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One ot Two things.......

  • 19-04-1999 10:32pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭

    Right, Lets get a few things sorted out.....

    Included in this weeks rant is :

    1) Cranky, friend or foe ?
    2) The future of Irish Tribes
    3) The state of the IGN server
    4) The game play on the IGN server
    5) Maps
    6) Dr. Teeth

    Lets get started

    ******** Cranky, Friend or Foe ? ************

    Right - the full story.
    It was a lovely sunny day and I was meeting a quake head (Vexorg) for lunch one day. There he gave me a copy of tribes on zip disk (for backup purposes only wink.gif I installed it and played my first game that night against Carnate, Spaceman etc. I then went into work and told the fellow gamers is the office about the greatness of Tribes !!!! I, like the kind person I am gave them a copy of them game, including Cranky. This version of tribes seems to have made it half was around the Irish Tribing community. Without me being so generous, Cranky, Samspuds/Tool, Ent, Chungking, Vaga and loads more wouldn't even be in the tribes community today.
    Clan Compliance started as a way for all of us in work to recognize each other on the servers when we picked different names. It was nothing more. Jag then requested to join and we I for one was glad to have him. He made a great page and did many things for CC. Cranky however got mad at this. HE did not want any outsiders in that were better than him. This is were the cranky we all know was formed.

    All you all know Cranky started acting like a Muppet and you all know what he has done. Then he turns around and says I'm the one messing !!!! I can't even log onto a server now as normal without being kicked, just like tonight's training. This is exactly what he wanted, and all you fu*king Muppets played right into his hands. He plays every night under different names, he likes the game, he hates Jag and Brit, and insists that Dr. Teeth cheats. He has no "real" hatred towards me, as I keep is Gay love affair secret (he's dating Ma Schunk). But he enjoys me getting a bad name and being kicked. It takes the other ppl out there to wake up and stop him by any means possible. I can't cos he is bigger than me in real life.

    I want to stop cranky, and he is making EM look like a bigger muppet clan than it actually is.
    I want him dead !

    *********** The future of Irish Tribes************* is nearly up and running with the opening on the May 1st. Go have a look at the page to see what its about.
    Basically it is an Irish and International resource center for Tribes. Me, and another Triber you may have seen on the tribes server (bollociky) He doesn't play on IGN at all because he is sick of the bad connection.
    Anyway, himself and myself have invested A LOT of time and money to help the Irish Tribes scene to develop. We even managed to get a kick ass Tribes server which will be up and running around the 10th of May. We have talked to many people on the international Tribes scene and managed to get a few mods to be released exclusively to Triberspace.
    Now, would it be too much to ask if I could log on one night to play a good game of Tribes ? No, it isn't apparently, read more in the later sections.

    I hope Triberspace will be a success and I would like each of your to check out and tell me what you think so far. Any comments would be received with open arms.

    ************* The state of the IGN server*************

    What a ****ing Joke. With the total amount of 16 people allowed on the server I can't even play on our only national server while a pile of English Muppets are on!! Not only that the connections sucks. Far too many games on the server. Everyone freezes up and I know many people who decide not to play tribes online due to the fact. Basically it's a mess. Don't get me wrong, I, as many other people are glad to have it, but I nearly get better connections to American servers so basically, I don't give a $hit.

    ************ The game play on the IGN server *****************

    Where do I start ? You all know the state of the game play on the IGN server. It's a mess. With people just logging on for a quick enjoyable game, they don't log on to be given orders. This is understandable. But then the sudden out breaks of the TK'ing. All started because some blind idiot walked onto a fellow team mates mine and seeks revenge. Other people get hurt and next thing you know you have a team moss !!!

    As for teamplay, pah, what a joke. Not even EM, who you would think would show some signs of teamplay doesn't. I think a few regulars will have to learn how to use the V button a bit better and faster - well lets not jump ahead of ourselves here, we'll give you time to find the V button on your keyboard first..................find it yet ? keep looking, its there somewhere.................. no that's the O button, keep looking...................well done !!! you found it, or you happened to press it by mistake.

    Tool, aka SamSpuds (not Cranky Jag) actually uses this button once in a while. That is why I decide not to kill him every time is see him.

    I think that anti lamer patch should be installed on the IGN server. This will stop people TK'ing, acting the pr!ck, and they will be banned if they do it. Why isn't it installed yet, do you people actually like Muppets coming onto the server and ruining the whole nights play ??

    Another thing that has been ****ing me off is that &*!;% crap that comes up when someone types fu ck. We are all grown people and I believe most of us can take it. I just think its stupid.

    **************** Maps ******************

    We need news ones !!! We all know the really cool ones cos we all played them on American servers, and if some ppl haven't played on American servers yet you are missing everything. It is way better than the crap, lame, lack of teamplay Irish scene at the moment. So why are we talking about getting new maps for the last 2 weeks and someone actually put them up on the server ? I don't know. Lazy b@stards at IGN maybe ?

    ******************* Dr. Teeth ******************

    I quit out of EM btw, just so you know.

    Right, Teeth, please don't take this the wrong way, its is not by any means a personal attack of any sorts but, why the hell do you spend every game just trying to Cap the flag ? Its like you have the whole of EM just to support you. After your many months of attacking I think you would be a great defender. You've seen so many different defense tactics, you know which ones work, therefore does it not make sense that you set up kick ass defense and let the others constantly attack enemy base to get the flag ?

    And there has been talk of you cheating with health etc, I'm not saying you did, I never seen you cheat, but maybe oyu would want to post something to let people know.

    Anyway I have loads more to moan about but my fingers are getting tired, so I'll post more tomorrow night.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭ChungKing

    After my first read of this - I think this is a pretty reasonable & evenly emoted post smile.gif

    I'm tired now so will mull it over & reply properly tomorrow, i think.

    oh - and I bought the real tribes after trying out Jade's copy. No, really i did. No, I did, I tell ya! Even got starsiege which i haven't played yet...sigh catch you guys tomorrow smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    > Now, would it be too much to ask if I could
    > log on one night to play a good game of
    > Tribes ? No, it isn't apparently, read more
    > in the later sections.

    You were the one who wanted verification, not me - and I asked you several times to come up with a scheme for it and mail me, and you didn't.

    > I hope Triberspace will be a success and I
    > would like each of your to check out
    > and tell me what you
    > think so far. Any comments would be
    > received with open arms.

    Will do! This sounds cool! smile.gif

    > Basically it's a mess. Don't get me wrong,
    > I, as many other people are glad to have
    > it, but I nearly get better connections to
    > American servers so basically, I don't give
    > a $hit.

    Basically, we're lucky we have what we do now. Barrysworld run only 3 public servers that I know of, for all the resources they have. IGN cannot give us more resources that they have, they're simply NOT THERE. The solution lies in your efforts to get new servers running - I look forward to that!

    > You all know the state of the game play on
    > the IGN server. It's a mess. With people
    > just logging on for a quick enjoyable game,
    > they don't log on to be given orders. This
    > is understandable. But then the sudden out
    > breaks of the TK'ing.

    Come now - this is hardly an IGN-specific issue? I see poor play on every server I login to. And it's getting worse. We'll looking into adding a TK patch.

    > Another thing that has been ****ing me off
    > is that &*!;% crap that comes up when
    > someone types fu ck. We are all grown
    > people and I believe most of us can take
    > it. I just think its stupid.

    This is nothing to do with the server - it's a setting on your side which defaults to ON in version 1.3, afaik.

    > Right, Teeth, please don't take this the
    > wrong way, its is not by any means a
    > personal attack of any sorts but, why the
    > hell do you spend every game just trying to
    > Cap the flag ?

    It's the aim of the game, I enjoy it, and I reckon I'm fairly good at it.

    > After your many months of attacking I think
    > you would be a great defender.

    Next time you're on Broadside or Scarabae go have a look at how many of the turrets are mine. Most of them. Every game. Go have a look at the back-up inv stations I deploy, or the pulse sensors and cameras covering the indoor pop-up turrets. I lay defenses and sensors, then I get out there.

    Frankly I think I'm more use to a team as a roving light skirmisher/attacker than on heavy flag D. You like to snipe/sab/attack just as much as I do, so what's your point?

    On maps with open flags, like Stonehenge, Rollercoaster, Snowblind, and Iceblind - I honestly think the only way to win is to have an awesome offense, so I get out there and have a go - as do you. I can't recall you playing the role of heavy D much.

    > And there has been talk of you cheating
    > with health etc, I'm not saying you did, I
    > never seen you cheat, but maybe oyu would
    > want to post something to let people know.

    Yes, it's called the repair pack. If you want to believe every ****ing muppet that comes along, fair enough. I may an irrational, insulting, domineering, glory hunter at times, but I'm not a ****ing cheat. Frankly I'm surprised something like this is given credance by you or anyone. For christs sake, I don't even have a hud installed! Not one 3rd party script! Not even shadows turned on! The only damn change I've made to my install was switching the map and crouch keys around! Have you any idea how insulting your accusation is?

    I'll take you off the clan lists etc, as you wish.

    Seeya on the servers!

    [This message has been edited by Dr_Teeth (edited 19-04-99).]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭ChungKing

    Any time teeth walked by me last nite i could here the brrvrvverrv (read repair pack sound) - thing was, he was moving & doing something when repairing - a lot of people stand around still, repair, then move.

    Secondly, I've heard the cheat word mentioned re. teeth by a guy who had not played an fps (single or multi) prior to tribes. This is Bollix. There are always people who are better than you. I usually lose in dogfights vs. teeth, but I see nothing inconsistent in these fights - and here's why -

    I played an awful lot of quake and quake II multiplayer, with QI being my first foray into this world. Initially it was damn hard, of course, but I quickly got better and better. By the time QII came out, I was consistently ranked in the top, if not first, in every deathmatch I played in.

    BUT...often enough, one or two players would come on who were always better than me - and not in impossible ways. See, my aim under pressure has always been crap. My high scores in the quakes & halflife had more to do with 'smart' playing, than good aim - i.e. know exactly where health, powerups, good weapons are - know the best route, know the most efficient methods - run away from fights effectively if you need to. It takes time to learn this stuff and many reasonable players do not. Once you do learn it, you have a huge competitive advantage against most others. One thing I have not learned, is how to get my aim spot on, every time. And, believe me, there were always guys who would remind me of this fact smile.gif

    In dogfights in general I've found myself suffering from two things - one is bad aim - it's damn hard to track an opponent when you are jetpacking sideways, he's jetpacking sideways, and you are trying to lead his movement in anticipation of where he will be (a) in a couple of seconds that it takes your disk to strike, and (b) when he will be on the ground and not jetpacking - even a few feet in the air will minimise the damage. This is complicated by the fact that your disc will move relative to your movement. My second problem is use of jetpack - i know I jet pack too high during dogfights, meaning when that bluey diskee of death comes knocking at my door, I am too often strolling on the ground, rather than above it.

    I have also tried having the repair pack handy - using it in dogfights seems pretty difficult considering the necessity to have energy to jetpack, but that doesn't mean it cannot be used intelligently in fights.

    On the net there's a lot of talk about mid-air hits and how it must be an aim bot or cheating. Well, mid-air hits are definitely possible - effing hard, but possible: I took out somebody last night with a lucky shot.

    Regarding aimbots, I dont believe they are out for tribes. The developers say it's impossible, well i dont have huge confidence about that, but I don't believe they exist at the moment for tribes. People just have a hard time accepting that - there is no way they could be kept secret, and you would see serious abuse and irregular results -

    Anyway, the final word is some people are very very good at this game, and those who are new or relatively new to this will have to accept it smile.gif Frankly, i think teeth is one of these guys, meaning : GO TO THE PUB MORE OFTEN TEETH. You are obviously spending too much time playing this smile.gif

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 159 ✭✭Brit

    Well, there you go. Can't be arsed with a long reply, since most of what Jade says is simply the frustrated ranting that we all feel like most of the time, but we just move on

    Frankly, I am utterly amazed at the hostility that Cranky pursues against myself and others. He has never (to my knowledge) explained what it is that he 'hates' (not that I care anyway) - I mean, is it because I'm not in Ireland, or don't work with you?? Or is it because, like so many others, you spend ages sneaking into a suitable position, only to have me mortar you into oblivion with one shot?

    There is absolutely no point in *****ing about the IGN server. Its life, and its gonna get worse as Europe falls under the Tribes spell.

    As for teamplay? Well now, lets see - the moment that more than three [EM] people join the same team, and start working together, what happens? people start dropping off the server - why? because they don't like it - they see it as ganging up and taking over servers meant to be public.

    I don't know what it is about some people, but they do nothing by moan and whinge. Get a grip ffs.

    On another, more pleasant note; The Triberspace website looks excellent. I shall be only too happy to support it and its efforts through Planet-Tribes and the new up and coming PT/IGN collaboration;


  • Registered Users Posts: 184 ✭✭YuM

    1) Cranky, friend or foe ?

    There will always be a Cranky type of person, wanting him dead over a game ?? REALITY CHECK !!!

    2) The future of Irish Tribes

    Triberspace sounds great, constructive and hopefully you'll admin it fairly.

    3) The state of the IGN server

    Not the best, but the only show in town at the moment. Is there a differance between English / Irish muppets ?? there's a lot of good players coming on too.

    4) The game play on the IGN server

    I'm sure everyone has had a game where there's been two evenly balanced teams (including a couple of muppets each) and the game kicked ass, you don't log into a TEAM game for a quick deathmatch, expect to be asked to help or try to use your experiance to organise your team.

    An Anti TK'ing patch would have me kicked very quickly on at least 2 maps that come to mind, I defend, usally wiv me BIG GUN and god help any friendlies that get between me and a eny attacker.

    Communication, yes! more needed BUT not the scripted 'I am repairing crapper #3' type, give location, job, No of eny etc.

    Go into your /tribes/config/ directory open up BADWORDS and delete the ones u want to see on your screen.

    5) Maps

    Some new maps would be nice, but slowly due to the fact that the best games occur on levels where you know the layout. That Desert of Death could do with a major makeover.

    On the same point MODS, I played on a server where a guy plonked down a rocket turret!!! ffs, I mean it was bigger than himself when he had finished ?! I hope that its weight made him move EXTREAMLY slowly, but I doubt it.

    6) Dr. Teeth

    Ahhh the ould chestnut, 'I'm getting better, so why is this guy still killing me? must be cheating !'

    I got accused of this on BW's one night by one guy who repeatidly came over the bridge in Crossings and got a single mortor on the head every time for his troubles.. It's not nice.

    Teeth just happens to be fairly handy at Tribes and is constantly trying to improve and he does liven up a long stay in the flag room in Scarabrae.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    [I wrote this last nite - but did not post it - it seems a bit harsh but I standby]

    On first reading I agreed with Chungs first post that it was reasonable, but over a cuppa coffee but my current impression is like WTF.

    Firstly I have a proper copy of the game, have always had a proper copy of the game. I could not be arsed downloading a warez copy and do not support pirate software, as it funks up the games industry. You are blatantly making sweeping accusations, that my friend will not stick ALA the theory throw a bucket of mud and some is bound to stick.

    Point 2.
    I realise cranky is messing, if he logs on as someone else fine, that means to me that he does actually play seriously now and again. But you threating to kill him disturbs me. Cranky takes the **** and annoys people, like you, but you seem very affected indeed in America you would be in deep, deep therapy. I cannot see sarcasm or humour in the whole "I want to kill cranky..." bit.

    Point 3.
    IGN is a free service run for free. You have been around the game scene for a while, you should know this. While constructive criticism is cool, blatant defamation of the people at IGN (cloud etc) is ****E TALK. Im afraid that’s all you seem to be good for, sweeping accusation’s and irrational jibber, jabber. Cloud and the lads do a huge amount for the Irish gaming community, more than any of us will ever know. How many hours a week do they put in so that we can play. Only then for us to moan like spoilt 5 year olds. Don’t get me wrong I have been very public about the need for waaaayy more servers, asking for servers, complaining about lag and people is a lot different than "a pile of English Muppet’s on" and "lazy *******s at IGN". I realise I am being harsh but I feel that it has to be said. To slag the British for playing on our servers is also ****E TALK. How would you feel if you were kicked from your beloved US servers for being Irish. We don’t live in 1890 its almost the millennium, time for Irish people to cop on and stop irrational racism born out of century’s old conflict.

    Point 4.
    So newbies play, so they ain’t super first time, ****it. It might even get frustrating during a game, remember the point that lots of us, me included, forget it’s a fuppin computer game. People play it to relax, to chill out after getting **** at school, college or work. Also I don’t always want to be a team player, sorry, sometimes on public servers I want to mess around as a mortar guy or a sniper or whatever. Not every game has to be intense and serious. Again it’s a game built for relaxation.

    Point 5.
    Cloud had asked for the new maps to be mailed to him for him to put them up, it’s people like you, talk, talk then moan. If you want spanky US maps then download then and sent them to cloud. Simple.

    Point 6.
    I won’t even comment on your stupid accusations against teeth. Covering them with "there has been talk of..." or "I'm not saying you did...." It still doesn’t cover the fact that you said it. So teeth gets cranky (no pun intended :p) now and again, he can kick all or our asses 8 times outa 10. Live with it. Again ****E TALK.

    Point 7.
    Basically, to sum up, and I will get **** for this too, I you had not resigned from EM, I would have asked you too. I do not claim to be, nor am I close to the best. But we need team players on and off the field of play, which, you have demonstrated, you are not.

    [stressed out]vagga

    [This message has been edited by tHE vAGGABOND (edited 20-04-99).]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 142 ✭✭Dupre

    Teeth obviously CHEATS. I've seen him on servers and he picks up these yokes that allow him to fire things at other players ...

    Unlike the rest of us, he's also got a hacked ****in' client that allows him to fly around the gaff like he's got a bloody jetpack or something. I'm surprised that nobody has noticed this before me.

    As if thats not enough, he plays from a college LAN. Never having to put up with ANY game freezing or LAG whatsoever, he has a key bound to a 'lag' alias. Once press and the game freezes for everybody else.

    And he's got the biggest and best monitor I've ever seen - the thing is a full 360 degree Japanese job, so he can actually see you when you're behind him.

    Oh ... and he's got a very sturdy speaker cable ...

    <end sarcasm>

    I hope this muppetry dies down before the end of June smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by Dupre (edited 20-04-99).]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭Jade

    Some harsh things said here smile.gif

    Right Vagga, first of all I have been on the Irish internet scene for over 3 years now, and have been playing quake for 2.5 years. I know all the hard work that cloud and others have done for Irish gameing, and in my post I said that. Open your eyes Vagga and learn to read, it might improve your tribal gameplay too.

    In the part of me wanting Cranky dead ? Well, we are playing a game where people get killed. I never said I wanted him killed in real life, but unfortuanly your apparently stupid single minded mind has made you look like an @ss again.

    Then you go and say "Again it’s a game built for relaxation."
    Aren't you the one freaking out over my post ? Getting stressed out over it ??
    Another sign that you want to someone else, maybe even someone better, which you are obsolusly not.

    Then you said "I won’t even comment on your stupid accusations against teeth"

    I never made accusations against Teeth !! I just mentioned to him that other people have.

    Basically, I'm not going to go on about this,
    but Vagga, do a few things,

    1) Learn how to read english, you might find it useful someday

    2) Stop posting crap until you have some idea on whats going on

    3) Stop making double standards for yourself where you fail them all miserably

    4) As for you expecting me to resign from EM ? Well, its only a stress free game, isn't it, oh no wait, thats one of your double standards.

    5) As for muppets on the servers. After that post, I now class you as big of muppet as Daaa, and muppets will not be allowed on the Triberspace servers.

    Consider this a life time ban for you from the triberspace servers.

    We might let you on when you pass an English exam, but at your rate, that will take a few months.

    Mupperty will not be accepted !

    Sorry to anyone if you tought i was a bit harsh or unfair, but i can't stand people who jump in knocking people down when they don't understand whats going on or even bother to read the above posts properly !

    [This message has been edited by Jade (edited 20-04-99).]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭ChungKing

    you guys read this and fuppin relax

    Ogden Nash

    The Tale of Custard the Dragon

    Belinda lived in a little white house,
    With a little black kitten and a little gray mouse,
    And a little yellow dog and a little red wagon,
    And a realio, trulio, little pet dragon.

    Now the name of the little black kitten was Ink,
    And the little gray mouse, she called her Blink,
    And the little yellow dog was sharp as Mustard,
    But the dragon was a coward, and she called him Custard.

    Custard the dragon had big sharp teeth,
    And spikes on top of him and scales underneath,
    Mouth like a fireplace, chimney for a nose,
    And realio, trulio, daggers on his toes.

    Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears,
    And Ink and Blink chased lions down the stairs,
    Mustard was as brave as a tiger in a rage,
    But Custard cried for a nice safe cage.

    Belinda tickled him, she tickled him unmerciful,
    Ink, Blink and Mustard, they rudely called in Percival,
    They all sat laughing in the little red wagon
    At the realio, trulio, cowardly dragon.

    Belinda giggled till she shook the house,
    And Blink said Week!, which is giggling for a mouse,
    Ink and Mustard rudely asked his age,
    When Custard cried for a nice safe cage.

    Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound,
    And Mustard growled, and they all looked around.
    Meowch! cried Ink, and Ooh! cried Belinda,
    For there was a pirate, climbing in the winda.

    Pistol in his left hand, pistol in his right,
    And he held in his teeth a cutlass bright,
    His beard was black, one leg was wood;
    It was clear that the pirate meant no good.

    Belinda paled, and she cried, Help! Help!
    But Mustard fled with a terrified yelp,
    Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household,
    And little mouse Blink was strategically mouseholed.

    But up jumped Custard, snorting like an engine,
    Clashed his tail like irons in a dungeon,
    With a clatter and a clank and a jangling squirm
    He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm.

    The pirate gaped at Belinda's dragon,
    And gulped some grog from his pocket flagon,
    He fired two bullets but they didn't hit,
    And Custard gobbled him, every bit.

    Belinda embraced him, Mustard licked him,
    No one mourned for his pirate victim
    Ink and Blink in glee did gyrate
    Around the dragon that ate the pyrate.

    Belinda still lives in her little white house,
    With her little black kitten and her little gray mouse,
    And her little yellow dog and her little red wagon,
    And her realio, trulio, little pet dragon.

    Belinda is as brave as a barrel full of bears,
    And Ink and Blink chase lions down the stairs,
    Mustard is as brave as a tiger in a rage,
    But Custard keeps crying for a nice safe cage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    maybe your right maybe your not.......

    but I stand by - by my reading you ware very critical of IGN - I was defending this as a free service. I was acknologing the fact that you have put in the hours in on-line gaming and therefore was surprised by, at the very least, the tone of your IGN critisms

    Again, in my opinion, "I want him dead" means what is says. Maybe if you were not so cryptic, you infer things that are not clear until you explain them, at the very least this leaves them open to debate.

    Yes it is a game built for relaxation, and while I express my opinion in whatever way I see fit, it does not mean I get stressed out. Thats me, like it or lump it. You dont know me, I dont know you thats how on line gaming is.

    By you refering to to what people may or may not say against whoever you are bringing the allegations into the open. This is politics, "I herd that bertie ahern beats up his budgie" I did not say he is, but what I say makes people aware of berties habbits and makes everyone think. If you did not mean it, I am sorry for saying so but that, in my opion, was the result.

    While, no doubt, do post some god awful crap fair enough. I feel you have gone slighty over the mark in your final bit. But far be it from me to get stressed out over a game and a few words smile.gif

    Finally I does be doin crackin deadly at de anglaish smile.gif

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    PS:- I'd be intrested to hear how you intend to ban me (forever and a day smile.gif) and my dynamic smile.gif IP address.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭Jade

    That is information I can''t reveal to you, but there is a way, and I intend on doing it.

    TAKE IT !!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 159 ✭✭Brit

    Jade: What the hell are you talking about?? - if you want your new site to be a success, then for gods sake stop with the inflammatory posting. Jesus. You want to slag people off? do it via e-mail.

    And you can't ban people permanently who have dynamic IP addresses. Short of banning an entire subnet/IP block that is - in which case, you'll end up banning loads of people for no reason.

    Get a grip.

    And as for your "English Muppets" - frankly, I'm astounded that you could be so utterly immature to post something like that. WTF is with you anyway? There are exactly 6 regular UK/Eire servers online regularly - so its not surprising that people outside of Ireland use it. That comment is bordering on racist - and that simply isn't on.


    [This message has been edited by Brit (edited 20-04-99).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    It can't be done. You can't ban effectively by IP, or player name, and you can't ban a subnet without looking like a total twat.

    Mind you, in the future that might be an evil use for the intel chip IDs.. nasty. The game would have to be written to send them to the server though, so you could probably hack it to return a different one.

    Anyways, Vagga is no more a muppet than you or I, so chill. And by mentioning my name and cheating in a public forum, you have accused me of it - don't be so naive as to think otherwise, you're a big boy.

    If you were so concerned that my 'good name' was being tarnished by such slurs, you could have sent me a private email about the matter. But no.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Messing(ie ****-stiring) aside, your saying you can ban me, no matter what ISP I use, where I connect from, or nick I use.

    This is funky stuff that I have to see....

    Does a modem have an address ala a network card (I did not think it had) I cannot see how it is possible as the IP given will change with every connect, every ISP and even every place place connected from.....

    Honestly I am not messing here I genuinely would like to know if this is possible as from where I stand it is not currently?

    PS:- any comments on my follow on post

    PPS:- I am not gonna go crying if you ban me from your server - its your companies server, you can choose who does and does'nt play on it. Indeed I wish you all the success in the world, I hope your company is a huge success and in time you can ban me from several servers simply, indeed selfishly, because it will take some of the strain off IGN and Barrys.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 159 ✭✭Brit

    Vagga: No, you are right. I have talked at length with the development team on this issue (in my capacity as Editor of and there is no effective way of banning any dial-up user.

    The nature of the internet, and the way ISP's allocate dynamic IP addresses prohibits this - utterly. So I don't know where Jade is making this stuff up from, but a fertile imagination is always a bonus.

    And Jade: Every major site operator will tell you that the first thing you need when launching a new site is; goodwill. For the first few months, your site will rely on the "Big Three" posting info and links about your site. You continue to go down this road of banning people like this, and I guarantee your site will fail - something which no-one wants to see happen.

    Oh, and in case you are wondering - the Big Three are: Planet-Tribes, PlanetStarseige and DatumPlane.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 84 ✭✭Jade

    Don't get me wrong brit, I don't mean anyone any harm but, Vagga really annoyed me with his post, in which he clearly did not read, or understand my first one proberly. Ever hear of the phrase Look before you leap ? I think it applys here.

    As for Triberspace brit, you must realise that the Irish Tribers going to the page is nothing towards the international scale, therefore, if I make one single enemy(not that I want to), it doesn't mean much to me.

    As for goodwill, I have goodwill for everyone out there. Just because Vag mis read my post and said that i accused teeth of cheating, and hit the IGN for their services etc.

    I never said that, in fact i said it quet clearly in my post that I didn't mean that. He rushed in without reading it properly and that is extreamly annoying.

    And as for banning someone from certain servers, who said it has to be done tru i.p address and i.s.p's ? Its mearly a simple case of paying someone to stalk him for a week, break his legs, rob his machine and burn his house down.

    As more my Enlish muppets remark, I did not mean that in any racist way. But, the fact of the matter is that 99% of them are fine, good, enjoyable to play against tribers, but we have all seen things like Sat evening a pile of English lads started to mess around on the server which annoys me when Irish people are trying to connect to their only national server for a game, only to get a server full message because of some immature english muppets messing around and taking up places.

    They are just muppets who happen to be english, and I have called many irish people muppets in my time, which doesn't mean i'm racist towards the irish.

    And i am not on a banning spree from the server we are getting, i'm sure vaga doesn't even care that he is, but then there is always the option to close the server from Irish i.p's and just let Europeans or americans on. I would get better games there then anyway.

    [This message has been edited by Jade (edited 20-04-99).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    Its mearly a simple case of paying someone to stalk him for a week, break his legs, rob his machine and burn his house down *sigh* maturity alert


    I fully accept most of your criticism, and while I might not agree, I do see where you are coming from.

    Jade I even held off posting until I was sure, and Brit and teeth have echo'd some of my comments which, for me, does vindicate my stance to a certain extent.

    You have a right to your opinion, but all I would say is to find out what racism is, by definition if you slag the british (or the irish, mexicans whoever) and brit(or anyone) takes offence, that is racism, now you say you did not mean it so its over. But raciam isent just the KKK killing africans its much, much bigger and broader than that.

    But, even if by accident, you did accuse teeth of cheating. simply by bringing out a roomer (which I for one had not herd) into the public domain you are publicising it.

    Can we leave this here. We have all made our point. We are not going to agree unless the is a monumental climdown by someone.


This discussion has been closed.