with him inside with heavy/shield.

    It looked like we were sunk, but without their sensor they couldn't see us coming, and a brilliant multiple strike by Dar, Jade, Jaguar and Fiend took KataR down in his own base! 6 all!

    KataR came back briefly, and capped one more as we got our defenses back together after the siege, making it 7 - 6 to them. Things looked dicey, but Dragst, Dar and the rest of the defense held on whilst we went Offense again - they still hadn't repaired a thing!

    Now they were broken, they had nothing left - Jade grabbed a flag and sauntered home to make the pen-ultimate cap, and I grabbed the last, touching down next to a battered Dar to make it 8 - 7 to us! Game Over! smile.gif

    KT are interested in setting up a match in the near-future, and I want us to beat them again - let's get it together lads!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭ChungKing summary, teeth - just what i was hoping for - sorry i missed that smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    Oh good, I take all this as being you lot volunteering to help pay my phone bill then? ^_^

    £4.50 an hour weeknights. 2-3 hour training session. And probably longer, given Tribes. So... £15 per training session. And some people want two weekday nights? £30 a week to play Tribes?????!!!!!

    Send what you can. Every penny helps.

    Mata ne!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 745 ✭✭✭SeP

    lad u really dont need to dial dublin to play tribes
    is it that bad? i play on US servers with 400/500 pings and can still snipe smile.gif


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,316 ✭✭✭ButcherOfNog

    if the $hit is hitting the fan and the tribe leader isn't screaming at you then something is well wrong smile.gif

    saturday nite won't suit most people teeth, how about 10:30pm every wednesday nite as well? i'd be game for that like (even though i ain't in EM, but some organized games would b fun).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 763 ✭✭✭Dar

    Was a brill game, shame i only found out about it cause i wandered onto the server sunday night (one ofthe few nights i have off work at the mo sad.gif ). It was just sooooo satisifyin blowin their carrier away after that siege smile.gif.

    Oh an sep - its not about the ping, I dont mind playing with at high ping once the fuppin thing doesnt freeze every 30 secs :/.

    Btw, can anyone sort me out with the original scripts.vol so i can update my dodgy version on tribes smile.gif? Im not a scabby ******* who wont pay, its just im credit cardily challenged at the moment smile.gif

    Oh and dont worry about *****in durin matches teeth - ure in charge an when the **** hits the fan u dont have time to be nice smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by Dar (edited 13-04-99).]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    SeP.... I do. You ain't seen my lag... There's something wrong with the Frame Relay system at this end of the country, methinks, because if it was my computer setup, I'd get crap pings from Dublin as well.

    I freeze at least 3 or 4 times a minute dialling locally, and my ping hovers around 600 most of the time, which is just NOT playable when all the other players are as good as or better than you...

    Mata ne!

    Mata ne!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭Jaguar

    You guys remember:
    with this thought in my mind i constantly flung myself into the nme base getting in behind their freshly repaired gen and letting them blow it up for me then jumping out to kill as many as possible. By the end of stonehenge my score was about 24 but presto dynamic hud told me i had died nearly 60 times.

    [This message has been edited by Jaguar (edited 13-04-99).]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭ChungKing

    Hey Jag - been a while smile.gif

    How do you like the presto pack? I've downloaded it, but haven't applied it as i haven't wanted to screw around with config scripts turning off functions i dont like - did you have any hassle getting it set up?

    Another question - can u believe it fu(cking snowed last april? I forgot how lovely the weather is in this country ... smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    hehehe snowblind smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭Jaguar

    There is only one thing i can say about the presto pak IT ROCKS, with the dynamic hud you can see who has the flag without having to switch screens, it also tells you how many mines grenades you have and also if you have a repair kit. the team hud tells you who is on your team, i dont know what the symbols mean yet tho.
    Another cool thing is it tells you how many kills you have and what weapon scored the most and also how many times you died.

    My only problem was it re-assigns the g-key to a kind of multi message mode.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭ChungKing

    I've downloaded it, but haven't applied it yet - didn't want to spend the time screwing around with re-mapping ... but I'll get it applied smile.gif

    Hey - some cool games last nite on tribes 2; I thought the evening was going to be a waste as brit & myself & hecate & fiend were loitering on 2 from early on and nooo-buddy was around at all. 2 on 2 doesn't really cut it - but later with vagga & teeth & ehldas & company we had a damn fun broadside

    - jag- you are getting mucho better with that sniper gun - haha still gotcha a few times tho smile.gif
    - teeth, someday, oh yes, i will kill you in a dogfight...(this was when we briefly on different teams and you dropped and returned on our team, much to vaggas dismay)
    - ent is getting better, but i have to say i had a damn fine perverse pleasure in trashing your persistent and futile attempts to invade our base ... BWAAhahha! I look forward to slagging you today at work heehee
    - and what about that bollix lizard man? I had a very nice defensive, erm, network set up topside and i come down and see him trashing it ... had to check what server i was on for a minute!
    ... later most left, but myself and ent and jag went over to tribes 1 and, believe it or not, had a damn fine scarabrae match. some good players - virus, Jaz-somethingorother, someone named Naked Lady (no custom skin, unfortunately), YuM and several others. LOTS of heavy apc movement from both teams which is class.

    finally - dontcha hate it when you wake up and find out you dont have any real coffee left in the house. Is There No Justice? How Am I Supposed To Drive To Work, I Ask You? arrg....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭Jaguar

    Thanks dood, i once shot jade who was heavy and out of visible distance roughly 700 meters and got the kill she was not impressed as she was so close to a repair that you could smell her getting healed.
    I must also say that people are not mining enough DO IT PEOPLE.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 Fiend

    hey Jag, mine your own coal for your bbq!!!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭Jaguar


    No really its funny

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